Accepting Your Demons (Chapter One)

"Annebelle accepts her fate when she meets two mysterious men"

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I was wearing a fitted, plain white t-shirt, a pair of old skinny jeans, and black sneakers. My hair was a deep red and it flowed down my back in waves. Green eyes stared back at me in the long bathroom mirror.

I didn’t think I was pretty. I couldn’t seem to convince myself no matter how many men threw themselves in my direction. Even when my boyfriend told me I was beautiful everyday, I still didn’t see it. I didn’t wear make up. I didn’t wear heels or attractive clothing. I wore jeans, tees and tennis shoes.

One time, I found myself curious. I was curious about what I might look like if I dressed like all the other women in my city. I tried on my sister’s clothes. She was a very fashionable women, and I picked the sexiest thing I could see out of her closet. When I put it on, my curves frightened me. My wide hips and my thick thighs were too much. My tiny waist and big boobs didn’t look right. I remember throwing off her dress and running from her room. I never put on her clothes again.

Being in the bathroom of one of my favorite beach bars and staring at myself had me wondering how different my life would have been like if I had just accepted my body.

My mother always told me that I was too good for my current boyfriend. She had thought I was way out his league the moment she saw him. I didn’t. It’s sad because I don’t even find him attractive. I just feel that I don’t deserve a handsome, sexy, man. I’m not attractive enough.

I couldn’t stare anymore. I was on the verge of thinking myself into a bad mood, so I looked away. I grabbed my purse and made my way back to my seat at the bar. Mike, the bartender, sat a cocktail down in front of me and winked. I sipped on it for awhile, watching a volleyball match on beach in front of me.

Suddenly, I felt that familiar pull. That intense feeling of when someone is staring at you, and you subconsciously look there way because you can literally feel their gaze upon you.

I turned my head and made contact with eyes so grey, they had a eerie white glow to them. My breath caught in my throat. I shifted my gaze to the right of the mystery man staring at me, and came in contact with yet another pair of those grey eyes.

Two men leaned against the bamboo railing, eyes never leaving mine. They almost looked like twins. Only a few slight features looked different. They were the most attractive men I’d ever laid eyes on.

I broke my gaze to examine their features more thoroughly. They both had jet black hair, strong jaw lines and full lips. Their body’s were muscular and toned. I could see the outline of their abs through the fabric of their shirts.

The taller one leaned forward, and started to make his way towards me.

Oh no. I turned around quickly. Grabbing my cocktail, I chugged it and clenched my hands, bracing myself for what was probably going to be the most embarrassing, awkward conversation I would ever have in my life.

“Hey.” The stranger said. I didn’t look at him. I couldn’t. I would just embarrass myself. A moment of silence went by.

“Excuse me.” He said raising his voice, clearly smiling.

Fuck, I had no choice. I looked over at him. Oh god, he was even hotter up close. I gulped.

“Hi.” I said in a shaky voice and he smirked.

“My name’s Dean. That over there ” he said pointing to the man he was standing next to a moment ago. “Is my brother Damon. You don’t seem like the talkative type so I’ll just cut to the chase. We work for a modeling company, and our agent likes to send us scouting. We couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are, and we thought you might be interested. We want to see if you got what it takes to be the new booty.” He winked at me and smiled. I learned several things about him in that moment. He was very confident, and he was very cocky.

I didn’t know what to say, so I ended up just staring at him like a dumb ass. An awkward silence fell as he stared at me expectantly. he lifted his hand and started snapping his fingers in my face. I flinched and tried to focus my mind.

“Oh, um. My name’s Annabelle. What agency did you say you worked for again?” I asked, my mind still kinda fogged.

“I didn’t, and that doesn’t really matter. Annabelle is a pretty name, mind if I call you Anna?” He didn’t give me the opportunity to reply.

“Look, here’s the address. Show up tomorrow around 7:30 in the evening and just check it out. We’ll be waiting.” He passed me the napkin he wrote on and walked away. I followed him with my eyes just in time to see his brother Damon stub out a cigarette, and leave the bar with him.

