It was not just her awesome sexuality that preoccupied him. What he found most difficult to get his head around was that the vibrantly sexy, dirty-talking woman who had unleashed such a voracious sexual appetite on him, the woman who had discussed plans for her neighbourhood park with such intelligent articulacy, and the dowdy-looking middle-aged community activist who had made such an annoying fuss at that public meeting, were all one and the same person.
It wasn’t just the combination of sexiness and intelligence that perplexed him – that was something he felt fortunate to have found in most of the girls and women he had dated. Nor, up to a point, was age in itself an issue: his last girlfriend Liz was 29, and some of his partners (he always thought of them as partners, not as conquests) had been as much as 10 years older than himself.
A woman old enough to be my mother… Even as he winced at the cliché, he recognised that it expressed much of why he was finding it hard to come to terms with what had happened. It carried the uncomfortable truth that he would never be able to look at his divorced mother in the same way again.
His boss’s words – an old girl like her will feel quite touched and flattered – echoed in his brain again. Phil would be expecting a report on his meeting with Andrea, and the report he presented would have to be one that gave no hint that his interaction with her had been anything other than professionally correct. Quite apart from whatever might happen this afternoon with Andrea and Sarah… He could imagine Phil commenting, rather disapprovingly, that working on a Saturday afternoon was going way beyond the call of duty…
She had his cellphone number, and there was a text from her: Come (sp?) for lunch. 1-ish. No need to bring anything, just yourself, but if you can spring for some nice wine that would go down well. Just come round to the back of the house – we’ll be in the garden. No need to dress up. Axxxxx. Her humorous spelling query left nothing to the imagination. He texted back: OK 😉
* * *
As a token gesture towards what had been the pretext for the afternoon’s meeting, Greg tossed his briefcase into his car before setting off. He drove first to his local liquor store, where he picked up a well-chilled bottle of Veuve Clicquot, then headed across town to the suburb where Andrea and Sarah lived. Barefoot in sandals, wearing a short-sleeved open-necked shirt, khaki shorts and an Australian-style broad-brimmed hat, and with the top of his old BMW Cabriolet folded down, he enjoyed the sensuous feel of the sun and the breeze on his skin, and he wondered what Andrea and Sarah would be doing, and wearing, when he caught up with them.
On arriving, he was surprised by the size of the back garden, which was large enough to accommodate a brick patio and a modest-sized swimming pool. Andrea and a trimly built brunette were reclining on deckchairs on the patio; between them, a sturdy circular table housed the base of a wide umbrella whose shade covered them both. On the table stood an ice bucket containing an opened champagne bottle, whose contents the two women were sipping from slender flutes. As they rose and turned to greet him, he could see that their slip-on sandals, straw hats, sunglasses and white terry-cloth robes were all that they were wearing.
He immediately recognized Andrea’s companion as having been sitting next to her at the public meeting, wearing a charcoal-grey jacket and with a bright red beret sitting pertly aslant atop a mop of curls.
“Hi there!” Andrea called out; then, to her companion: “Look at him, Sarah: briefcase in one hand and champers in the other! Talk about mixing business with pleasure…”
Sarah stood back while Andrea placed a relatively chaste kiss on his cheek and received one in return, then stepped forward with her right hand formally extended. “I’m Sarah Middleton,” she introduced herself, in a beautiful, cut-glass British accent. “So pleased to meet you. Andrea’s told me about the meeting she had with you yesterday. I gather it was quite, er, productive.” She said it all with a completely straight face; the humour was all in the I-couldn’t-possibly-comment way she delivered the words.
He felt himself blush, at which Sarah’s straight face broke up into a wickedly gleeful grin. She was still holding his hand, and instead of releasing it she pulled him towards her, slipping her other arm round his neck and pulling his face down to hers. “Got to break the ice, eh?” she murmured, pressing her full-breasted body against him and kissing him full on the mouth.
“Hey, watch it, girl,” Andrea protested humorously. “I saw him first!”
“Of course you did, darling – I’m just endorsing your excellent taste! Goodness, he kisses nicely too, doesn’t he? And I hear that’s not all…”
The two women giggled, and Greg was struck by the warmth of the banter between them, not minding in the least the novel experience that it was him they were bantering with each other about.
Andrea picked up the ice bucket. “I’ve got lunch ready in the dining room, she said. “Let’s eat, drink and talk inside. A proper working lunch, eh? We can put your bottle in the fridge until we need it, Greg. Ah – the Widow Clicquot – one of my favourites!”
