Katie’s Favorite Son

"Katie and her favorite son plan a nice evening alone."

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Katie looked at her watch. What the hell was taking Chad so long? Chad was her twenty-one-year-old younger son, and they only had an hour, maybe less, before the rest of the family returned. He was worse than her college students. She decided to text him.

“If you aren’t here in ten minutes, we aren’t doing it.”

Before she could send the text, she heard a car pull up onto the driveway. Katie opened the door with her hands on her hips.

“You’re late,” she said, putting on her “teacher” mode.

“You know that doesn’t work on me,” Chad said.

“Just get inside, it’s raining,” she said while grabbing his shirt. She looked him up and down.

Chad stood at six foot three, towering over his five-foot-four mother. His dark, buzz-cut hair glistened from the rain. His shirt was soaked, revealing his muscles and chain necklace underneath.

Chad eyed his mother as well. Her medium-length, brown hair was tied in a ponytail, D-cup breasts protruding through her t-shirt.

“You’re drenched, young man. Take that shirt off,” Katie said, still with her hands on her hips.

He peeled his shirt off, his eight-pack body stretching in front of his mother. Katie bit her lower lip.

Chad turned on some romantic music and moved towards Katie, wrapping his arms around her.

“So, you ready, mom?” Chad asked.

Katie backed away slightly.

“We’ve talked about this, Chad. When we’re alone you call me ‘Katie’, not ‘Mom’,” she said.

“Ok, Katie,” Chad said with a grin.

Katie returned a grin and kissed Chad on the lips. The couple swayed to the music. Katie turned around so Chad could lift her shirt and place his hands on her breasts, as well as feel his hard muscles on her back. She watched herself in the mirror, admiring her still-youthful image at age forty-three, with a hot, muscular stud behind her. Chad placed his hand down her jeans and gently caressed her vagina bush.

“Mmmm,” Katie purred.

“Shall we, um, take this upstairs?” Chad asked, still swaying to the music.

Katie let out a giggle and nodded.

Chad held his mother’s hand and made their way to the staircase. Her shirt fell back over her breasts as she walked. Not that it mattered; it wouldn’t stay on for long.

The front door suddenly opened. Her older son Luke had opened the door. 

“Oh, hey, Luke,” Katie breathed. “What are you doing home early?”

“Uh, yeah, hey, bro,” Chad said nervously.

Katie was just thankful her shirt had fallen, or else it would’ve been an awkward situation.

“I always leave early on Friday,” Luke said.

“Oh,” She said rather flatly.

She looked at Chad’s bare, muscular chest. Unfortunately for Luke, he didn’t have the looks or confidence that his brother had.

Luke eyed Chad, and then his mother. Katie knew he was sussing the two of them out.

“Chad’s about to go in the shower,” Katie said. “You should as well.”

“Yeah, why don’t you go first? You look soaked,” Chad asked.

Luke agreed and went upstairs, leaving Katie and Chad alone again. They waited in silence until they heard the shower.

“I told you, you were late!”, Katie hissed, gently poking Chad in the chest. “Next, your dad will come, and we won’t be able to have sex for God knows how long!”

“Can’t get enough of me, can ya,” Chad smirked.

Katie crossed her arms in frustration.

“You owe me, big time,” she said.

“I got it covered,” Chad replied and tapped his mom on the ass as she stormed away.

 Katie’s husband, John, joined her and her two sons for their usual evening meal. She was still annoyed with Chad’s tardiness, yet couldn’t deny what a hunk he was. Seeing his muscles underneath his vest made her squirm in her seat! She looked over at her husband. She couldn’t fathom how such an average-looking man could father a son like Chad.

Her oldest son, Luke, was twenty-five and still looked like a teenager, and many people often mistook Chad as the older sibling, despite being four years younger. No wonder he had trouble with getting women. 

“Dad, you like rock music, yeah?” Chad spoke.

“Um, yes. Why do you ask?” John replied.

“Guy at work gave me a ticket to see some band tomorrow, out of town. Don’t wanna go, what about you?” Chad suggested.

He handed John the ticket.

“Aw, Maiden! Hell yeah,” John exclaimed. “But just one ticket? Sure you don’t want to go?”

“Nah, I hate rock, but you like ‘Iron Man’ or whatever don’t you? You should go,” Chad said.

Maiden,” Luke sighed, rolling his eyes.

“It’s Iron Maiden, Chad. But thank you,” John replied.

He looked at his wife.

“Anyway, your mom’s in charge. What do you say, dear,” John asked.

“Oh, go and enjoy yourself!” Katie said cheerfully. “Up the irons and all that!”

“It’s a long drive so I’ll be staying overnight afterward, is that ok with you all?” John asked.

Katie and Chad glanced at each other with knowing looks.

“We’ll be fine, dad!” Luke interrupted.

Katie smiled to herself. Chad had it all planned. She just had to do something about Luke.




