Dante Abbracciavento PI: Find the man with the buckles on his shoes – Pt2

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Enter Viviana Vendetti

The following Monday morning I had an interview for the secretary position I had advertised. Her name was Viviana Vendetti.

She entered my office promptly at eleven AM. I was immediately struck by her beauty. Her big, brown eyes emitted a cool and calm confidence. Long, shiny, chestnut colored hair gently bounced around her shoulders with each step she took, in perfect cadence with the subtle bounce of her large breasts. Her skirt ended past her knees, showing off her shapely and sturdy legs. Her curvy hips swayed seductively and gracefully from side to side with each confident step she took.

I was smitten.

My cock twitched hard. I stood up from behind my desk and introduced myself. “Hello, Viviana. I’m Dante. Please sit down.”

She took a seat and handed me her resume. “Thank you, Mr. Abracciavento.” The way she pronounced my name was melodic. “It is a pleasure to meet you,” she smiled.

I took her resume and looked it over. She was extremely over-qualified to be a secretary for a one man operation.

“A Master’s degree in both sociology and mathematics from the University of Rome; very impressive. Your last position was as a professor at U of T. You’re a bit over-qualified for counting how many people walk through my door, Viviana.” I smiled and waited to see if I had impressed her with my clever and witty play on words in relation to her degrees.

She smiled. “I can appreciate a bright man with a sense of humor, Mr. Abbracciavento. I moved here from Napoli five years ago, and these past few minutes have been amongst the most memorable for reasons I do not yet understand. Yes, I am obscenely over qualified, to be exact. I decided I need a change in my life. I also want to disclose that I was given the option to resign or have my employment terminated from U of T. A foolish indiscretion on my part made it impossible to stay on as a professor. The indiscretion involved much deception, lies, and half-truths. I did not like who I had become. I will understand if the interview is over now.”

“My wife divorced me because of one or two–or a dozen or two–indiscretions,” I smiled at her, letting her know I wasn’t about to judge her. “The position pays eight hundred dollars a week. When can you start, Viv?” I smiled and handed back her resume. Anyone who comes clean to me is someone worth having in my circle.

She was shocked and surprised that I had offered her the position. Her mouth remained agape for a few seconds as she stared unblinking at me, and then said, “I had an affair with a married colleague. I lied to all my friends and family, and didn’t feel any remorse. I lied to his wife and didn’t feel any remorse. She invited me to her home, treated me like family, and introduced me to her kids. I am a horrible person. How can you trust me, knowing I did all that and feel no remorse?”

“This is Little Italy, Viv. It’s where sinners and saints meet for great food, good espresso, and the best cannoli anywhere … and then go their separate ways. Besides, we have a church five doors down the street. Father Anthony will come up to the office and exculpate you of your sins,” I smiled and winked at her. “All for the low price of a cannoli and an espresso from Gino’s. Feeling guilty about not feeling any guilt serves no purpose. It takes two to have that type of indiscretion. Let me guess: he ended it, ratted you out to the ‘boys club’ at the university, and didn’t confess what he did to his wife.”

She nodded and remained silent.

“Can you start right now? I’m in a rush, Viv. Or would you like to think about the offer?” I asked her.

“No, no. I’ll take the position. I really want it.” She suddenly snapped herself back to the moment. “Why did you suddenly start calling me Viv?” She asked.

I exhaled hard, shook my head and replied, “I have so much to teach you. This is Little Italy. Everyone has a nickname. But there is no guarantee that ‘Viv’ will stick.”

“What’s your nickname?”

“You’ll hear it soon enough. Now, let’s get out of here. Lunch is on me. Gino’s mom makes ravioli on Monday’s. If we don’t hurry, it’ll be all gone.”

We walked two doors over to Gino’s place. His mom, Angelina, was behind the counter placing a freshly made plate of ravioli in the hot tray. Viv looked around and took in the décor. Lack of décor was more accurate.

