This wish I bring to you

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Christmas time brings all that’s fine, this wish I bring to you.
Happiness in all you seek and love the whole year through.

Strength to help you through the roughest times and light to guide your way.
It’s Christmas time and it’s love you find I offer you today.

Everyday, just not today, these things then matter too.
Find peace and joy and happiness in everything you do.

Take time to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you.
They matter most above all else and need to know that too.

It’s Christmas time and all that’s fine will come to you today.
Friends are those who gather close and share love in all they say.

If you observe another faith these sentiments remain.
Your heart and mine are quite alike, we all love just the same.

I carry you in my heart my friend, know my love for you is strong.
I wish you peace and joy and happiness today and all year long.

Published 9 years ago

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