I Dominus: East meets West.

"Gil gets nasty in the land of the Rising Sun or Oh no, there goes Tokyo!"

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I Dominus: Japan – East meets West

It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time. You could feel the county’s history if you quieted your mind.

I was in Japan on business. The IT firm that had hired me was looking to expand in the East. It only took three days to conclude that Tokyo was too expensive to venture in to. I recommended that they wait, or, that they consider a different city to build an international office in.

I had four more days to spend in Tokyo. The next day, I ventured out to look for Japanese, woodblock prints. Artists would carve images into wooden blocks and press the ink onto paper. Specifically, in the Urushi-e style. The colors had a lacquered finish look to them. It was a very popular technique in the eighteen hundreds.

I came across small boutique that caught my eye. The small, front window had ropes perfectly coiled and on display. They were available in far too many colors for my taste, and were positioned like a rainbow, over a picture of Mount Fuji. However, some of the rope was hemp; I decided to go into the boutique.

A very young and pretty girl greeted me from the back of the small shop. “Hello,” she smiled.

“Hello,” I smiled back and made my way to her.

“How may I help you?” she cheerfully asked as she walked out from behind the counter.

Her hair was very long, black and shiny. It was tied in a ponytail. She had it draped over her left shoulder and it dangled just above her hip. Her red t-shirt, with the logo of the shop, was tucked into her jeans. The belt buckle she wore caught my eye. It had the Steve Miller Band’s, The Joker album cover on it.

“Nice belt buckle,” I smiled, “I am looking for rope. Hemp. Natural, if you have it.”

She smiled and replied, “The display is not for sale. It is advertising for a class here, tonight.” She looked me over, smirked and asked “Are you familiar with Hojojitsu?”

I grinned at her and replied, “Yes.”

“You should attend tonight’s class. You will surely learn some new techniques, and take them back with you to, America,” she coyly said with a cool confidence.

I chuckled and replied, “Canada, not the, USA. I am Canadian.”

“Forgive me. What brings you to Japan?” she asked.

“Business. Unfortunately, it was not a prosperous journey for my client. But, I am glad I got to visit your lovely country.”

“It’s too expensive to live in the city. But, you are right, it is beautiful. I am Aiko. Will you be attending tonight’s show?”

“Pleasure to meet you, Aiko. I am Gil. Yes, I will attend the show. How much are the tickets?”

“One, or two tickets, Gil?”

“Just one,” I smiled.

Aiko reached into her back pocket, pulled a business card and handed it to me. “Just show this at the door. Be here before nine pm. There is no entrance fee, but, contributions are always welcome. Feel free to participate,” she smiled.

“Thank you. I look forward learning new techniques, Aiko,” I smiled back and winked at her.

She chuckled and asked, “You are not offended by partial nudity, are you, Gil?”

“I’m a bit shy, Aiko. It’ll take a lot of sake and beer to get me out of my clothes. Besides, we’ve only just met. I have my reputation to protect,” I chuckled.

Aiko laughed and replied, “I look forward to making you blush, Gil. If, you truly are, as shy as you claim to be.”

“Good luck with that, Aiko,” I chuckled and left.


I returned to the shop a few minutes before nine that evening. A chubby lady was sitting behind a desk, next to the set of stairs that led to the second floor. I took the card Aiko had given me and presented it to the seated lady. She looked me over and nodded towards the stairs.

I thanked her and made my way to the second floor, where a young lady was seated behind a small table. There was a jar filled with yen on the desk. I dropped four thousand yen into the jar and thanked her.

The far wall had shinai, bamboo swords, and boken, hard wood swords, neatly hung in four rows of each. I was in a Kendo dojo.

“Gil!” Aiko called to me from across the small studio space.

She looked stunning dressed in an all-white kimomo, with a red sash bound tightly around her slim waist. Her long hair was tucked inside the kimono, over her left shoulder.

There were at least twenty people in the studio. All were Aiko’s ages and all dressed similarly. The young men in the crowd were dressed in black hakamas, the traditional uniform worn in Kendo, with three quarter length sleeved, karate tops. Friends from her university I had guessed. They were gathered around an older man; he was dressed in a red gi, (a karate uniform) and had a well-worn black belt around his thick waist.

“Hello, Aiko,” I smiled at her as I took off my shoes and socks. “I hope wearing a suit and tie is not over dressed for the class.”

“Thank you for attending, and for the contribution. You look very handsome, you are not overdressed. I want to introduce you to our sensei. I told him you might be attending and he wanted to meet you,” she smiled radiantly as she took my hand and led me to the sensei.

Aiko approached the sensei, bowed and introduced me to him, “Sensei Tanaka, this is Gil-san.”

“Welcome to my Kendo dojo, Gil. It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you enjoy the class,” Tanaka welcomed me and bowed.

I bowed from the waist and replied, “I look forward to the experience. Thank you for opening your dojo to me.”

