In addition to running, Sarah attended yoga classes with one of her co-workers. Doris Timmons was the school librarian and Sarah really liked her. Doris was in her mid-50s but looked younger. She was a very pretty woman, blonde with a pixie style haircut, but always played down her looks by sporting conservative makeup and clothes. She credited the youthful look and her vigor to healthy eating and exercise. It was hard to argue with the results.
Doris was well read. She was quiet but projected an inner confidence which Sarah wished she could emulate. Doris had started a before-school reading program for students at their school and had invited Sarah to help out. As a result, they spent a lot of time together and became close friends.
Doris always said nice things to Sarah, complimenting her on the recent changes in her life, the improved fitness level, the more positive attitude, the fact that she smiled more often. She knew Sarah had taken up running and asked whether Sarah would like to join her in yoga classes she attended with a group of women. Sarah jumped at the invitation. She believed it would be good a good addition to her exercise routine and she would get to spend more with her friend. There was something about Doris that drew Sarah to her. Sarah couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Inner peace? Inner strength? Karmic balance? Whatever it was, it worked.
The yoga classes were quite enjoyable and Sarah was amazed by the level of fitness Doris displayed. Doris was lean and flexible and looked sexy in yoga pants and sleek tops. She put many younger women to shame with her style, grace and beauty. This was a very different Doris than the buttoned-down librarian Sarah knew at school. And what was a little startling for Sarah was that Doris wore some pretty hot lingerie. There was more to Doris than met the eye.
The usual instructor, Trina was on vacation for a week and had arranged for a friend to take over the class. The ladies were stretching and warming up when he walked in and made his way to the front of the salon. He was a young black man sporting dreadlocks who looked to be a little over six feet tall and somewhere in the 160 to 170 pound range. He turned to face the class and flashed a brilliant smile. He was exceptionally handsome in a Shemar Moore kind of way. Sarah’s eyes went wide, Doris raised an appreciative eyebrow, and a girl next to Doris, named Kelly, said, “Oh my!”
“Students, my mom called me Bradford Minifield, the Third, but everyone calls me Trey. I know exactly what each of you ladies is thinking right now, and you are correct. My hair is fabulous,” he said and grinned.
Several of the women chuckled. Sarah whispered to Doris, “That’s not all that is fabulous.”
“I will be here this week and then Trina will be back from vacation. Shall we begin?”
The classes that week were fun. Oddly, attendance soared. Trey was charming and witty and supportive. And it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes. Some of the women tried very hard to flirt with him but he remained a consummate professional in his interactions with them.
When Trina returned the next week, everyone told her that she had made a wonderful choice in selecting Trey as a replacement. A couple of the girls teased her and asked when she was going on vacation again. Trina just rolled her eyes. She had known Trey for years and women always reacted to him the same way.
After class, Doris overheard Trina phoning Trey to say thanks, give him the kind regards of every woman in the class and to inquire what he’d be doing that weekend. Doris didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but she did hear mention of a club named The Regent. It was a spot she knew well. Doris loved to dance and she frequented several different clubs depending on her mood. Psychedelic Trance was probably her favorite kind of music but The Regent was a quieter spot. It was kind of a combination piano/slow jazz bar. There was a small dance floor and an eclectic crowd. She knew exactly what to wear.
Few people knew the raven-haired Doris making her way to The Regent in the back of a cab on Saturday night. She was dressed conservatively as usual but had added glasses and a wig. Sexy lingerie, seamed thigh-high stockings, and a new pair of very chic Louboutin pumps that screamed ‘Fuck me’ completed her ensemble.
Most people assumed Doris was a quiet homebody who knitted sweaters or did crossword puzzles and shared a small apartment with at least one cat. Nothing could be further from the truth. Doris lived in a nice townhouse on the river. It was elegantly decorated, very comfortable and she preferred dogs to cats. Doris had made very good investments over the years. She’d been fortunate to meet some influential people who’d given her direction and guidance on how, when and where to invest and she had done very well. As a result, she had been able to follow her desire to be a librarian but didn’t have to worry about financial constraints.
It was around 11pm when Doris entered The Regent. It was busy but not packed and several couples were dancing. Doris glanced around the dance floor, the tables and finally the bar. When she spotted him, a smile came to her lips. Trey was sitting at the bar with one of his friends. Doris strolled to the bar and ordered a Cosmopolitan. She turned and, effecting surprise, said, “Hello, Bradford. How very fortunate to find you here.”
