I heard her laugh as she closed the door on me. Damn, she was going to cook me dinner, and we were going to spend the night together. This was happening like in a novel or a movie. In two days, not even full days yet, I had gone from a years-long, secret voyeur of a woman I worshiped at a distance, to her lover! And that laugh after my comment… she had to enjoy anal.
I had to control myself, and not get carried away. This still could be just a fun fling for her, a temporary diversion to amuse and satisfy her current sexual needs. Have fun, but maintain low expectations. She did reveal her marital situation to me, in some detail. I believed that things were not good for either of them, but married women do not just dump their husbands for another guy they barely know, and why was I even thinking about that? I was not looking to get married, and besides, I had a bowl game to eventually get to, and to win. I had to stay focused.
But tonight, I would relish her and just be me. Authenticity was extremely important if you wanted people to follow you, trust you, admire you; and for Kristen, to hopefully have affection for me. I spent the afternoon running a million scenarios through my head, but in the end it came down to, be a gentleman and take my cues from her, or at least some cues. I really wanted to forget dinner and just take her into the bedroom, but I had all night—this was going to be a dream evening to savor.
As I sat at my desk, intending to get to work on things that were time sensitive, my mind went to Jeff. It all started with innocent friendship and conversations. I knew he was an interesting, intelligent guy. I figured, being the star that he was, he would be a fun guy to fool around with—someone to finally relieve my pent-up sexual tensions.
What I thought would be a short fling was becoming more, that was obvious to me after our first “encounter”. It actually scared me a bit. It was almost too good. Now I had readily agreed to let him spend the night.
I had previously come to the conclusion that Greg and I were headed for eventual divorce, but I was in no rush. We were still good friends and cared about each other. Now, I found myself thinking maybe it needed to be speeded up. Maybe there was more for me “out there”. I never thought a college senior, probably seven years younger than me, would affect me so deeply. I had to tread lightly. I did not want to frighten him off. I wanted him, but in what capacity, and for how long, was yet to be determined; not only in my mind, but, I suspected, in his.
I hoped I had done the right thing in revealing my life and feelings about Greg to Jeff. I did not want his sympathy, and I did not want to scare him off, I just wanted him to know my current situation. It just felt so right at the time, and it allowed me to verbalize things that had been swirling in my mind.
I gave up trying to concentrate on work, got dressed, and went to the store to buy all the items I needed to make a great dinner tonight. I chose two, thick, rib-eye steaks, several bottles of an excellent Cabernet Sauvignon, wild rice, salad fixings, and fresh Italian bread.
When I arrived back home, I stored the food and decided to take a bath, a long, luxurious bath. I had given up on work, and just wanted to treat myself. Jeff was going to find a smooth, soft body waiting for us both to enjoy.
I waited as the hot water poured into the tub. Once there was a inch or two of water, I added coconut oil and swirled it around, blending it. Soon, the level was high enough so I could get in and sink down, letting the water still run, filling it almost full. Steam rose off the water, bringing the coconut aroma to my nose. I just closed my eyes, enjoying the scent and letting my hands run languidly over my body.
This caressing made me think of the Tantric sex we had experienced only this morning. I had wanted Greg to try it, and for various reasons it never happened. That experience with Jeff was… amazing. No longer being in the moment let me admit I had never felt so close, so united with anyone in my life. Being honest with myself, I had to recognize that he was special, made me feel special, and made part of me, part of him.
It had not been my plan, but eventually, after caressing my body, my fingers stayed at my labia, arousing the pleasure center of my brain. Subconscious feelings took over my fingers, moving them to fondle and stroke my most sensitive parts. It did not take long for the familiar feelings to take over, and then a very enjoyable orgasm swept through me. Tonight was going to be so sensational.
After a complete bathing ritual, I emerged from my enveloping water, dried off, and rubbed in a generous amount of coconut oil. I had not felt this sensual and completely feminine in quite awhile. I usually did not spoil myself or make a concentrated effort to be alluring or desirable. Work, and lack of an appreciative man had taken over my life for too long.
I spent several hours working out. I had to try to get in better physical shape than I was even last month. The stronger and quicker I was, the better I could perform. I was interrupted by a call from the coach, just to discuss my workout regimen, the upcoming summer practice camp, and my leadership role. He was one focused man, and that kept all of us focused and on the same page.