“Aiko,” Tanaka bowed as he addressed her, “Start the class, please.”

“OOS! Sensei!” Aiko bowed and replied.

She walked to the far wall, stood with her back to it and shouted in Japanese. The students lined up and bowed to her. Aiko bowed back and shouted in Japanese again, then kneeled. The students paired off, one of the pair standing, and the other on their knees.

Aiko shouted out, “Teppou shibari!”

The standing students reached into their tops and took out two coiled ropes and began the tie.

“The rifle tie,” I said to Tanaka.

“Yes,” Tanaka replied. “They must complete the tie in less than eight minutes. These are intermediate students. Aiko can do it in just over three minutes.”

“Talented young lady,” I replied.

Tanaka smiled. “She is a gifted student at the university. She is a Nidan in Kendo. She approached me to provide classes for her and her friends. To assist with one of their assignments, to learn an art from our culture’s past. I am sure the art of tying up a prisoner was last on their agenda. Young people in Japan only think any part of our past is cool, if it is popular in the west. I only agreed to assist them to ensure they learned the skill of safety, when playing with rope. I may be old, but I know of to surf YouTube, for bondage videos,” he chuckled.

I chuckled and replied, “I remember the teenage years of my two children. You are a braver man than me, Tanaka. You have twenty young people to keep an eye on. And a third degree black belt, in Aiko.”

Tanaka laughed, “Braver maybe. But you are the wiser man.”

Aiko shouted out and stood up. The students had completed the tie.

“Excuse me, Gil. I must grade the ties,” Tanaka said and walked to the students.

He quickly inspected the students work and bowed to Aiko. She bowed back and shouted out. The students began to free their counterparts from the rope.

“Free time, Sensei? Aiko asked Tanaka as she bowed to him.

He bowed back and nodded.

Aiko’s face lit up as she shouted to the students, “Free time!”

Tanaka turned to me and said, “You are fortunate today, Gil. You have witnessed art from our past, now you will witness where this generation has taken this art. I must leave, please excuse me. It was a pleasure meeting you, Gil-san.” Tanaka extended his hand to me.

I shook his hand and replied, “Thank you, Tanaka. It was a pleasure meeting a master of Kendo.”

Tanaka left the dojo. A student inserted her phone into portable speaker’s dock, and blasted techno music throughout the dojo.

All the girls in the class danced their way to the mirrored wall, undid the sashes around their waists and let their kimonos drop to the floor behind them. My cock twitched and began to swell. They were all dressed the same. Pink sports bras, with Japanese characters on them. I recognized the characters ‘Kinbaku Kitten’, and gray yoga shorts. Tight, sheer, yoga shorts.

The young men in the room laughed nervously and shoved each other. The young ladies stared at the boys and some whispered in each other’s ears as the giggled.

Aiko confidently walked over to me and asked, “Did you learn anything new, Gil?”

I grinned and let my eyes roam over the lovely Aiko’s body. Young, tight, defined, with subtle curves. Her breasts were perky, medium sized, 36C. The sports bra pressed her soft mounds into her chest and made the top of her breasts swell, much to the pleasure of my swelling cock.

“I learned much today, Aiko. Thank you for inviting me,” I replied with a hint of a growl in my voice.

“You are most welcome, Gil-san,” she bowed, giving me a lovely view of the top of her breasts. “Would you teach us something new? We are fascinated with Western culture.”

I smiled and looked at the other students, eagerly waiting for my reply. “I would be happy to, Aiko. May I use you?” I grinned as I asked the question.

Aiko blushed and replied, “Yes, I would like that very much.” She clapped her hands and the students formed a circle around us in the middle of the dojo.

“We all speak and understand English, you may describe what you do to me in English, Gil-san,” she coyly said as she bowed.

I removed my jacket and handed it to one of the young ladies to hold. “I am Shinju,” she smiled as she happily took my jacket.

“Pearl, your name means pearl,” I winked at her. Shinju is a euphemism for breasts. Her breasts were very large.

“How do you want me?” Aiko smirked.

“You’re going to get yourself into a lot of trouble with me, Aiko. If you keep talking like that,” I smiled at her.

She giggled and bit her lower lip, “Sorry, Gil-san. I’ll be a good girl from now on.”

“Shall we start, Aiko?”

“Yes please.”

I turned her around by the shoulders and removed her hair tie. I parted her long hair in the middle and asked two of the girls to weave Aiko’s hair into two braids.

“Reverse prayer,” I smiled at the students, “with no rope.”

The reverse prayer tie is punishing. The hands are bound in the prayer position, palm and fingers flat against each other, with arms behind the back, and the hands in between the shoulder blades.

