Alex and Vicki: Come-Hither Holiday Party

"Now stop it, Alex, or even extra-strength catnip won’t coax my kitty out to play with you…"

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A few weeks ago Vicki and I received an invitation to a ‘Come-Hither Holiday Party’. Paige, a counselor who used to work with my wife, and her significant other, Amanda, were hosting the party. A day after we received our invite, Vicki spoke with Paige and learned that it’s actually Amanda’s ‘sexy lingerie and sex-toy party’ with a holiday theme. Out of respect to my lovely wife, I agreed to accompany her to this ‘what should be a fun’ party – plus I really like Paige.

Paige is a very pretty woman in her late-thirties, a Swedish blonde, a little thick but still a hottie, and most of all she’s a lot of fun to be with. On the other hand neither Vicki nor I have ever met Amanda, but Paige once described her as being ‘a very smart young lady in her mid-twenties with scorching hot body.’

Truth be told, I believed that my wife is looking forward to meeting Amanda – I knew I wa. When the time came for Vicki and I to get ready for the party, after our shower, my wife decided to wear a thin-material, red ‘peek-a-boo’ midriff-top, sleeveless, with a black high/low skirt – very sexy. As for me, Vicki insisted that I wear my black linen ‘horny’ slacks with a red polo shirt to match her outfit, and my black sandals. Quite frankly, since both of us decided to dress sexy for each other and skip the underwear, we were perfectly dressed for an orgy – shed four pieces of clothing between the two of us and we’d be naked.


Paige’s party was scheduled to begin at seven o’clock, and we planned to arrive shortly thereafter. Somewhere along the way, Vicki’s seat belt had perfectly parted her big luscious nipple poppin’ tits. When I saw that, and while I gave one of her big suckable mounds of joy a squeeze, I said, “Babe, when we get home tonight, I intend to pet these puppies until they coax your naughty little kitty out from under her hood, and then I’m gonna tease your kitty all night long. Babe, I hope we have enough ‘Vicki was here’ towels next to the bed…”

“Stop it Alex – you’ll make my pussy wet!”

“Oh, sorry Babe, in that case as soon as we get to Paige’s place I’ll be happy to dry off every droplet with my tongue. But that could take a while…”

“Please stop it Hon’, you know I don’t have any panties on and you know that I was horny before we left our house, so just stop it…”

“Sure Babe… in that case when we get to Paige’s place I’ll stick ‘Big Alex’ in it to plug the leak.”

“Now stop it, Alex, or even extra-strength catnip won’t coax my kitty out to play with you…”

Needless to say, I shut my mouth…


It took us about a half-hour to get to Paige’s place, but when we pulled into her driveway, we both thought we were at the wrong address – where are all of the cars? Vicki had our invitation in hand so she quickly double-checked the address, date, and time… And yes, the party was tonight and we were at the right house.

“Hon’,” my wife said, “Let’s just knock on the door – maybe we’re just the first ones to arrive?”

It was after a few healthy taps on the door when Paige answered, wearing a pair of sexy black house pajamas. “Vicki, Alex – please come in,” Paige said, but looking puzzled she added, “Vicki, didn’t you receive my text, I cancelled the party – Amanda and I split up.”

While we stood inside of Paige’s doorway my wife checked her phone, but there was no such message. Paige quickly apologized for her oversight, and then she mentioned that two of her closest friends were here with her. Fact is we ready to leave when my wife said, “Paige, I’m sorry to hear about your break-up. Perhaps we should plan on getting together at better time?”

“Oh no – Alex, Vicki, please stay,” Paige said, adding, “I’ll order a few pizzas – now the five of us can spend a cozy night together – and damn, Vicki, don’t you look edible! Excuse me Alex if I stare at your gorgeous wife all night.”

“Trust me Paige, she’s used to it by now, I’ve been staring at my lovely bride every chance I get for over thirty years now.”

“Alex, I can certainly see why – and look at those curves, Vicki, you hid them well while we worked together,” Paige said as she gave my wife a big hug.


