I had a good day today. I sell adult toys to those little stores you see advertised on the interstate. You know-the ones with the wide eyed sexy blonde wearing skimpy clothing, the pursed lips and feigning an orgasm. It’s a good business to be in what with the sexual revolution having won over the hearts of many married couples, and free thinking singles.
It was about 10 PM, Tuesday and I was sitting down at a small restaurant bar in downtown Mobile Alabama that I went to when I was in town -roughly once a month. I was working on my second bourbon and coke and starting to feel some pangs of hunger. The smells from the kitchen were beginning to interest me.
The bar was not that big, having 6 booths with a little privacy and a good dozen barstools around the long modern bar. There was the usual large group of different alcohol blends and mashes on the shelves along the back. I’m partial to those cute bottles of Crown. There were only about six other late-night drinkers in the place and two booths with diners. Two couples, and four singles at the bar kept me company with a space in-between us.
Hearing the front door open, several of us looked that way and saw Miss average working lady walking in, looking around and choosing to sit at the bar with us. She chose to sit herself between myself and an older gentleman who just stared into his draft beer not acknowledging her presence.
I turned slightly to her, nodding my head slightly and said. “Good evening ma’am.” I got a better look at her profile and it was nice. She wore a yellow and white sun dress that reached midway between hips and knees. It had a pleasant, shallow V that accented her perky breasts. I felt she was a strong b cup and they rode pretty high. I wondered what her nipples looked like.
She wasn’t wearing heavy makeup and had a cute upturned nose. Nicely tinted blonde shoulder length hair completed an attractive looking woman. Nothing spectacular, just a good-looking woman in a bar in downtown Mobile.
Feeling me gazing, she turned and nodded to me, smiled and ordered a vodka and water with a twist from the bartender. I assumed she was a regular as the bartender did not ask what kind of vodka but immediately filled a tall frosted glass with ice and the booze and water.
Bringing her cocktail over to her, the bartender set it down in front of her and asked. “Have a rough day at the hospital Sally? Or did Bobby cancel on you again?”
“Yeah Peggy, just once I wish that bastard would keep his word when he says he’s coming in town to take me to dinner.” She took a long drink from the glass and held it in her hand looking at how much she had downed. “That’s twice in the last month.” She took another smaller sip and set her glass on the bar’s counter.
The bartender looked at me raising her eyes to the ceiling and said to the lady. “Sorry about that honey, just relax and enjoy. When I close if you want we can grab a bite before you head home and call it a night.”
“We’ll see Peggy; would you bring me another one?” Holding up her almost empty glass then draining it.
I was wondering if Sally was going to quickly get drunk and fall down or slow down. If she chugged that second drink as fast as the first, she was going to need the bartender to drive her or call a cab.
I had my answer in less than a minute as she quickly sucked half the contents through the straw, and down the chute. Turning slightly to see her face I saw her watching me out of the corner of her eyes. I think she winked but as I only saw one eye was unsure.
“And what’s your story Mister? I hope you’re day went better than mine.” She sipped conservatively this time from her glass.
“I had a good day Miss Sally; sorry to hear yours didn’t go well.” I gave her a lopsided grin and holding my cocktail up to hers said. “Here’s to a happier tomorrow with no hangover or regrets.”
Looking at me questioningly with her head bent over slightly said. “Thank you sir, I greatly appreciate that sentiment but if I don’t have some fun soon, I’ll probably beat my head against a tree somewhere.”
“I hope it’s not that bad Sally.” Not realizing I had suddenly become familiar by using her name.
“If you consider a nice dinner fun, I’ll buy you and our bartender friend dinner here, and then bid you both a polite good night.”
Peggy, the bartender overhearing us, walked over smiling and said to Sally. “Not a bad idea hon. But I have to get home shortly and pay my babysitter.”
Nodding in my direction said. “This is Jack, I see him here from time to time and he’s always a gentleman, I think dinner might be a good idea for you both.”
