I gave them to Sue and suggested, “It would be faster to put those on these. They then can work what they need and then print.”
Sue did it. May had all her evidence in folders. She took a USB stick and started transferring the files and folders over. It was now six thirty. They both said they were nearly finished.
I asked, “Will I phone Molly and ask her to come back at quarter past seven?”
Both said they would be finished by then.
I phoned Molly and suggested, “Quarter past seven would be a good time to come back. Could you phone the Indian and order Thalis for the four of us with two naan breads, with delivery at seven thirty?”
Molly answered, “All will be done.”
I printed out the email I received. May filed it away. May said, “We have a good case here. I am sure of this. I am also sure if they raid the convent, they will get their computers then that will finish her off.”
They both said all they had was on the two USB sticks and the more important things they could be used in a presentation.
I said I was going for a shower and May joined me. My mobile rang and Sue answered it. It was Molly and the meal cost was forty two pounds twenty pence. Sue left fifty pounds on the hall table. Molly arrived back and Sue gave her the fifty pounds saying, “Give them it all as a tip.”
The food arrived. Molly had all the plates out with Sue serving. Molly took off her clothes. She too was in a fresh bodysuit she said, “I always keep a spare one in the office in case Jack and I do it twice in the one day. I had a swim and a shower at the pool and I feel good. Jack we should have a party at the pool after it closes some night. We could put towels over the cameras. Then we can swim naked, sauna naked. Fuck in the sauna, pool, Jacuzzi or where ever we wanted to.”
Both May and Sue said that is a great idea. May said, “Can we go to the lingerie shop maybe at nine as we have to go to Edinburgh and be there by two.”
Molly replied, “No problem I will cook breakfast and serve it at eight fifteen. Then we have plenty of time. Jack, Sue and I will use the other bedroom. You use your own. I think that we all have had enough for the day but Jack if you want more then you know you can come to me.”
I answered, “Thanks darling but I have had an exciting couple of days. I think I will have a good night’s sleep so I am fresh for the morning.”
With that Sue and Molly left. May said, “Jack I am falling in love with you. I keep thinking of that day when I saw you playing with your cock. If I had acted as I wanted to then, I would have eight wonderful years. I would not have given a fuck about Alex to be honest, I don’t know why I married him. I had two wonderful girls but no life. I was loyal. I suffered but my biggest regret is I didn’t come back to your room that night as Alex was staying in Edinburgh and the girls were sleeping.”
May continued, “In the morning when the girls were at school. I could have had hours in bed with you. I would have shared you with Sue and both of us would have so much fun.”
May then said, “My father is spending so much time at his bungalow. I know he is safe as he has his housekeeper and his Driver/Gardiner living with him. I think he is still fucking his housekeeper. Sue heard them a few weeks after my mum died. He is happy and has still has all his wits about him. I am happy he is selling the business. Sue and I will have two hundred thousand pounds as a salary each a year. When Papa goes it will be three hundred thousand. We are not poor.”
May continued, “I want you to be part of the cottage business if we set it up. I am sure that will make us all a lot of money. I am being realistic now I love being with you. I want to be with you. You must have some children, and the ideal solution is you to have a wife that can put up with Sue, Molly and me. Jack you are going to have a lot more as I know of over a hundred women that will want you to fuck them.”
I answered, “I like Clare. She was a virgin when we first had sex. Molly has taught her so much. She is so intelligent and worldly for only being twenty four years old. She appreciates everything I have done for her and her mother. She will be a lawyer and an accountant next year. Maybe two years in some big firm, then she can join my company and then I would consider marrying her.”
I then said, “She trusts me but we have never had time alone always a threesome at the weekend. She really enjoys that. Maybe you should invite Molly and Clare to the Party after the Party on Friday night.”
May replied, “I will do that and then invite them back here on Saturday and you me and Clare will have a threesome. Jack if we all could live together it would be wonderful but now I must phone the girls”
I said, “Do that”.
May then phoned them and told them she and aunt Sue were staying with Jack and were having a great time.
May then said, “Jack is wonderful company and he is really looking after us. We had a lovely lunch in the Hotel and then went into town. Then we came back to Jack’s wonderful penthouse. Jack asked if we would like an Indian for our supper. We said yes and it arrived 20 minutes later. The food was superb. We drank Champagne with it. Sue was very tired as she didn’t sleep well last night, she went to bed 10 minutes ago. She gave Jack a long goodnight kiss and it wasn’t on the cheek but on the lips. I wonder if I will get one when I go to bed?”