When the two girls had finished braiding Aiko’s hair, I got to work. I crossed each braid around her throat and draped them down her back. A little choking never hurt anyone, I grinned to myself. I pulled her arms behind her back and folded her arms, pulling her hands in between her shoulder blades. I pulled each braid under her wrists and wrapped the hair around them. I grabbed her chin and tilted her head back as far as it could bend, to work the slack out of the braids. Aiko gasped at the sudden jerk of her head.

I wound her braids around her hands and wrists, leaving enough length to tie a square knot, and closed the tie with it. Aiko was breathing heavy and grimacing. The pressure in her shoulders and elbows, mixed with the asphyxiating effect of her throat being squeezed by her own hair, made the tie uncomfortable, and arousing.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently pushed down on it. I wanted to test her willingness, and how far I could push her in front of her friends. The other students were observing quietly. Aiko immediately and willingly kneeled at my feet.

My cock was semi erect and twitching in my pants. I wanted to pull it out and fuck Aiko’s beautiful face with it. Make her gag and gasp for air, and make her beg me to blow my load down her throat.

I placed my foot on her shoulder and pushed her on to her side. Aiko gasped and yelped as her strained shoulder hit the floor.

I offered the other students to come closer and study the tie, which they all eagerly accepted.

“Are you okay, Aiko?” I asked her.

She nodded at me.

“Stand up,” I ordered.

She got to her feet easily. A testament of how fit she was. Every muscle in her body rippled under her soft skin, as she gracefully powered herself to her feet.

I unbound her, stretched her arms over her head, and massaged her shoulders and neck. To get the blood flow back into her arms and hands.

She faced me, bowed and said, “Thank you, Sensei.”

I bowed back at her and replied, “I am not a sensei, Aiko. You may address me as, Sir, if you wish to show respect.”

She grinned, bowed again and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

“You are welcome. Thank you for volunteering.”

Shinju stood up, bowed, handed me her coiled ropes and asked, “May I be next, Sir? Tie of your choice.”

I looked at her, winked and replied, “Only if you tell me your real name,” I had heard her friends call her Yuki earlier.

She giggled, “Yuki.”

“You are a kinbaku kitten, Yuki?” I sternly asked her.

She blushed and nodded, as the other students giggled nervously.

I took the two ropes she had offered me and grinned, “Since you are so proud of your pearls, I know the tie I will demonstrate,” I smiled at her.

The boys in the class all pushed each other and laughed nervously. They were looking forward to getting a closer look at Yuki’s large breasts bound. I wouldn’t disappoint them.

I turned Yuki around, wrapped the rope around the top of her breasts and pulled it through the bight.

“Hands over your head. Exhale, empty your lungs, Yuki. I tie tight,” I half growled at her.

She nodded and exhaled. I tightened the rope; it bit into her flesh, deep. I wrapped the rope around and under her breasts and pulled it tight. I pulled the rope through the bight and tied it off. I brought the rope around to her chest, and pulled between her breasts and the rope that bit into her breasts. I twisted, and cinched it, till both breasts were squeezed tight and swelled out from her chest. I closed the tie and left the ends of the rope dangling across her belly.

Each breath Yuki took pushed her stomach outwards. The rope wouldn’t allow her chest to expand much.

I turned to look at Aiko and grinned at her. She wasn’t happy that I had chosen another girl. She tried to convince herself that she wasn’t jealous, but the red flush in her cheeks gave her away.

I smiled at her and asked, “May I use your rope, Aiko?”

She hesitated, huffed, picked up her rope and handed it to me. I bowed and said thank you. Aiko crossed her arms, and nodded as she stepped back. I wasn’t upset with her; in fact, I was flattered that she was jealous.

I pulled Yuki’s head back by the hair and placed the rope in her mouth. She bit down on it to hold it in place. I pulled the ends through the bight and pulled tight; the rope stretched her mouth back and pulled it open. I closed the tie close to her scalp and crossed her arms behind her back. Bound her wrists tight and pulled them up to the middle of her back. Yuki squirmed, and was working had to breathe. Spit flew out from around the rope that was biting into the sides of her mouth. I pulled the rope underneath the chest harness and closed the tie.

I stepped back and stood next to Aiko. She huffed again and took a small side step away from me.

“Inspect the tie,” I said to the students.

They all stood up and took turns glaring at Yuki’s large, bound, swelling breasts. Yuki moaned at the thought of being helpless and on display for her fellow students. She could feel their eyes burning into her breasts. She felt wetness seep from her pussy when someone brushed up against her. A small dark stain spread on her gray shorts.

“May I use a shinai, Aiko?”

Her eyes squinted a bit, she huffed again and nodded.

I took a shinai off the wall and walked over to Yuki. “Kinbaku kitten, may I hurt you?” I grinned down at her.

Her eyes widened and she nodded.

“Thank you, Yuki,” I growled at her, as I stared at Aiko.