“You remember my name Peggy?” I was startled, forgetting that bartenders hold the knowledge of the world in their hands.
“Well yeah! You gave me your credit card, remember?”
“Oh yeah! I forgot about that!” I held back a chuckle!
Sally was following the conversation with a small smile and the beginnings of a buzz. “Well then if you’re serious okay! But I warn you, I’m a big eater!” She began to look and sound like she was cheering up somewhat.
“Great! Pick out your favorite booth and I’ll bring our drinks over and see about menus!” I stood up.
Sally picked the corner booth closest to the back wall and I quickly joined her.
I sat with my back to the wall and she across from me sipping her drink. I smiled and told her this was a pleasant surprise as I generally ate alone being I was on the road constantly.
It did not take very long for Peggy to bring us menus
“Take a minute to decide and just wave at me, and I’ll be right back.” She walked back to the bar.
We only took a minute to decide what we wanted to eat and Peggy took our orders, smiled and walked to the kitchen.
“Jack this is very sweet of you, I don’t know you but I feel good about having a quiet dinner and a new friend. What type of business are you in that keeps you on the go so much?”
“I’m in sales and my territory is roughly the southeastern states where I travel and talk to retailers. I show them the latest we have to offer and take their order.” I wasn’t sure if I should mention that I had over 500 different vibrators, masturbators, and the latest innovations any loving couple could use to fuck each other’s brains out.
“Well what is it you sell?” She asked sipping more of her drink which was getting close to empty.
Uh Oh! I was afraid of this. What could I say?
“Let me get you another cocktail from Peggy and I’ll give you a quick rundown on our products.”
Oh man! How do you tell a cute, slightly inebriated woman that you sell toys that would make her scream, cream, and moan till she was hoarse? I hoped this little dinner party wouldn’t end in Sally getting pissed off and stomping out the door. I casually walked to the bar and ordered additional drinks while I thought out a solution.
Sitting down at the table I gave Sally her glass and watched her take the first sip. I also took a small drink and leaning back, casually asked. “Where were we?” I was hopeful that dinner would arrive and take her mind off the subject.
“You were going to tell me what it is you sell.” She looked innocently at me with her straw in the middle of her lips playing with her drink.
“Oh I don’t think you would be interested in my boring job, what do you do?”
Lowering her drink Sally began by saying she worked for the hospital as a surgical nurse and worked long days but enjoying what she did helping others. She had no children, two small dogs, and an asshole boyfriend who was a pharmaceutical rep with stupid excuses for not showing up for the occasional dinner when he was in town. And she was studying for a degree in psychology.
Lifting her glass she drank half of her cocktail and I noticed just a slight glazed look in her eyes as she smiled across at me and said. “Your turn Jack, what do you do?”
I guess I could’ve lied and made up a dumb story about car parts or women’s purses but since I knew nothing about anything else I decided to tell the truth. Slowly.
“I sell a line of products that help people, they range from simple to experimental electronic gadgets.”
“Oh! You mean like sports!” She was grinning from her drinking and I was hoping that was a good sign.
“Not quite, these are more personal items, things to get you over a hump.” Damn did I just say hump?
Starting to giggle some, Sally leaned forward and said.”Hump? What sort of hump?
“You mean like Wednesday or a bad day?”
“Yes! Exactly! “A bad day-sort of like your day today!” Oh shit! I hoped that would end the job description.
Sally really had the giggles now, obviously a combination of the booze and feeling relaxed. I was beginning to feel slightly more relaxed also and took a sip of my cocktail.
“No, really, I represent a product line that you probably have used once or twice in your life.”
I had her attention back again and she looked at me grinning and said. “Oh my goodness!”
Leaning towards me she looked around and whispered. “You mean like sex toys?”
It was now or never. “Well yes, and a lot of other new things that are just in the experimental stages and I’m lucky to be part of a serious company that has developed them. It’s amazing what the technology is making available today!” I said that with a straight face but then had to grin because of the look she gave me. A look that was suddenly wide-eyed like she wanted to hear more.