When we finished our conversation, I decided to go for a run; I had done enough strength training for the day. Coach had tried many times to get me to use our local gym, but I had a complete universal machine at the house and I did not really enjoy the attention I sometimes received when I went to the gym. I loved my team and teammates, but was really kind of a shy, solitary guy. People still did not totally believe I was going to bypass the NFL and work as a software engineer, but it had intrigued me since I had my first computer in grade school. I knew I was lucky to have both the physical abilities and intellectual abilities that I did. I intended to make good use of them.
I had been able to block Kristen out of my mind during my workout and run, but when I started taking a shower, she was front and center. Spending the night was a fantasy come true; I wanted us both to enjoy every minute of it. I was extra meticulous in shaving my pubes. There was stubble, and I wanted it as smooth as possible for her.
I finally emerged from the steaming hot bathroom, ready for a night of supreme pleasure. God, I wanted that woman so bad. I was completely captivated by her. I had never met a woman that I could talk to about almost anything, and actually fully comprehended the subject. She was a brilliant engineer, and was so sensual, without seeming to really try or even care. I had also never met a woman who was so multi-orgasmic. I was not sure she even had a limit.
All this contemplation of her brought me around to the Tantric sex we had just had a few hours ago. I thought it was total myth, or fantasy when she brought it up. When it happened, as I was looking into her eyes, I knew we had just shared something more than special. I felt joined to her. It was as if we had become one.
I did not really want to admit this to myself. If this was true, then it was at least the precursor to love, and I did not want to allow that to be realistic, let alone certain. I had loved once and suffered as a result; I did not want to go through that again.
I diverted my mind to dressing for tonight. Since girls were never a problem for me at the university, I pretty much lived in tee shirts and shorts or jeans. I had never invested much in better, more sophisticated clothes. Tonight I wanted to look really appealing for her, and had a dearth of apparel from which to select. I ended up in a decent looking pair of black Dockers, and a short sleeved, blue Polo shirt. I hoped the logo would count for something. If this was going to continue, I needed to do some shopping.
My parents were not home yet, so I left them a note that I was going to spend the night with Tom, and they could get me on my cell if they needed me for anything. They knew that he and I were good friends and hung out together often. I think they also knew that I took advantage of his apartment for female companionship and privacy, but they never made a big deal about it. What could they say anyway? I was twenty-one and could do want I wanted, even though I was living rent and food free at the house. Mom and Dad loved having me around. What would they say if they found out I was banging Kristen? My Mom would be mortified beyond belief. That could never happen.
We had not set an exact time for dinner and I did not want to seem pitifully anxious, even though I was, so I waited until 6:20 to leave for the bus station parking lot. I called her just before I was ready to leave.
“Hi there,” her sexy voice said.
“Hey back! I was just getting ready to leave for the parking lot if this is a good time?”
“Perfect. Drive slow. I will leave shortly and meet you there. Send me a text about where you are parked so I can find you.”
“Okay, sounds good, see you soon.” I wanted to add, Can’t wait, but did not. I did not want to seem as desperate as I was to be with her.
I had debated about what to wear. Since our relationship had become what it was, there was no doubt what tonight was going to be all about, so why dress as if it was not. I thought about a club dress, of which I had several, but they all seemed not quite appropriate for grilling and whatever else. I finally settled on an old pair of black calf’s skin leather short shorts, that I used to wear in Greg and my better days. It was thin, well broken in, and fit like a glove. Then I topped it with a blousey, loose fitting, scoop neck, red top—sexy bottom, casual top. Why did I worry so much about what to wear for him? He would be thrilled with anything.
I did the pre-dinner food prep and put the potatoes in to bake, then found some light jazz that I like and put that on. About then, he called, saying he was ready to leave. I told him I was about ready, and I would meet him there. I hated this sneaking around. Strangely, I did not feel any guilt for Greg. I just was never a sneaky, deceptive person, usually it made me very uncomfortable. But then, all the good reasons for doing this passed through my mind and I was no longer concerned. I left to pick him up.
It was only about a twenty minute ride, and I found him easily. He had texted me his exact location. He must have seen my car because he was getting out of his as I pulled up behind him. He hopped in and bent over to give me a kiss. It was so nice to have a man who was romantic and displayed his affection.
“Oh my God, Kristen, you look fabulous!”
“You’re not so bad yourself. You clean up pretty good,” I said with a big grin.
He looked at me, trying to figure out if I was serious.
“I’m serious, and I am glad we are having all this time together. You did take me a bit by surprise when you asked about spending the night. But it is a fabulous idea. I am happy you asked.”
“So am I. I think I surprised myself when the question burst out. I am really not a very forward guy, believe it or not.”
“I believe it completely. We have known each other, in sort of an on-again, off-again way, for a number of years. I think we know each other better than either of us really foresaw.”
