“Honey, that was two nights ago!”
“But we went all night. I don’t know how you do it.”
“It’s fun. Is it fun for you, or is it just work?”
“It was fun,” he conceded. “But Tanya damned near wore me out and that was before you arrived.”
Karla smiled at him. “But you just had to lie there and lick her pussy. I was the one working, you know, sucking you off.”
“I know. I could feel Tom fucking you while you did that. But afterwards, I mean you made me fuck her while she sucked Tom.”
“I made you?”
“Yes, you did. You were giving the orders.”
“I know. But wasn’t it hot for you watching me sit on his face while you fucked her.”
“Of course it was. You know I love to watch you come. But all that excitement; that arousal; it just wears me out. I mean, what time did we finish, two in the morning?”
“Something like that.”
“Then you sent them off to the guest bedroom. I didn’t get two hours sleep before I woke up to somebody sucking me off again.”
“That was me,” she grinned.
He blew out a long sigh. “Honey, I love that you’re so sexually charged. I really do. But I need a few more days to recover. I’m too old to do all-nighters anymore.”
“You’re not old,” she protested gently. “But we’re done for a couple of weeks. The sexy PJ party isn’t until Halloween.”
“I don’t think you ever told me all the details.”
“I may not have. I talked about it with Tanya, though. Everybody will come on Friday night and stay until Sunday morning, at least. That way, everybody will get to know everybody else. We’re going to pair them up.”
“And you’re in charge, of course.”
“Of course.”
“I guess I’d better put in for vacation the first week in November. It’ll take me a week to recuperate from that, if I were to hazard a guess at what you’re planning.”
“Do you realize that I’m the only one in our group who has fucked all the men? And you, my dear, are the only man to enjoy the favors of all the girls. So, it’s only fair that we should pair them up.”
“What if they don’t want to?”
“Don’t be silly, Kevin. They will. Men always want strange pussy. And girls love the excitement of a different cock to play with.”
Kevin shook his head. “And Ted is coming?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Have you asked him, yet?”
“Not yet. But you and I both know he’ll come if I ask him.”
“I guess I’d better arrange a flight for him, then. Arrive Friday and leave Sunday?”
“Why don’t you leave the return open? He may want to stay for a few days.”
“Or weeks. Maybe a month?”
“You never know.”
“All right,” he sighed. “Arrive Friday afternoon. Open return. I’ve got it.”
She kissed him tenderly on the temple. “I love you for taking care of the little details.”
The ringing of his cellphone dragged Ted out of a sound sleep. He picked it up and looked at the number without recognition.
“If this is a sales call, I’m going to hunt you down,” he growled.
“Oh, dear!” Karla laughed easily. “Sometimes I wake up grumpy. Most days I let him sleep.”
“Who is this?”
“You don’t recognize my voice? How about if I whisper, I love the way your cock feels inside me?”
“Jesus! Karla?”
“You haven’t been screwing any married whores lately, have you?” she giggled.
“Karla. Honey, you know I work until midnight, right? This is very early for me.”
“It’s almost ten o’clock, darling. Are you still in bed?”
“I had to restock last night. I didn’t get home until two.”
“I’m sorry, my darling. Although, I do have this image of your all warm and sleepy. I wish I was there with you.”
“Hmmm,” he grumbled. “I miss you, too.”
“Well, not for long, my love.”
“You’re coming back?”
“No, darling. I’m calling to invite you to a Halloween weekend party here.”
“You’re having a party? Halloween weekend? I have to work, you know.”
“That’s why I’m calling. I want you here. You’ll have to take off work. I wanted to give you some time to arrange your schedule.”
“Honey, I can’t afford to take off. I sure can’t afford to fly down there.”
“I told you, Ted. We’ll take care of all that. Kevin’s arranging a flight for you.”
“He is?”
“I told him I wanted you here and he’s booking a flight for you. We’re paying.”
“I don’t know what to say. But, Karla, if I don’t work, I don’t get paid, you know? Weekends are when I make the best money.”
Karla’s voice lowered to a whisper. “I told you we’d take care of you, Ted. I want you here. Don’t you want to be with me?”
Ted let out a long sigh. “I do, Karla. But I have bills and stuff.”
“Are you telling me you won’t come?”
“No,” he murmured. “I just…” He stopped. “I just have to figure out how I’m going to manage it.”
“Let me manage it, Ted,” Karla whispered. “Kevin and I will manage it.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“We will manage it, Ted,” Karla said firmly.
Ted’s response was subdued. “All right.”
“So, tell me,” Karla continued conversationally.
“I wish you wouldn’t call her that,” Ted replied.
“Fine. What’s her name?”
“Have you seen her?”
“She got really pissed at me when I told her we were done.”
“Did she? Good. Now you belong to me.”
Ted chuckled. “Yeah. I guess I do.”
“So, let me tell you about Halloween. The party begins at seven. Everybody is to wear sexy sleep attire.”
“What? I don’t have…”
“Not you, darling. The girls. We’re going to wear sexy night wear.”