Since Paige insisted that we stay, we did. The other couple, Jamie and Darlene, they seemed to be friendly – a little odd, but friendly nevertheless. While the five of us sat at Paige’s kitchen table and had a few beers, through conversation Vicki and I learned that Jamie and Darlene, both in their late thirties, are a very unusual married couple. It turns out they’ve been best friends ever since college – ‘soul mates,’ as they put it,but Jamie is gay and Darlene is a lesbian. Frankly, the way they explained their open-marriage made perfect sense.

As we continued to sit and talk, Jamie and Darlene’s unique marriage led to a whole new topic of conversation: sex, and it was initiated by Paige. Prior to now everything that we talked about was ‘G-rated’. It was while the five of us munched-away on pizza that Paige said to my wife, referring to her recent break-up with Amanda, “Darlene and I have been best friends since college, and that’s when we became lovers. When Amanda caught us in bed together, and even though she knew that we occasionally got together for a raunchy romp in the sack – well that’s when the shit hit the fan. Amanda packed-up and left two day’s later. We needed to move on from each other anyways.”

In reply to Paige’s explanation, my wife jokingly said, “Paige, it’s too bad your break-up didn’t happen next week, I’m sure that my hubby would have loved to eyeball a young blonde with a scorching hot body.”

“Alex, I’m sure you would have! Much like I’ve enjoyed eyeing your sexy wife all night.”

Paige’s comment actually made my wife blush, but I could also tell it got Vicki’s juices flowing – her nipples popped and there was no way to hide it. When Paige got up to grab another beer from the fridge, before she did she stopped behind my wife’s chair and ran her fingers through Vicki’s hair.

“Alex, I hope I’m not upsetting you,” Paige said. “I’ve wanted to run my fingers through your wife’s long blonde hair for the longest time.”

“Paige, I only get upset when my wife gets upset. Vicki seems to be enjoying your soft feminine touch.”

With that said, the room became as quiet as a study hall. Once Paige realized that she just a received a green light to fawn over my wife, she took her fingers out of my wife’s hair, and then she massaged Vicki’s bare arms, her neck, and her shoulders for a few minutes while we all quietly sat and watched.

“Damnit Vicki, you’re making me wet,” Paige said.

“Ditto,” my wife said while Paige walked away to grab a beer from the fridge.

Oops, it turned out that either Jamie or Darlene must have taken the last can of beer without saying a word. “Shit,” Paige said, and then she added, “Perhaps one of you two fine gentlemen would be willing to take a short ride to the liquor store. It’s less than a mile away.”

It was Darlene, and not Jamie who spoke up, saying that she was ready to call it a night. And just that fast, she and her hubby stood up and abruptly left before Paige could even escort them to the door. As soon as Jamie and Darlene were out of the front door, I said, “Paige, I’ll be happy to go to the store, unless you’d rather have Vicki and I also call it a night, we’d respect that…”

“Oh no, not at all, I’m enjoying your company, please stay. I suspect Darlene was jealous because I fawned over you, Vicki, and not her , I could see it on her face. She’s always been a needy little bitch but I still love her,” Paige said.


Paige’s directions to the liquor store were perfect. While I was there, besides buying a twelve-pack of beer, since neither Vicki nor I are big beer drinkers I also bought a bottle of our favorite tequila. My entire trip to the store, there and back only took twenty-minutes.

Upon my return, Vicki and Paige were seated on backless counter stools at Paige’s kitchen island. When I showed the ladies that I bought a bottle of tequila, Paige pointed me towards the cabinet where the glasses were, Paige also decided to have tequila instead of a beer. While I poured us all a little tequila, Paige lit several large scented candles around the kitchen area. Next, to make things even cozier Paige turned off the kitchen lights.

While the three of us sipped tequila and chatted about our younger days, Paige shared that she worked her way through college as a masseuse, and learned the tricks of the trade from an elegant gypsy woman. Hearing that, I jokingly said with a big smile, “So tell me Paige, back in the day did your massages produce a lot of happy endings?”

