In the Depth of Her Eyes

"Look into her eyes and see her true beauty"

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A once empty heart now feels full
Tugged by another soul’s pull
Crossing the pass on a wire
Warmed by another souls fire

Look deep inside of her eyes
Find beauty there few ever see
Look and learn from her heart
What others could not hope to be
In the depth of her eyes

When the first light of day fills the room
You know she will have to leave soon
Now your heart feels empty and torn
You find that you’re craving her more

You watched as the light touched her eyes
And knew then you weren’t in a dream
Wrapped up tight in her arms
You’re a lost cause when you look deep
At the light in her eyes

She beckoned and called dropping clues
And she lured you in like a fool
Now it’s your heart that’s on fire
She fans the flames of your desire

Look deep inside of her eyes
Find beauty there no one else sees
Look and learn from her heart
You’ve become all that she can see
From the depth of her eyes

It’s been her all along it would seem
Look and learn from her heart
What others could not hope to be
In the depth of her eyes

Published 9 years ago

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