Trey was puzzled for a moment. This woman, this well-dressed, dark-haired woman obviously knew who he was but he could not place her. Trey studied her as Doris calmly took a sip of her drink. Recognition hit.
He said, “Doris. From yoga. Right?”
“You are correct, Bradford,” she replied.
Normally, Trey might have told her she didn’t need to be so formal, but he quite enjoyed hearing this woman say his name.
Trey noted, “You’ve change your hair color. I like it.”
“It is a woman’s prerogative to change things up from time to time.” She looked intently at Trey and added, “I like variety. I consider it an essential part of my life.”
It was hard to tell which of them was the hunter and which the prey. Trey was full of the confidence of youth but Doris had learned when to take control and when to yield. She knew that granting the illusion of submission could be extremely effective seduction strategy. Her desire was that she and Bradford would become lovers this night and she had little doubt that would be the case.
Doris finished her Cosmo and said, “Bradford, I think you should ask me to dance.”
“I believe it would be my pleasure,” he replied and offered his hand.
With a little luck, thought Doris, the pleasure will be ours.
Song after song played and they danced the night away, perfectly comfortable in each other’s arms. Doris was reminded of a similar night many years ago when she found herself dancing with another young man. It had been an unforgettable evening at the beginning of a very memorable journey.
Doris Timmons was nicknamed ‘Doris Timids’ as a child. She was quiet, unsure and softly spoken. And kids being kids, others tagged her with that name when she got to school. Doris escaped by reading. She fell in love with books. All kinds of books. In some ways, the teasing helped her decide on a career path. Doris wanted nothing more than to be a librarian.
Her nickname stuck with her until she went to college. Not that the transition was immediate. It wasn’t until she started Junior year that fate and curiosity brought transformation to her life. Curiosity was piqued by both external and internal forces. Doris took a room in a small house off-campus. She shared it with a couple of girls she became friends with as a sophomore. The rent was cheaper than living in a dorm and it was mostly a less-chaotic environment. Mostly, because her roommates, Susan and Rachel were social individuals.
They dated a lot of guys. Friday and Saturday nights were just part of a regular week for Doris but Susan and Rachel were out dancing or at parties almost every weekend. Every once in a while, they would bring a date home for the night and sometimes Doris could hear the sounds of sexual encounters through the air vents. It was both taboo and thrilling at the same time for her to eavesdrop on such intimate moments. It probably wasn’t what ‘good girls’ were supposed to do but she was mesmerized and excited.
Susan, in particular, was a wild child. She dressed in sexy attire and flirted relentlessly with almost any man she met. She projected a freedom and enjoyment of living that Doris envied. Once in a while, Susan would bring home a copy of Playgirl magazine. Doris was shocked at this but was also determined not to be a stick-in-the-mud.
One Saturday night, when both Susan and Rachel were out for the night, Doris found an issue of Playgirl on the coffee table in the living room. She ignored it for a while but the urge to peek inside got the better of her. She had not expected to react the way she did. Instead of being mortified or morally shocked, she was mesmerized. Her body tingled with excitement as she gazed at the beautiful, naked bodies. One young man, a lightly-complected black male, really caught her eye and she actually ran her hands over his pictures. Susan and Rachel met men like these in real life. They’d been with men like these and Doris wondered if that might happen for her some day.
This is where fate intervened. Doris took a very Doris-like approach to the situation. She wanted to learn about intimacy and sexuality. At the time, there was no internet; not a million and one sources of information on every subject known to man like there is now. She found very little in the library at the college in the way of books on the topic. There was, however, a new course of study being offered the next semester. It was a Tuesday-Thursday evening class. Her hand actually shook as she signed the form enrolling herself in Human Sexuality.
Only a small number of students enrolled. Some of them were psychology students. There were a couple of pre-med types. Others were taking the class because they hoped it would be easy credits. Doris, on the other hand, was genuinely interested in learning everything she could about the topic.
Her professor, Sam Henderson seemed to recognize in Doris a student with an unsullied desire to understand and embrace what was being offered. Sam appreciated that and sought to nurture Doris, the kindred spirit.
Sometimes, Doris would stay after class and they would talk in-depth about the course material, research on the topic, social stigmas and a host of other things. Sam was intensely interested in Doris and her passion for learning. One night, Sam suggested they take the after-class conversation to the student lounge for a drink. Doris, though not much of a drinker, readily agreed.