On the way home, we just chatted about his football practice and the camps he was going to have to attend this summer. Between football and his senior year course work, it was a good thing he was so intelligent; it would be a demanding year, at least for the first semester, through football season.
I had pressed the garage opener in plenty of time so I could drive in with no waiting. He slumped down as best he could in a Miata, and stayed down til the door was fully closed. I was already through the door, into the house, when he managed to pull himself out. I waited for him at the open door. There is about an eight inch step up, so we were about equal in height, with me inside and him in the garage. We put our arms around each other and kissed passionately.
I don’t know if she planned it or even knew, but she was silhouetted by the house light when I came up to her in the garage. Her top was very loose fitting, but also just a tiny bit see-through, enough so that the back lighting showed the outline of her body. It was also the first time I had a really good look at the shorts she had on—unbelievably sexy. They looked almost painted on. Also, since she was in the house, and I was in the garage, the step put us about face to face. I hugged her so tight I thought I might break her. Our kiss was long and deep, tongues exploring like it was the first time; I hoped each time would be like the first time.
As we parted, I turned her around and ran my hands up her chest to those long nipples I loved so much. Rubbing, squeezing, and kneading them made her moan and put her head back so I could kiss her neck, which I promptly did—more moaning. She put her hands over mine, holding and squeezing them as I caressed her nips.
Finally, she pulled me away and took a couple steps inside.
“C’mon Jeff. We will be having sex on the floor pretty soon if we don’t stop.”
“I know. It’s like I have no control around you. I’ll be good. I know we have all night. I am just happy to be here. By the way, you smell really good, and your skin is so soft. I can’t place the fragrance. What is it?”
“Coconut. I think you will find all of me very soft and compliant tonight.”
“I knew it was familiar. It suits you very well.”
Compliant… what did that portend?
She lead me out to the patio, where she had two bottles of wine open and some cheese and crackers arranged on a plate. Their whole back yard was surrounded by a high hedge and a fence behind that; no one could possibly see in.
“Now, you can have beer if you would rather, but this is not Two Buck Chuck.”
“I’ll definitely take the wine. I am not a connoisseur yet, but I definitely know good from bad, and appreciate good wine, especially good red wine. I am sure your taste is excellent.”
“Great! I really think you are going to like it. Go ahead and do the honors,” she said, holding out her glass. I poured each of us about one third of a glass.
We looked at each other, touched glasses, and I simply said, “To us.”
“Wow, this is really good. Smooth, and not acidic. Sorry, I do not know the fancy terms to describe it. Good tannins or something?”
“Pretty close,” she said, with a slight chuckle. “I will give you a course one day. I am glad you appreciate it.”
After breaking our kiss, and forcing myself to pull away from his very enjoyable attention to my nipples, I held his hand, leading him to the patio. I knew we would soon be graduating to total sex if I did not stop it. I was probably as horny as he was, but tried not to show it.
I had set a really nice table outside in the hope he would appreciate it. I was not sure where he was, mentally and experience-wise, with food—definitely more sophisticated than normal college fare, especially guy fare. When he saw the spread, he seemed to really appreciate it, I was very happy he chose the wine over my offer of beer. He seemed to be sold after his first taste.
After our first sip of wine, he asked me to lift my blouse a bit and slowly pirouette around, obviously to get a better view of my shorts. I had purposefully chosen the top because it was so blousey. It floated and moved as I did, sometimes showing, sometimes hiding my nips, and part of my shorts.
“Look at you, miss camel toe, if there ever was one. Those are the hottest shorts I have ever seen, they are just short of body paint. Come here, they need further examination.”
I laughed and blushed, but moved up to him. He put a hand on them and slid his hand over them as he slowly turned me. Then one more partial turn, and he smacked both cheeks!
“Oww!” But I did not pull away.
Then he slid his hand between my legs, slowly investigating my very well defined vag area. I inadvertently let out a small moan.
“So, you like that, my sexy little treasure.”
“That hasn’t been proven in the last two days?” I said, laughing.
“More than,” he said. “It is just that you seem sexier each time I see you. I think you are an enchantress trying to get me under your spell. If so, it is working! Come sit on my lap. We will eat and drink together.”
I straddled him like a lap dancer without the movement. We randomly sipped our wine, ate cheese and crackers, and, of course, he spent time playing with my tits. All the time we kept up a running banter about each other and various other subjects.
He was very soft and gentle, more exploring than trying to get me turned on, even though I was. I had to pull him away several times. It did not help that I could feel his hard cock pressing into me in just the right area. When his caresses really started getting to me, I quickly jumped up before he could stop me.