The tables were covered with the standard red-and-white checkered tablecloths. Framed pictures of the World Cup Italian national soccer teams hung on the wall behind the counter. The obligatory picture of the Pope was over the bar. Italian movie stars and singers of days gone by were hung on every wall. And, a picture of Frank Sinatra, all by itself, hung over the door to the kitchen.

One wall was covered with pictures of all the famous mob movies. The Godfather poster held the coveted center position, of course.

Viv felt a bit uncomfortable at all the patrons looking up from their tables and staring at her as we walked in. They all nodded or waved at me, and I nodded back at them.

“Little Dante, you’re late,” Angelina smiled at me, “Who is your new lady friend?”

We walked to the counter and I introduced them, “Angelina, this is Viv, my new secretary. Viv, Angelina.”

Viv smiled at Angelina and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angelina. I’m Dante’s office manager, not secretary.” She looked over to me and winked. “I think Dante should change his job title from PI, to Personal Security and Investigative Specialist.”

“You’ll fit in just fine here, Viv,” I laughed.

Angelina frowned and replied, “You’re too skinny. Ask Dante for a raise so you can eat properly. And if he refuses, remind him I still have the wooden spoon in the kitchen.”

Gino came out from the kitchen with another tray of ravioli and greeted me, “Little Dante, what’s this about a new office manager?”

“This is Gino, Viv. He’s my best friend, and a pain in the ass,” I laughed as I introduced them.

“Pleasure, Gino.” She smiled at him.

Gino grinned and asked, “You know how Dante got his nickname?”

Angelina smacked Gino across the back of his head and scolded him, “Don’t you dare talk dirty in front of Dante’s new girl. Scustumat!

I laughed and replied, “Angelina, easy on the matchmaking. I don’t want Viv to quit on her first day on the job.”

“I’ve never been wrong, Dante. I got a feeling about you and Viv.” She winked at Viv and scurried to the kitchen as she called out, “Nice meeting you.”

“Nice meeting you, Angelina,” Viv chuckled. She turned to me and whispered, “She’s sweet.”

“Viv,” Gino whispered, “You know why we call him Little Dante?”

Gino’s wife, Marie, came out of from the kitchen and greeted me, “Hey, Dante. What’s this about a new girl? Should I order the bomboniere?” Marie smiled and winked at Viv.

“Viv, this is Marie, Gino’s wife,” I chuckled. “Marie. Gino was just about to tell Viv about my nickname.” I looked at Gino and snickered.

Marie smacked the back of Gino’s head and said to Viv, “Boys, they are still little boys, Viv. Pay no mind to my husband. And Dante can be just as bad. Keep your eye on him.”

Gino held up a mini cannoli and pointed to his crotch, “This is why we call him Little Dante.” He laughed out loud. “It never gets old, Dante.”

Marie punched Gino’s arm and called out to her mother-in-law, “Ma! Gino’s being rude in front of Dante’s new girl.”

Gino laughed. “Don’t care, bring on the wooden spoon. It was so worth it.”

Viv chuckled and replied, “What’s your nickname, Gino?”

He winked at Viv and replied, “Big G.”

“You’re a funny guy, Gino. Can we order lunch now? Viv, what would you like?”I asked her.

She turned to me and stared for a brief moment. Almost as if she was trying to read my mind. “I’ll have the small order of ravioli, and a bottle of sparkling water, please.”

Gino smiled and said, “Take a seat and I’ll bring it to you.” He handed me two bottles of sparkling water.

I pulled out a chair and motioned Viv to take a seat. I poured the sparkling water into a glass and placed it in front of her. I took my seat across from her. She stared at me in silence with an approving smile on her face.

“What?” I asked her when I noticed the smile.

Viv took a sip from her glass and replied, “Nothing. I was just thinking how different from Italy this place is. And thank you for pouring my water, very gentlemanly of you. It’s been a while since…” She stopped mid-sentence.

I didn’t push it. I knew what she was going to say.

Gino placed our plates on the table and smiled at Viv, “Buon appetite, and welcome to Little Italy, Viv.”

“Grazie, Big G,” Viv chuckled. “It looks delicious.”