She took the bottle from him, stowed it in the fridge, then disappeared into her bedroom, reappearing with a third robe like those she and Sarah were wearing. “Get your kit off, young Greg, and put this on. That’ll put us all on equal terms, sartorially speaking.”
Lunch turned out to be a delicious chicken salad preceded by chilled mushroom soup and followed by peaches and ice-cream – all accompanied by champagne. And the talk was initially brisk and business-like – discussing the plans for the neighbourhood park hadn’t been entirely a pretext after all. .
It turned out that Sarah knew Greg’s colleague Heather Ashby, who had led the design team that prepared the council’s proposed plan. “We landscape people are a bit of a professional mafia,” Sarah said. “And in fact Heather was one of my students. I supervised her postgrad work. She’s good – very capable, very professional. Lovely woman, too, don’t you think, Greg?”
“Oh yes,” agreed Greg, who had long lusted in vain after Heather, and whose ears pricked up at a caressing note that he sensed had crept into Sarah’s voice as she spoke of his colleague. There flashed before his mind’s eye a vision of the two women kissing passionately.
“I’ve actually had a bit of a chat with her,” Sarah went on, “and I think when she sees what you and Andrea worked out between you she’ll be happy to go along with it. And if Heather’s OK with it, there shouldn’t be a problem with Ellen Levitt; those two are just like this!” She hooked her two little fingers together and held them up intertwined.
“Is that right?” Greg murmured.
“Oh indeed. You’d be surprised. But you didn’t hear that from me, OK?
“Yeah, sure…” Greg hoped he had been able to disguise the discomfort he felt at this hinted-at revelation; close personal relationships between staff and elected council members were strictly a no-no. He was relieved when the conversation moved on.
Lunch left them pleasantly replete but not uncomfortably overfull. Andrea stood up and slipped off her robe, revealing again the magnificent body and voluptuous breasts that Greg had come to know so intimately. “How about we clear away the lunch things and have a post-prandial dip in the pool?”
“Perfect, darling.” Sarah too disrobed, giving Greg his first full view of her full but firm breasts and her toned body, eyebrow-height to Andrea, at the juncture of whose shapely thighs a pair of luscious lips pouted prettily.
As Greg also took off his robe, he was immediately aware of Sarah turning her eyes towards him, looking suddenly lustful. “Ooh, Andy darling, I see what you mean about that cock,” she cooed. “Sorry about the dishes and stuff, but I just have to have a play with it right now!” Almost before he knew it, she had seized him by the hand, dragged him into Andrea’s bedroom, pushed him down on the bed, and was devouring his cock as eagerly, noisily and skilfully as Andrea had done the day before on this same bed, muffled mewing, cooing and gobbling noises mingled with the salivary slurping of her lips and tongue.
While the fingers of one of Sarah’s hands played with his hardened shaft and his balls, Greg could see that her other hand was busily engaged between her other, lower lips. Presently she changed hands and lubricated his bulging cock-head with her own juice before again engulfing it in her mouth. Now she began to deep-throat him, taking in the whole of his cock and then sliding it out again to tease its tip with her whipping, lashing tongue.
“Shit, Sarah, I’m getting bloody close!”
“Me too…” Her voice was rasping and breathy with her own arousal. She got up and repositioned herself astride him. “Let’s finish with a fuck, OK? I want you to cum in my cunt.” Not even this degree of sexual excitement disturbed the crystalline perfection of her British vowels.
So saying, she impaled herself on his cock, gripped his shoulders with her hands, and began to ride him at a pace that soon increased to a gallop, moaning and grunting furiously, until her hips made a final lunge and she froze, transfixed and trembling, her vagina convulsing, a cascade of cum pouring out of her, a long-drawn-out shuddering wail of ecstasy filling his ears and pushing him over the edge into his own shattering orgasm. She collapsed on top of him, her body racked with aftershocks, her vagina clenching and relaxing around his wilting organ.
“Gosh, you two…” Andrea was standing in the doorway, her face, neck, shoulders and the tops of her breasts aglow with a flush of sexual excitement. “That cock has well and truly had an after-lunch dip, hasn’t it? You can’t imagine what a wonderful wank I had just listening to the pair of you. Make room there: I’m coming to join you!”
“Oh yes darling, please.” Sarah moaned.
Greg watched, fascinated, as Andrea pushed Sarah onto her back, knelt between her friend’s parted legs, lifted them so that they hooked over her shoulders, and began to lap greedily at the gaping pussy thus deliciously exposed. Her hands reached out to play with Sarah’s breasts, and Sarah began to moan with delight, urging Andrea on with eager obscenities, her voice forming a feverish counterpoint with Andrea’s own enthusiastic vocalizations.