“I need to start the steaks or we will never eat,” I said, as I headed for the kitchen to get everything I needed.
As we were first sipping our wine, I had a really good look at her. Like I had thought, the shorts were so tight they were a second skin. She was clever with her blouse, it was very loose, making it hard to see her body in a defined way, it even covered part of the shorts.
I got her to turn and show off a bit for me. I could not resist smacking her ass, both cheeks, fairly hard. She squealed, but did not complain or pull away. There was more to her sexual appetite than she was letting on. I fondled the camel-toe created by the tight constriction of her shorts, no resistance there either, until I think it got to be too much for her.
She readily sat, legs spread, in my lap, facing me. In that position, we drank, ate, talked, and I took advantage to play with her some, wanting desperately to really stimulate her tits, but holding back because I knew she would jump up—I was slow and gentle.
I guess she finally had all she could take. She jumped up, saying she had to go get things ready for dinner. We had gone through more than half the bottle of wine by then.
“Can I help with anything?” I offered.
“No, it’s under control. I cook steak to medium rare. Is that okay for you?”
First, she brought out a bowl filled with Caesar salad, and returned quickly with the steaks.
“Let’s start with the salad, and when we are about half done, I will put the steaks on.”
It sounded more than good to me, I was not used to this treatment. I poured more wine and we dug in. Soon, she was up, putting the steaks on the grill. The sizzling smell was wonderful. Before I knew it, they were done, and she had the baked potatoes on our plates also.
As we ate, I thought about her revealing their situation, Greg and her. I felt like I had to tell her a bit about my history with girls, and also about my feelings from the Tantric sex we had earlier.
“So, listen… Since we have time to talk while we eat, I want to tell you a couple of things. You were very trusting and open with me about your current situation and history, I want to do the same.”
“That is very considerate of you, I will appreciate anything you have to say,” she said.
“In the summer before my senior year in high school, I met a girl, Cathy. It was almost love at first sight. After our first date we were inseparable. The sex was great, especially considering we were both seventeen. I did not really know what love was or appreciate its powerfulness until I met her.
“It also happened to be that we were both going to the university after graduation. I thought I had found the love of my life. I was totally committed to her, and I believed she was to me. It was a wonderful year.
“In April, with only a bit over a month to go until graduation, I happened to be walking through the school parking lot to my car. She had said she was busy with a club she was in, and we would meet later. I saw a car ahead of me with a guy sitting in the drivers seat, a head bobbing up and down on him. I thought it was funny, and had to get a better look, maybe even some pictures.
“As I got up to the car, I realized the guy was one of my teammates, then I realized the girl was her, my true love. I felt like I was having a heart attack, I had to gasp hard for air. Neither of them saw me. They were too engrossed. I used my phone to take a short video and walked away.
“I sent her an email with the video attached. I wrote, ‘Do not ever speak or try to contact me in any way or I will post this. You are dead to me.’
“I was destroyed, wished I was dead. She tried, through intermediaries, to contact me, but I refused everything. There was no good answer. I resolved to never fall in love again. I could not take the risk of having this pain again. It took me months to return to a normal state.”
“Oh my God, Jeff! I have never faced anything like that, but can only imagine… And I know how sensitive you are, even though you try to hide it. Thank you for telling me that. It is obviously still a bit painful.”
“Now I have something else I have to share or I will eventually burst somehow. These couple of days have been absolutely incredible for me. I am well aware that I have no claim on you, not even a right to think about that. You are a married woman and I accept that. Whatever we have, and however long it lasts, is completely in your hands, as it should be.
“But when I was showering this afternoon, I could no longer put the thought of what we shared during that Tantric sex out of my mind—believe me, I tried. I felt as if we were one, as if we were completely combined into one entity. It was much stronger than my feelings for Cathy ever were.
“I don’t expect anything, I can’t, but I wanted you to know how deeply you affect me. No matter what happens from here forward, I will treasure you for the rest of my life.
“Okay, that’s it,” I said, with a relieved sigh. “You do not need to feel like you need to say anything. I just needed to get this out.”
When we started to eat, all I could think about was finishing and getting into bed with him.
Then he told me the story of his painful love and his avoidance ever since. He had told me that he had been with a number of girls, even married woman, but now I understood why he never had a real girlfriend. It sort of cut into my building carnal passion.
Then, when I heard how he felt about me, how he had been affected by this morning’s activities, I knew I had a good thing. My desire rose again.