“Ha-ha Mr. Cutie,” Paige said with a playful look on her face, continuing, “It wasn’t that type of massage parlor, it was a day spa for rich women, and almost all of them were hot – much like you Vicki. But I’ll admit, some of my clients requested a nude massage, myself included, with some special attention.”

While Paige continued to share her spa stories, she said she had a few clients that preferred to stand while she massaged them, saying ‘those clients always required her special attention.’ Hearing that, Vicki asked Paige to give her a little taste of what a ‘standing’ massage feels like. Paige happily agreed to, but before she did she turned on some soothing music to set the mood.


Before Paige proceeded with my wife’s ‘standing’ massage, together they practiced a few shallow-breathing exercises. Once the ladies were ready, Paige said, “Vicki, now close your eyes my love, allow me to take control of your mind, your body, and your soul.”

With a subtle smile on my wife’s face, she seemed to be quite relaxed as stood on the other side of the counter from me, with her backside to Paige. For starters, Paige’s hands began to work their magic up and down wife’s bare arms, and then she reached under Vicki’s top to massage her neck and shoulders.

Not missing a beat, after Paige’s hands made their way down my wife’s back, they worked their way around my wife’s hips to caress her tummy. Next, inch-by-inch Page’s hands moved higher, and higher, now caressing the tender area under my wife’s bountiful breasts. Although I couldn’t see through my wife’s thin top, I could tell that Paige’s fingers and hands had to be snuggled in-between my wife’s chest and her big breasts.

It was obvious that Vicki was enjoying Paige’s gentle touch. It was also obvious that Paige was enjoying the feel of my wife’s beautiful body, as she continued to slowly caress my wife under her breasts.

But it was when Paige boldly cupped and caressed my wife’s big breasts under her top when her gentile relaxing massage transitioned into lustful female foreplay.

Now, as Paige touched my wife’s erect nipples, my wife began to moan with the excitement of a newfound lover. In fact Paige continued to touch my wife’s nipples much like Tara touches her nipples while they make love. With Paige continuing to roll my wife’s nipples between her fingers with a slow and deliberate pace, she said, “Vicki, you’ll have to tell me when to stop my love.”

Since Vicki said nothing about setting her boundaries, Paige looked to me with a lesbianic desire written all over her face. There was no doubt that Paige wanted to make love with my wife, and in all likelihood has harbored a sexual desire for Vicki for years. But the real question was: how far will Vicki go.

Since neither Vicki nor I objected to Paige’s sexual advance, Paige continued to lustfully cup and fondle my wife’s big breasts until she slowly began to remove my wife’s top, then carefully draping it across a kitchen chair. Once Paige assumed her previous position, as she continued to caress my wife’s big breasts she said in a sexy tone of voice, “Alex, please have a seat next to me, I’ll need you to assist me when the time comes.”

I finished the small amount of tequila I had left in my glass, and then I moved to the other side of the counter taking a seat near Paige. Once I did, Paige instructed my wife to lean forward, just a little, and then to secure her stance by holding on to the counter. With my wife’s beautiful breasts now afloat in the air, Paige once again said, “Vicki, you’ll have to tell me when to stop, otherwise I intend to give you my full treatment.”

Without any objection from my wife, Paige continued on.


Paige must be a breast woman, because once again she began to titillate the slopes of my wife’s breasts, one by one cupping and massaging each of them. But then, to my surprise instead of pinching or rolling her erect nipples between her fingers like she did before, Paige vigorously began to rub the palms of her hands together. It took a good thirty-seconds before Paige’s palms were heated and spiritually energized.

Once again, when Paige asked my wife for permission to go further, Vicki nodded her head as if to say ‘yes.’ With heated palms, Paige gently swirled her palms over my wife’s erect nipples ever so slowly and barely making contact. Paige continued to electrify my wife’s consenting nipples for quite a while, eventually locking my wife into a sensual trance – and then it happened…

“Oh my God, Paige, stop, stop, stop or I’ll cum, Paige.”

