Waiting in the Wings

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Sing me tuneless comfort
Cradling my pain
Help me bear the sadness 
Burdening my brain

Hold me while I remember
What can no longer be
The unthought thoughts I daily
Try so hard not to think

And while you act as sentry
I can bear to feel
The feelings begging to be felt
Press forward urgently

With you near, they lose danger
A beast without its teeth
A snake without its poison
A fire without its heat

Tame and placid finally
Docile memories
For now, not quite as scary
No longer heart-wrenching

Just sweet and dear reminders
Of times that used to be
Happy once, though shaded
By later tragedy

So while I’m starting over
And thrive on strength you bring
My past is still a part of me
Waiting in the wings.

Published 9 years ago

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