There was fire smoldering in Aiko’s eyes, white hot and desperate. A shiver shot through her body as she met my icy stare. She knew I was performing for her, and her alone. An unspoken statement, telling her I wanted to do much more to her. Be much more vicious on her body. And that I knew that is what she craved. Her eyes did not stray from mine. The intense glare in her eyes screamed at me to claim her. I grinned, letting her know that she would have to come to me, kneel before and beg me to use her.

I kicked Yuki’s legs out, till they were shoulder width apart. She was very submissive, a follower. If I had have told her to spread her legs, it wouldn’t have had the same effect on her. Aiko, on the other hand, is very strong willed and independent. Her, I would order to spread her legs apart. The psychological effect would be much more powerful and stimulating, if she had to obey. Aiko is submissive also, but, a leader, unlike Yuki. I knew she’d make me work hard to make her submit to me, even if her actions screamed that she wanted to.

I walked over to Yuki, and stood facing her right side. I tapped the back of her right knee with the shinai. Yuki bent her knees and lowered herself, exposing the top of her thighs to me. I placed middle of the shinai on her thigh and stepped back till my arms were almost fully extended. I bent my knees, lifted the shinai shoulder high and brought it down on Yuki’s thigh.

She let out a long moan as she straightened her legs and hopped on her left leg. He bound breasts bounced on her chest, much to the pleasure of the students.

“I did not tell you move, Yuki,” I calmly said to her and placed the end of the shinai on her shoulder and pushed her down.

Yuki bent her knees and stood still.

I lifted the shinai and brought it down across her thigh, twice in quick succession. Yuki shut her eyes tight and a moan gurgled in her throat.

I had not cracked my wrists when I struck her thigh. The sudden snapping of the wrists, just before contact, increases the force of the blow considerably. It would bruise the flesh. I was also tempted to strike the tops of her large breasts, but decided not to.

I placed the shinai back on the wall and untied Yuki. I hugged her and asked if she was okay. She nodded.

“I must leave now,” I announced to the class.

Much to their disappointment, they all stood up and bowed to me. I bowed back and winked at Yuki. I put on my socks and shoes and headed down the stairs.

“Wait!” Aiko called to me from the top of the stairs.

She came down the stairs and handed me a cloth sack. “We want you to have this, a thank you for visiting us. It is hemp, natural, just as you asked for.”

“Thank you, Aiko. Please thank your friends for me,” I smiled as I took the cloth sack from her.

She turned and made her way up the stairs. I called to her, “Aiko.” The growl in my voice was hard and cold. A command for her to kneel at my feet.

She stopped climbing for an instant, acknowledging that she understood, and continued up the stairs.

I decided to have a drink before I went to my room at the hotel bar. I took a seat at the bar and ordered a scotch, neat. I leisurely sipped my scotch and headed to my room. I looked in the cloth sack after I had showered. There was a folded piece of paper on top of the two neatly coiled ropes. I grinned as I read what was written on it.

You may strike me without holding back, Gil-san. If you wish, meet me at the dojo, after midnight. We’ll be alone. Aiko.

My cock instantly grew to full erection. I would meet Aiko at the dojo and take what I wanted from her, in less than an hour’s time.

I went back to the dojo, dressed in jeans a t-shirt and a hooded sweat top. The shop door was open; I entered, locked it and made my way to the dojo.

Aiko was wearing a hamaka, a white sports bra and a kendogu, the protective face mask worn when sparring with shinai or boken. She held a shinai in each hand. I grinned at what she wanted. I removed my sneakers and socks and approached her in the middle of the dojo.

“You are a Nidan, Aiko. Do you really think it’s fair to challenge me to a duel?” I grinned.

“You handled the shinai with some knowledge of Kendo; I witnessed your stance and striking technique, when you hit Yuki’s thigh. You purposefully held back on striking Yuki. Besides, you are much bigger than me. Perhaps I am at the disadvantage,” she smirked and tossed a shinai at me.

I caught it and chuckled, “I don’t get mask?”

“No. I want to see the look on your face when I kick your ass,” she snarled, then smiled and bowed, “Gil-san.”

“Let’s do this, Aiko. My cock has been aching to fuck your tight pussy the moment I laid eyes on you,” I grinned.

“Ha! You’ll have to earn my pussy.

Defeat me and I am yours,” she snarled.

“You don’t have to pretend with me, Aiko. You are aching for me to take you,” I smiled and winked at her.

Aiko did not reply. She widened her stance and held up her shinai. “Five hits to win, Gil-san,” she hissed.

I held up my shinai and touched Aiko’s with the tip. She slid her right foot towards me, her hands flashed to her right and she struck me on the left side of my torso. I huffed from the blow, as a sharp sting shot through my ribs.

“One,” she snickered.

“That hurt, Aiko. You are very skilled. I barely saw you move. Well done,” I smiled and winked at her.

She placed the tip of the shinai on the dojo floor and chuckled, “Too easy, I’ll use one hand to make it fair.”

“Very sporting of you, Aiko. My ribs thank you,” I calmly replied.