Mags answered, “Would you like to kiss him?”
May replied, “I think so and I find him very attractive. He is such a gentleman but he won’t be interested in an old woman like me.”
Mags answered, “Mum you are not old. You are very attractive too. If you like him then give him a kiss.”
May replied, “After Kay was born Alex and I didn’t have any more sex.”
Mags answered, “I thought that mum, that must have been hard for you.”
May replied, “He was not good in bed, a quick in and out. He didn’t care about me or my needs.”
Mags answered, “That is dreadful why did you put up with it?”
May replied, “Because of you and Kay, when parents divorce it affects the children, we then had separate rooms as I couldn’t stand the cigarette smoking. To sleep in a room like that breathing nicotine all night. First thing he did in the morning was to light up a cigarette. I hated that, then for the next year I had to visit him and give him oral sex.”
Mags asked, “Did you suck him?”
May replied, “Yes I gave him a blow job and his cum tasted of nicotine. I kept it in my mouth but then left the room. I went to the bathroom and spat it out then brushed my teeth.”
Mags answered, “That must have been horrible and you had to do this every week?”
May replied, “Yes and then it was once every two weeks. Then three weeks. Then I stopped going as he couldn’t get hard anymore. That was the end of it. I am happy I am sipping Champagne here and Jack will be back soon. I might give him a kiss.”
Mags answered, “You should mum that is a waste if you haven’t had sex for so long. Did you not think of having a lover?”
May replied, “Yes I thought of it but never did it, if I got hot then I would masturbate but now I feel free. It is a great feeling. I am being honest I would go to bed with Jack in a minute, but he is so much younger than me. He should be looking for a young woman, but maybe I will have a hot affair with him.”
Mags answered, “Mum you should do that go and put something seductive on and then give him a hug and kiss when he returns.”
May replied as she played with my cock, “I will think about that but the reason I called was to say that Jack has a meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow afternoon. Sue and I are going with him and was wondering what you and Kay were doing?”
Mags answered, “We are both very busy tomorrow but we will see you on Friday at the party.”
May replied, “Okay and here is me thinking about kissing Jack and I haven’t told you about Alex’s funeral, they will take him to the Church at six thirty on Sunday evening. Then the Requiem Mass is on Monday at ten thirty.”
Mags answered, “That is good you are thinking like this. Kay and I will stay at Bob’s over the weekend. After the service we will go back to Edinburgh.”
May replied, “That is good because Jack will stay with me on Friday. On Saturday Sue and I will go back to his Penthouse until Sunday. Then we will stay in the house on Sunday night and go back to Jack’s on Monday afternoon.”
Mags answered, “That is good I had better go now mum. I hope it goes well for you tonight. I will SMS you bye.”
May replied, “Bye darling”
May replied, “Now Mags knows I like you and tomorrow morning she will SMS me to ask if I kissed you. I will tell her we were on the sofa for over two hours, and we were very intimate. We satisfied each other without Jack going inside me but tomorrow I think I will let him inside me. Or will I tell her you fisted me and sucked my clit as you did it. Then ass fucked me but I didn’t let you cum in my ass as I wanted you to cum in my mouth.”
I answered, “That’s what I did with Sue this afternoon.”
May replied, “ Will you do that to me tonight?”
I said, “With pleasure.”
Then we started to kiss and May was already wet and I told her to relax and get comfortable. Then I went down on her and her clitoris was hard. I started sucking it as she moaned with pleasure. I could get four fingers in on my first insertion then I took my hand out and put my thumb in. Then brought it out rubbing May’s cum all round my hand, then it slipped in easily.
I started and soon had a good rhythm. May was getting quite excited and I continued to suck her clit as I fisted her. I kept this up for 30 minutes then May had a big orgasm.
May said, “That was fucking wonderful Jack. I love when you do that and you are fisting me hard too.”
I replied, “May help me take some cum from your wet cunt and put it around my cock. I will put some around your ass and we will let the cum be the lube.”
I took the cum from her pussy and put it around her ass hole. At first had one finger in then two and then three. May was loving it.
I said, “Is this okay. have you any pain?”
May replied, “It is fucking wonderful. I have no pain can you get your hand in then fist my ass?”
I said, “I think I can.”