There was something about them I couldn’t quite place. Something almost sinister about Dean’s presence. I couldn’t shake the odd feeling. I tried to sit on the bar stool and drink by self awhile, but I felt restless. I paid for my drinks and just went home, making sure to grab the address off the counter.

I didn’t know if I was really gonna go, but I felt the need to. I couldn’t believe men that attractive actually wanted me to model for a company they work for. It was baffling. I needed to go.

I thought about those grey eyes all night until I fell asleep.


I parked my car outside of the weird building. I ended up putting the address Dean gave me into my GPS in order to find it.

“This can’t be right.” I mumbled to myself. I walked closer to the dilapidated building, examining the graffiti on the walls. I checked the house number twice and it matched the one on the napkin.

An uneasy feeling began to creep up my spine. Thoughts began to cloud my mind.

What if those guys had been fucking with me tho whole time. Or, what if they planned to lure me to this old building to murder me. Fear began to build within me. I felt like I was about to be kidnapped, taken to another country, and sold to the highest bidder.

I began to back away from the door when I felt hands on my shoulders.

“And where do you think you’re going?” My fear spiked to whole new level. I recognized Dean’s voice immediately. He had a tight grip on my shoulders and I could feel his hot breath on my ear. I fumbled for words in my mind but I couldn’t find any.

“Come on Anna.” He said, nudging me towards the wooden door. He opened it, reaching around me and pushed me inside. He made sure to stay behind me. I wanted to run but I didn’t have the chance.

How could I have been so naive. Of course this was a set up. Now I’m probably facing my death.

I started to internally panic. I’d never see my mom ever again. I’d never see Scott, my loving boyfriend ever against either. No, this can’t happen.

My inner babble was blaring as Dean lead me to a set of stairs.

“I’m really glad you chose to come Anna, I promise you won’t regret it.” He said as we made our way to the upper floor.

We walked into a large room. There was a mattress on the floor, fitted with a white sheet and pillows. There was no bed frame, and no head board. Just a mattress. Leaning against a wall on the other side of the room, was Damon. He was smoking a cigarette.

My fear hit me so hard at the site of the bed that I turned around and tried to flee. Dean caught me with his arm and shoved me. I flew so hard I hit the floor, right on my ass.

“You’re not going anywhere bitch.” Dean spat.

“Please don’t hurt me, I swear I’ll give you anything you want. Take all my money.” I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes. Dean and Damon began to laugh.

“You hear that Damon? The little slut’s begging already.” I was breathing fast as Dean walked towards me. He gripped my hair in his hands and yanked me up.

“Get up bitch!” He shouted as I yelped at the pain in my scalp. Damon stubbed out his cigarette and made his way over to us.

“Turn her around for me Dean.” Damon said from behind me. Dean yanked me around to face Damon, and he smiled at me.

“Hello beautiful. I don’t think we’ve properly met. As you know, my name is Damon. There’s a few things we need to cover before we get started.” He stroked my face with the back of his hand making my body break out in goose bumps. My body was reacting to his touch and I felt my stomach quiver with butterflies.

“We know how you are, and you’re not alone. We can see it in the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you hold yourself and even the way you walk” his voice was silky smooth, making me close my eyes and my body tremble. I hated the affect he had on me and I didn’t understand what his words meant.

“We know you probably better than you know yourself. We know that you cover your body on purpose because you’re ashamed. You’re disgusted with yourself and it’s time to be honest baby. You know you’re beautiful, and you known your sexy. You deny it because of what goes on in that big brain of yours don’t you?” His words made my breath catch in my throat.

“You try to be a good girl but that makes you miserable. You try to convince yourself otherwise and it works for the most part, but you know the truth deep down and so do we.”

Suddenly, Damon pressed his body against me, his face so close to mine. My whole body was shaking and I could no longer tell if it was from fear or lust. What was he doing to me?

“Its time to be honest baby girl. Deep down, you’re a dirty little slut.” He stared me in the eyes as he said it. I breath was ragged. I was vaguely aware of Dean caressing my ass and my hips. Damon smiled at me.

“I wanna hear you say it Anna. Tell me you’re a dirty slut baby.” I shook my head. I didn’t care if it were true or not, I couldn’t say that. I’d deny it.