I slid my lead foot towards her and tried to strike her right arm. It was the closest part of her body to me, and unprotected, or so I thought. Aiko pushed off her right foot, blocked the strike, swung her arm over her head and struck my exposed left ribs.

I grimaced at the sharp sting of bamboo digging into my flesh and bone.

“I am enjoying the expressions you are making, Gil-san,” Aiko chuckled.

I smiled and replied, “I barley felt anything, Aiko.”

She placed the tip of her shinai on the floor again. This time she widened her stance by sliding her left foot back. I saw her grin behind her mask.

“Your next strike is going to hurt more?” I casually asked.

She nodded slowly and waited for me to raise my shinai. She sprung towards me as she raised her shinai, and struck me across the right arm. She hadn’t lied; the blow hurt more than the previous two.

“Three, Gil-san. Two more and your dreams of my tight pussy will be just that. A wet dream,” Aiko chuckled.

I shook the sting out of my right arm and laughed, “Such a shame. You may be right, Aiko.”

“Sorry, Gil-san. No maybe’s about it. But, know that I will be touched, knowing you’ll jerk off while thinking of my young, wet, tight pussy,” Aiko calmly replied.

She slid her right foot back and lifted her shinai to shoulder height. She was going to step in and hit me hard. And, there was probably nothing I could do about it. Only guess which side she was going to strike at, and try to block it. She lunged forward. I twisted my wrist downwards and brought the shinai to my left side. I had guessed right. Aiko’s shinai bounced off of mine. Before I could smile, she spun three hundred and sixty degrees to her left, and struck me on the right side, again.

“Pathetic, Gil-san. I thought you had a samurai’s spirit. You’re eyes are filled with fake fire and ice. I can’t believe your glare made my pussy quiver and wet. Spare yourself the embarrassment of the final blow. Surrender to me, I will show you mercy and gracefully accept your surrender,” Aiko snickered at me.

“No, Aiko. If I am the paper tiger you accuse me of being, that is one thing. But, I gave a warrior my word to duel to five strikes. I will keep my word to my most worthy and skillful opponent. I still have a chance of defeating you and taking you as I see fit,” I replied with all the charm I could muster.

“My pussy will have to settle for a vibrator tonight, Gil-san. You had lost the duel, before it started, which is truly a shame. I bet you have a big cock. I am very tight, and very horny, all the time,” she replied calmly and winked at me.

“Ready, Aiko,” I asked her as I widened my stance by sliding my right foot back, and extended my arms fully in front of me.

“Hmm. You are hoping that your longer reach will stop me from hitting you again. I assure you, it won’t,” Aiko snickered.

If she was going to hit me again, she would have to close more distance between us than the previous four times. Which was what I counting on. Aiko moved quickly. She slid her back foot forward, when it reached her lead foot, she pushed off her left foot and swung her shinai over her head and to her right. She was going for my left shoulder.

The point of no return of a strike is when the downward motion of the arms begins. I dropped to my left knee and struck Aiko on her thigh. I snapped my wrists just before the shinai made contact. Aiko yelped in pain and tried to step away from me. I grabbed her left leg and pulled it out from under her. She fell flat on her back and broke her fall with her arms. The shinai flew out of hand. I stood up and placed my foot on her chest, and the tip of the shinai next to her left cheek.

“Four to one, Aiko,” I growled at her.

She tried to roll out from under my foot and went for the shinai, just out of her reach. I whacked her extended arm and grinned down at her, “Four to two, Aiko.”

“You have no honor! You have no samurai spirit in you. You are a barbaric gaijin!” Aiko hissed.

I snickered back, “Oh, but I do, Aiko. Unfortunately for you, I am familiar with Miyamoto Musashi. His book, Go Rin No Sho, is amongst my favorites. As your folk lore goes, he was not above ambushing and killing opponents he had agreed to duel.”

“Western barbarian!” Aiko spat her words at me.

“I am a gentleman, Aiko. I have bested you fairly. Take comfort in knowing that your skill is formidable. You are by far the most beautiful, sexy, fuckable opponent, I have ever faced. You are much more skilled than I can ever dream to be. Now, I will show you mercy and gracefully accept your surrender,” I snickered at her. “And your pussy.”

“Never! Let me up and I’ll whack that goatee of your ugly face,” she hissed.

“You do not believe that you could reach your shinai, before I whacked your gorgeous, tight ass three times, and win this duel, do you, Aiko?”

“Take your foot off my chest and let’s find out,” Aiko dared me.

“Not going to happen. I think I’ll let you up. You’ll take off the hakama, bend over and take three whacks across your ass.”

“I have nothing underneath my hakama,” Aiko coyly smiled up at me and tried to roll out from under my foot.

I whacked her arm again. “Four to three,” I snarled at her.

“Oww! That hurt a lot!” she sobbed.

