Lost Girl: Part II

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The shower screen had heated and humidified to a degree where it was now impossible to see the rest of the bathroom. I ran a hand over the glass and looked over to the clothes that Malcolm had dug out from downstairs.

A white blouse with frills around the neck and brown buttons sat next to a V-neck orange jumper. The material of the jumper looked thick and of fairly good quality considering it was second hand, and the blouse was polyester.

He had also found some sheer looking tights, darkened skin tone coloured with small black polka dots on them, next to those was a small pair of black pleather shorts. There were no shoes. I looked over to the now, filthy white nightgown that was crumpled up on the floor, a few grass stains smeared across the silk.

My attention was drawn back to the hot water that was immersing my body. I had spent the past few minutes inspecting myself again, I had found a small graze on my elbow that was bleeding a little, it must have happened when the Volkswagen man dragged me to the ground. Still, nothing seemed to make sense.

Running my hair under the water and closing my eyes, I rinsed my hair and scalp. Opening my eyes I saw that the blonde in my hair was washing out slightly, I figured it must have been dyed; and recently.

When I had arrived I had noticed how different Malcolm’s voice was to mine. His and the Volkswagen man were the only contacts I’d had since I had come to, and both sounded different to me. Their accent was recognisable to me, but I just couldn’t formulate a conclusion. Mine was completely indistinguishable to me but yet was familiar and not strange to me. As for where I was, I had no idea.

I shut the shower off and drained my hair of excess water, wringing it out. It splashed around my now very clean toes. Stepping out, I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me immediately. The bathroom was warm but my body was still adapting to the drop in temperature.

I was nearly dry. My curiosity got the better of me and I opened the door and peered outside, there was no sign of Malcolm. I panicked for a split second, wondering if whoever was after me, had indeed been following me and tracked me down to this store and were waiting for me to finish in the shower before taking me.

I shook my head and calmed, pulling the door shut with a slight slam and went back to the mirror. I whipped the towel out from around my body and wrapped the towel over my hair and began drying it off. Dropping the towel I stood naked and ran my hands through my dyed hair.

The door swung open promptly.

“Are you in…“ Malcolm had hold of the door handle and stopped his speech with an open mouth as he witnessed my naked form.

I gasped and jolted to the ground, picking up the towel and wrapping it around me.

“Oh, God! I’m sorry!” He brought his hand up to his eyes. “I’m sorry! I heard the door slam and I thought you were looking for me.” Malcolm walked backwards, bringing the door to a close with him. He left the bathroom.

After about ten minutes of wondering what to do, I exited the bathroom and closed the door behind me quietly. I walked down the long hallway that leads to the rest of the rooms.

“Malcolm?” I called out his name in wait for a response.

“…Yeah!” he replied after a short delay. I assumed he was amazed I had not decided to bolt down the stairs and leave the place.

“Where are you? I don’t know where I’m going.” I continued to walk towards the door that ended the hallway.

“I’m in here, in the living room.” I pushed open the door, only a second after he had spoken to see him stood by the counter that divided the living room and kitchen. The room was a large open plan space that was sparsely furnished but pleasantly decorated. He looked over to me. I was wearing only the blouse, it ran past my hips, just and so covering me; my hair was still partially wet.

He stared for a few seconds and then looked away.

“I’m really sorry! I honestly didn’t mean for that, I should have knocked, I didn’t… I wasn’t.”

“… It’s okay,” I said. “Honestly.” My tone was earnest.

“No, No. I shouldn’t have done that.” He carried on.

“Malcolm, seriously, it’s okay…” I walked into the room and perched on the arm of a single sofa.

“Well… if you say so.”

“I do say so.” There was a silence for a few seconds. “Look, I’m sorry if this is all a bit of a burden to you. I’ll get myself dressed and be out of your way before you know it.”

“No!” He exclaimed immediately. “I mean, it’s fine, more than fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m happy for you to stay for as long as you need… To be honest, I’m grateful for the company.”

I smiled and ran a hand against the blouse.

“Well, if it’s not too much to ask, do you think I could stay the night?” my question flustered him slightly. “It’s just that right now, I don’t really have anywhere to go.” He stood up from the counter and thought.

“I tell you what… You can stay.” My face began to beam. “But, you’ve got to at least tell me your name.”

I was taken aback and remained silent for a few seconds until a word formed inside my head as if it had been waiting to be used.

“Ericka.” I smiled as I spoke. “Ericka.” Malcolm smiled in turn.