“Are you serious? That is so interesting! I’ve heard some very speculative things from some of my instructors and thought it was all crap. What are some of the new things that you’ve heard about? Are they computers? Can you tell me what they do?” That all came out in a rush!
The words were coming out so fast that I held my drink up and said.” Hold on, I don’t want to spoil dinner or embarrass myself in front of you. If you’re really serious you can look at my special catalog and I’ll be happy to answer your questions. This isn’t something you normally talk about it dinner you know!” I added with an air of pretend indignity.
“Oh Jack, this is more interesting to me than you realize. I’m working on a degree in psychology and right now we are studying sexual dysfunctions.”
She then added,“I would really love to see your catalog!”
“Okay, it’s in the trunk of my car and I’ll be right back.”……….
It only took a couple minutes to retrieve my case from the car and returned to the table where I saw our dinners had been delivered. I saw a way to procrastinate.
“Oh good, I’m starved why don’t you look at these after we eat?”
“I can read while I’m eating! You don’t know how excited I am!” Sally jammed a forkful into her mouth and reached out a hand in my direction.
Not knowing what else to do I handed her a small folder that listed items that were in the test stages. Most were still being developed but I had several for field testing that really showed promise.
Opening the folder and taking out one of the pages, Sally was eating and browsing the information when I saw her eyes get big, then bigger and she looked up at me and whispered. “You have got to be kidding me! This is unreal! They really have a gadget that small that fits on a woman’s privates and computes where her nerve endings are, and her partner can control all of this with a remote?”
Lowering her eyes she whispered, “even make her, you know……cum?”
“Well yes, it won’t be ready for production until the field trials are completed and that takes years sometimes.” I could tell she was looking at the ‘his and her foreplay and orgasm multiplier. It’s going to be a big success once they work out how to limit how many orgasms it can generate between two people. Right now the only safety feature is that the battery depletes itself after roughly an hour and can’t be recharged or replaced in the field. Thank goodness for that!
It’s made of a new space age gel material that measures roughly 5” x 1”, rounded at the top and the bottom ending in what looks like almost a circle of the same material. That’s where a man’s cock would go as he entered the pussy. Of course it can be used by a woman solo but seems to work best when a man is fucking her and using the controller to control mutual pleasures.
Still wide-eyed Sally looked at me and said quietly. “Jack, tell me how this would work, I think I know where you would put it but wouldn’t it fall off?”
“Are you sure you want to discuss this at dinner? This is quite possibly the most erotic sex aid to hit the market ever!”
I bit off a piece of bread and looked at her questioningly. “To be honest I’ve tried one at the factory and it blew my mind and no, it does not fall off until the programming is finished!” I remembered fondly!
Sally appeared to think for a moment and putting her fork down asked. “Are you serious?”
“You have got to tell me all about it, where is it? Can you show it to me? Can I try it?”
Lowering her head a little she explained that sexual satisfaction eluded her quite often and she would willingly be a test subject if at all possible. This could be a dream come true for her.
“Besides, if I’m going to be helping others I’ll need all the tools I can get my hands on! Please, please Jack-you have no idea what I would give to experience this, this thing!”
“Well it wouldn’t be a good idea to demonstrate the only unit I have with me in a restaurant.”
Thinking fast and gauging her expression I took the plunge and asked, “If you are really sure you want to, we can go to my hotel room and give it a whirl.”
I motioned to her dinner plate. “You better eat up because you’ll need all the energy you have!”
Sally insisted on paying for dinner and telling Peggy she was going out with me and she would call her later.
It took less than five minutes to get to my hotel room and unlocking the door with my key card I motioned Sally inside. She walked in and went straight to the bathroom. I retrieved my box of samples and sat on the sofa. She didn’t make me wait long.
Walking out she came over to me and sitting next to me asked. “What do you want me to do?”
