Frank and Mary introduced us around and then left us to get drinks, snacks and enjoy ourselves. All the women were wearing bikinis, including me. They were either in the pool with a drink, or coming or going from the pool to get a drink. I grabbed a glass of Chardonnay and went to mingle, he went to talk with the guys. For us, this was a part professional connection, part social, party.
Robbie, my fiancé, was new in a practice and needed to be accepted into various social circles to get referrals and just generally get to know as many other doctors in town as possible. My job was make a good impression and build new friendships, if I could.
I didn’t think I would have a problem with friends. I am outgoing and have a sexy body, which is mostly a plus, except for those that harbor jealousy. I am 28 years old, 5’6″, 125, 34C boobs and medium, natural brown hair, hanging past my shoulders. I look great in a bikini, as did most of the other women there. Several of the women watched as I walked down the steps into the pool. It was clear they were checking me out as I entered the water. Everyone was in the shallow end, the water came just barely above the top of my ‘kini bottoms.
They were split into two groups, so not really knowing any of them, I went to the group on the right. I reintroduced myself and was welcomed. The conversation was wide ranging, from what is the best waxing spa in town, to what new car they wanted, to where their next vacation was going to be or where they had just gotten back from. It was all pretty boring and vacuous I thought, but I tried hard to appear very interested and even harder to find something to contribute that they might find interesting.
One of them, Karen, asked me about Robbie, when and where we were going to get married, our honeymoon plans. All things that had me somewhat preoccupied. I told her what we had in the works, especially the Maui honeymoon. She seemed really interested. We sort of driffed off to the side, by ourselves.
I asked about her husband, how long married, where they lived, kids. Just trying to be engaged and social. She told me one child, a boy, age seven and in school. She did consulting/sales work from home for a medical instrument company. She had been a surgical nurse.
When I heard that, I told her of my current job as a nurse in the Emergency Department of the hospital. That seemed to open us both up. We chatted for quite a while, telling war stories of our various experiences and drinking our wine. I had gone back for a second glass and also brought her one.
Probably because of all the alluring, sexy women and the somewhat seductive surroundings, I began to think about my sexuality. I sort of, somewhat, considered myself bisexual; interested, maybe, but not actively looking. These feelings only arose because, in my sophomore college year, my roommate Tiffany, who was most definitely bisexual, had hit on me when I was especially horny and needy. I easily succumbed to her initially cautious advances.
The first time started out as a massage for my tense muscles. They really were tense and she was very good at massage. We thought nothing of being topless around each other but I always had on some kind of panties.
We had been drinking wine and talking. I digressed into complaining about my body’s aches and pains. She offered a massage and I readily agreed. So I lay on the bed, face down, and she rubbed every part of the back of my body. I flipped over when she asked me to. I was a tiny bit tipsy and very relaxed from her attention to me, so I gave no thought to my bare boobs.
She started at my feet and worked up. She did do my thighs, asking me to spread my legs a bit, but did not touch my pussy. On to my chest. Everything received her attention, the last being my boobs. By now I knew I was wet and getting turned on. She was very gentle with my boobs, avoiding my nipples, until there was nothing left. Using more lotion, she began to work my nips, they were clearly excited, hard as they ever had been.
My eyes were closed and trying to lay still, as I began moaning. Then her right hand went slowly down my stomach, to my abdomen, her fingers always moving, rubbing, caressing me. Her other hand stayed on my nipple, kneading and rubbing it. Then the final move, under my panties, across my bare mound, brushing over my clit, to my now soaking, swollen opening.
As her first finger went in, she bent down and gently kissed me. I was not resisting but still was trying not to move, pretty unsuccessfully. I was squirming around, caught up in the moment.
“Put another finger in for God’s sake! Fuck me, get me off!”
She did just that and also began to suck and lick my other nipple. All the sensations hit me and I had a huge orgasm.
“Holy shit, Tiff! Damn that was good! You sure are better than any guy has ever been getting me off this way.”
“Told ya we could be pretty good together,” she said, smiling at my clearly satisfied face. “Wanna do me now?”