Luke spent the rest of the day in his room listening to music and browsing the internet. The next day couldn’t have come sooner. His father said his goodbyes and left for the concert.

His mother called him almost instantly after.

“Luke! I’ve been wondering. Why don’t you spend the night at one of your friend’s places?” she asked.

Luke blankly stared at his mom.

“Why?” he asked.

“It’d be good for you. You don’t want to be cooped up inside all weekend! Plus, you can get used to driving your car,” she replied.

“Uh, ok,” Luke said. “When do you want me to go?”

“You can go now if you like?” she said.

“Now? Uh… Sure,” Luke finally said. “I’ll ask James or Alex if they’re free.”

“Ok, well hurry now!” she replied, giving him a slight push towards the stairs.

He went back to his room, packed some underwear, and closed his bedroom door. He drove away from the house with an odd feeling in his chest. Why would his mom want him out that quickly?

Luke spent nearly an hour on another street, waiting in his car. Truth be told, he had no intention of staying with his friend. Why would his mom want him out all of a sudden? For some reason, Luke knew his mom was cheating on dad. He got out of his car and walked back to the house.

The light was on in the master bedroom, yet all the other lights were off. His heart sank. He wondered if she had told Chad some bullshit excuse to get him out, as well. Luke slowly opened the front door and quietly closed it. He was right. He heard two distinct voices coming from the bedroom, male and female. They were laughing. He crept upstairs.

Luke was on the verge of tears. Why would his mom cheat? He reached his mother’s bedroom and looked through the door crack. He felt his heart sink again. His mom was giving someone with a large penis a blowjob. He opened the door slightly to see the man. It was Chad.

Luke stepped back and nearly fell in his confusion. This was a dream, it had to be. His mom and brother? He leaned against the wall, thinking about how any of this could be possible. Throughout his life, Luke had always felt as though his mother loved Chad more. And, of course, what kind of mother wouldn’t favor the taller, better-looking sibling? Not to mention, his confidence was through the roof.

He heard his mom giggle and decided to peek through the door again.

Katie climbed on top of Chad, rubbing her vagina on his muscular chest. She pointed his penis to her vagina and let it enter her.

“Oh, Chad!” she purred, as her vagina engulfed his penis.

Chad placed his hands on her hips as she sensually rode her favorite son. Katie loved to caress his muscles in this position. Katie leaned forward and gave Chad a passionate kiss. Chad rolled his mother onto her back and returned the favor.

“Fuck, you’re hot, mom,” Chad said, still pumping in and out of Katie’s bushy vagina.

Katie placed her hand on his chest.

“Chad, you promised you’d call me ‘Katie’,” she exclaimed.

“You love being called ‘Mom’, don’t deny it,” Chad replied, his grin widening.

“Ohh, fuck, whatever. Just don’t stop!” Katie screamed.

The couple continued to have sex, switching back to Katie on top. Eventually, Chad ejaculated into her vagina and they got into a cuddling position on the bed, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear.

“So, mom, who’s your favorite son? Me or Luke?” Chad asked.

Katie propped herself up and let out a gasp.

“Chad! You know I love you both the same,” Katie said.

Chad grabbed his penis and rubbed it against her leg. Katie rolled her eyes.

“Oh fine, I love you more! You’re fucking gorgeous,” Katie exhaled.

Chad flexed his muscles in triumph.

“Come here, favorite son,” Katie purred.

She and Chad kissed sensually, laughing between kisses.




Luke stepped away from the door. He had just witnessed his mom and brother have full-on, incest sex. Worse, his mom outright called Chad her “favorite” son. He continued to watch them make out and slowly made his way to his bedroom. On the way there he noticed his wet erection. He had unwittingly and absent-mindedly masturbated.

Oh, god. What if I came in the carpet, Luke thought to himself.

He went back to check, and, alas, a pool of his cum lay in front of the door. Heart racing, he crept to the bathroom to get toilet paper, then back to the carpet. Luke felt dizzy and felt like throwing up, but he continued to dab the semen from the carpet. He heard his mom and brother laugh and hoped that neither of them would leave.

He heard the bed creak. Someone was approaching the door. The floor was still damp but he couldn’t stay a second longer. He rushed away as fast as he could without trying to make a noise and managed to get to his room in time.

Chad opened the door, walking straight into a wet puddle on the carpet.

“Hey, Katie, the floor’s real wet here,” Chad said.

Katie got out of bed and stood beside Chad. She frowned and knelt next to him to inspect.

“Chad… I think…this is cum,” she replied.

“Not mine,” he said.

“I know,” replied Katie, frowning. “You don’t think…”

Chad and Katie looked at each other in horror. They turned their heads to see Luke’s bedroom door slightly ajar. They knew that Luke was home.

“Oh, my god,” Katie whispered.

To Be Continued…

Published 3 years ago

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