“Save the fake sobbing, Aiko. Surrender, admit defeat. I want to claim my prize.”

“Never!” she shouted in defiance.

I whacked her left thigh. “Four to four. We’re tied, Aiko. Next successful strike wins,” I grinned and stepped away from her.

Aiko looked up at me, confused and a bit disappointed. She didn’t move. I smiled at her and motioned my head towards the shinai on the dojo floor. “You are much too precious a prize, Aiko. If I am to take pleasure from you, I don’t want you to feel that I cheated, or that I am not a gentleman. Now, stand up and pick up your weapon,” I grinned.

Aiko rolled over to the shinai, picked it up and faced me. “You are a foolish man, Gil-san. You had all of me, and threw away all the pleasure my young body has to offer.”

“Perhaps, Aiko. For that to be true, you will have to win this duel. We are still tied at four a piece.”

Aiko grinned at me, dropped her shinai and stepped out of her hakama. She turned sideways and bent over, exposing her naked, firm ass to me. “Lucky for me, I am not as foolish as you, Gil-san,” she grinned.

I whacked her hard across the ass. She yelped, straightened out like a shot from a gun and jumped up and down as she rubbed her ass cheeks.

“Stay bent over, whore. I’m not done reddening your slutty ass,” I growled.

Aiko’s pussy tingled at my words. She slowly bent over and grabbed her ankles. I struck her ass just as hard as the first blow. She winced, but stayed bent over gripping her ankles.

“Good whore, you didn’t whine or move,” I said as I walked to her and rubbed her reddening ass. It was smooth, firm, and getting hotter from the blows I had inflicted on her young flesh.

“Spread your legs wide, whore,” I snarled at her. My cock was fully erect and straining against my jeans.

Aiko obeyed, she spread her legs wide, still gripping her ankles and moaned as the cool air caressed her hot, dripping pussy. She gasped as I cupped my hand over her wet slit and squeezed.

“Your cunt is on fire, Aiko. Tell me why you are such a filthy whore,” I snarled.

“Fuck!” she softly gasped. “I get great pleasure from being treated like a filthy whore. I am a filthy whore for any man that understands that, and is able to use me for his needs only. The pleasure he takes from me, is my pleasure.”

I pulled my hand away from her dripping cunt and slapped it hard. Aiko screamed, but remained bent over.

“You are a whore for any man that desires you. Yet, you made me battle you, for your used pussy. Why is that, Aiko?”

“No. I have not had many men. Because, no other man has ever made my cunt drip, as you have. I was upset at the attention you paid to Yuki. I wanted to punish you, hurt you, like you hurt me.”

I slapped the wetness between her legs again. She moaned and her knees buckled.

“How did you know I desired you, whore?” I smirked and slapped her pussy again.

Aiko gasped and quivered. “The way you looked at me. There was a hunger in your eyes. A hunger that could only be satisfied by my essence, by using me as your whore, by consuming all that I am,” she panted.

I grabbed her hair and straightened her up. “On your knees, whore,” I growled as I bit her jaw.

Aiko kneeled. I pulled her head back and looked down at her beautiful face. “I do own you, whore.”

“Yes, I belong to you. Don’t hold anything back; consume me, Gil-san.”

I yanked hard on her hair. “A proper whore would know to address me as Sir,” I growled.

“Oww! Forgive me, Sir,” she yelped.

I dragged her by the hair to the wooden support beam next to the weapons on the wall. I reached for a coiled rope from the pile that was neatly stacked in a pyramid shape, and tied it securely high above my head, to the wooden beam. I took another rope and tied a shackle around Aiko’s right ankle. Pulled the ends through the rope on the beam and lifted Aiko by the ankle, till only her head and shoulders touched the floor.

I used another rope to tie her left leg around the post, close to the floor, with her knee bent around the beam. She looked lovely with her face flushed, and her pussy exposed in mid-air.

“I am going to hurt your pussy, Aiko,” I grinned as I reached for another coiled rope.

She closed her almond shaped eyes, moaned and sucked her lower lip into her mouth. Her body stiffened in anticipation of the pain that was in store for her. I whipped her cunt with the rope. Aiko shrieked and twisted her body. I struck her again, droplets of the wetness that had seeped out of her, sprayed in all directions. I struck again and Aiko gasped deep and loud. My cock throbbed and strained, it ached to be set free from my jeans.

I dropped the rope and picked up a shinai. Aiko bit her lip and shook head. I grinned as I stroked her pussy. My finger stroked her clit gently. She responded quickly to the stimulation of her swollen and aching clit. She rolled her head from side to side when I inserted two fingers in her. My fingers slid inside her easily, she was slick and hot, and her pussy ached to be penetrated. She clamped tight around my fingers. I fingered her till I felt a quiver build deep inside her, till she was on the edge of exploding.