He had seen plenty of lesbian videos, but this was his first experience of seeing two women having sex right next to him before his very eyes, and the sight was deeply arousing. His limp cock began to harden and an irresistible urge to masturbate seized him. Until now he had always felt uncomfortable at the thought of masturbating in front of a woman – as if it somehow implied that she had failed to arouse him – but now that inhibition had entirely gone.
Sarah noticed. “Look,” she panted, “he’s getting hard again. Greg, can you do Andy from behind?”
“Yes,” Andrea chimed in breathlessly. “finger-fuck me if your cock’s not ready yet.” She parted her thighs to give him easier access.
Kneeling bedside the two women, Greg reached in front of Andrea with his right hand and behind her with his left. Soon two fingers from each hand were deep inside her vagina, and rasping grunts of appreciation were greeting his ministrations. Already her juices were flowing copiously, covering his hands with her cum, and, with the pad of his left thumb thus lubricated, he tentatively massaged her anal bud.
Immediately Andrea let out a loud, shuddering moan of delight. Her sphincter tightened and then relaxed, letting his thumb slide into her. He felt the muscles clench and then relax again, letting his thumb penetrate her more deeply; after one more tightening and relaxation his entire thumb was inside her. Flexing his thumb against gentle finger pressure on the floor of her vagina, he slid thumb and fingers outwards than inwards again, at the same time massaging her clitoris with his right hand.
Meanwhile he was dimly aware of Sarah uttering yelps of delight as Andrea’s mouth and fingers continued to work their magic on her. Both women were shuddering and crying with pleasure, and their arousal had turned his cock ramrod-hard. Continuing to finger-fuck Andrea with his right hand, he gently withdrew his left and moved round behind her.
“Yes, yes, fuck me, Greg, fuck me! Fill my cunt right up! Get that fucking cock into my cunt right now, man!”
He plunged into her warm gaping wetness and immediately felt it tighten around his engorged member. She pushed back vigorously against his thrusts, the soft firmness of her buttocks adding a delicious friction against his thighs and loins.
He reached for a breast with his left hand, found her nipple and began to roll it between his thumb and forefinger. At that, Andrea gave an almighty shriek and he felt her convulse in his arms, squirting cascades of hot juice as his own convulsion seized him and his semen jetted deep inside her.
The three of them collapsed into a breathless tangle of bodies and limbs. Presently Andrea raised herself unsteadily to a sitting position. “Darlings,” she murmured, “I think it’s time to break out that champagne Greg brought and have a breather.”
Seated on stools around the breakfast bar in Andrea’s kitchen, arms draped around each other, alternating cold sips and warm kisses, they relaxed into each other in a new-found intimacy the like of which Greg had never known. Nothing in his previous experience had prepared him for the intense sensuality he had discovered within himself with these two women. He felt more open, more vulnerable, than he had ever felt in his life. And he felt content to be so.
“I can’t remember when I last felt chemistry like this,” Sarah said. “Can you, Andy?”
Andrea shook her head. She leaned towards Sarah and kissed her lips, then did the same to Greg. “I don’t think you can possibly realize what you’ve done, young Greg,” she said.
“Um, no, I don’t think I do.”
“Well, my dear, Sarah and I have been lovers for years. We have other occasional partners too, and we’ve had lots of threesomes and moresomes in our time, both with men and with other women. But somehow I feel that bringing you into the mix and sharing you has brought something really new and fresh into our relationship. D’you agree, Sarah?”
Sarah nodded, reached out and tousled Greg’s hair. “Indeed I do,” she purred.
It seemed to Greg that it was time to make a confession of his own. The two women greeted with astonishment the news that this had been his first experience with two women together. “Wow, so we’ve taken your threesome virginity,” Sarah exclaimed. “That calls for a toast!” She refilled their champagne flutes, and the three of them clinked glasses.
“And now,” Andrea said presently, “now for that dip in the pool.”
The great thing about her back garden, she explained to Greg, was that it was not overlooked by any neighbours, so that they could swim and sunbathe – and do anything else – naked.
The two women were good swimmers, and Greg paddled slowly after them as they raced each other to the far end of the pool, where they locked into an intimate embrace, feasting on each other’s mouths. Sarah beckoned to him to join them, and no sooner had he done so than they linked arms around him, rubbing their bodies against him and each other in a way that was instantly arousing.