“Oh am I wrong? Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll show you.” He whispered close to my face.

I closed my eyes. I couldn’t bare the emotions coursing through me. I was full of need I’ve never felt before.

“You’re wrong.” I whispered back.

Damon’s hand went to my inner thighs under the sun dress I bought but never worn until now, and I flinched. He pulled away before I could even feel his fingers. He put his hand up in front of my face

“Am I still wrong?” He said.

I looked at his hand in astonishment. His fingers were wet. Liquid was slowly running down to his palm.

I’m wet. No, I’m soaked. I hadn’t even noticed. I’ve never been wet before. No man has ever been able to make me wet, nor make me cum, and now I realize it’s because he’s right. I’m a dirty slut. I can’t cum unless I succumb to the demon inside me.

I couldn’t control myself anymore.

“Damon please touch me!” I whaled. Dean still had a firm hold on my hair and a hand on my ass. He squeezed it hard after what I said. They both chuckled darkly and exchanged a glance. Damon grabbed my throat and squeezed. I could breathe, but pressure began to build in my head.

“Say it baby.” He said through clenched teeth.

“I’m a dirty slut.” I whispered in defeat. A broad grin stretched across his face.

“Good girl.” I heard Dean whisper in my ear. He jerked me back to face him and I whimpered at his roughness. I looked up at him as he spoke, aware of Damon pressed against me from behind.

“From now on, you’re gonna call me master, you slut.” He said

“And you’re gonna call me daddy baby girl.” Damon continued, biting my ear. A little moan escaped my mouth.

“When you address us, you will use those names, or you will use sir. Understood bitch?”

I whispered a weak yes, not being able to focus on anything but the trickling down my thighs and the throbbing between my legs.

Dean slapped me hard across the face.

“Yes what you whore?!” He shouted. The slap stung but felt so good.

“Yes master!” I shouted back the best I could.

“Now on your knees cunt.” Dean pushed me down on all fours. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head. It was too late for me. They unleashed something within me that I had kept at bay for so long. I couldn’t help myself.

I jumped forward and started licking his abs, little moans escaping my lips as I went. He grabbed a fist full of hair and guided me downward.

“That’s what I’m talking about baby. Just let go. Be a good dirty whore.” Damon said, tugging at my dress. He ripped it off me, shredding it right down the middle. I kneeled in my bra, panties and ballet flats in front of Dean while licking him.

Dean guided my head down until my face was lined up with his crotch. I used my teeth to unbutton and unzip his pants before pulling them down. I heard Damon undressing himself as well.

I quickly realized Dean had no briefs on, and his cock bounced out in front of me. I gasped and backed up a little. He had the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. Thick and at least nine inches long. There’s no way I could take that. Both of them chuckled at the sight of my wide eyes.

“Mines bigger by an inch, and thicker.” Damon whispered in my ear seductively before ripping off my bra and panties. The lace panties ripped easy but my bra straps broke and whipped me across the chest leaving welts. I moaned.

Dean jerked my head by my hair towards his cock. My lips almost touched the head. It was clear what he wanted me to do.

I kissed it first and then licked it lightly. Dean bit his lip while he stared down at me. Damon was rubbing my back, ass and thighs.

I licked Dean’s cock again, and then bit down causing him to moan. I sucked the head into my mouth and stroked his shaft with my hand. My legs were slippery from all the cum dripping out of my pussy.

Damon kissed one ass cheek, and then the other. He then licked them before I felt him blow cold air down my hot wet slit. I moaned with Dean’s cock in my mouth, the vibration causing him to clench his fist in my hair harder.

I sucked his cock farther into my mouth and began to bounce back and forth, bobbing my head. Dean started to thrust. I could barely take half of it in and he was trying to shove more.

“Relax your throat baby.” Damon said from behind me. His fingers stroked up and down my wet cunt. Every time he touched my clit, a low moan would rumble in my throat. Dean took the opportunity to shove his dock deeper, making me gag.

Damon slipped a finger inside me and played with me. Then he slipped in another one, and finger fucked me faster. My moans became uncontrollable. I was taking much more of Dean’s cock than I would have thought. I was just so horny.