We finished our lunch over small talk. Viv sat up in her chair and asked, “Now, tell me your favorite movie. Quick. Without thinking.”

I smiled at her and said, “Not before you have a cannoli.” I called out to Gino, “G, two cannoli please.”

“Mini or regular, Dante?” 

“Regular, you degenerate,” I laughed back.

I turned to Viv and answered her question, “The Pope of Greenwich Village. Yours?” 

“Beauty and the Beast. And don’t you dare make fun of me.”

“I guess you’re Beauty at our table?” I chuckled.

“Of course. You have to ask?” she coyly replied.

“That’s how you see me, as a monster? Nice, Viv, nice.” 

“He was a beautiful monster. Besides, you’re my boss now. I will not answer that question,” she laughed.

“You’re favorite song?” I asked her.

“Easy, Loredana Berte’s ‘Sei Bellissima‘.”

I nodded and replied, “Nice. Great song, a timeless classic. And very sexy.”

The song tells the story of a girl’s loss of innocence. He was blinded by his love for her. And would always tell her she was beautiful, although, he wasn’t always kind to her.

“Yes, a grown up type of sexy. I love the part where she imagines to see him in the crowded streets, and can still hear him call her Bellissima. So sad and so very beautiful. What’s your favorite song, Dante?”

“I honestly can’t answer that, Viv. I love music too much to have a favorite,” I smiled at her.

My cell phone chimed. “Sorry,” I said to Viv and answered the call.

“Don’t talk, just listen. Come to my studio, you’ll want to see what I found in the video of you punching that guy. Make it quick, Dante.” It was Hollywood Nick.

He’s an audio/video wizard. He works in TV and Film, and for Leo, of course.

I gave Viv the key to the office and told her I had to leave, “Take your time, Viv. I’ll meet you back at the office shortly. And don’t you dare eat my cannoli.” I winked at her.

Find the man with the buckles on his shoes

When I arrived at Nick’s studio, he was a bit nervous. He let me in and told me to watch the fifty inch TV on the wall. He played the video of me knocking out the biker. He paused the end of the video and zoomed in on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

“What do you see, Dante?” he asked in a serious tone.

I looked hard and long at the screen. Four set of feet were frozen in time. Three were blurry, in motion and moving to the left. One set was stationary and was facing away from where the crowd was gathering.

“Who is that? Can we see his face?” I asked.

Nick shook his head and zoomed back out. “He’s in the video for only a few frames, Dante. He steps in and steps out of the camera’s range. He must have known where the camera was. I got the CCTV for the whole day and watched it a thousand times. I thought maybe you would recognize him.”

I saw a man in a suit, head down, talking on cell phone with his back to the action. I didn’t recognize him.

“No, I don’t,” I replied as Nick zoomed in on his shoes. I could clearly make out buckles on the mystery man’s shoes.

“Find the man with the buckle on his shoes, Dante. He’s got something to do with this. The hit story is bullshit. No fucking way the Russians would dare to fuck with Leo. It’d mean all-out war. A war the Russians know they have no fucking chance of winning. Something is up, and a lot of people are going to end up dead.”

“Thanks, Nicky. You’re right; it’s been way too quiet lately.”

I had spoken too soon. Things weren’t going to remain quiet much longer.

Leo The Lion

I headed back to the office. I spotted Gino taking long drags on a smoke and pacing nervously back and forth in front of his restaurant. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Gino doesn’t get spooked easily. When he saw my car pulling up, he ran out on to the street and opened my door.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Dante! Everyone has been trying to call you! Get out of your car; I’ll park it for you.”

My phone had died and I had forgotten to charge it.

“Half an hour ago, Leo came in to the restaurant with three of his goons. They took Viv up to your office. Leo looked pissed, Dante.”

I jumped out of the car, unholstered my Beretta and flew up the two flights of stairs. My office door was open. There were two of Leo’s men in the waiting area. Leo was seated at my desk. And his top goon, Psycho Vinnie, had Viv on his lap, sitting in a chair next to Leo.