Conversation flowed easily and Doris told her life story. She did not see it as a tale of self-pity, but more a story of delayed discovery, desire to learn and to change, and a drive to perhaps catch up on things she may have missed earlier in life.
Sam was a willing and attentive listener. Doris was a genuine and open person beneath her usually quiet exterior. The professor saw in Doris a pupil with a thirst for understanding. This was someone who could be mentored, guided, molded. A protege. Maybe even a research assistant.
After several drinks, Sam decided to seize the moment and conspiratorially leaned close to Doris.
He said, “I have a proposition for you, Doris and I’d like you to consider it carefully before answering. I want to do some of what might be described as ‘hands-on’ research in this field of human sexuality. There are so many facets that could be explored. Psychological, sociological. Many in society see human sexuality as a taboo topic. And, sadly, much of the learning that takes place is passed along informally through a handful of commercially-driven adult magazines and in scandalous playground conversations from one generation to the next. Not much is done in terms of serious study or training.”
Sam continued, “Now, I must tell you, there is no budget for this position. This would be for extra class credit. I know you are carrying a very heavy course load at the moment and perhaps we could consider this a replacement for the research paper and final exam. It would be strictly voluntary and you could opt-out at any time. There might be some weekend work involved.
“If you think you might be interested I think you might find it fascinating and enlightening. I have already engaged the services of another individual for this work. He’s a young man I worked with in the past. Very bright. Very gifted. Very eager. I truly believe the two of you would get along quite well. He’ll provide the male point of view but, what I really need is a female perspective on the research, the methods and the learning.”
The Professor paused and then said, “If you think you might want to pursue this, I’d ask you to take a couple of days and… ”
Doris interjected, “Yes, Professor, I would love to take you up on the offer. When would you like to start?”
“You sound quite emphatic. That’s great,” said Sam. “I ask that you come to my house Saturday night at eight sharp. A simple dress and white blouse would be fine, if you have those.”
Doris could hardly believe her luck. Here was an opportunity to work hand-in-hand with a learned scholar in a field she found fascinating. It wasn’t a paid position but it would probably look good on a resume.
Friday classes seemed to drag. She spent Friday night fretting about what to wear. She wanted to look professional but not stuffy. After all, she was going to be working on research in kind of a non-traditional field. After going through her sparsely populated closet she decided she did not have the outfit.
Saturday morning, she talked to Rachel and Susan and they quickly found several pieces of clothing that would work well. The girls were curious about what Doris was up to and whether she had a hot date but she told them she would be engaged in a research project for one of her courses. She left the name of the class out of the conversation.
Doris arrived precisely at eight and rang the doorbell. The professor opened the door and invited Doris to join them in the living room at the rear of the residence. The house was beautifully decorated, warm and inviting. Doris followed behind the professor and noticed several sculptures of nudes and a couple of startlingly graphic paintings. “Well, this is the home of a professor of human sexuality,” mused Doris.
They entered the living room and a young black man rose from the couch to greet them. He was strikingly handsome. He flashed a dazzling smile and introduced himself as Marcus Alexander. He must have been an athlete of some kind. Marcus stood about six foot two inches and was clad in dark pants and a white shirt. He was definitely in shape but not too muscular. He had flawless mocha-colored skin, short black hair, a rich, deep baritone voice and smoldering dark eyes that seemed to look straight into Doris’ soul. He was not the man from Playgirl whose beautiful body had made Doris tingle, but he could have been.
Doris tried to speak but her voice caught in her throat.
Professor Henderson grinned at Doris’ reaction. “Marcus, this is Doris,” he said. “Doris, should you decide to grace us with your presence, this is Marcus. He is my other research assistant. You will be working with him.”
Doris snapped out of her reverie, blushed at her reaction, and extended her hand to Marcus. “I’m Doris. It is very nice to meet you.”
Marcus shook her hand and the professor told them to sit and he walked to a sideboard where he poured wine.
Without thinking, Doris downed the entire glass. She felt like she needed something to calm herself. Professor Henderson quietly refilled her glass and she drank half of that before catching herself in mid gulp. She looked from the professor to Marcus and they both had smirks on their faces.
Doris blushed and said, “Oh, God. I’m making a real spectacle of myself. I’m sorry, Professor. I’m sorry, Marcus.”
