
"Fairylike young woman enchants more than just one lover"

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I sat with my eyes closed in the April sun. Spring was finally here.

“Isn’t it wonderful…?” I heard a voice next to me.

I opened my eyes. The voice belonged to a young woman sitting on the next bench. “Oh yes, I guess you could say that…” I said. “Winter has dragged on so long this year.”

“May I join you…?” she asked.

“I’d love you to!” I replied, a bit surprised.

She had beautiful brown eyes. We chatted for a while. She was in her second semester of medical school, I learned. Six years ago, she had come to Germany from Lithuania with her mother and little brother. That explained her slight, very charming Eastern European accent.

“I have to go to the seminar now,” she finally said. “But I still have one question.” I nodded encouragingly. “Could you imagine making love to me?” I sat up with a jerk.

She smiled and pressed a piece of paper with a handwritten cell phone number into my hand. “My name is Nirusha, by the way. N-I-R-U-S-H-A,” she spelled out. “Goodbye!” She picked up her small backpack and left.

Nirusha. Nirusha. I shook my head in disbelief. What did this mean…?

Well, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. The next day, I dialled her number. There was just a voicemail.

I said, “Hello Nirusha, this is Sven. The man from the park bench… Just wanted to give you a call.” I left my cell phone number.

There was no response. I waited three days. They seemed a lot longer. Then I gathered my courage and dialled her number again.

“Yes…?” a tender voice sounded from the phone. It was her.

“Nirusha? It’s me, Sven. We met in the park a few days ago.”

“Sven! How nice to hear from you!” she said joyfully. Her enchanting smile came to my mind again.

“I enjoyed our meeting very much,” I said. “But your question at the end confused me a bit.”

A few seconds passed.

“I like men with style. Who are educated and have a sense of humor. Who have respect and are charming,” she finally said, apparently describing me.

That couldn’t be the full truth yet, even though I was all too happy to believe it. I was thirty years older than she was. And with her personality, her charisma, her face and her body, she could have had any, really any man – at a more suitable age.

No, my mind wasn’t turned off. At least not completely.

“You know I would like to see you again very much,” I said with uncertainty.

She sensed my doubts. “You’re wondering why you, of all people,” she said.

I nodded. Then it occurred to me that she couldn’t see that at all. “Uhm, yes.”

“I like mature men who are well-groomed and have good manners,” she said. “And if we meet, I expect a certain generosity,” she continued. “You yourself decide what you want to gift me.”

I had already suspected something like this. But I was determined to meet her, no matter what the cost. “When can we meet?” I asked.

A pause arose. “Wednesday at eighteen at my place?” she proposed.

That’s when I actually had my tennis lesson, but I would cancel that and meet Nirusha instead. “Yes, that will be fine,” I said.

She gave me her address.

On Wednesday, she welcomed me at the door and placed a kiss on my cheek. Her apartment was larger than I expected and very well furnished.

“Sven, please sit down. What would you like to drink? I have a bottle of rosé wine in the fridge.” I smiled and nodded.

We clinked glasses. There was something irresistibly delicate and fragile about her. Something that awakened the protective instinct in me. And not only that.

Her dark doe eyes drew me under their spell. She touched me again and again as if unintentionally. Then she suddenly moved closer and unbuttoned my shirt.

Shortly thereafter, we were completely naked. I had spent the last few days imagining what she might look like naked. The reality exceeded my fantasies by far.

I already knew her incredibly pretty face and shoulder-length, straight brown hair. Underneath, it all continued with narrow soft shoulders, which then led my gaze to her sweet breasts with small areolas and clearly pronounced nipples.

She jumped up and got the wine bottle from the fridge. Her little round butt bounced slightly. When she returned, she stopped in front of me and allowed me a long pleasurable look at her neatly shaved vulva.

My self-control crumbled. I knelt down and kissed her pubic mound. She was beautiful to the touch. She stroked my hair and slowly lowered herself onto the sofa. We conscientiously mixed her vaginal juices and my saliva. Her body tensed and relaxed, tensed and relaxed, over and again.

Finally, she said, “Stop! Stop!!!” She looked at me. Her eyes were shining. “Please. I can’t take it anymore…” she groaned.

I sat down at the end of the sofa. She stretched out her legs and put her feet in my lap.

Nirusha was a marvel of evolution. Everything about her was perfect, downright divine. From head to toe and back again. Her pretty, manicured toenails were unpainted. They adorned her long, slightly curved toes, which in turn merged into slender, powerful, sinewy feet. Her fine slender ankles were the overture to well-defined lower legs, pretty knees and firm thighs.