“Dante!” Viv called out to me when she saw me rush in. She tried to stand up and run to me, but Vinnie held on to her.

I pointed my nine millimeter at Vinnie and snarled, “Let her go, now!”

Leo smiled and held up his hands as he spoke, “We’re only here to talk, Dante. Your girl is fine.” He turned to Vinnie and nodded.
Viv jumped up and ran to me. She wrapped her arms around me; her body trembled from head to toe. I hugged her and asked if she was okay. She sobbed and nodded.

“Go to Gino’s, I’ll meet you there,” I said to her.

Leo bellowed out at me, “No, the girl stays!”

I stared Leo down. “That’s out of line, Leo. She just started working for me today,” I snarled at him.

“You sweet on her, Dante? Maybe she’ll be interested in how you answer my questions,” Leo calmly replied.

“Ask away,” I almost shouted. I was fucking pissed and wanted Leo to know it. And the prick was right, I was sweet on Viv.

Leo stood up and walked over to me. I turned Viv around and stood in front of her, shielding her from the four goons in my office. Leo handed me a photograph. It was a picture of Ling leaning in to the BMW and kissing me on the mouth.

“Working for Po now, Dante? We don’t treat you right? Or are you getting greedy? If you wanted a new car, I would have bought you one. Oh, that’s right, Dante doesn’t take handouts. I guess now that you’re a celebrity, you don’t need Leo anymore. If I found out you betrayed me, I’ll chop you up and feed you to the fishes.”

I wanted to punch the cocky smirk off his face.As much as I respected Leo, and that he doesn’t charge me rent for the office, he’s ruthless when he has to be. Getting Viv involved in this was out of line.

“Get in line, Leo. Po threatened to chop me up and feed me to his dogs if I laid a hand on his daughter.

You have the photo of me doing more than that. If you don’t trust me anymore givethe picture to Po. You won’t have to dirty your hands on this one, Leo. To answer your question, his daughter is a spoiled brat. She wanted to show off to her friends, and convinced her father to hire me to drive her to school. I got paid a lot of money and got to keep the BMW, all for acting like a badass in front of her friends. Nothing to do with you, Leo. It was an easy job. Next question please,” I replied through a clenched jaw.

Leo scanned my face, looking for any sign of a lie or nervousness as I replied.

“You work for the Russians too? Maybe you drive someone’s grandmother to bingo on Saturday nights that I don’t know about, Dante?” Leo asked in an agitated tone.

“Fuck you, Leo! If you got something to say, say it. If you don’t trust me anymore, maybe it’s time I moved shop and let you deal with the cops,” I snarled back, there was no fucking way I was going to bend over and take it in the ass.

“Fair enough, Dante. Tell me you’re not conspiring with the Chinese, or the Russians and I’ll believe you. You understand how this looks. We all know it’s bullshit. The Russians don’t have the balls to make a move against me. But, if they sided with the Chinese and someone on my payroll, they might stand to make a dent in my operation,” Leo replied calmly.

“I’m not conspiring, period. Where did you get the picture of Ling kissing me?” I asked.

I felt Viv’s body stiffen against my back.

“Vlad Ivachenko, Uri’s top soldier. He came to my office this morning and said some very interesting things about you. Said I should talk to you first, before Uri does,” Leo spoke slowly and observed my reaction.

I laughed; this had become a cluster fuck. Nothing made sense. I couldn’t make head or tails of the events that were taking shape. “So, the head of the Russian mob sends his number one soldier to show you a picture of me and Ling? And Vlad talks shit about me, calls me a rat. This is amateur hour, Leo. I want Vlad to talk shit about me, face to face. You set up the meeting and I’ll be there. Someone is playing a dangerous game and I’m going to find out who, and why.”

“You’re working for me, Dante. Exclusively, till this mess is sorted out. And you’re not to report anything to anyone but me. You got that?” Leo ordered and looked at his goons as he spoke. Making sure they understood to stay the fuck out of my way.

