that defies definition.
It is more beautiful
than even the most
vivid imagination
can envision,
it is spontaneous,
combustible and
messy, very messy.
Love is not limited by
an elementary arrangement
of four simple letters.
The limitations only arise
from our ability to feel
the billions of elements
that combine together
to become one.
The definition would
have to include breathy
whispers of longing,
adorable and unique
terms of endearment,
unconditional acceptance
and steadfast trust.
There isn’t even a name
for something as simple
and complex
as an almost silent breath
against your neck that
causes a ripple effect
to travel through
one’s entire aching body.
Love may be unseen,
an invisible specter to guard us
through cold and dark spaces,
but the rush cannot be denied.
It is irrepressible,
as it demands attention,
refusing to be ignored
or dismissed.
Intimacy cherished
and celebrated,
yet protected fiercely
from the outside world,
it is the soldier and vanguard
the one kingdom we all border,
invade, and hold court in.
Even before being
truly understood,
the essence becomes
everything to the beholder.
Love is an emotion that
burns with intensity
yet is as soft as
a whispered sentiment,
gathering volume later on
to resonate as if shouted
from the highest rooftops
in a language unknown
to the outside world.
Maybe it is the desire,
the need to nourish
the soul of another
yet hungrily devour them.
An intrinsic knowledge
boldly possessive of your lover
yet selfless without condition.
Love is bursting with
inside jokes and stories,
embraced insecurities
and complete acceptance.
It’s foundation solidly
based upon shared intimacy,
unspoken sexual desires
to engulf each other in,
beautiful dreams of the future,
vulnerabilities and weaknesses
that no one else understands .
My poem about love
is jumbled and messy.
It is impossible to combine
a million sensations
and sentiments that,
when bunched together
into one piece of work,
become more than mere words.
But isn’t that the only way
a poem about love could be?
After all, messy is the best way
to explain the billions
of elements that combine
in our heart and soul and
somehow become known
simply as love.
No definition needed,
your heart will know love
before your brain even
begins to organize the
messy jumble of its wake.
Love just demands
that you show up,
that even through
the collision may be
a messy union,
you remain hand in hand.
Messy love is the most
beautiful thing in the world.
If you find it,
never let it go.