I raised her legs slightly, nibbled her toes and thanked the Creator for giving me eyes, mouth and hands. She giggled as I caressed her toes and cooled my hot face with the soles of her feet.

“That’s enough!” she suddenly said. “I’m taking over from now on! Are you going to make love to me or not…?” she demanded.

I was no longer sure. I wasn’t sure at all anymore. In fact, I was kind of scared.

Somewhere I had read that sex put far less strain on the circulatory system than was widely believed. Even heart attack patients and people with strokes very soon got encouraging words and the green light from their doctors. For irrational reasons, however, I was afraid that having sex with this mythical creature might kill me. Or – worse – that sex with her would reprogram my brain and turn me into a drooling nursing case.

In any case, she might ruin me.

Nirusha sensed my fear and insecurity.

“Nothing has to happen, but anything can…” she said, “Can I caress you a little?”

I closed my eyes. Of course she could. I wanted it more than anything.

Pure happiness and ecstasy followed. Nirusha gave me feelings I had never experienced before, not even close.

At the very end, we lay on the floor, exhausted. We snuggled close to each other.

“Sven, I have to go to class now,” she said finally. “Please go now.”

So I got dressed.

“When will we see each other again?” I asked.

“It’s very tight this week. Next week on Friday at ten?”

I nodded, not knowing if there were any professional appointments then. I didn’t care either. I would cancel everything for her.

“If you have a gift for me, please put it on the dressing room table. Thank you for your visit, for your tenderness, for your respect, and for your affection.” She breathed a kiss onto my lips.

Time passed incredibly slowly until the next meeting. Fortunately, I had a lot on my plate at work to distract me. In addition, there was a beer-filled evening with my buddies, a tennis match with a friend, and a meeting with Verena. We were friends with benefits and met once or twice a month to chat, drink wine, go for walks and screw.

“You’re not with me,” Verena said as I licked her sweet little pussy as usual.

“No no, I am here with you,” I lied.

From then on, I tried harder.

Then Friday finally came. Nirusha looked sleepy to hungover. “Got a little late with the girls yesterday…” she explained. “Please make us coffee, dear Sven.” Her voice sounded distracted. “There should be eggs and toast and orange juice, too. I’m going to take a shower first.”

Twenty minutes later, we were sitting in the kitchen. I had made scrambled eggs with shrimp and chives. “Yum,” she said.

My goddess looked flawless again. We chatted a bit. Then we made love on the kitchen table. It was otherworldly.

“Can we see each other more often in the future?” I asked later.

“No, I’m afraid we can’t. Studying is very exhausting and besides…” She stopped abruptly.

“Yes…?” I asked.

She looked to the side and seemed to be biting her fingernails. “You’re cute,” she then said. “But you’re not the only man in my life.”

I had guessed this, of course. It was probably a fellow student her age or a resident.

“No, it’s not what you think,” she continued. It was as if she could read my mind.

“I like generous mature men like you. I like your wit, your cum, and your money. With your gifts, I have a good life here and at the same time, I can support my family in Lithuania.”

‘Mature men’ – she always spoke in the plural. “Who is the other…?”, I asked. “I’ll give you so much money that you won’t need him anymore.”

“That’s not the point,” she said. “The others also treat me with love and respect. Some of them just adore me. And they all have their special merits. I don’t want to lose any of them.”

“The others?” I asked. “How many are there?”

“If you ask a lot of questions, you get a lot of answers, and you have to live with that.”

I had to swallow hard. After some hesitation, I nodded and said, “Okay. Now out with it.”

“There are four of them. You’re number five, if you can handle it. Please don’t try to block out the others.” She paused. “You’ll get used to not being the only one.”

I felt the impulse to get up and leave.

But I didn’t.

For this extraordinary creature had opened the door to her world and her heart to me.

I took a deep breath and kissed her mouth. Her small breasts bounced happily. Later, I slid lower. Her narrow waist and flat stomach were so sexy. Finally, I reached her lap. Her vulva with the narrow, reddish-brown inner labia met my eyes. The labia had opened slightly like petals. They revealed her sweet clit and rosy vaginal entrance.

She was right. I would get used to the fact that there were other men in her life. That would not be easy for me. But perhaps it was also presumptuous to claim such an otherworldly creature for myself alone.

She made me happy. More than that. She made me happier than I had ever been before in my life. And that, after all, was all that mattered.

Published 3 years ago

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