Sam, who was nothing if not caring and gracious, said, “Think nothing of it, Doris. You’re a little nervous. That is perfectly understandable. And please, call me Sam.”
They talked for quite some time. They discussed the challenges ahead. This was a relatively new and controversial field of study. It was not likely they would receive a lot of support from the academic community or the community at large. However, the professor felt it was important and could be richly rewarding professionally and personally. It was, in Sam Henderson’s mind, all about a desire to push the limits.
Doris asked Marcus how he knew the professor and he hesitated for a moment. The professor jumped in and casually said they had been involved in projects outside university life.
The wine flowed and Doris became less guarded in her answers. The conversation became more personal. Normally, Doris would have been very inhibited by this but, in this environment, shielded as it were by the presence of her mentor, she divulged a great deal about her private life.
No, she wasn’t a virgin, at least not technically. She had kissed several boys and even engaged in some moderate petting, and there was one fumbling and unsatisfactory incident in the back seat of a car with a boy from high school. But that was pretty much the extent of it.
She had a romantic side but had never allowed herself to explore it in real life. She was interested in the topic of human sexuality. It seemed to be something that others felt great ease in expressing – her roommates, for example. She divulged her secretive listening through the air vents as Rachel and Susan had sex with their partners. Rachel and Susan seemed to enjoy sex a great deal, she said, and she was envious of them. Finally, she talked about her experience with Playgirl magazine. She felt a tinge of guilt as she confessed she had secreted that particular copy of the magazine in her nightstand and how she spent time staring at the men inside.
She blushed when she told Marcus one of the men looked very much like him.
The professor asked her several follow-up questions. Did she touch herself? If she didn’t, did she think she could? Were there any strong religious influences that had shaped her view of sex or sexuality? What were her views on sex or sexuality? Had she ever experienced orgasm? Was she, in her mind, heterosexual or homosexual? How did she think being sexually active might change her life? Did she have any sexual activities she was particularly interested in, enjoyed or wanted to explore?
It was pretty overwhelming. Doris’ mind raced. Many of these were questions she had never considered. Masturbation wasn’t a topic ever discussed in her family. She was not a very religious person. Sexuality was a foreign concept to her – but one she yearned to understand. Orgasm? Probably not. She was pretty sure she was heterosexual. And, at the moment, she was struggling with the idea of being sexually active, period. Others seemed to embrace it with ease. She agreed she might never know unless she broke out of her comfort zone.
She was intensely embarrassed discussing these topics in front of her professor and this handsome man she had just met. It wasn’t humiliating per se. In fact, it felt liberating, but she could not look at either of them. She felt as if she would melt into the floor if she did.
Professor Henderson thanked her for being so forthcoming and said that it was refreshing to find someone that open and honest. Doris was, professionally and personally speaking, a very brave person. Their time together, would be … enlightening.
Marcus spoke next. His sexual life had been diametrically opposed to that of Doris. In his late teens, he had been seduced by one of his mother’s friends. It had been thrilling and mysterious and he learned a great deal about pleasing women. The woman was gentle at times and quite demanding at others. She taught him to be charming and attentive and he became very popular with the girls at school. He was not a religious person. The concept of sin and guilt, in his mind, was a weapon wielded by those who sought to control others. He believed in being moral and kind and good to others. That was his creed.
Marcus said he was definitely heterosexual but understood that others could be attracted to the same sex. As he said that, a glance passed between him and Professor Henderson. As to masturbation, he did. And he enjoyed it. He did it on his own, and his first lover liked to watch him get off. He had, as he put it, ‘jacked off’ in front of other women as well and many of them seemed fascinated that he would do that. It was his opinion that boys masturbated more than girls but maybe that would change in the future. Marcus said that being sexually active was just one aspect of his life that he enjoyed. Through various circles and sexual partners, he had met some fascinating people and that was gratifying.
Doris listened intently to Marcus. She was aghast at the idea of an older woman taking advantage of a young man. It was unfathomable. She wondered what kind of individual might do that. The woman was obviously a deviant of some kind. And yet, the professor was unfazed by Marcus’ tale. That made sense, when Doris thought about it. The two of them knew each other and Marcus must have shared that previously.
As for Marcus, he seemed poised and confident. He didn’t tell his story as a victim but more as someone grateful to an experienced teacher. It was a curious thing. Doris supposed that she would have been devastated and run off to a convent if such a thing had happened to her. Marcus seemed to accept it as more of a basic life lesson.