“It’s okay Vicki, give in to your feelings, give in to your sexual desires, cum for Miss Paige Vicki, cum for me,” Paige said in a very seductive tone of voice as she continued to electrify my wife’s nipples. With my wife now breathing heavy and squirming in her stance, Paige said, “Vicki, just let it happen – let it happen doll.”

After hearing Paige’s seductive tone of voice, along with feeling her erotic touches, my wife cried out, “Paige I’m cumming… Don’t stop, please don’t stop, don’t stop Paige – ohooo my God Hon’ I’m cumming!”

Paige’s sexual energy kept my wife in an orgasmic state of mind for quite a while. Vicki was so turned on that she had a steady stream of her love juice running down both of her legs, so much so that she finally had to beg Paige to stop. But by now, Paige was also locked into a sexual trance, having had multiple orgasms of her own. As soon as Paige caught her breath, she took a few steps back to recoup, and then she took her sexy silk pajamas off.


After a very brief break, a naked and very sexual Paige continued on. This time, Paige’s rather large breasts rested and rubbed against my wife’s bare back while she performed a fingertip massage on Vicki’s side-boobs, inner-boobs, under-boobs, and finally her nipples. With Vicki experiencing yet another series of powerful gushers, Paige said, “Vicki, just breathe and relax my love, there’s much more to come… Now let’s take your skirt off,” and then she hung it over her top on a chair.

Now that Vicki was naked, Paige bent down to massage her legs. When she did she realized that Vicki’s legs were soaked because she didn’t have any panties on. “Alex,” Paige said in her sexy tone of voice, ”Now I need your help… Please take your clothes off – your naked male flesh and erect penis will accentuate the sexual energy around us.”

While I undressed (within seconds), Paige had my wife spread her legs apart while she continued to brace herself against the counter. Just as Paige knelt down behind my wife to pleasure her pussy, I said, “Tease her naughty kitten Paige, coax it out from under its hood…”

“Do it Paige, do it, but let my hubby help,” my wife said.

“Go on Paige, it’s your party, just save some kitty for me,” I said.

In an instant Paige extended her tongue onto my wife’s glistening pussy lips. While she did I moved behind Paige, and then I gently ran my right middle finger up and down the edges of Paige’s playful pussy lips. Between the constant movements of Paige’s lusty tongue, and her gentle grip on both of my wife’s nipples, it only took a few minutes to bring my wife back to her previous orgasmic state of mind. Once again Vicki was gushing, this time on Paige’s tongue, and then traveling down her legs, creating small puddles on the kitchen floor. And as she did, Paige graced my hand with a sampling of her own love juice.

“Alex dear, take my place,” Paige said.

More than willing and eager to assist, I knelt down behind my ‘orgasmic’ wife. With my wife’s eyes still closed, I gave her insatiable pussy more than just a few flicks and licks to her ‘hot spot,’ a spot I knew well, just to keep her juices flowing for Paige.


Upon Paige’s return, she held a couple of heated towels in one hand, and then she handed me several dry towels. After Paige delicately cleaned off all of my wife’s sexual secretions from her legs, I dried them off.

“Vicki, shall we continue?” Paige said.

“Yes,” my wife softly replied.

“Vicki, it’s time to open your eyes and turn around,” Page said.

As soon as my wife turned around to face Paige, Paige embraced and kissed my wife. After a few hot kisses, Paige stepped back and once again began to rub her palms together. But this time when she did she said, “Alex, electrify your palms, both of my breasts will need to feel your strong male energy. And Alex, this time it will be your sexual energy that will bring your wife and I to achieve our most powerful orgasms of the night.”

By now, as I rubbed my palms together Paige had me sexually charged. Plus, between Paige’s beautiful lily-white skin, her intoxicating scent, the sexy slopes of her ample breasts, and her long pouty nipples – my cock was so rigid it hurt. From head to toe, Paige was the hottest plus-size woman that I’d ever set my eyes on, while being no taller that my ‘five-foot-three’ wife.