“Jeff, not only do I appreciate your trust in me to tell me about her, but now I feel like I need to share something with you… You are not the only one who had exceptional feelings after this morning. I was not going to tell you because I did not want to burden you with emotional feelings that might affect your studies and football.
“I had similar feelings as you. I felt like some cosmic force had joined our souls. It was almost like I could comprehend your thoughts, feel your feelings. I had a brief, powerful mental image of one being containing both our consciousnesses’. I took a long bath, preparing for your visit, and the feeling was with me again.
“Like you, I do not know what the future holds for either of us, but I want one thing to be absolutely, positively clear to you. Greg and I were done before any of this happened. I knew it, and I suspect somewhere inside him, he knows it. Your presence, our affair, has totally nothing to do with however it plays out. Promise me you understand that, and will carry not one iota of guilt, promise.”
“I promise.”
“Okay, previously, there was just no impetus to do anything about it. We have been almost like brother and sister sharing a house. I knew it was over. It was just a matter of when.
“I’ll say it, I love you and care about you intensely. I do not want this to end. So, for now, let’s enjoy our passion and take the future one step at a time. There are practical things to consider, mostly by you. Our ages, and your career choices are two that easily come to mind. I propose we put them aside for the summer and enjoy each other, really get to know each other; then you win that bowl game, and graduate. By then I will be single, and what will be will be.
“What do you say?”
He stood up and began walking to me, so I stood. He held me under the arms and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him in a strong embrace. Tender looks quickly led to a prolonged kiss. When we finally parted, he set me down.
“I say an emphatic yes! Let’s take the other open wine bottle in the bedroom.”
“Great idea!”
I turned and picked it up along with my glass, Smack!, Smack! on my ass.
I turned back to him, smiling, “You know, you were not off the mark with your parting remark this morning…”
With that, I turned and headed for the bedroom, doing my best to sway my hips as much as possible.
What I was worried would become a major downer conversation, had turned out better than I ever imagined. As I was following her, I grinned internally about her “parting remark” comment. I knew I was right. This was going to be breathtaking, in more ways than one.
When we got in the bedroom, she first pulled down the covers and put towels on the bed, then turned to me saying she wanted to undress me.
“Tonight I want to be your slut, your tramp without a stamp, your wench.”
She started with my belt. Once it was loose, my shirt was slowly unbuttoned as she rubbed her finger nails across my chest. She pulled the shirt off me and then went back to my pants, on her knees, fondling me, before the zipper was down, then off with the shoes and socks. Back to my zipper, it slowly came down as she rubbed her crotch. Finally, my pants fell to the carpet. I stood totally still as all this transpired.
Finally, my boxers came down and my cock went into her mouth. I stepped out of them as she slowly licked every part of my rod. She loved this. It was a major thrill for her to give me pleasure. I noticed she was still rubbing herself through the leather occasionally. I did not want to cum, I had to save it for her pleasure. Reaching down, I pulled her up and removed her top as she was standing.
“You liked those smacks, didn’t you?”
With a mischievous grin, she replied, “I don’t mind them.”
“Bend over and hold the edge of the bed.”
She did as I instructed. I stood to her side to give me the best angle to administer a few.
“Turn your face to the left so I can see you.”
She did and closed her eyes. I gave her two quick whacks. No sound from her, and just a slight hint of a wince. Two more harder strokes. Her face revealed a scant smile. I did not want to really hurt her, but apparently that was not an issue. I gave her two more even harder swats.
Remembering my original pussy spanking, I told her to stand up and spread her legs. She did so with no comment. Standing in front of her, I landed a blow, fairly hard, right where the camel’s toe showed me the exact spot.
“Ohh yes, yes.”
I again turned sideways to her and put my left arm around her. This time it was a series of strokes, starting soft and getting progressively harder. About half way through what I had planned, I heard, “Oh my God, I am going to cum, don’t stop, harder, quicker.” This turned into a muted, whining scream, followed by one long scream as she slumped against me.
I held her and eased her down to the edge of the bed. “Oh God, Jeff, that was wonderful! I am so soaking. Get these shorts off and take me however you please. The Astroglide is in the top drawer of my night stand, if you should happen to want to use it.”
She flopped back and undid her button and zipper. It was a challenge to remove the shorts; skin tight was an apt description. She was correct, the crotch of her shorts were soaked, and it ran down her thighs as I pulled them off.
She straightened herself on the bed, as I retrieved the lube. I knew where my ultimate deposit was going to go. I wasted no time mounting her. My cock almost slid fully in on the first push. Two more thrusts and I was fully soaked from her.