“And the guys?”
“Whatever they sleep in.”
“I just usually wear shorts.”
“Except when we’re together. Then you wear nothing.”
“So, you’ll wear your shorts. That will be fine.”
“You said girls.”
“My friends. There’s Tanya, Jasmine and Alex. Tom is Tanya’s husband. Jeremy is Jasmine’s. Alex is divorced. Kevin and me, of course. And you.”
“Are you hooking me up?” he asked cautiously.
“No, darling. I mean, nothing permanent. You’re still mine. But if one of the other girls wants to sample the goods, that will be all right.”
“Jesus, Karla. Are you talking about some sort of an orgy or something?”
“Not at all, hon. We’re just going to have fun with each other over the weekend. You’ll love it. I guarantee it.”
“So it’s not just you and me?”
“We’ll have our time together. I wouldn’t miss that.”
“I don’t know, Karla. I mean, I’m…This sounds a little weird to me.”
“I promise you, baby, it’ll be great. You’ll love it. Have I ever led you astray?”
“Just the one time. You know, when you were here.”
“You loved it! Tell me you didn’t love it?”
“I did. You know I did.”
“Well, you’re going to love this, too. Besides, I can’t wait to hold your cock on my tongue when you shoot your hot come into my mouth. You remember that?”
“Uh, yeah! Geez, Karla. It makes me hard just remembering it.”
“So, you’ll come? To my party, I mean?”
“I’ll come.”
“Good. Kevin will text you the details on flights and everything. You’ll stay here with us.”
“All right,” he replied softly.
“That way I can have you whenever I want you.”
“I suppose so.”
“Still love me?”
“Yes I do.”
“Good. I love you, too. See you a week from Friday.”
“You told him you loved him?” Kevin asked with a touch of amazement. “Why did you do that?”
“Two reasons. First, to make sure he’d come to the party. Second, because I do.”
“You love him.” It was a statement.
“Not like I love you, silly,” Karla said breezily. “But in a sweet, kind of nephew-like way.”
“Karla, you’re headed for trouble with this. You can love him or you can fuck him. You can’t have both.”
“Nonsense, Kevin. If I didn’t have some emotional connection with them, all of them, then the fucking would be, I don’t know, empty. You know, the orgasms all have an emotional element to them. I really want them to make me come. It’s not just, I don’t know, porking? And when they come inside me, it’s like they’re filling me with their love.”
“Okay. But if you tell them you love them then there’s going to be trouble. Somebody’s going to get possessive.”
“No they’re not. I’m quite satisfied to be the woman in your life. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Somebody’s going to get their heart broken.”
“Honey, don’t tell me you don’t have some emotional connection with Tanya. You do. It’s not the same as with me, but it is there.”
“That’s different.”
“Exactly! Look, the trouble with Tom and Tanya was because she thought he was getting emotional with me. But it’s more a platonic kind of love, like best friends have for each other. The difference is, we get to screw.”
“I don’t know, Karla.”
“Sweetheart, you just have to trust me. You love Tanya. I know you do. She’s your goddess. But you’re not IN love with Tanya. And you love Jasmine, too, kind of like a niece. You want her to have happiness and joy in her life. At the same time, if she wants to screw you, then you’re going to do it, aren’t you? Even if it’s just to make her happy.”
“Sounds complex. You think everybody’s emotionally mature enough to handle that?”
“They have to be, my love. Otherwise, they can’t play.”
“Then there’s the outlier. Alex.”
Karla beamed. “Alex isn’t unique, baby. She loves you. She’s grateful that you satisfy her without getting all sloppy about it. She doesn’t need or want the emotional baggage that comes with a relationship. That’s why you’re a perfect fit for her.”
“But she’s coming on Halloween, right?”
Karla grinned at him. “Are you jealous?”
“Of course not.”
“No, I think you are! Oh, you’re so cute. You’ve had her all to yourself and now she’s going to come fuck Tom and Jeremy and Ted. Why would you let me do it and not be jealous, but with Alex, you’re miffed?”
“I am not miffed. I’m a little confused why you invited her.”
“So she can have some fun! Don’t you remember? Girls like the feeling of that strange cock. Even Alex. But after Halloween she can go back to the steady diet of the reliable and dependable Kevin.”
“What if she wants more?”
“Honey, that is up to her. She can make the arrangements with the other girls, just like I do. I doubt she will, though. She’s quite taken with you. The other is just diversion. We’ll do it every once in a while just for the fun of it. But, I think she’s quite happy with you as her primary provider of sexual gratification.”
“That sounds clinical.”
“Okay. She’s happy with you as her number one fuck buddy. Is that better?” She laughed and spun on her heel toward the kitchen.
“Grab your jacket, sweetie,” she called back over her shoulder. “I’m taking you out to dinner tonight.”
“Really? Where are we going?”
“My treat; my surprise. Don’t you like my surprises?”
“Actually,” he grumbled to himself as he shrugged into his jacket, “No. I don’t like surprises.”