I then brought my fingers out and covered my hand with her cum and very gently slid it inside her ass. May loved it and soon I had the same rhythm that I had when I fisted her pussy. I had May kneeling and soon I was fisting her cunt and her ass. She was loving it.
I suggested, “May play with your clit as I do this.” She did and soon she came again.
May asked, “Jack I will come again soon keep doing this until I cum. Then you can ass fuck me.”
I did. I was fisting her hard in both ends and she was loving it and making a lot of noise. After five minutes she came again. Then I kept my fist in her pussy and brought my hand out of her ass. I moved her round so one leg was on the floor and the other leg was in the air but resting on a chair. That way I could fuck her and fist her at the same time. May was working her clit.
May told me, “She preferred my cock in her ass as it went deeper and then asked me to fuck her harder.”
I did and I rode her for twenty minutes and then told her I was coming and she said “Cum in my mouth.”
I pulled my hand out then pulled my cock out. May started to suck him and then I exploded in her mouth. May kept sucking him and then she kissed me, I tasted my cum.
May said, “That was wonderful and I love being fisted more in my cunt than in my ass. I loved your cock in there but tomorrow I want your cock in my pussy doggystyle. I need some Champagne”.
May went and came back with two glasses.
I said, “May I am thinking we will need to invest in a good camera so that we have wonderful pictures for the coffee girls. You said you had some pictures of them could I see them?”
May replied, ”No problem and I agree about the camera we will need to be very professional.”
May opened her laptop and then opened folders and said, “Some are very good. I will show you the pictures first and if you like any then I will show their videos. I have twenty or so of ones we can start with and I have fucked all of them. This is Kate and she is hot.”
Kate looked hot and very fuckable.
May said, “This is Val”
I replied, “I know Val. I dated her daughter, her name is Val also. Val the mother has enormous tits.”
May said, “Yes she has as she showed me more pictures.”
May then said, “Val was a teacher in a private primary school run by the convent, but they had to close it as it was not paying its way. Val lost her job and had to move to a smaller house. It’s her birthday next week so I will give her a call then. Val had a wonderful body, she is also wonderful in bed.”
The video showed her masturbating with a very large dildo. I looked at my watch and it was nine ten.
I suggested, “May give her a call and see if she remembers me. Say you are going to a lingerie shop tomorrow and with her birthday next week you wanted to buy her something, but you couldn’t remember her size. If you see something nice then I will pay for it.”
May replied, “Darling I will do that for you.”
May dialed the number, the phone on speaker phone, Val answered with, “Hi May how are you?”
May replied, “I am good. Alex died yesterday and I feel a new life coming on.”
Val asked, “What did he die from?”
May replied, “Heart attack but it was very quick, he had no pain, I am happy I am now single again as I had a shit life with Alex. Fifteen years ago was the last time I had sex with him. Val tomorrow I am going to a wonderful lingerie shop, as it is your birthday next week I thought I would get you something nice but I can’t remember your size”
Val replied, “May that is so nice of you, I am a forty four G cup. I will really appreciate it as I have not bought any lingerie for years. Life is very difficult for me this now. I now have no car. I am living with my daughter Sheila. I hate living there as she is a unbearable to live with. She is so like her father.”
May answered, “I may be able to help you with accommodation. I can help you with the car as you can use mine as I will use Alex’s. If you need help with money then I can help you too. Do you remember Jack Ryan?”
Val replied, “Yes he is very tall and distinguished looking. I thought my Val would have made more effort and gone for him, but I think his aunt died. He had to run an Hotel in Ayr. I fancied him myself.”
May said, “He is a Darling and so nice. I have fancied him for years. When he was staying with us, I went into his room one night and caught him masturbating. He had a very big cock then, he now has the biggest cock I have seen in my life. He knows how to use it too. Sue and I are in his wonderful penthouse this now. Sue is in bed and I am sipping Champagne waiting for him to come back from the Hotel.”
May then said, “Val tomorrow we are going to Edinburgh but we could pick you up at say eleven and take you to my house. I can give you the car then. I will phone you. We can meet up in Ayr. Then on Friday it is Mags’s twenty first. I am having a coffee morning party after it. Are you interested in this?”
Val replied, “Of course I am May I am close to tears. I was so depressed that I was thinking of taking my own life. I know anything you do is good. Tell Jack I am looking forward to meeting him again. If he is at a coffee morning I will make his cock tingle.”