“New rates, Leo. A grand a day, plus expenses,” I fired back.

“Whatever. Uri wants to talk to you. Be at his factory tomorrow at eight AM. Find the pricks responsible for this. The casino deal is too big and too close. We don’t need the fucking do-gooders using a mob war to protest again and delay construction. Fucking Po is a paranoid mother fucker to begin with. He’s getting his crew ready for war. Says he doesn’t trust me or Uri.” He waved to his goons and they all headed out of my office.

I called out, “Vinnie.” He turned around and glared at me with his stupid smile. “I catch you looking at Viv the wrong way; I’ll empty a fucking clip in your face.”

Vinnie laughed at me and gave me the Italian salute; he grabbed his crotch, “Suck my dick, Dante.”

Leo paid no attention and kept walking toward the door. For him, it was just two guys from the neighborhood letting off steam … until he heard the hammer of my gun being cocked. Leo turned to face me and saw my gun pointed at Vinnie.

Leo spoke in a low, dead serious voice, “Glad to have you back, Dante. I thought you went Hollywood on me, and got soft. Vinnie won’t go near Viv again. None of my guys will. You have my word.”

I closed the door behind them; I turned to Viv and said, “Hell of a first day on the job.” I smiled at her, letting her know she was safe. “You okay?”

She nodded as one last shiver shot through her, “I’m okay, I think.”

“Let’s go. I’ll take you home,” I softly said to her.

Viv nodded and grabbed her purse off her desk.


She didn’t talk on the drive to her apartment. When I pulled up to her front doors she asked, “Will you come up and stay a bit, Dante? I’m still shaking.”

I nodded and parked the car. I followed Viv to the elevators. We got off on the fourth floor. She unlocked her door and let out a long sigh.

She jumped when she walked inside and then laughed as she clutched her chest.

“I can’t believe a little spider on my wall made me jump. Would you take it out on the balcony for me, Dante? I want to change out of these clothes.”

Fuck. A spider, why did it have to be a spider?

I hate spiders and their fucking webs. They creep the fuck out of me. As far back as I can remember both creeped me out. A phobia, that’s what my sixth grade teacher told me I had.

“How about I shoot it for you, Viv?”

She turned to look at me and smiled as she took off her shoes. “I appreciate you trying to make me laugh. That’s very sweet of you, Dante.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay. Here goes. I can’t. Spiders creep me out. I’m not joking. When I was a kid, a spider bit my hand while I was asleep. My arm swelled up to four times its normal size. The doctors said it was a miracle that they didn’t have to amputate both my arms, from the shoulder. So, no, I’m not going near it.”

I wasn’t convincing at all. I didn’t believe what I was saying. I’m a shit liar. Couldn’t lie to save my own life.

“You are allergic to the spider bites?” Viv asked, trying not to laugh.

“It’s not funny, Viv. I still have the scar on my hand,” I replied.

Viv looked at me suspiciously. “Let me see the scar,” she said as she held out her hand.

I gave her my hand. “Right here,” I pointed to a random spot on the back of my right hand.

Viv gasped when she looked at my hand. “My God! I never noticed how many scars and marks you have on hands! Do they hurt?” 

I played it cool, as cool as I could have, after wimping out over a spider, and replied, “Bad guys don’t always cooperate. Sometimes they need convincing. In the winter, sometimes my hands hurt. No big deal.”

“I don’t see the spider’s bite, Dante. You sure it was a spider that bit you? How much did your arm swell?” Viv chuckled.

“Well, maybe not four times, and maybe not my whole arm. But there was some swelling, and it itched a lot.” I sounded like a pussy.

“Riiight. And both your arms were almost amputated, from the shoulder. But they weren’t. You sure it wasn’t a mosquito bite?” Viv was fighting really hard not to laugh at me.

“That was a long time ago. I don’t remember all the details,” I chuckled.

I felt like an idiot lying to her. And she was enjoying watching me try to talk my way out of what I told her.

Viv picked up a magazine and brushed the spider on to it. She walked out to the balcony and set the spider down.