I was in some combination of embarrassment and intense excitement. Part of me was telling me not to do it, but the urge was too strong to resist.
“Lay on your stomach and let me give it a go. I am not the practiced massage expert that you are.”
“Just go with your feelings and don’t be afraid to do or touch anything. I don’t bite… often anyway. Just kidding, just kidding!” she said, laughing.
Long story short, I recreated what she had done to me and brought her to the same, pleasurable ending. After that first time, we had many more trysts in our apartment where she slowly introduced me to more and more ways females can pleasure each other.
Oral required a mental leap, to overcome all the taboos that had somehow been planted in my brain through my maturing years. But once overcome, it became a favorite. That and tribbing. We had a very interesting year together. None of our secret fun ever slowed me down from my male sexual fun, but it sure added a delicious dimension to my erotic treasure chest.
My mind snapped back when I refocused on Karen. I figured that she was about five or so years older than me, and in great shape. We were about the same size, she was probably an inch shorter than me. Her hair was streaked blond. From my initial introductions, that seemed to be by far the color of choice, at least some shade of blonde. I stood out as the only pure brunette. Her bikini bottoms were at least as low cut as mine, she had no hint of stretch marks. Her boobs were about my size, and although hard to tell from her top, did not seem to exhibit the telltale signs of sagging I had learned to detect.
We were really having a good time. She had gone for our third glass of wine, which I was very judiciously sipping. I did not want to get too buzzed and say or do something stupid, this was important to Robbie, I could not afford a manners or decorum mistake. I suggested that we get out and go browse the food dishes that had been setup. She readily agreed, confiding that she could not afford to get too tipsy. I laughed, telling her I had the same worry.
We walked the food table, picked our choices, and went back to the edge of the pool, dangling our legs, where we ate and continue our conversation. We eventually got interested in the game, our team was winning.
We exchanged phone numbers. She asked about my schedule. It was clear I could easily find free weekdays to meet at her house for lunch. She described the pool-spa combination they had at their house. I told her it sounded like total fun, adding that we did not have a pool, so I would really enjoy hers. We promised to do it soon. She gave no hint of anything other than friendship and I know I did not. It really was one of the farthest things from my mind.
The next Tuesday I received a text from Karen, “Lunch and wine in the spa on Thursday, 11:30?”
“Sounds good to me! Send me your address again so I know I have it correct. I will look forward.”
“Great! See you then.”
I was there, ringing the doorbell, at 11:29 am. I had on another string ‘kini. This one had a thong-style bottom and a halter top. The bottom was a bit more revealing but the top was similar to what I wore at the game party; over both I wore a white mesh cover-up. I figured it was just the two of us, I could take off the cover, why not be comfortable and get a bit more sun.
Karen answered the door wearing a pink, sheer, micro Wicked Weasel ‘kini. Not only did I recognize the label, I owed two similar ones. It showed her nipples, areolas, and hair-free pussy. I was a bit surprised, but then figured the same as I had thought earlier, we are two women alone, why not enjoy.
She greeted me with a small buss on the cheek, saying, “I am so happy you could make it! I was really looking forward to seeing you again after our meeting at the party. We seem to have so much in common; it was a great conversation. I am not as new as you to this group but there are… cliques. Let’s just leave it at that. C’mon in and get wet. Wine and snacky lunch by the spa.”
On to the patio and pool-spa. She did have quite the spread ready for us. I shed my cover-up and slid into the hot, bubbling water next to her, wine in hand.
We exchanged husband and fiancé stories, along with more war stories, as we got to know each other better. As we were halfway through our second glass of wine, she asked me if I had ever tried out the jets in a spa.
“Yes I have, the few times I have been in one. They are really great for when my back is sore, which seems to be more and more.”
“No silly. I mean as a stimulant to the front of your body. Like this,” she said, handing me her wine glass.
She spread her legs, held on to the edge of the spa, and positioned herself so a jet was blasting directly into the pussy area of her barely there suit. It took me a few seconds to figure out what was happening but then it hit me. Not much longer and I saw her face contort, as she uttered, “Ohh yes, damn, that was great!