She clearly was not in the mood for soft and slow, so I gave her what she wanted. I pulled her legs under my arms, leaned forward, pinning them to her shoulders, and started—hard, deep and fast. I pounded her twat relentlessly.
I wanted to be the submissive slut that night. I wanted him to take me, use me, pound me—do everything he could possibly do to make me scream and scream—to cum and cum. His instinct to spank me was right, I loved it. Every hit sent shocks of electricity through me. The pain blended with the pleasure to drive me towards that goal. His smacking of my pussy was inspiration, pure delight. I knew he was up to what I needed.
When he pulled my shorts off, I hoped he could see how wet I was and how swollen my pussy was. I knew it was engorged, ready for the treatment it demanded. He read me right, the smacking was all the foreplay I needed or wanted; I wanted his big dick fucking me. I prayed for his stamina. I wanted to be driven to mindless orgasms, screaming, lascivious, carnal orgasms. I had never felt like this for anyone before. It had been close with Greg, in the very early days, but not like with Jeff. God, I hope life treated us well.
He lived up to my hopes. He was doing me as hard and fast as he could. His fucking turned my moaning into screams with my first orgasm. Even though they were closed, I am sure my eyes were rolled back in my head. My world was shrinking, my orgasms were growing, stronger and quicker. I was a blessed multi-orgasmic woman, and sometimes I really needed everything my body could give.
My conscious mind was about gone. I was entering a surreal state of sensual, animalistic, erotic euphoria. It had such a grip on me, I barely felt him slow down, no doubt to reduce his stimulation, to increase his stamina. But soon he was back to his hammering of me.
I had been ruthless with her. The screaming never stopped, only went up and down in volume as her orgasms hit her. With her legs pinned back, all she could do, besides scream, was thrash her arms around, except when she was cumming, then she would beat her closed fists against the bed. There was no way to keep track of time, but I knew I was working as hard as any physical training the coaches handed out. If I wanted to save more for later, and I did since I coveted her ass so much, I had to stop and rest. I could not imagine why she was even still conscious, although she probably wasn’t in the completely correct sense of the word. She was lost in herself somewhere.
I tried to slow it over a bit of time so she would not be jerked back into reality. I heard some mumbled begging not to stop but I needed to, I think we both needed to. I had never seen a woman take what I had just given her and still want more.
I finally stopped, but stayed in her as I let her legs back down to the bed, then I slowly eased out of her glorious love tunnel and collapsed next to her. She just lay there, unmoving, gasping, and gulping for air. I felt her heart. It was pounding. Finally, her eyes opened.
“Just… wait… ‘til… I can… breathe… again.”
I was happy for the break. Laughing to myself, I was thinking that I never realized sex could be such hard work!
Eventually she rolled over on her side and began kissing my face. “Jeffery, Jeffery, Jeffery, that was incredible! What a dynamo. Holy crap, you just about drove me insane—in a very good way!”
“You know there is more to come, right? I am not finished with you yet, super slut!”
“I hope so! I am not finished with you either, super fucker!”
“You are going to be on your knees, and when I finish with your cunt, I am going to pound your ass! All my spunk is going deep in there.”
“Just what I hoped for. Think we are going to sleep good tonight?”
I burst out laughing. “I can’t think of a better way to work out stress and tension. Can you take this every day?”
It was her turn to laugh. “Ya, right. I don’t think this poor little puss was built for that. But I guarantee, even if it hurts, we are going to have some tender, loving sex in the morning, whenever we wake up.”
When he eventually stopped pounding me, I slowly clawed my way back to the real world, our world. I could not remember much except my screaming and the orgasms, the seemingly ever present orgasms. God, I loved it, and him.
After a bit of recovery and a bit of small talk, like all lovers do, we started again. He wanted me on my hands and knees, my knees really, he pushed my face down into the bed and his cock into my puss. It must have been sore, but all I can remember is how good it felt.
This time he was much slower, but he slapped one cheek or the other with every stroke. The electricity was back, running from my butt, through my pubic area and out to my body. I loved it. The orgasms were different, slower in coming, less strong, but just as wonderful, because I knew who was causing them. Then I felt the cold lube squirting in my ass crack, followed by his thumb, rubbing up and down my crack, and finally—plunging into my ass.
“Yes, yes. Put it in me. Fuck me with your cock and thumb. I love it in there! Stretch me out for your cock. I know you want it in there. You want to stretch my ass and fuck it with that big dick. It’s yours, baby. Take it whenever you want it. Fuck me silly again.”
I was gripping the sheet with my fists as my left leg began to shudder. He kept pressure on my back to keep me down. The orgasm was about to hit.