Deciding to leave that topic, Doris’ mind wandered to thoughts of Marcus masturbating. She could easily picture him lying in bed with his erect penis in his hand. She found herself wondering if he were right or left handed which seemed an odd thing to think about. It was arousing to think of watching him bring himself to orgasm. She was sure she’d be too embarrassed to ogle this beautiful man pleasuring himself. But it was a delicious thought. Images danced in her head.
And then she realized the room had gone very quiet.
Both the professor and Marcus were bemusedly watching her. They knew, without question, what she had been thinking about. She turned beet red and felt her cheeks burning. She wished the ground would open up and swallow her. It was bad enough to entertain such lascivious thoughts, but to do it in front of the man she was picturing naked was mortifying. She wanted to flee.
At that moment, Professor Henderson reached out and put a hand on Doris’ knee as if to steady and reassure her and said, “Doris, it is okay. Everybody does that. The mind is our most powerful and sensitive erogenous zone. What you just did was very real and very honest and nothing at all to be ashamed of. I don’t presume to speak for Marcus, but I think he might be flattered.”
Marcus smiled that dazzling smiled and added, “I am. And at the risk of being overly forward, I’m sure I’ll do the same for you before our time is done.”
Doris’ cheeks blazed even brighter. But she looked Marcus in the eyes, those dark captivating eyes, and said, “Thank you.”
‘My pleasure.”
Professor Henderson interrupted. “I would like to try a little experiment with you two. You have already shared some pretty intimate thoughts about sexuality. It has been fascinating to watch your interaction. I’d like to push the boundaries a little more. One of the great social customs is that of dance. I’m not talking about the raggedy jumping around style of dance. When a man holds a woman close and they move in unison to a slow beat, it really is, in my opinion a sexual activity.”
The professor continued, “I believe humans crave contact – physical contact. It fulfills some type of fundamental need. We hug. We shake hands. We pat each other on the back. I contend that touch is an essential element of the human experience. Yes, we touch family and friends, but touch plays a vital role in the sexual aspect of our lives. So here is what I propose. Marcus, if you would move the table from the middle of the room, I’d like to put on some music and have you dance together. Doris, I can assure you that Marcus is an accomplished dancer. I’ve seen him in action. You will be in good hands.”
Doris thought she noticed another significant look pass between Marcus and Professor Henderson, but she rose to take the wine glasses from the table. Slow music filled the room. The floor was open. Professor Henderson brought yet another bottle of wine and filled all the glasses. A toast was offered.
He raised a glass and said, “To the expansion of understanding. To the wonder of exploration. To the upsetting of apple carts and the toppling of barriers. To the delights of the human experience.”
After the customary clinking of glasses, Doris took yet another large drink and composed herself. She was very much outside her comfort zone but she was convinced that it was all in the name of a rich learning opportunity. The professor’s methods were new to her and certainly unorthodox but, to quote her mother, “You can’t bake a cake unless you break some egg.” She wasn’t at all sure this situation was what her mother was thinking about when she said that!
The professor took her glass and Marcus extended his hand to invite Doris to dance. She didn’t know the name of the song that was playing, neither did she care. Marcus moved with grace and flair. The wine left her feeling giddy. Or maybe that was Marcus. Or maybe both. It didn’t matter. This gorgeous man had her in his arms and she was enchanted. One song after another played and the world outside seemed to disappear.
Once again her mind wandered to images of Marcus, naked. The thoughts of running her fingers over his body like she ran them over the man in the magazine excited her. He was strong and handsome. Vision after intoxicating vision whirled in her mind. That chest. Those arms. Powerful legs. Touching. Stroking. Caressing. Yearning.
And then she realized the music had ended. Marcus still held her. He gently swayed them back and forth. Her hand was on his chest, her head leaned against his shoulder. Her pulse raced. Her breathing was shallow. Her body felt as if it were on fire. She was aroused like never before. And this time, the embarrassment was too much for her.
Doris blurted out, “Oh, god, Professor! I’m so sorry. I think it must be the wine. I drank too much or I drank too quickly… I don’t know what I did but I have to go now.”
Professor Henderson told Doris that it was all fine, that she had done nothing wrong. This was exactly the type of experience needed for the study. Yet, Doris was overwhelmed. She politely thanked Marcus for the dance and thanked the professor for the opportunity. But then she said she didn’t think she would be able to continue. She scurried to the front door and fled into the night.