Holding up a small plastic box which held the multiplier I said. “Let me explain to you how the device will work and you can decide if you really want to experience it. That way if you change your mind I can put it away and we will still be friends, okay?”
Sally fidgeted on the sofa and looked from me to the little box that promised ecstasy and pleasures that sounded unreal and slowly nodded her head.
Opening the box I lifted out the device called the connector which had a pleasant light pink color with light blue lines running the length of it. Turning it over you could see the bottom was studded with many fine purplish hairs about .5 mm in diameter. At the bottom horseshoe as I called it, the same hairs covered the inside portion. Reaching further into the box I pulled out the remote controller. It looked like a standard television control but had a touch screen at the top with all the buttons below. Finally I took out two small cups also pink in color. “Okay!” I breathed. This was its first use outside the factory.
“It’s really very simple. The woman or man places the collector, purple side down along the woman’s vagina. As it recognizes the moisture and heat, it adheres itself to the woman almost like velcro.”
I had on my best salesman’s face.
“It can be removed at any time with the controller or if the battery goes below a certain point it simply drops off. Good so far?”
Sally nodded with her eyes fixed on the device I was dangling in front of her.
“The collector will automatically begin to sense and locate all external and internal pleasure points of the female, and when and if the male enters her vagina it will do the same to him as his penis slides through the horseshoe.”
I watched as her mouth fell open and her eyes widened. She kept crossing her legs and I could see her arousal deepening.“ I almost forgot, there are also these wired cups that attach to your nipples leading to the collector if your breasts are an important part of your foreplay.”
Looking at her face, I could see I had her rapt attention. Hell! I had my rapt attention! I could feel a little moisture leaking from the tip of my cock. Sally continued to wiggle her ass oh so slightly as if trying to scratch an itch. I continued. “Next the operator will simply program the remote with the desired time for foreplay or intercourse leading to orgasm.” I demonstrated the simple controls.
“Since the battery is good for a little over an hour, we suggest a 12 minute time limit that will gradually increase in sensation and pleasure before each progressive orgasm.”
“And how many times will that happen?” Sally asked quietly. She was licking her lower lip and looking slightly flushed.
“Well, obviously you can set a limit of from 1 to 5 orgasms, each usually stronger than its predecessor. Once set however, the program only shuts down if the red button on top is depressed. I don’t remember hearing about anyone doing that yet!” Frankly I don’t think they could!!
I couldn’t help myself, I was feeling my cock start to swell and I hoped I could retain some professionalism even though I had experienced this device several times during his developmental stage. I took a deep breath, then let it out and continued.
“The microprocessor controls everything at all times, monitors blood pressure and pulse and sensing any high levels will back down sensations to a lower level, which is the only other way the unit will slow down the process.”
“How about the male partner?” Sally’s eyes were fixated on the collector.
Pointing to the man’s portion I said quickly, “The little horseshoe at the bottom will surround his penis and sense where his pleasure points lie. As he moves in and out his penis constantly receives pulses that mirror his partner. So you see the collector connects both parties at all times and continuously insures mutual satisfaction.”
I hated to sound clinical when I was feeling so aroused but I felt Sally deserved to know what she was in for. I wished I could squeeze my cock. Hell, I wish Sally would squeeze my cock.
“So what do we do now?” Sally asked, slowly running her hands down her thighs.
Looking at her I breathed deeply and simply said. “If you want to share the experience, I need your signature on one sheet of paper that says simply you won’t share information with anyone else unless given permission by the company.”
I had the paper and pen in my hands in seconds.
Without even looking at me she took them and signed and printed her name at the bottom. Handing them back to me she gently said. “I guess this is where I take off my dress and lie on the bed?”
“And your panties and bra if you want the cups.” I smiled and walked with her to the king size bed.
I sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she slowly undressed. Her pussy was shaved leaving a half inch of pubic hair surrounding her clitoris and about an inch at the very top.