“Probe my ass with your thumb! Fuck that twat! Oh God, yes! Now!”
He made sure I stayed up as my leg shuddered uncontrollably and the orgasm ran through me. This time, I held back a scream and just shouted, “Cumming, I am cumming!”
He increased his speed and used his hooked thumb to pull and stretch me. More orgasms went through me. I had been elevated to the screaming level, but only for the actual cums, otherwise it was moans and mild wails. I was not out of my mind, just on the edge, and enjoying every one of them.
Then his hand left my back and grabbed my hair, pulling me up, and my head back. He could not have been buried deeper in me. God, his cock was wonderful. Several more orgasms came and went as he kept up his pace and kept stretching my ass.
I had been fucking her twat and ass, just with different parts of my body. She loved my thumb in her butt, and I could feel her hole relaxing with her every orgasm. I was ready to change holes and I thought she was also.
Still holding her hair, I took my thumb out and grabbed the lube, squirting more in her crack and up and down my cock, as it was almost out of her. Then I pulled out of her, aiming for her ass. As I just touched her slightly open circle, I thrust forward as I jerked her head, and her whole body, back further—I went fully in on this first stroke. She screamed like she had just seen an apparition. Maybe she had, in her mind. Her hole became tight, squeezing down as I penetrated her—it felt wonderful.
I slapped her ass, hard, a couple of times and then released her hair, her head dropping to the bed. Holding both hips, I proceeded to pummel her ass. Now she was screaming like when I did this to her kitty.
She was biting the towel, clawing at the sheet. Then I saw a hand go up to her clit. She was furiously rubbing as I was furiously fucking her. Her screams waxed and waned, just like before. Rising with each orgasm; she helped them along with her fingers.
Her body was constantly in some sort of movement, from just shifting around to violent trembles and shudders. Her screams of powerful ecstasy were only interrupted by her need to struggle for the breath to scream.
She had made it clear this is what she wanted. She had gone through this same manifestation of her carnal wantonness not so many minutes ago. I could not hold back as long this time. Her ass was gripping me so tight that the stimulation to my rod was much more intense. I made the decision not to slow down, but to fuck her as hard and deep as I could for as long as I could last—it was not nearly as long as in her pussy.
“God, Kristen, I am about to cum! I am going to fill your ass. Ohhh, Yes! Shit, this is so fuckin’ good!”
Somehow she managed to squeal out, “Yes Jeffery, yes! Oh God, I love it. Fill me, fill me!”
When I had released my last pulse of seed, I let go of her hips and she fell to the bed, with me coming down also, still buried in her. I did manage to stay on my elbows, holding most of my weight off her.
Still gasping, she uttered, in muffled words, “Let all your weight go on top of me. I want to feel all of you. Don’t pull out.”
I let myself down and she whispered, “Oh yes, damn, I love you so much.”
As I rolled off her, pulling out as I did, I told her, “I love you too, you wonderful, beautiful woman.”
We both lay there, me on my back and her face down, for several minutes before she turned over and I rolled to face her. Her eyes were glistening. We wrapped our bodies around each other and I felt her silent sobs. I know I was also about to cry, but held back the tears. They would have been tears of joy.
I tried to pull her back so I could see her face, but she embraced me unshakably. Her silent sobs diminished to very muted moans, and finally, to one big sigh. She then released her hold, and with her face turned away, jumped out of bed, headed for the bathroom.
In a new, upbeat voice, she said, “Let’s get a shower so we can get some sleep. I am beat, in more ways than one, thanks to you,” ending with a bit of a chuckle.
I caught up to her as she was about to turn on the shower. Standing behind her, I stopped her but did not attempt to turn her around. She was obviously brushing away tears.
“Kristen, please look at me. I want to talk to you. Have I hurt you in some way?”
She paused, with my hand on her arm, her voice now subdued, “No, it could not have been more perfect. You could not have been more perfect. I just… “
When I get this freaky, I love my hair being pulled and my ass walloped; I crave being in the control of a dynamic, energetic man. Jeffery was that man; his thumb in my ass was just driving me more and more into a sexual frenzy. I knew what would be next, just not when. I was so mentally dominated by my orgasms, and the cock that was causing them, I was not capable of much coherent thought—I was a small leaf in the grip of a raging river.
Suddenly, he was out of me, then, just as suddenly, he yanked me back by my hair and thrust forward, penetrating my ass to his maximum depth. Expecting an ass assault, but startled by his force, I screamed in raving exhilaration. An almost instant orgasm ran through me. My body was exhilarated and shaking from this new sensation. I bit into the bed, trying to muzzle myself, while, at the same time, my hand went to my clit, trying to accelerate further climaxes—it worked.