“You should try it. The result is the same but the build up sensation is fantastic! You don’t mind if I take off my top do you? Just us girls here.”
“Not at all. Get comfortable. I have to admit you did look like you were really enjoying that jet.”
“Try it! It is really better without the suit on, better contact, but it is fine through the material, especially for the first time.”
She was just pouring me our third glass. I thought, what the hell, she seemed to really love it and I did not want her to outdo me, so I positioned myself like she had been. When that jet hit my clit, even with the suit there, it did not take long.
“Shit Karen, I’m cumming!”
“See, I told you,” she said, as she untied my top and threw it up on the ledge. “Pretty cool, huh?”
“Ya, I have to admit that is quite the way to get off. You must spend a fair amount of time in here,” I said, laughing, and enjoying the freedom of my newly freed boobs. I loved the way they partially floated in water.
“You know it! Better than my finger or a vibrator any day. I’d like to take my bottom off and do it, do you mind?”
“Go for it sweetie.”
The wine was definitely affecting me, but it was just the two of us and it really was enjoyable. I was pretty much ready to be next, suit-less this time. She threw her bottom on the ledge and maneuvered in front of a jet. This go-round her time to orgasm was shorter, and she was a bit louder.
Half my third glass was gone. My thong was already on the ledge as I headed for another jet. Distance controlled the strength, a critical factor due to sensitivity. Sooner than expected the orgasm hit me.
“Damn, this is really great Karen! Too bad you can’t use this in bed.”
“Well… we can use each other… if you were so inclined…” she said, an eyebrow raised.
I was mentally blasted back to Tiff and our times. They were very memorable…
“So… you are suggesting that we abandon the spa for a more intimate location?”
“Those French doors over there,” pointing them out, “lead into the Master. King size bed.”
“Keeley, please don’t take what I am about to say the wrong way, but it just strikes me that this is not your first rodeo, so to speak, in what we are talking about. I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you Saturday, or I would not have asked you here today. I think we share quite a few things in common, and could become really good friends. In this world we all need good friends we can trust.”
“You are right and I totally agree,” I said, as I began to get out of the tub. Looking back, I grinned, “You coming or what?”
We were in her huge bedroom in a minute and the bed stripped in another.
“Okay, I am the guest so I get to go first,” I said, as I positioned myself in the middle of the bed, legs spread.
“You are really blessed with a great body,” she said, as she was slowly crawling towards me, between my legs.
“Thanks! You are pretty hot yourself, especially for having given birth. You will have to tell me your secret one day, but now this is going to be great!”
Where my legs were almost meeting, she began to drag her nipples across my skin. As she kept coming, she sunk lower so her chest and abdomen would slide across my fairly prominent clit. Her fingers were already on my nipples. Oh she was good. I left a thin line of liquid on her chest as she came towards me.
Finally we were face to face, tenderly kissing, as she rubbed her boobs and nips across and around mine. What a great tease she was.
Then she started back down, just as slow, still raking her hard nips across me, stopping to give mine some wonderful oral attention. Then it was back to her slow descent, her body again rubbing against my clit.
By the time her tongue arrived at my pussy, I was dripping, and I had felt a few tiny trembles already ripple through me. This was definitely not her first rodeo either! Her tongue and lips knew exactly what to do, where to probe, where to lick and suck, what to caress lightly. She was reading me like a book she knew by heart.
God, I wanted to cum! But she knew just when to pull back, go slower, touch lighter. I was writhing and pushing myself at her, all to no avail—she avoided my every attempt to force things.
She had me almost out of my mind with passionate lust. Mentally, I was already screaming, Let me fuckin’ cum! Get me off, for God’s sake!
Just then is when she did it. Sucking my clit between her lips and using her tongue like a skilled surgeon, I became a shouting, shuddering female in the depths of a convulsive orgasm.
As my orgiastic feelings were fading away, she came up beside me, her lips and chin still moist from my nectar. We immersed ourselves in a passionate, caring kiss; sharing my juice.
Then it was my turn to drive her out of her mind, which I did with much relish and enthusiasm! We have been close, devoted friends ever since that day.