I felt a very pleasurable feeling shoot through my body seeing the moisture gathered between her pussy lips. The collector thrived on a moist pussy!
I pulled back the bedspread and stacked the pillows so she could recline and covered her with a sheet. Actually what I wanted to do was strip naked and join her. Hopefully that would come shortly.
I pressed the on button on the controller.
“Okay Sally I want you to rub the collector gently on your vagina purple side down with the little horseshoe at the bottom until you feel a small vibration that will tell you that it’s working. It will take a few moments to recognize your vaginal lips. Once it does it will gently adhere itself evenly and go to work!”
Sally did so with her eyes closed and her tongue in her cheek until she gave a small shudder of pleasure and said. “Ooh, I think it’s working; it‘s undulating on my pussy and I feel hundreds of tiny, miniscule tickles. It’s kind of nice!”
“It’s obviously adjusting itself to you personally.” In a moment you will feel a another rhythmic pulsing not unlike a man’s penis sliding over your vaginal lips.” I would love her to feel my penis sliding over her vagina lips. My penis was throbbing on its own.
Sally pursed her lips when her body started a gentle shuddering centering on her hips. Her eyes opened wide and looking over at me said. “Jack, I am more aroused now than I can ever remember being.”
“Is this how it starts?”
Making some minor adjustments on the controller, I moved up closer to the head of the bed and sat level with her chest and softly said. “No Sally, this is where it starts.”
I pressed the start key.
Sally moaned, Sally moaned again. Sally moved her hands under the sheet and grasped her breasts and began to slowly squeeze them. I watched her take her nipples in her fingers and began to twist and pull lightly. With her eyes closed again she slowly moved her head side to side speaking softly. “I can’t believe how good this feels. My pussy is pulsing so deeply and strongly and I don’t want it to ever end.”
She began a slow writhing that was pleasant to watch.
“It feels like a million lips slowly kissing it, sucking and pulling and feeling so wonderful!” Sally continued moving her body and rubbing her legs together as she surrendered to the pleasure.
The whole picture was more than I could take. Her face was positively glowing and her tongue was moving in her mouth side to side. Her pleasures were affecting me too much.
I set the controller on the bedside table and undoing my belt; I unzipped my pants and began to squeeze my dick. Every move of my hand brought pleasure from my groin all the way to my toes. My palm soon became slick with my pre-cum fluids. I began to breathe harder. Oh I wanted to cum so bad it hurt.
This continued for the next 10 minutes and Sally’s moans increased in speed and volume. Her legs began to stretch out and her body arched as the pleasure supplied by the collector increased in intensity. Her pussy pressed against the sheet covering her and I could see her fluids were beginning to spread out with every thrust of her pelvis.
“Oh Jack, oh Jack, Jack I am so close to cumming. So close. Sooooo clooooss. Aaaah!”
Sally moaned and moaned as her first orgasm spread from her pussy throughout her body. I could see her toes clenched even under the sheets. Her teeth were clenched, her eyes tightly closed and only her mouth was open as she sucked in great gulps of air. Her hips jumped off the bed as she obviously fucked unseen pleasures!
She slowly came down from the climax but her hips continued to slowly undulate as obviously the pulsing signals from the collector were continuing to keep her arousal at a good level.
“Jack that was fantastic! How can I ever thank you enough? Oooh I needed that so much!
Sally opened her eyes to see me still grasping my cock and reaching over replaced my hand with her delicate hand. “Please let me do that for you! I’d love a squeeze that good hard cock!”
I groaned and moaned a barely intelligent thank you and leaned back into the pillows with Sally. Now both of us were gently moving our hips in time with the pleasures threatening to overwhelm us.
Reaching over under the sheet with my right hand I slowly moved my fingers over her left nipple. It felt like a small rock so I gently pinched and pulled on it. I alternated gently squeezing her breasts with my hand and then pulled on each nipple. Sally sucked in deep breaths.