May said, “Tell him yourself as it was SMS’s that brought us together. May gave her my number and send him some pictures. I am sure he will reply. Val I must go as I want to put a new bodysuit on for him coming home. SMS me your address. We will be there at eleven tomorrow morning.”
Val thanked her.
Two minutes later May had Val’s address and five minutes later I had a SMS from Val with lots of Pictures and it was a long SMS.
“Hi Jack May has given me your mobile number and I was so happy to talk with May this evening. I sensed that May is very happy with you. She has told me you have a wonderful cock. In the last years I have had a lot of pussy but no cock. I miss it so much but hopefully we can sort that out very soon. I love sex and I know how to make a man happy.”
“May tells me you are very good in bed and perhaps we can have a threesome tomorrow night. I was so happy when May phoned me tonight. Jack I will be honest I have wanted you for years. Do you remember the night that you and Val had come to my flat. You had gone into the lounge for tea and after an hour and a half I phoned on the intercom system.”
“I said to Val you had been there too long and it would be better if you left. I was jealous that night that you were fucking Val. Did you fuck her that night Jack? I have always thought you did. As I was waiting I played with my pussy. May will tell you I never wear panties as I like to be available to be fingered at any time. Jack I am sure we can have a lot of fun together. I look forward to tomorrow night.
I love to kiss and cuddle and have a very long foreplay
Val xxx
I gave it to May. May said, “Okay did you fuck her daughter that night?”
I said, “No I was thinking about her rather than her daughter.”
May laughed and replied, “She is into you and has been since you first met. Okay write this to her,“Dear Val Many Thanks for the wonderful pictures you really look good and I am so happy to see that your pussy is smooth. I hate hair in my teeth. I’m so happy your pussy is smooth as my tongue works so much better on smooth. No I did not fuck your Val that night. To be honest I was thinking of you. Val you have so much class and style. Tomorrow night will be very interesting but if you want I will arrange a threesome with May, you and me. Do you like to be ass fucked? I ass fucked May this afternoon.
Lots of hugs and kisses
Jack xxx
Five minutes later I received this, “Dear Jack, I shave every day in the shower and always keep my pussy smooth.
Val xxx
May read it and said, “Are you fit for her tonight?”
I said, “Yes.”
May said, “Good then write this.”
“Dear Val, my address is… (I gave the address), now call a taxi. When you get close to Ayr then call me. I will be waiting outside to pay the taxi. Let me know when you have ordered the taxi then I will tell you what we will do
Lots of hugs and kisses
Jack xxx
Two minutes later another SMS from Val “The taxi is ordered and I am packing a suitcase. I will SMS from cab. I have no time to shower here so we can shower together when I arrive. My cunt is hungry for you. I finish packing and will SMS later.
Lots of hugs and kisses back.
Val xxx
I said to May, “May we both have enough money, we both are going to take on new projects. I think we should look for good staff and pay them well. Then we can spend more time together.”
May replied, “I am so happy you said that.”
Then we kissed and it was wonderful as we felt so natural in each other’s arms. The kissing and cuddling continued and soon I was back inside May’s pussy. I was not fucking her hard but was fucking her with love, it felt wonderful.
I heard two beeps from my phone but ignored them. Fifteen minutes later we both came and at the same time. We just lay there in each other’s arms.
May said, “That was the nicest fuck of my live. I really do love you Jack. I want to spend as much time as I can with you so we will organise our lives to make that happen.”
I answered, “May, I go to Europe six times a year to buy my wines. Now I will be buying Antiques as well. I want you to be with me on these trips” then my phone went and it was Val saying they were coming into Ayr.
I said, “I will be waiting outside.”
May said, “I want to be with you. I will wait in the shower for you.”
I put on some clothes on and went to my cupboard,then took a Viagra. I then went outside. The taxi arrived and Val got and she looked stunning, the driver got two suitcases from the boot. I paid him and gave him a five pound tip. I said to Val, “You look wonderful darling.”
We kissed and cuddled. Val said, “I’m so happy to be here.”
I took the suitcases and went to the lift. We kissed again in the lift and Val’s tongue was deep in my mouth.I could feel her very big boobs pressing against me. I said to Val, “May is waiting in the shower for us but I will help you unpack first if you want.”
Val said, “That would be super, then you can tell me what lingerie to wear.”
We went into the bedroom the girls were keeping their clothes in and started to unpack. Val had a lot of sexy underwear and soon we were finished.