Damon slipped in a third finger. He twisted his fingers inside me as he fucked me. My legs began to shake as I felt an orgasm forming. My whole body was on fire.

Dean fucked my face while Damon fucked my pussy with his fingers. He spanked me on the ass and switched up his movement. Every time he’d go in, he’d twist his fingers, and every time he’d pull out, he’d spread them wide. It was driving me over the edge.

I was astonished when I realized I was swallowing all nine inches on Dean’s cock. He felt so good in my throat. My orgasm hit me like a freight train and I squirted all over Damon’s chest and stomach. Dean pulled out of me and Damon slapped me on the ass harder, leaving a red welt.

“Clean me off, baby girl.” Damon said pulling me towards him. I was still so horny.

“Yes, daddy.” I said looking up at him. He smiled and stroked my hair as I licked my cum off his torso.

When I finished I looked down to see his massive cock. Ten inches of pure bliss. Dean grabbed me by the hair again and yanked me up. He started kissing on my neck and biting me hard from behind. He played with my tits, pulling and pinching my nipples until they felt sore.

Damon lifted my face to his and kissed me, our tongue’s dancing. He leaned down, grabbed my thighs, and hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around him. I could feel his cock against my cunt.

I trembled as he started to push it in. It felt so big and I felt so full. He thrusts it in and out slowly at first.

“Anna baby look at me.” He said. I looked up at him, barely able to keep my eyes open. I just wanted to close them and feel him.

“Fuck you’re so tight baby girl.” He said staring into my eyes. He started to pump faster into me, gradually going deeper. Dean was using my juices to lube up my asshole with his fingers. He shoved two in unexpectedly, causing me to scream. The pain mixed with pleasure had me close to the edge again. He fucked me in the ass with his fingers while kissing and biting my neck. Damon started to Fuck me hard, my tits bouncing up and down. I was moaning and trembling from all the pleasure.

Dean added another finger and fucked me even harder while I bounced in his brothers cock.

“Oh master, yes!” I screamed.

“Aah, oh, daddy!” I moaned every time he penetrated me. I was so closed to cumming.

Dean removed his fingers, and slammed his cock up my ass. I screamed and threw my hands behind me. I pressed against him to keep him from going too deep. It was pointless. He fucked me just as hard as Damon was.

My orgasm crashed over me, shattering my whole being. My eyesight went blurry as my muscles clenched like never before. I squirted so hard I could feel it pouring down my thighs.

Dean and Damon moaned loudly and shot there cum into me. I could feel it hit the walls inside of me. That was the last thing I remembered before I lost my sight and I fainted.


I woke up on a soft bed. I was cold and exhausted. The light coming from the window was blinding me, even with my closed eyelids.

I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I was still in the graffiti building. I sat upright in the bed and looked around. I didn’t see anyone. I was completely alone. I looked down at myself to see that I was naked.

I swung my feet over the side of the mattress and hoisted myself up. My body felt stiff. There was a bag sitting at the end of the mattress. I opened it to find clothes. There was a black T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. No panties, no bra.

Figures. I threw on the clothes and looked for my belongings. I found my purse in the corner of the room where it flew when I got shoved down. I grabbed it, checking to make sure nothing was missing. Everything was there.

I suddenly realized I had to pee really bad. I slipped on my flats and went in search for a bathroom. I found one downstairs. When I looked in the mirror I gasped in shock.

I had bite marks and hickies all over my neck and chest. I pulled my shirt down to reveal more on my boobs.

“Oh my God, no, no, no!” I shouted in the silence. All I could think of was Scott. I quickly grabbed my cover up in my purse and applied it all over the marks. I was glad that the hickies weren’t dark red, but a faint purple color.

I covered them up the best I could, heat rising to my face and I recalled everything that happened last night.

I started to turn myself on as I remembered.

The way they touched me. The way Damon called me baby girl and the way Dean called me a dirty slut or a bitch.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to calm down.

I grabbed my purse, exited the building and drove home. I knew I was never going to see them again, and what was worse was, I knew I was never going to be able to stop thinking about them. I shook my head in the silence.

Published 9 years ago

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