Marcus asked if he should go after her but the professor motioned for him to stay. “No. She’ll be fine. Frankly, that went better than I could ever have imagined. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is an amazing young woman. All it will take is a little time. I have an eye for these things.”
On the other side of campus, a bewildered Doris stumbled into her house and locked herself in her room. She would have described her state as disoriented but she wasn’t sure that even began to summarize the situation. She was shocked at her behavior. Typically, she drank very little alcohol and yet she’d allowed herself to get tipsy on too much wine. For the love of god, she talked about things she would normally never talk about in a million years. She had divulged details about intimate facets of her life known to no other people. She was mortified at what Marcus and Professor Henderson must think about her.
What should have been a wonderful opportunity now looked to have crumbled in her hands. She simply could not face Professor Henderson again. Monday morning she would withdraw from Human Sexuality. In fact, she might withdraw from college altogether.
Doris buried her head in her pillow and wept. Sleep eventually came, but it was fitful. Sunday arrived but Doris stayed in her room. She tried to study but could not concentrate. She thought about going for a walk but wasn’t sure she could face her roommates if they were to ask questions. So she lay in her bed with the covers pulled up to her chin and tried to make sense of what had taken place.
The doorbell rang. She heard the front door open and close. Then there was light knocking on her bedroom door and Rachel telling her there had been a delivery for her. Doris said she wasn’t feeling well and to leave whatever it was by the door.
But Rachel persisted. “I think you might want to see this,” she announced through the door.
Doris got out of bed, made her way to the door, and sheepishly peeked out. Rachel and Susan were standing in the hall. On the floor was an enormous bouquet of roses. Doris was dumbfounded. The girls grinned from ear to ear and Susan asked who had sent the flowers. Doris said they must have been delivered to her by mistake and opened the envelope to read the card inside.
It read: ‘Doris, you were magnificent! I could not ask for a better pupil. Thank you so very much for your openness and honesty. See you in class Tuesday. SAH’
“Well?” inquired Susan.
Doris had no response. She was sure she had made a huge mess of things. Yet here, in her hand, was a card from the professor saying she had been magnificent. Magnificent? Never. Moronic, maybe. She was more confused than ever. Without a word, she simply backed into her room and closed the door leaving her puzzled roommates to puzzle even more.
The week flew by. Doris remained enrolled in all her classes but inner turmoil plagued her mind every day. She wanted to know a bigger world. She wanted to embrace the things of which the professor spoke. But this was new and very scary for her. She was not at all convinced it was within her to find the strength to continue. In fact, it was not until Professor Henderson called late Saturday afternoon that Doris decided that she should try to overcome her trepidation. The professor asked her to arrive again Saturday at eight. Dress would be casual. And, yes, Marcus would be there.
Doris was punctual and the professor greeted her warmly and thanked her for coming. They went to the living room and Doris was somewhat disappointed that Marcus was not there. Maybe he was running late.
Doris sat on the sofa and the professor offered to bring her a drink and she accepted. She reminded herself not to get tipsy but she also thought she might need something to calm her nerves. Professor Henderson joined her on the sofa and said, “Doris, I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things to start the evening. I wanted to promise you a couple of things. At any time, you have the power to decide what will or will not take place. And, if you will let me, I would like to show you how amazing the world of human sexuality can be.”
After a moment, the professor continued. “You remind me of me. That is one of the things that drew me to you in the first place. I believe we can be very good friends… beyond the world of academia. I am not a very traditional person. I was, in the past. But I was not happy. So I changed my life and my circumstances. It has been enriching in many ways and I like to share what I have learned with others. You have shown a very genuine desire to understand sexuality. If you trust me, I want to help you explore and discover. Shall we begin?”
Doris gulped her drink and nodded.
Professor Henderson took her by the hand and led her to another room at the rear of the house. The professor opened the door and motioned for Doris to step inside. The transformation of Doris had begun.
Marcus stood waiting for them. He produced that dazzling smile. He held Doris in his gaze. He was naked. His member wasn’t massive, necessarily, but from her inexperienced perspective, Doris believed he was well endowed. Marcus’ body was all that Doris had imagined. He was beautiful. He was tall and toned and so handsome and she had no idea what to make of the situation.
The door closed quietly behind her yet she knew she could leave at any time.