I started to undress her and her tits were the biggest I have ever seen or felt. Soon we were both naked and Val said, “That is the biggest cock I have ever seen.”
We then went into the bathroom, May was under the shower.
May said, “Hi Val. You are looking super come on in and I’ll get you guys really clean.”
We joined her we started putting soap suds all over each others bodies. Both May and Val were spending a lot of time on my cock. I was spending time on May’s pussy and Val’s boobs and her nipples were very hard now.
May was now washing Val’s pussy. I helped her. Val’s vulva was very swollen. May was washing inside her pussy with a sponge. Val was loving that. I started to suck on one of Val’s nipples. Then my other hand moved down to her pussy. She was wet and I had three fingers in her very easily, but she was tight and wet.
May said, “Let’s go into the lounge and we can have some Champagne.”
Val said, “I want to put some Champagne on your cock Jack and then lick it off.”
I said, “I think I would enjoy that.”
May went for the Champagne.
Val said, “This is a gorgeous penthouse, is the sea just outside?.”
I replied, “Yes, it is also very quiet. I enjoy living here. I think Sue and May are going to live here as well. It would be good if you were to join us.”
Val said, “I would love to. I have had a bad time recently. It would be good to have some stability in my life again. You saw the grandeur of my apartment. I am now living with my daughter Sheila. I have no property of my own. Val is living in Australia. I do not get on with Sheila. There is so much of the nastiness of her father in her. May is it possible I could leave some of my things at your house?”
May said, “No problem. If you have any furniture Jack can shift it in his big estate car.”
Val said, “I only have a few small pieces left but I am so fucking happy to be away from Sheila.”
May topped up our glasses. Val said, “This is a lovely Champagne.”
May said, “Jack imports it, I’m looking forward to visiting the vineyards with him. I am sure that will be a lot of fun.”
We then chatted, sipping Champagne and about thirty minutes later I felt Val was relaxed enough to continue. She had been very excited in the shower. I had read correctly May’s mind when she had suggested the Champagne.
I said as I started to play with Val’s beautiful boobs, “Val you have the biggest and most beautiful boobs I have ever seen. May, Sue and Molly are going to a wonderful lingerie shop. May I want you to buy Val a lot of nice things. Any bras that push these beauties up. Will I give you cash before you go?”
Val said, “I have only one push up bra and a normal one will I show you the differences?”
I said, “Yes please.”
May gave me a kiss and said, “Thanks Darling for reading my mind the Champagne has certainly relaxed her.”
Then Val came back wearing a very nice black bra and holding an other one and she said, “This is a normal one.”
I said, “Let me take some pictures as that looks wonderful.”
I got my phone and took five pictures. I said, “Val, they look stunning.”
Val then changed her bra to the uplift one and the difference was remarkable.
May said, “That is a remarkable change, I am only going to this type of bra from now on.”
I took ten pictures of the push up bra. I showed May and Val the difference.
I said, “May and Val, I’m going to buy you all this type of bra as Molly and Clare already have them.”
I then took Val’s bra off and put two fingers inside my Champagne glass, then covered her nipples with it. I sucked one and May sucked the other one. Val was moaning with pleasure. I then put her on the Chinese rug and asked her to relax and get comfortable.
I then slid two fingers inside her wet pussy, she had a big and hard clit she moaned as I fingered it. I then went down on her and started sucking her clit as I finger fucked her. Very soon I had four fingers inside her and I asked her, “I have four fingers in, do you want to try for the fist?”
Val answered, “Why not it feels so good and I have no pain. Jack I love how you are sucking me.”
I put some of her cum on my hand and it then just slid in. I could feel her gripping my fist and could not wait to get my cock inside her. Her pussy was tight but incredibly wet.
May was sucking and playing with her boobs. I got into a good rhythm with the sucking I was sure she would cum soon. Then her whole body was shaking as she came and her cum was running out of her pussy.
Val said, “Jack, you are wonderful let me make your cock hard before you go inside me and when it is hard my favourite position is doggystyle.”
She then went down on me but put Champagne all over my cock. She then asked May to help her. They then licked my cock.
Then Val started to suck me, she was good, soon she had the full length of my shaft in her mouth. She then slid a couple of fingers into her pussy and then rubbed the rim of my ass with her cum. She had a great rhythm with her sucking. It felt great.