We lay like this for several minutes, both squeezing and pleasuring the other when Sally began slowly arching her back again and looking at me said. “Jack it’s starting again and I don’t know if I can stand it!
I need you to hold me and let me hold you because I can’t take these pleasures alone, I feel that I have to share them with you.”
Sally threw back the sheet and closing her eyes muttered. “Take your clothes off and lie down with me and just hold me tight. Let me hold you and kiss you…. Hurry… please!”
I don’t know how my clothes got off with her hand still on my cock but they did and she pulled me atop her beautiful soft body. Still squeezing my cock with her left hand, she pulled my head with her right hand to hers and began to softly kiss me. The soft kissing rapidly turned to a full out war of the tongues. Sally is a great kisser, but I guess any woman as aroused as she was would be great. I pulled up and arched my back to catch my breath.
“Jack my pussy is on fire and I know I’m going to cum any moment. Let me put your cock in my pussy. Let me fuck you all night.” Sally was already grasping me and pulling my dick to her pussy.
I lifted my hips enough to allow her to center my cock in the horseshoe of the collector and slowly the tip entered her vagina. I had to groan, I could feel the collector testing each pleasurable spot on my plenum and crown. A thousand tiny lips were searching my dick for its secrets. I could feel each and every search and response as it ended in a tiny pleasure pulse.
Slowly lowering my hips, my cock traveled further inside her wonderful, wet and warm pussy. The tiny lips continued searching my cock for any nerve that needed a tickling. Finally pushing fully inside her, I just lay there and groaned and listened to Sally moan her pleasures back to me.
“That is so wonderful Jack! You fill me up so much I can’t stand it!” Sally was kissing my neck and ear and moved back to my lips.
I wanted to just lay there and bask in the pleasures of her pussy but the collector wouldn’t allow that to happen. I could feel the sensations traveling from my cock to my ass hole and I immediately pulled out halfway and plunged fully back in again. Immediately did it again and again and again. The pleasurable spasms were slowly gaining strength. It was like a pleasant itch that when you finally got to scratch the joy was overwhelming.
My lips found Sally’s and again we kissed so passionately I could feel drool leaking out our lips. Our arms wrapped firmly around each other. Only our tongues, my cock and her pussy were moving as we fucked one another continuously. We had fully surrendered to the pleasures this wonderful machine was giving us.
Sally’s moans were increasing in time with the collectors manipulating the pleasure thresholds. She now began to shake and scream into my mouth as her second orgasm washed over her. At her peak I suddenly felt my scrotum pull up tight against the base of my cock and begin to pulsate. I knew the collector was finally going to give me release. I anxiously waited for the magic moment. It finally arrived.
I felt my cum travel the length of my penis with every pulse and I exploded deep within her pussy. The pleasures continued much longer than I ever remembered. My penis tingled pleasantly long after I thought it could. I pressed fully into her pussy and just ground my cock into her.
Sally began kissing me again with the increase of pleasure being generated in her pussy by the collector’s next cycle. My cock feeling the same sensations began its slow rhythmic pumping deep within her. She returned the movement to me and the pleasures began slowly building back up. I arched my back pulling my lips from hers as one very strong spasm overwhelmed me. I moved both my hands from her back and placed them on her breasts with my thumb and forefinger pulling on each nipple. With each pull Sally thrust her tight little cunt over my cock like a velvet glove.
“Do we have time to put on the breast cups Jack?” Sally moaned
“I think so gorgeous.” I said reaching into the box.
“How many more of these orgasms are left Jack?” Sally gasped.
“I’m sure there are only three more you gorgeous woman.” I gasped back. “The battery will be depleted by then I’m sure.” I placed the cups on her nipples and felt them began to pulsate.
I ground my cock deliciously into her pussy over and over. There was no end to this lusty pleasure.
What else could two people wish for?
Sally ground right back to me and groaned. “Can we get another unit overnighted by tomorrow?”
This is my first attempt at fantasy. If it pleases y’all I would love to write more.
Comments welcome as always