“Doris,” began the professor, “one of the most powerful lessons you will learn is about submission. There are times when you may decide to submit to your desires. You may decide to submit to the will of others. But you may also have others submit to you. Tonight, you will submit to my directions and Marcus is to submit himself to meeting your needs. He is extremely gifted in sensual arts. This is about pleasure. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Professor, I understand.”
“I was about to say let’s not stand on formality. But, tonight, in this room, I want you to call me Mistress Samantha. Is that clear?” asked the professor.
“Yes, Mistress Samantha,.” came the quiet response from Doris.
With that, Professor Samantha – ‘Sam’- Abigail Henderson slid her dress from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Then she knelt to take Marcus’ stiffening cock in her mouth. She wanted him to be hard for Doris.
In The Regent, there was a break in the music. Trey escorted Doris to the bar and they sipped their drinks. For whatever reason, Trey, who was normally very confident, was unsure how to proceed.
Doris made it easy for him. She put her hand on his cheek and brought him close before whispering, “I am going to be quite forward, Bradford. I would very much like you to come with me to my home. You are a beautiful man and I have wanted to be with you since the moment you entered our little yoga class. I want to see your body. I want to feel you. I want to taste you. And I want to do it now.”
For emphasis, she placed a hand on his inner thigh and stroked gently.
“I don’t have a car here. I ride a motorcycle,” gulped Trey.
“That will be fine. I’m sure we can manage,” said Doris. And then she added, “Hurry.”
Minutes later Trey rolled up in front of the The Regent. He hopped off the bike and Doris asked a quick favor. Her slimline skirt had a full-length zipper in the back and she wondered if he could undo it from the hem so she could move a little easier. He was happy to oblige. With the zipper released, Doris raised the skirt enough for her to mount the motorcycle. When she did, she gave Trey a glimpse of her thigh-high stockings with the sexy little bows at the back. Doris let him stare, longer than was ‘proper,’ then suggested they be on their way.
As they rode, Doris snuggled tight to Trey. Her hands caressed his chest, his hips, and his thighs. She worked her way inside his shirt and tweaked a nipple between her thumb and fingers. Then, slowly, she slid he hand down the front of his pants, and groped his cock. He became hard almost instantly. Doris stroked and teased. He had to be eight or maybe nine inches long. He would fill her pussy completely. Her nipples were hard and she was wet in anticipation.
“Unless you want us to have an accident, you’d better cease and desist until we get to your house,” Trey shouted above the whine of the engine.
Reluctantly, Doris let go of his cock and wrapped her arms around Trey’s waist for the rest of the trip. However, she was now fascinated with the idea of making him cum as they rode along on his bike. She would have to save that adventure for another time.
The door to her home barely closed before they were on each other, driven by animal lust. Trey kissed her for the first time and Doris responded with as much passion as she could muster. He tasted like Scotch. Their hands roamed frenetically across each other’s body. He fondled her ass and spanked her lightly. Doris moaned slightly and she raised one eyebrow. She hoped this would turn out to be an even more interesting night than she had planned.
Trey roughly spun Doris and pinned her, face first, against the wall. He groped and fondled her breasts. His hands worked up and down her belly and thighs. Then he totally unzipped her skirt and pushed it to the ground. Doris was panting. She wanted him to take her. And now!
When Trey started to undo the buttons on her blouse, Doris spun back to face him and said, “Stop.” Trey looked confused and startled but then Doris added, “I want to you tear it off! I want to hear buttons falling on the floo.!”
Never had Trey met a woman like this. He had known a couple of girls who were passionate but this appeared to be taking things to a whole new level and it was very exciting He grabbed Doris’ blouse close to the collar and tore it open. Buttons flew and she stared at him wild-eyed. He wasn’t completely sure, but he thought she may actually have cum. Her breathing was ragged. Sweat glistened on her body. “God, yes!” she exclaimed.
Doris wore a matching corset and panties and, of course, the stockings. Trey took it all in. This woman was gorgeous and he had every intention of fucking her brains out. With his left hand he grabbed Doris gently around the throat. With his right hand he pulled down the top of her corset and freed her breasts. They were fabulous. Beautiful pink nipples begged to be sucked. Trey dove in, licking and sucking and taking those nipples between his teeth. It seemed like the rougher he treated Doris’ nipples, the more excited she became.
Next he slid a hand inside Doris’ panties. She squirmed and wriggled as he ran his long, slender fingers up and down. He found her clit and rubbed quickly back and forth. She went weak in the knees but he still had her pinned against the wall by her throat.