Then she slide one finger into my ass.Then she went back to her pussy for more cum and then slid two fingers into me. I felt that a little uncomfortable. I said, “Val one finger is very stimulating but two feels uncomfortable.”
Val answered, “Sorry Darling I will only use my middle finger until you are ready to fuck me,”
I replied, “Darling I am ready now are you ready for me?”
Val answered, “I was ready when we were SMSing, I am ready now.”
She then got on her knees. I went into her doggystyle and her pussy felt so good as she had a tight pussy. I got into a good rhythm and she was gripping me with every thrust I made.
May said, “Val, I love how your tits are wobbling as Jack fucks you. Can I video it?”
Val replied, “Yes please. Jack, you are so good I do not know how many times I have cum.”
I really concentrated on my rhythm. As May was filming I put my finger on Val’s clit I started to stimulate it. Val loved it. I had felt Val cum two times since I had gone into her and now after twenty minutes I knew I was going to cum soon.
I said, “I am going to cum soon where do you want me to cum?”
Val replied, “Jack I want a “Protein Cocktail” cum in my mouth.”
I said, “Okay.”
I slid my cock out. Val was on it immediately. I exploded in her mouth and she kept on sucking.
Val said, “May I want to be part of this “coffee morning.”
May answered, “Val, I am sure you will be part of it.”
Val replied, “Jack, do you remember Kay the girl you know that worked with me in the Primary school?”
I answered, “Yes she was a few years older than me. She is the girl I lost my virginity with.”
Val replied, “I didn’t know that. She is now teaching in Dubai. I have no contact with her but last year I was at a coffee morning in Glasgow. Her mother was there and now we see each other every month.”
I answered, “The mother’s name is Jo. She is a much nicer person than her daughter.”
Val replied, “Jo is a lovely lady. She has a beautiful and strong tongue. She knows how to use it.”
I answered, “I would love to see her again. Maybe next week you can invite her down.”
Val replied “I will take a picture of your cock. She will be down very quickly. I will give her your mobile number. I am sure she will SMS you. She loves to write SMS’s, she is quite naughty in them.”
Val then took some pictures of my cock then showed them to us. They looked good as my cock was still hard. The pictures were only of my cock with no pictures of my face.
Val then sent three of the pictures with an SMS to Jo.
The SMS read “Hi Jo have just had a wonderful coffee morning. I have met Jack. He is wonderful. He was asking about you. He sends his kindest regards. I am in his luxurious Penthouse sipping Champagne I have just had a wonderful evening with him. He has the biggest cock I have ever seen. I have sent you some pics. Jack’s mobile number is 0172345608. I’m sure he would love to hear from you. Val xxx.”
Val said, “I bet you she will reply soon if she is still up or if not first thing in the morning.”
May said, “Val you come with us tomorrow morning and I will give you my car, also the key to my house. Then you can bring your things and leave them there. Jack could give you a key for here so then you can come back here when you want. I think we will be back around 6.30 pm.”
Val said, “That is so kind of you. I will see how long it takes me to get my things out and then I will know better how to arrange it.”
May said, “Jack, Sue and I are thinking of setting up a new business. I think you would be a great asset to it.” May then explained what she was thinking of and where she would do it from.
Val agreed with her and said it could be a great business and said she had a lot of experience as she had done it when she worked for Francis. She knew many of the nuns that had worked for Francis, but had now left the convent because of the way Francis had treated them.
May said, “That could be useful. We need to have a proper business meeting about it.”
Val replied, “I know a lot of nice and good looking women that would be interested in working. If you can give them accommodation then they would love that.”
Then Val’s phone beeped. The SMS from Jo read, “Hi Val so happy you had a great night. With a cock like that who wouldn’t. His cock look stunning. I will SMS him if he’s still up. Yes we must have a coffee morning soon. Write back if he is still around. Jo xxx
Val sent a reply saying that I was still up. Two minutes later my phone beeped. It was Jo, “Hi Jack I was so happy to hear from Val. I am so happy to hear that you wanted to hear from me. I have often wondered how you were doing. I knew you were in Ayr but didn’t have the courage to contact you despite thinking many times I wanted to do it. The last few years have not been good. I remarried and six months later he had a heart attack and died.”
“A week after we married I realised I didn’t love him. He was useless in bed. I got invited to some coffee mornings. The girls I met made it easier for me as I got a lot of relief at the coffee mornings.”