But this time there was no urgency in their mutual pleasuring – just tender, leisurely enjoyment of each other. Presently Andrea slid playfully out of the embrace and swam away. Sarah gave him a long, tonguefully penetrating kiss and then swam after her, and Greg watched them chase each other round the pool, splashing and laughing.
At last they all got out and dried each other off using the robes they had discarded. A cool breeze had developed, and Andrea gave a little shiver. “Let’s go inside,” she proposed. Then, to Sarah, she added: “What d’you think, girliegirl, shall we get out the toys?”
“Why not?” Sally assented, and the two of them giggled.
Andrea led the way back to her bedroom. A chest of drawers stood against one of the walls; opening one of the drawers Andrea fetched out a veritable armful of devices. There were three objects that Greg recognized as buttplugs, something that looked like a remote control, a double-headed dildo, two thick penis-shaped vibrators, a strapon dildo and harness, and a large bottle of lube. “This should be enough to keep us going,” she announced.
She picked out the double-headed dildo. “We’re going to put on a show for you, Greg,” she explained. “It’s something we like doing sometimes with men – we both have a bit of an exhibitionist streak. We like it when they watch us fuck each other and wank while they’re watching. And it’s a big turnon when they cum all over us and cover us with their spunk.”
Sarah had been nodding while Andrea spoke. “Just watch and enjoy,” she added. “But do feel free to touch us up while we’re playing…”
Greg set on one side of the bed and watched as the two women began by exchanging gentle kisses and caresses that gradually became more intense and intimate, their breathing getting heavier, punctuated by amorous sighs and moans. They obviously enjoyed playing with each other’s breasts – indeed at one point Sarah exclaimed to Greg, still with those perfect vowels, “I just love this woman’s big tits, don’t you?”
At that moment she was sitting astride Andrea’s belly, ministering lovingly to her nipples with both hands. Then she shuffled forward until she was straddling one of Andrea’s breasts. She pulled her labia wide apart, and Greg watched in amazed delight as she began to rub her engorged clitoris vigorously against Andrea’s proudly erect nipple. His amazement grew when Sarah pulled her labia even further apart, drawing the nipple, areola and part of the breast into her vagina, and began to move her hips in a rhythmical grinding motion that soon had both women moaning with delight.
He moved closer and reached out a hand to join with Andrea’s fingers in playing with her gaping wet pussy. She returned the favour by replacing his other hand with hers around his cock.
Presently Sarah got up and the two women rearranged themselves so that they were half reclined facing each other, legs scissoring each other, almost pussy to pussy. Sarah had the double dildo in one hand, and began to insert it gently into Andrea. It slid in until the thick ring that encircled the shaft at its mid point was resting snugly against Andrea’s pussy; then Sarah inserted the other half of the toy into herself. She and Andrea manœuvred themselves until only the thick ring at the mid point of the dildo separated their two pussies; then, gripping each other’s left forearm, they began a reciprocal thrusting, grinding movement of the hips that Greg recognized, from lesbian videos he had seen, as tribbing – a technique that never failed to thrill him when he watched it on screen
The reality, kneeling right next to two beautiful women tribbing hell for leather, was infinitely more thrilling. Their arousal quickly mounted, their cries of passion became wilder and louder and their movements more and more powerful, making the bed creak and shake.
Greg’s own state of arousal was soon such that he was afraid he might cum long before they did, but Andrea cried out to him: “Don’t stop wanking! Cum whenever you want! Don’t keep us waiting!” – and w ith that encouragement it was not long before he shot a copious load – the first jet landing on Sarah’s belly, the next two on Andrea’s breasts and a last rope on Sarah’s thighs. Almost immediately they came also, bucking and screaming like banshees.
Once again the three of them collapsed, breathless and shaking, in each other’s arms.
It was Andrea who at last stirred, glancing at the bedside clock. “Oh shit,” she exclaimed. “Sorry to disappoint you after getting out all those toys, Greg, but we’re not going to have time to play with them all today. Sarah and I are supposed to be going out this evening for some all-girl partying, and if we don’t start getting ready soon we’ll be late. Can’t take you with us ’cos it’s girls only…”
“No worries, ladies, thank you for an awesome time. If it helps, I’ll shower when I get home and leave you to get on with getting ready.”
“Thanks darling,” Sarah chimed in. “You’re a real sweetie.”
A deliciously exhausted Greg took his leave with a flurry of farewell kisses. It wasn’t until he got home that he realized he had left his briefcase behind…
(to be continued)
(Readers are advised to read “Local Affairs (1) MILF and Two Sugars” first.)