“Alex, when you’re ready let’s begin,” Paige said.

“I am Miss Paige,” I said, as I stepped forward and sandwiched my aching cock between us.

“Alex, I love the feel of your strong male energy, and your large penis as it pulsates between us – Vicki will soon feel your male energy too. Let’s begin on the count of three,” Paige said, and then she counted… “One – two – three.”

Upon Paige’s count of ‘three,’ my hands ever so lightly electrified each of Paige’s exotic nipples. Feeling the friction, Paige began to squirm in her stance, creating my cock to simulate an intercourse type of feeling between our bare flesh. With my pre-cum now spewing onto her back, it was Vicki who then cried out, “Oh Hon’, I feel it, oh my God Hon’, pump me, give it to me, fuck me Hon’, make him do something Paige!”

Mindful of my wife’s needs, Paige backed me onto a kitchen chair, dragging my wife with her by her breasts. Within seconds it was Paige, and not my wife who back-sided my cock deep inside of her tight but very shallow pussy. Now, while Paige’s tight pussy massaged my cock over and over again, she leaned forward and pulled my wife’s body into hers.

Once again, and being mindful my wife’s needs, Paige took one of my wife’s breasts in her mouth, pinched and toyed with her other breast, and then she inserted the middle finger of her free hand inside if my wife, also thumbing my wife’s sensitive ‘kitty’ to electrify Vicki’s mind and body.

With Paige attending to my wife’s sexual needs while she massaged my cock, I managed to keep my contact with Paige’s erotic nipples, all the while loving how her tight little pussy gripped my cock like a tight glove. After many minutes of Paige’s pussy massage, my wife said, “Oh shit Alex I want it now, give me your cum Hon’, give it to me, oh my God Alex fucking give it to me… Oh Paige… Oh Hon’… Oh shit I’m cumming!!!”

Within seconds of my wife’s frantic love cries, I pumped and pumped and pumped Paige’s exotic little pussy as full of my man cream as I could. And as I did, I cupped her breasts and squeezed her big chewy nipples while she pinched my wife’s and fingered the life out of her pussy.

While the three of us were completely sexually connected, I continued to pump Paige full of my liquid love. Paige mirrored my wife’s series of gushers with her own, soaking my suddenly exhausted cock again and again. In the end, we were all sexually drained and soaked, but most of all sexually satisfied.


It took a few minutes before Paige and I were able to stand up. Once we did the three of us shared one big hug along with many hot kisses. There was no question that while our spiritual love triangle was taking place, we were all oblivious to everything – proof in point, Jamie and Darlene had returned.

Paige acknowledged Jamie and Darlene’s presence as they stepped forward from the darkness of the kitchen entryway. But then to my surprise, Paige said to Darlene in a rather irritated tone of voice, “My guests and I will be upstairs taking a much needed shower. I expect you two to be gone upon our return – and next time fucking knock.”

Just like that, Paige turned her back on Jamie and Darlene, and then she escorted us upstairs to her master bathroom. Paige suggested that I take a quick shower first, so I did. My wife was the next to step in, but before she did I kissed and hugged her, and for the umpteenth time today told her how much I love her.

Dried-off and still naked, I found Paige lying on her bed, also still naked, looking as sultry as can be. When I joined her on her bed, Paige quietly said, “Alex, can you keep a secret?”

“Anything for you Miss Paige,” I said.

“Stop with the ‘Miss Paige’ you clown, but that whole sexual-transference thing – it’s all bullshit but it works every time.”

Understandably, Paige and I had a pretty good laugh together after she spilled her beans. But then I snuggled Paige tightly into my arms and said, “Listen Kitten, if it works every time it can’t be bullshit.”

“Good point Alex, very good point, but don’t you tell Vicki what I said.”

“Not a word Paige – not one word…”

Published 9 years ago

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