As earlier, I was in the grip of an overpowering sexual euphoria, my body mostly out of my conscious control. Any awareness of my surroundings was incidental and random, I could focus on nothing but my next orgasm—they came quickly.
Way too soon, I heard him yelling he was going to cum. I wanted it to go on forever, but I knew it could not. When I felt him begin to explode, it brought on one last la petite mort.
When his intense bliss had passed, he released my hips, the only thing holding me up. My legs were long past having any significant strength. We both fell to the bed. He managed to stay in me, and brace his weight mostly off me, I wanted him fully on me; I needed to feel his body covering mine. I guess it was just one more form of the power I wanted to feel—it was primordial, a man and a woman at their most basic nature.
I thought I was just thinking to myself, but I apparently whispered that I loved him. The words were not meant for his ears. He rolled off of me, telling me as he did, that he loved me also. Oh God, what had I done? His whole life was in front of him. His revelation about the high school girlfriend told me all I needed to know about his passions and sensitivity, also about his capacity for empathy. As much as I did have strong feelings for him, it was not right for me to entangle him in my problems and possibly cause him future pain. I had made him promise not to carry any guilt about Greg and me, nor about our feelings for each other. All these thoughts and feelings came out in silent sobs.
I was turned away from him and stayed that way, even though he tried to get me to face him. I was just too overwhelmed at that moment, to try to talk. Finally, I pushed the feelings away and jumped up to quickly get in the shower. He was right behind me, asking if he had hurt me. God, could it get any worse? I told him he was perfect, the whole night was perfect, nothing was wrong. I was at a loss for words.
“I just… I am just an emotional woman. My period is about to start and my hormones are raging. Don’t pay any attention to stupid things I might have said or might say, at least for the next few days.
Turning on the shower, I said, “C’mon, let’s get clean!”, in my most cheerful voice.
She told me everything was more than great, chalking her crying up to her emotions and hormones, due to her on coming period. A plausible excuse, I guessed, but I felt there was more being left unsaid. I was not going to push it.
We took a well needed shower, taking turns washing each other until every little part was squeaky clean. After we dried off, we removed the soaking towels and fixed the very disheveled sheets. She then rubbed 100% aloe gel all over her pubic area and suggested I do the same, at least on my cock.
“You will be thankful in the morning. It takes care of many irritation problems, leaving you feeling ready to go again, without any soreness or tenderness issues, if that interests you.”
I took her advice. I had seen in the shower that my cock was a bit red from its workout.
We opened the windows and the cool night air slowly filled the room. It was so incredibly delightful—both of us naked, her snuggled up against me, head on my shoulder, my leg in-between her’s. She was lightly running her forefinger through my chest hair. That is the last thing I remember before the morning light woke us.
My morning woody was definitely at attention and ready for action. She did not need any encouragement. Finding the lube, she first coated me and then herself as she spread her legs.
“Just get up here and go easy. The lube will be our foreplay, and the sex our affection and passion for each other.”
“Oh Kristen, you are so special,” I said, as I gently slipped my cock into her, slowly pushing and rocking until I was fully in.
“Ahh, yes. Now just slow, serene movements. We are in no rush for anything. I do not care if I cum at all, just you in me is all I need.”
I felt the same. Holding her to me, we exchanged passionate, but tranquil kisses, as I moved like a grandfather pendulum, slow and steady.
We both woke at the same time. I saw his morning stiffy and wanted it. Touching myself, I knew the aloe had worked, I hardly felt any irritation. A well-lubed, slow love-making would be just perfect this morning. I was not after wild orgasms, just the most intimate togetherness.
I told him what I wanted to do and he was all for it. I suspected he was no more ready for another round like last night than I was. Covering us both with lube, he carefully entered, and worked his way down. It was so calm and peaceful, our kisses so tender, sweeter than wine, as the song goes…
He slowly rocked back and forth, nowhere near full-length strokes, just enough to keep the sensation going for us both. Eventually, he faintly said, “Now baby, it is cumming now.”
I felt his warm discharge flow into me. “That’s it, baby, give me all of you.”
His pulsing flow pushed me over the edge of the wave I had been riding. I held him tighter.
“Oh God Jeff, I am cumming also. Ahhh, this is so wonderful! You mean the world to me.”
“You know I feel the same,” he replied.
Our closeness was entrancing. I knew I was beloved and treasured.
We stayed connected for a few more minutes and then he rolled off. No words were really needed. We now completely understood our yearning and tender feelings for each other.