Aiko was ready to cum. An orgasm was going to tear through, violently, explosive and uncontrollably. Her head shot off the floor, wide-eyed, with her mouth frozen in a silent scream. I grinned, slid my finger out of her quivering cunt, gripped the shinai with both hands and struck her hard between her legs.

Aiko’s body bent upwards, she lifted her head and shoulders off the floor. Every muscle in her body stiffened and ached. Her hands shot in between her legs and cupped them around her pussy. The sharp pain from the blow turned to searing heat and travelled up into her belly. She rubbed her clit with short, quick strokes and came hard.

Her scream turned into a soft moan as she rode the crest of the wave that rolled and crashed violently through her young body. Her shoulders and head flopped back onto the floor. She rolled her head from side to side and gasped for breath as her body still quivered.

When she was finally still and had taken a deep breath, I pinned her head under my foot, and lowered my mouth onto her pussy. Her wetness tasted salty and tart. I sucked her hot, plump mound into my mouth and ran my tongue across her slit, starting at her slick opening and slowly licking up to her hard, throbbing clit.

I slid my hands across her slim hips and squeezed her plump, tight ass cheeks. I kneaded them hard, digging my fingers deep into her flesh. She moaned when I spread her cheeks and slid a finger inside her ass. I sucked her clit in-between my lips and flicked at it with my tongue. Aiko’s body quivered, I forced another finger in her ass and stretched open her tight, pink, puckered hole.

Aiko slid her hands up my thighs and stroked my throbbing, fully erect cock. Her fingers searched for the zipper and pulled it down. She reached into my jeans and freed my cock. She moaned as her fingers tightened around my hot, thick meat.

“I want your cum, I need your cum. Please feed me your cum!” she begged in a needful, shaky voice.

“Not yet, whore,” I growled and licked at her sensitive, spread asshole.

“Ohhh Fuuuck!” she squealed from deep in her throat.

I stepped away from her when she was close to cumming again.

“No, no, no! Please! I’m so close!” Aiko thrashed her body as she begged.

I untied her and lifted her to her feet by the hair. “Show me tits, whore,” I ordered.

Aiko pulled the top over her head and tossed it across the dojo. I picked up the shinai and ran it upwards along her inner thigh.

“Cup your hands under your breasts and lift them off your chest. Present your slutty tits to me.” I calmly ordered.

Aiko obeyed and swallowed hard.

I stepped to her side and placed the shinai flat across the top of her breasts. I lifted my arms snapped my writs downwards, striking the top of Aiko’s breasts. She grimaced and closed her eyes. I struck her breasts again, harder. Aiko bent forward and rubbed her breasts. I stuck her ass hard as she bent forward.

“Give me your tits and don’t move, whore,” I sternly ordered.

She sobbed and nodded. Placed her hands under her breasts and lifted them off her chest. I struck her breasts very hard. The firm, soft tit flesh, rippled from the blow and turned bright red.

“Would you like another, Aiko?” I grinned as I asked the question. “It would please me if you want another, Aiko.”

She nodded as her eyes watered. I struck her tits with three, quick blows and dropped the shinai.

“On your knees, Aiko-whore,” I ordered.

She turned to face me and kneeled at my feet. Her eyes were glued to my erect cock jutting out and from my jeans.

“Open your whore mouth.”

She opened her mouth wide and I slid my cock into it. Aiko moaned as she slid her tongue across the underside of my cock. My cock twitched in her warm mouth. I pushed more of my throbbing meat in, till the head hit the back of her throat.

“Swallow the head of my cock, whore.” I ordered.

Aiko grabbed the back of my thighs, slid her tongue out of her mouth, and pushed her face slowly forward. I groaned as I felt her throat open and accommodate the head of my cock inside it. Aiko slide her tongue back and forth on the underside of my cock. She nodded her head up and down, agonizingly slow, allowing her throat to jerk off the head of my cock. Her eyes wide open and looking up a t me, watching my face contort as she was slowly brining me closer to climax. I grinned at the smile in her eyes. She didn’t quicken her pace when she felt my cock swell in her throat. My balls tightened. The pressure at the base of my cock built up to the point where it was painful. Aiko slowed the pace of nodding her head, teasing me, prolonging the moment of my release. My balls and cock hit blasting point. I placed my hands on her head to steady my shaking legs, and exploded deep in her throat. Aiko pushed her face into my pelvis, opened her throat and moaned as my cum shot down her throat and into her waiting belly.

I grunted one last time and pulled out of her mouth. Aiko licked her lips slowly as she grinned up at me.

“Thank you, Sir. Your cock and cum are delicious,” she grinned.

I growled and nodded in approval of her cock sucking skills.

“I’m going to fuck you while you’re suspended, whore.”

Aiko crawled to the ropes and brought an armful to me. She stood up, turned around, and crossed her arms behind her back. I wove a tight; three rope chest harness, around her chest, tits and folded arms. And a two rope harness around her hips and thighs. I fed two ropes over a ceiling beam and tied them to the harnesses that bound Aiko’s slender body. She was calm and breathing deep and slow.

