New Discoveries (Part 1, The Discovery)

"Mother and son are pulled together through manipulation."

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Hello. My name is George, and this is the story of how a simple discovery changed the lives of my family forever.

I live with my wife Susan, and our sixteen-year-old son, Peter.

Susan is ten years younger than me. We met right after she graduated from High School and started working at my business. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I instantly fell in love with her. We were married, and had a son together, less than a year later.

Susan had never been with a man, before me, and she was raised in a very conservative family that did not discuss things like sex. Needless to say, everything she learned about sex, she learned from me. She isn’t close-minded sexually, but she is not very adventurous, either.

Now, sixteen years later, she is still just as gorgeous as the day I met her and doesn’t look a day older, either. She is very petite with small perky tits and a firm ass. I feel like such a pervert every time I fuck her, but I love it! I am always trying to spice up our sex life, but she seems content with the way it is.

Our son has started to transform himself into a very good-looking young man. He is a very accomplished athlete and enjoys lifting weights almost every day. Peter stands a foot taller than his mother. He now has large muscles, but still has a baby face.

The two of them appear to be close in age and have often been confused as a couple. Peter thinks it’s funny when people think they are together. His typical response is, “I wish I had a girlfriend as hot as her, but unfortunately, she’s my Mom.”

I think he says it to get a reaction out of people, but he’s also not wrong.

Susan is constantly being hit on by younger men, even right in front of me. I tell her that she will probably leave me for a younger guy someday, but she says that she will never leave her two favorite men.

As for me, I am forty-five years old and starting to show it. I used to look much younger, but the grey in my hair and beard is starting to give away my real age.

I have always considered myself to be a good-looking, intelligent man. I have been lucky enough to live a very comfortable, if not borderline lavish lifestyle. I was able to start my own business, right out of college, which was extremely successful right from the start. Being smart, sexy, and loaded, I had no problems getting dates, and having multiple, different types of sexual experiences.  Of course, I also had a lot of fun in college, including a week of sexual exploration with my Aunt and Uncle during one particularly fun Spring Break, but that is a story for another time.

So, as you can imagine, I am extremely open-minded, and fluid when it comes to sex and living life to its fullest.

I always thought that my wife was going to be someone that I could awaken to all these sexual adventures before us, but she has been a harder nut to crack than I originally thought. I have not given up yet, but it has been slow going.

Although I was not completely monogamous at the beginning of our relationship, I love my wife completely and have stayed faithful since. My desire is to experience sexual fulfillment through her, and all the new experiences she has yet to uncover.


Our story begins one day when I was casually collecting dirty dishes and laundry from our son’s room.

Peter was out, probably at one of his many, football, or lacrosse, practices. Peter had a tendency to throw his dirty clothes on the floor instead of the laundry basket in the corner.

As I was reaching down to pick clothes up, I saw something small and black wadded up under the bed. It looked too small to be a piece of Peter’s clothing, but it was definitely a piece of clothing. I got closer to the bed and reached under and pulled it out. I was shocked to find a pair of my wife’s underwear in my hand.

My first thought was, “That horny little pervert must have stolen a pair of his mother’s underwear.” I wasn’t mad, but I wondered how his mother would take the news.

I dropped everything else and brought her lacy, black panties straight to her.

“Look what I found under your son’s bed,” I said, accusingly.

“Oh, I must have left those in there,” she replied. Seeing the confusion on my face, she continued, “When I was putting away clean laundry, it must have gotten mixed in, or something,” she tried explaining.

I was still not convinced and looked at the underwear more closely. I saw the obvious signs that the underwear had been worn, and was not clean.

“This underwear is dirty. They could not have come out of the clean laundry,” I said.

Thinking quickly, she said, “Oh, I know! I had to change my clothes in there because Peter was watching TV in our room. I must have missed them when I grabbed the rest of my clothes.”

I still didn’t believe her story, because I knew there were much better places to change, like a bathroom, especially if you were removing your underwear. To make matters worse, his door does not have a lock, putting you at even higher risk of your son walking in on you.

I couldn’t wrap my head around why she would lie to me. Why would she remove her underwear from her son’s room? Unless…, she was having sex with Peter! I couldn’t believe that either but decided to keep an eye out.

I watched the two of them closely, as they interacted with each other, but everything seemed to be normal. I thought maybe it was just a fluke.

It turns out Susan didn’t know why her underwear was in her son’s room. She made up stories and covered for him because she was worried about how I might react, to him stealing her panties. What she didn’t know, was that I was turned on by the idea, and wanted to see how far I could push the situation further.

What we both didn’t know, is that our son had been stealing his mom’s panties for a while now, and using them to masturbate. When he discovered that the last pair under his bed was missing, he stopped and waited for someone to say something, but they never did.