She laughed and asked me, “Do you want the balcony door open or closed, Dante Abbracciavento, PI?”

“You enjoying this, Viv?” I chuckled.

“Ohhh! You cannot fathom how much I am enjoying this. Tough guy PI saved from the clutches of a spider by a woman!” She flashed her hands in the air to mimic the headlines of a newspaper’s headline. “It’s fucking priceless! And here I was, thinking you were fearless and the most…” Viv stopped herself from finishing the sentence.

I didn’t want to embarrass her. I replied quickly, “I should have just shot the spider. My cousin Peter does drywall, and would have patched the hole in your wall for free,” I mumbled to myself and shook my head.

Viv walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. “I promise I won’t mention it again.” She winked at me and added, “Maybe. Besides, you’re here to make me feel safe. Not the other way around.”

We silently stared at each other for a minute. Viv’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly. She took a deep breath and lifted her head as if she was going to kiss me. Then quickly turned away.

“I am a terrible hostess, forgive me. Where are my manners? Would you like an espresso, Dante?”

“I would love one. No sugar, please. After you change. I’m in no rush,” I smiled.

“Right! I forgot. I guess I’m still not over what happened at the office.” She chuckled.

She headed for her bedroom, stopped, turned around and walked back to me. Viv placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

“What was that for?” I grinned.

Viv smiled and asked, “Are you complaining, Dante?”

“Not in the least, Viv. Just asking what the kiss was for.”

“Not telling. Maybe for protecting me from the mobsters and looking so damn sexy doing it, maybe for lunch, maybe for being so sweet to me and driving me home. Or, there is the possibility that I just wanted to kiss you. You’re the PI, you figure it out, Little Dante,” she giggled and went to her bedroom to change.

I was falling for Viv. Hell, maybe I was just too stupid to realize I had already fallen for her. There were a lot of thoughts running through my mind. I’d sort out my feelings for Viv after I found the man with the buckles on his shoes.

Viv put on a pair of white track pants and tied the drawstring tight. She thought about taking off her bra and putting on a sweatshirt. She decided that it wouldn’t be appropriate and slipped on a tight t-shirt, instead.

“Don’t want to look too desperate,” she giggled to herself as she put her hair up in a ponytail.

I was seated on her couch, admiring a book of erotic photography while she changed. All the pictures were tasteful and very arousing to look at. Most were shot in black and white. I was admiring a particular photograph when Viv appeared and noticed which of her books I had chosen. She walked around the couch and stood behind me. The photo I was looking at was a side view shot of a woman bound by rope. She was on her knees, her head lowered, with her arms tied behind her back. The rope was wrapped around the tops of her breasts and underneath them. The way the rope made her breasts swell fascinated me. I had never seen anything like it before.

Viv smiled and headed to her kitchen to make espresso. “It’s Japanese. The art of erotic bondage. I find it fascinating and very beautiful,” she informed me.

“It looks like a lot of work and very uncomfortable. But, it is sexy to look at,” I replied.

“It’s not that uncomfortable. A boyfriend I had in university wanted to try it with me. He wasn’t very good at it, but it was fun.” 

I felt a twinge of jealousy and laughed out loud at myself for feeling that way.

“What’s so funny? We were young and curious. It wasn’t a serious relationship; we tried a lot of new things together.”

“I wasn’t laughing at you or him, Viv. To each their own. I don’t have the patience for something like that. I can barely tie my own shoelaces some mornings,” I chuckled.

Viv brought two cups of espresso and placed them on her coffee table. She sat beside me, legs tucked under her body.

“What Leo said, Viv. He meant it. No one will ever go near again. If you want to quit I’d understand. It was a hell of a first day on the job for you.”

Viv remained quiet for a moment before she asked, “Would you really have shot Vinnie?”

I chuckled, “That was just a pissing contest. Me and Vinnie go way back. We don’t like each other, never have. But I would never shoot him. Leo was worried that I had turned on him. He used you, to make his point. I pointed my gun to make my point.”