She looked him in the eyes and said, “Bradford, I want you to eat me. Now!”
He knelt and pulled down her panties. Her hair was trimmed into a neat landing strip. He could smell her excitement and now he wanted to taste her. Slowly, he licked up and down her puffy lips. Then he found her clit and drove his tongue against her. Doris whimpered and groaned with delight. Then she slung one leg over his shoulder to give him easier access to her sex. He slid two fingers inside to finger fuck her while he energetically licked her pussy. Doris started to lose her balance but Trey refused to let her slide down. With his mouth and fingers he urged her on. She was going to climax and he was going to make sure of that.
“Oh, god! I’m going to come,” she groaned. And she did. When her orgasm hit, Doris’ entire body tensed. She quivered. Muscles in her pussy squeezed down on Trey’s fingers. She clutched at his head and held him tightly against her and she shook as spasms crashed through her body.
When she had recovered, Doris slid her leg off Trey’s shoulder and stood before him. He stood as well and they kissed slowly and passionately. Doris took him by the hand and led him to her bedroom. Trey started to undress but Doris stopped him.
“I like to unwrap my presents,” she said.
“Well please,” he responded. “Far be it from me to stop you.”
Doris unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. She ran her fingers over his hairless chest, kissed and licked his nipples. Then she tilted her head up to kiss Trey’s lips. Their mouths opened and their tongues danced with each other. Deftly, she unbuckled his belt, undid his pants, and knelt before him, pulling his pants and boxers to the ground.
He was fully erect and Doris was fully impressed. With a grin, she thought, This is going to be a ‘long’ night. Her left hand grabbed his balls while her right hand wrapped around his shaft. Then she kissed and licked the head of his penis and finally took him into her mouth. It was a challenge to accommodate his girth but Doris bobbed her head up and down and she licked and sucked him with great skill. Trey’s head tilted back and he closed his eyes. This woman was very, very good at what she was doing.
After several minutes, she gave him one final suck and pulled her mouth from his cock. Trey looked down at her and she said, “I want you inside me. I want to fuck you. Lie down here on the floor.”
Trey was not inclined to argue. He kicked off his pants and boxers and lay on the floor. Doris straddled him and positioned herself to take him inside her. She knew she was wet enough but she wanted to control the pace, to let her pussy adjust to his size.
“We’re going to go gently, at least to start,” she told Trey. “I want to savor every sensation as you enter me.” In a stern tone she added, “Do you understand me, Bradford?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Doris held his cock and lined him up with the entrance to her pussy. She lowered and moaned quietly as the thick head penetrated her. Slowly, she moved up and down, each time taking a bit more of his shaft. As she had suspected, he filled her completely. As her body adapted to his size and the sensations, Doris moved more rapidly. She would pivot her hips and drive herself down onto Trey’s exquisite penis. She stared down at him and said, “I want you to fuck me now.”
Trey responded enthusiastically. As Doris ground and gyrated on him, he bucked his hips. She bounced up and down on his shaft and he growled, grabbing her hips and pulling her against him. Eyes closed, Doris bowed her head and groaned with deep satisfaction.
Trey altered his pace and angle of penetration and the results were intensely pleasurable for Doris. He had amazing staying power. She could sense orgasm approaching but wanted to prolong the experience, if possible. However, this young man and his thick cock pushed her over the edge. Doris grunted. Her body tensed. “Oh fuck, yeah,” she exclaimed and then she shook and quivered. Trey continued to slide in and out as a shuddering orgasm swept through her.
Trey had been moaning as well and Doris sensed he was close to the point of ejaculation. She slid off his rock-hard cock, grabbed him with her hand and pumped. “I want you to cum for me, Bradford. Can you do that?” she implored.
All Trey could do was nod his head. He was grunting softly and could feel his climax building. He looked at Doris and said, ‘I’m gonna come now.” She pointed the thick head of his shaft at her belly. Jet after jet of thick semen erupted from his cock and splashed against her pale skin. She urged him on as his penis continued to pulsate and quiver. Finally, he lay still, completely spent.
Holding Trey’s softening cock in her hand, Doris shifted from her position on top of him to lie down. “That was lovely,” she purred in his ear. “I hope you don’t think we’re done for the night.”
She felt his penis twitch in her hand when she casually asked, “Bradford, have you ever been tied up? I have a few things I’d like to try.”