After two weeks had passed, and nothing happened, Peter stole another pair of panties from the dirty laundry.

I walked into our bathroom and found Susan, digging through her dirty laundry in our bathroom, mumbling to herself, “Where are there?”

“Where are what?” I asked, surprising her.

She jumped, and said, “My pant…, uh, my pants. I can’t find my black pants.”

I pointed to the pile on the ground and said, “Those pants?”

“Thank you,” said, picking up the pile, and shoving it back in the basket, including the pants she was so worried about.

“I’m going to run to the Mall, real quick. I’ll be back before dinner,” she told me, and then headed out of the house.

I suspected that my wife had lost another pair of underwear, so I headed to our son’s room, to investigate. Sure enough, tucked into the corner of his bed, between the headboard and mattress, was a pair of my wife’s underwear.

I left the underwear in their place, and headed back to our room, with an erection. I lay on the bed, pulled my dick out, and started stroking it, when I thought about the pile of clothes, spilling out of my wife’s laundry basket.

I suddenly had a devilish idea.  I got up and walked over to my wife’s dirty clothes. I looked through the pile and found a dark-green pair of panties near the top of the pile. I grabbed the panties and headed back to bed.

I wrapped the used underwear around my dick and started stroking my cock with them. I imagined I was Peter, masturbating to his mother. Picturing Susan naked, through the eyes of a virgin, sixteen-year-old, with raging hormones, had me ready to cum, quickly.

I moved Susan’s panties, over the top of my cock, and blasted my load straight into them. I had made a large mess of them and had another idea. I brought her cum-covered panties back to the basket and placed them right on top.

“Let her, try to explain that, to herself,” I thought.

Peter came home before Susan did, and went straight to his room and closed the door. I started getting hard, thinking about him using his mom’s panties but didn’t bother to do anything to relieve myself.

A little while later, Susan came home with a couple of small bags from the Mall. One of the bags was clearly a pick-bag from Victoria’s Secret. This brought a smile to my face, thinking Susan was buying sexy, new underwear for her son, to borrow.

Susan went upstairs to put her new purchases away. She left them in the bags and put them up in her closet, to be used at a later time.

A few minutes later, Susan came down the stairs, and asked, “Is Peter home?”

“Yes, he’s been home for about an hour now. Why?” I asked.

“Did he go into our room or bathroom?” she asked.

Realizing that she must have found her underwear covered in cum and thought Peter did it, I said, “I don’t know, it’s possible, I’ve been down here the whole time.”

I didn’t even ask her why, I just let her sit there in her own thoughts.


“Okay, I’m going to go take a shower,” Susan said, as she gave me a kiss and went upstairs.

As she passed by her son’s room, she knocked on the door and entered.

Peter was laying in bed looking at his laptop. He closed the screen real quick as his mother walked into his room.

“In bed already?” she asked, rhetorically.

“I’m about to jump in the shower. Do you need anything, before I do?” she asked.

Peter gave her question some thought, before saying, “Nothing I can think of, right now.”

“Okay, well, if you need anything, you know where to find me,” Susan said, as she walked out, and then realized that she just told her son that he could come to find her in the shower if he needed anything.

As she stripped naked in the bathroom, she couldn’t help but keep looking at her panties, covered in cum. She was getting aroused, thinking about her son masturbating into her panties.

She stepped into the shower and started playing with herself while imagining her son masturbating in front of her nude body.

Peter couldn’t get the thought out of his mind that his mother practically invited him to come to find her in the shower. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own as he got up and started heading toward his mother.

I was downstairs when I heard Susan check on Peter before her shower. I heard her in the shower when I heard Peter’s door open and footsteps head down the hall towards our room.

Peter entered our bedroom, calling out to his mom. He noticed the bathroom door was open slightly, but not far enough to see anything. His cock grew hard as he imagined his mother’s nude body, on the other side of the door.

“Mom?” Peter called out to her.

Susan froze with her fingers in her pussy, when she thought she’d heard her son’s voice.

“Hello? Is someone there?” she asked.

“I thought of something,” Peter replied.

“What? I can’t hear you,” Susan said, “Open the door, so I can hear you.”

Peter slowly pushed the door open and looked inside. Peter could see his mother’s nude body through the clear glass, even though it had fogged up, slightly.

“I thought of something,” Peter repeated.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Susan asked, with her fingers still pressed into her pussy, but not moving.

“I wanted to know what we were having for dinner,” Peter answered, enjoying the foggy view of his mother.

“I’m not sure yet. Is there anything you would like to eat?” her pussy quivered at the question.

“I’ve got a sudden craving for some taco,” Peter said, wondering if his mother would catch the innuendo.

“Okay,” she said, “As soon as I get out, I’ll bring you a taco to eat. Was there anything else you wanted?”