“I was so scared, Dante,” Viv whispered and rested her head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around her. “If you need time take it. Think about coming back. Everyone really likes you, Viv. Besides, now you got street cred,” I laughed.

“Hmmm, I may have street cred. But I am not tough at all,” she replied and snuggled up closer to me.

I had a raging hard on in my pants. Viv leaning against me felt so good and so right.

“Are you kidding me? You kicked that spider’s ass,” I laughed.

Viv snickered, looked up at me with a scowl on her face and replied, “That’s right. You watch yourself around me, Dante Abbracciavento. I don’t want to, but I will kick your ass if you piss me off.”

Her mouth was so close to mine. Before I knew it, I had my lips on hers. Viv placed her hand on my chest and dug her nails into it as she moaned and offered me her tongue. I was lost in the kiss. Viv slowly slid her hand to my cock and stroked it through my pants. She undid my zipper and reached in my pants, her fingers caressed my cock, it responded by twitching at her touch. She pulled my cock out and stroked it hard and fast.

“Fuuuck, Viv!” I growled.

She responded by sliding off the couch and slowly licking the head of my cock.

“You taste delicious, Dante,” she cooed and wrapped her lips around the head.

She brushed her lips over the swollen head. She would abruptly stop, look up at me, and ask, “You like that?”

I could only reply with moans and groans.

“Come to my bedroom,” Viv said as she stood up.

She stripped out of her clothes and pushed me on to her bed.

“Can I take off my clothes, Viv?” I smiled.

She straddled me as she shook her head slowly and said, “No, I want to feel you inside me now.” She grabbed my cock and positioned her hips over it. She slowly eased herself onto my throbbing cock.

“Ohhh fuck,” she softly moaned as she took my full length inside her.

She started to grind on my cock, keeping it buried to the hilt inside her, as her hips moved in slow, agonizing small circles. She grabbed my hands and brought them to her breasts and pressed them into her chest. She moaned and slowly tilted her head back. The feel of her pussy around my cock was exquisite. She kept up the slow agonizing pace. She lowered her head and looked at me. Her eyes were glazed, her cheeks were flushed.

She smiled at me and whispered, “You like this, Dante?” She squeezed my cock with her pussy.

I could barely breathe. I wanted her to pump her hips faster and make me explode inside her. When she felt my cock twitch inside her, she would stop moving her hips. Prolonging our agony and ecstasy.

“Uh-huh!” I moaned back.

“Mmm, me too,” she softly panted.

I grabbed her hips and pushed her pussy down hard against me. Viv placed her hands on my chest and began her tortuous and slow grinding again.

“Ohhhhh, Dante. I’m going to cum! Cum with me!” She gasped.

I didn’t need to be asked twice. Her slow grinding, squeezing and asking me to cum with her, was more than enough to milk my balls and make me explode inside her. We both held our breath and pressed harder against each other as our bodies shook as we came together.

Viv collapsed on top of me and took deep breaths as she moaned and kissed my chest.

“Mmm, thank you, Dante. I love taking it slow, teasing myself, bringing myself close and then stopping till I can’t hold back anymore,” Viv explained through pants and moans.

I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. We remained motionless and basked in the moment.

Viv lifted her head and looked at me; she kissed me and laughed, “Your pants. We made a mess on them.”

I chuckled and replied, “I’ll have to wait till it gets dark to leave. How about we call a pizza and share a bottle of wine while we wait for the sun to go down?”

“Dante Abbracciavento, you read my mind. And, you can show me how you like to fuck,” she giggled.

I playfully slapped her ass and replied, “Ooo, Viv! You got a mouth on you! You aren’t going to talk like that at the office, are you?”

“I’ll be at the office tomorrow. You’ll have to wait and see,” she chuckled.

Welcome to Little Italy, Viv

The next day, Leo made his way up to my office just before lunch time. He wanted to apologize to Viv. He had bought flowers for her. A dozen long stem roses.When Viv saw Leo walk through the door she panicked. She froze behind her desk.

Published 9 years ago

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