I pulled the ropes till her toes were off the floor. She swayed gently in mid-air, random, soft moans escaping her lips. I grabbed her long hair and pulled her head back, looked into her glazed eyes and kissed her hard. Aiko moaned louder and opened her mouth. Her tongue slid into my mouth as my lips crushed down on hers. I sucked her tongue into my mouth as I parted her pussy with my fingers. She was burning and soaked between her legs. My cock grew to full erection at the thought of plunging deep into the lovely and willing Aiko.

I pulled her hips higher into the air, when her holes were at my hip level, I closed tie. I pushed Aiko and watched as she swayed back and forth. The rope around her breasts bit hard and deep into her flesh. Her breasts swelled around the rope, shaping them into taught, oval shapes. Her nipples were erect and hard, almost to bursting point. I folded each of her legs and tied them tight.

I stripped out of my clothes. Aiko swallowed hard as her eyes looked over my tight, ripped torso. She moaned as her eyes locked on my thick, throbbing cock. “Fuck me,” she mouthed to me.

I parted her long hair, wrapped it around her throat and tied it tight at the back of her neck. Aiko’s breathing quickened and became raspy. I parted her legs and placed the head of my cock at her slick opening. I wrapped her hair around my right fist and pulled her onto my cock. Aiko coughed and gasped as her own hair choked her.

I looked down at my cock being swallowed by her pussy. When half my thick length had penetrated her, I stopped pulling on her hair and let her swing away from me, and off my cock. Aiko gasped and sucked air into her lungs.

“Take a deep breath, whore. You might not get to breathe again until I fill your slutty cunt,” growled.

Aiko nodded, took and exhaled deep breaths. She took one last deep breath and held it. She was anxious to have my cock back inside her, filling her, and stretching her tight, young cunt.

I pulled her hair and thrust my hips at the same instant. My cock sunk deep into Aiko’s waiting pussy. I pulled tighter on her hair, as I slid out of her and stabbed my cock back inside her. I widened my stance, grabbed her hair with both hands and began to fuck her hard. With each vicious thrust of my hips, Aiko felt as if she was going to be split in two. She loved the savage fucking she was getting. She ached inside and out. My cock and the rope were the culprits of the delicious ache.

Under a minute of brutal pounding, was all it took for Aiko. She couldn’t hold off the orgasm any longer. Her pussy tightened. She tucked her legs into her chest and let the air out of her lungs. A low gurgling slowly escaped from her constricted throat. She needed oxygen. A slight panic came over her. She twisted her body in a panic, shaking her head violently from side to side. Her orgasm had begun to rip through her. She thought she was going to pass out.

I let her hair slip through my fingers; Aiko swung away from me, my cock made a wet popping sound as it exited her pussy. I grabbed her hips and held her steady. Aiko emptied her lungs and took a deep sucking breath. The orgasm that had started to subside flared up without warning and tore through her, as oxygen returned to her lungs and body.

I waited for Aiko to stop shaking and screaming. I grabbed my cock and pressed the head against her asshole. I pulled her towards me and sunk balls deep into her tight ass. She lifted her head and bellowed out a long satisfying howl.

Each thrust of my cock set off an aftershock in Aiko. She tingled all over, her clit felt as if it was vibrating, as if an electric current was being run through it. I fucked her ass hard, slamming into her, punching air out of her lungs, each time my hips crashed into her. Aiko’s body went limp. She moaned incoherently. Her head dangled from her lax shoulders, and bounced with each of my thrusts.

The pressure began to build up at the base of my cock. I threw my head back, growled, and emptied my balls into Aiko’s ass. She lifted her head, gasped and twitched at the hot liquid splashing inside her. She let her head drop and dangle, when my cock stopped twitching in her ass.

I caught my breath and pulled out of her. Aiko moaned in disappointment. She liked the feel of her ass full of my cock. I untied her hair from around her throat. Then, untied the suspension ropes and eased her lifeless like body onto the floor.

Aiko looked up at me and softly asked, “Was I a good whore, Sir?”

I got down on my knees untied the ropes around her body. Aiko protested with a small shrug and a pout. She obviously didn’t want to be freed from the ropes.

“Now, now, Aiko, you have been the perfect whore up until now. Don’t spoil it by pouting and complaining,” I grinned and slapped her firm ass.

“Yes, Sir,” she yelped and giggled.

Once I had freed her from the ropes, I sat on the floor with my back against the wall. Aiko crawled into my lap, and curled up tight against my chest.

“Did I please you, Gil-san?” Aiko asked with a smile as she traced my goatee with her delicate finger.

“Very much so, Aiko,” I smiled back. “But, next time, promise you won’t play so hard to get. My ribs will appreciate it.”

Published 9 years ago

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