“Umm, no. Just the taco should be good, thanks. I’ll let you finish what you were doing before I interpreted you,” Peter said, as he closed the door slightly, but left it open far enough to still see his mom.

Susan didn’t move, lost in her thoughts, ‘Did he know what she was doing? Was he talking about eating her taco? Why was she having these improper thoughts about her son?’

Peter watched her as she stood motionless in the shower.

“Peter?” she called out.

‘Can she see me,’ he wondered.

“Are you still there?” she asked.

Peter didn’t respond, he just watched.

Susan’s hand started moving again. She was rubbing her pussy, and Peter was watching!

Peter couldn’t believe his luck. He had only hoped to get a glance of his mother naked, but this was even better.

Susan was rubbing her pussy and pinching her nipples now. She started moaning to herself, and said, “Yes baby, eat mommy’s puss…, mommy’s taco, mmm, right there, oh, yes, baby!”

Peter’s cock grew hard as he watched his mother masturbate. He couldn’t believe it, she was thinking about him. Thinking about him eating her pussy. Peter pulled out his cock and started stroking himself.

“Yes mommy, I’ll eat your taco,” he said to himself, as he stroked his cock and watched his mom.

Pre-cum oozed from his cock as his mother drove her fingers into her pussy, as she imagined her son licking and sucking her pussy.

Suddenly, Susan had an intense orgasm right in front of her son’s eyes. An image that was burned into his memory forever.

Quickly feeling the urge to cum, Peter ran back to his room to finish the job.

I heard the quick footsteps run to Peter’s room and the door close to Peter’s room.

“Interesting,” I thought to myself, as I made my way upstairs.

As I passed by my son’s room, I could hear the obvious sounds of a teenager masturbating in his room.

Peter grabbed his mother’s panties from his bed and put them up to his nose. He inhaled deeply as he imagined his face buried in his mother’s pussy. Peter came all over his chest and hand.

I made my way into our bedroom and saw the bathroom door ajar. I looked through the opening and was able to see my wife clearly. I stood in the bedroom and watched my wife, undetected, as she got out of the shower. She dried herself off and looked at her naked body in the mirror. Thinking I’d seen enough, I was about to move away, when saw my wife reach into the dirty laundry basket.

Susan pulled out the dark panties that I had cum in. I knew Susan thought Peter had been the one to cum in her panties.

She took a long look at the cum-soaked panties, and then she bent down and pulled them up her legs. She looked at herself in the mirror as she rubbed the front of her panties into her pussy. Susan couldn’t believe what she was doing. She loved the feeling of, what she thought was her son’s cum, as she rubbed her panties into herself.

I decided it was best if I was not in the room when she emerged, and I made my retreat back downstairs.

Susan came downstairs wearing only a nightshirt that stopped just below her panty-covered pussy. She paid me no attention as she busied herself making a taco for Peter.

When I wasn’t looking, she reached into her underwear and drove two fingers into her pussy. She pulled her wet fingers out and rubbed them along the inside edge of the taco she had just made. Once she was satisfied that she had transferred most of her juices onto the taco, she carried it upstairs.

Susan didn’t even bother to knock as she entered Peter’s room. He was still lying in bed without a shirt. She walked over and handed the taco plate to Peter.

“Mmmm, this taco smells delicious,” Peter said.

“I hope you like it, I put an extra-special, secret ingredient in it, just for you,” his mother said.

Susan watched as Peter took his first bite of the special taco. Her pussy started to get wet, knowing that he was tasting her pussy-juices. She turned to leave but quickly saw a pile of Peters’s dirty clothes on the ground. This gave Susan one, last, naughty idea.

Susan bent over to pick up his clothes, but at the same time, giving Peter a perfect view of her dark-green, panty-covered pussy. Susan assumed Peter would recognize the panties as the ones he masturbated into.

Looking at his mother bent over, caused Peter‘s cock to grow, under his sheets.

Susan stood up and turned around. She immediately saw Peter’s cock forming a tent in his sheets.

“Enjoy my taco and have a good night, sweetheart,” Susan said, as she left the room, before doing anything else she might regret later.

That night, Susan asked me to go down on her. I ate her pussy as she had several orgasms, thinking about her son eating her pussy.


The next morning, Susan went into her closet and pulled out one of the new pairs of panties she had bought. She slid the hot-pink pair of panties up her legs and enjoyed the cool feeling of new panties against her pussy.

Susan finished getting dressed and set out for the day’s activities. Susan was gone most of the day before returning home.

Susan saw Peter sitting on the couch and said, “Hi, Sweetheart. I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll see you later.”

Susan hoped she’d see him sooner rather than later. Susan closed her bedroom door, without locking it, after she entered. She began stripping her clothes off, hoping her son would walk in on her.

Published 3 years ago

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