“I met Val at one, now we meet once a month. Your cock looks wonderful. I am a lucky girl as I can cum with penetration and with stimulation. With that big boy inside me I would cum a lot. I would love to meet you again. If you have time please write with me. To be honest I often thought of you as I lay in my bed alone at night. Hope to hear from you soon. Jo xx”
I replied, “Jo, darling I’m so happy to hear from you. You should have made contact with me. I would have loved that. I am sorry to hear about your marriage but these things happen in life. I am still single. I am very lucky I am the only man in a coffee morning group with some wonderful ladies in it. Hopefully we can get you into this group.”
“I am pleased you can cum with stimulation as I love to use my tongue lips and fingers to make my partner cum but I hate hair in my teeth. I hope your pussy is smooth . Are you working at the moment?”
“Tomorrow May, my friend, is giving Val her car so she can move her things away from her daughter. Then she will come to Ayr. I am in Edinburgh tomorrow. I will be back in Ayr by six thirty. If you would like then let Val know. Then we can have a coffee morning tomorrow night. I would love to see some pictures of you. If you have any then please send. Hope to hear from you soon. Lots of kisses wherever you want them, Jack xx”
I showed Val and May my SMS’s. They both said she will be here tomorrow. Val told May that Jo would be very good in the business. I told her about my new business and Val was impressed. She said we can all work between the two businesses and then we would never be bored.
Then my mobile beeped. Jo had written, “Darling Jack thank you for your lovely SMS I would love to join your coffee morning I will come for my interview tomorrow night. I will make contact with Val tomorrow morning to organise things.”
“You will see from some of the attached pictures that I am smooth. I love my cunt licked and tongued. I can cum easily when it is done properly. I also love to suck cock. Yours will be the first I will have sucked since my first husband died over twenty years ago.”
“I’m so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow I think I will get my biggest dildo out and use it while I look at your pictures. You will see from the other pictures that I love risky lingerie. I love to show as much as I can. I have a lot to show. I am looking forward to showing you how my tongue can pleasure your cock. I will contact Val in the morning. See you tomorrow night. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jo xx”
I replied, “Darling Jo, that is wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night. What is your bra size? What size of lingerie do you take as I am treating the girls to some lingerie tomorrow. If I know you’re sizes then I will get Val to pick you something nice. I like the girls to wear push up bras. I think you will look stunning in them as you have wonderful boobs.
Let me know your sizes.
We will have a wonderful night tomorrow
More hugs and kisses for you, Jack xx.”
I showed May and Val the SMS’s and both agreed that tomorrow could be interesting. Val didn’t know Jo’s exact sizes but said she had a wonderful figure. Her boobs were not as big as hers but were very big. I laughed and joked that nobody has bigger boobs than Val.
My mobile beeped and it was Jo and it read, “Many thanks my darling Jack. I am a 42DD or 42 E depending on the maker. If it is a good producer then I am a 42DD. I love uplift bras. I can only wear them if I go out with a man as if I am alone or with a girlfriend then all the men I see are smiling at me. I also love basques & bodysuits as long as the bodysuits are open crotch as I like to be fingered at any time.”
“Val knows what I like. I know she will choose well for me. I am not working but have my widow’s pension. I inherited a little from both my husbands. I think tomorrow will be wonderful. I have been told I am very good with my tongue and I will lick you everywhere. Lots of hugs, Jo xxx”
I told Jo and May she is a 42DD.
May replied, “She is the same as Sue and I so that is good. Sue and I will get push up bras tomorrow too.”
I answered, “May this is my treat and Molly will use her Hotel Credit Card to pay for it. Buy as much as you want.”
May answered, “Thank you darling if we keep this up with all our new friends then I am going to have difficulty in remembering all their names.”
I laughed and said, “Just call them all Darling.” Both Val and May laughed and both kissed me. Then May said, “Let’s go to bed as we are up early.” We all went into the bedroom. Val was first in the shower. May and I went to the flat bathroom and showered together.
May said, “I hope Val falls asleep quickly as I want you again tonight but make love to me like you did before Val arrived.”
I replied, “I want to do that too.Your boobs are wonderful and your pussy is divine.”
May answered, “I have never felt so happy in my life.”
I went into the bedroom and said to Val that we would be there later as May and I wanted some time together. Val said, “Give her a good one.”
I replied, “I always do my best.”
We kissed. I went back to May and then we made love. It was wonderful. Thirty minutes later we went to bed. Val was fast asleep.