“Okay, Ericka.” There was another silence, it seemed there were many during this encounter. “Well, I have a spare room down the hall from my own where you can stay.”

“Thank you, Malcolm.”

“No problem, would you like me to show you now or would you maybe like a drink?” A drink did indeed sound good. I hadn’t even thought about drinking or eating since I had escaped.

“A drink right now sounds amazing, thank you.”

“Coming right up.” He turned and walked into the kitchen. I slumped backwards off the arm and settled into the single sofa. “Would you like something soft? Or maybe something a little stronger?”

“Something strong would be good.”

He knelt down behind the counter, out of sight. “I agree.” I ran a hand against my blouse again and felt my breasts hardening, my nipples visible through the thin material. “Sorry, I don’t think you’ll like it. All I’ve got is whisky.”

“You know, whisky sounds great about now.”

“You sure?” It’s pretty strong stuff!”

“Bring it on!”

Malcolm poured the whisky into two small glasses and screwed the cap back in place before placing the bottle aside on the counter. He came around and handed a glass to me.

“I really hope it’s not too strong for you!”

I took a sip, it burnt immediately. He was right, it was very strong stuff. I coughed.

“I knew it. you don’t have to drink that if you don’t want.” He said as he sat down across from me.

“No, no. It’s fine. It’s just that I can’t remember the last time I drank anything.” I could see Malcolm about to ask the question again. “Please, Malcolm.” I said holding up my hand.


I took a look at the glass in my hand. “You know; this is really strong stuff. But it has a great taste!” I brought the glass to my lips and tipped the entirety of its contents down my throat, swallowing and breathing out hot air with a gasp. Malcolm was shocked. “Do you mind if I have another?”

“Please, help yourself. It’s not as if anyone else is going to be coming to drink it anytime soon.”

I stood up and pulled the bottom of the blouse towards my crotch, not letting him see, but I knew he had probably already seen and imagined the rest. I didn’t mind, Malcolm was a lovely guy, and I enjoyed his presence.

I returned to the single sofa after having poured out a larger portion into my empty glass.

“So, why is it that you live here alone Malcolm? And why is it that no one ever visits you?” Malcolm finished his drink and sat for a moment, pondering.

“You know how you don’t want me to ask what happened to you?”


“Well, I feel the same way about those questions.”

“Oh, okay. I’m very sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, Ericka. It’s just that you’re actually the first person I’ve spoken to outside of the store, the first person I’ve shared company with for a long time. I didn’t want for that to sound as flippant as it came out.”

“It’s okay Malcolm. It’s only fair you keep your secrets like I’ve kept mine. Perhaps ‘secrets’ is a bad word… but you understand?”

“Of course.” He held his empty glass in the lap of his blue corduroy pants. “I think I’ll go and get the bedding out for you.”

“I’ll be here!” I said with a beam. He left the room and made his way down the hall.

I was left with my own thoughts again. Still, nothing. I downed the whisky and ran the back of my arm over my mouth to ease the burn. Looking across to the bookshelf in the corner of the room, I saw a picture in a frame but couldn’t make out who or what it was. I was about to stand up to take a look when Malcolm came back.

“Okay, the spare bedroom is ready.”

“Thanks, Malcolm. I hope you know how much I appreciate this.”

He smiled. “Okay, well I’m going to bed, myself.”

“Oh, okay.”

Malcolm reached into his pocket and pulled out a large set of keys.

“These are the keys to the building.” He took one and singled it out. “This one opens the front door to the store. I always leave them here on the counter at night.” He set them down. “I just wanted to let you know that you’re not trapped in here and that you can leave whenever you want…”

“Thank you,” I said earnestly.

“Of course, I’d love for you to still be here in the morning…”

I said nothing, just smiled.

“Goodnight Ericka.”

“Goodnight Malcolm.” He left and entered his bedroom, closing the door behind himself.

I stood up and put my glass down on the counter.

Reaching for the bottle I poured yet another one and swiftly drank it all down. I pushed my arms into the marble top and stretched a leg out behind me. The keys lay to the side of my hand. I touched them with my little finger and thought for what must have been at least half an hour.

I made my way down the hallway, having left the keys. I walked past Malcolm’s room, there was no sound. I entered the spare bedroom to find two pillows and a duvet without covers on a plump looking mattress. I rested my behind on it, it was indeed very comfortable.

Running my hand over the duvet, it slowly made its way onto my person and caressed my leg. Tipping my head to one side I brought my hand up the hem of the blouse and carefully felt my pussy. My heart was racing. I was wet. I knew immediately what I wanted.

I stood and walked out to the hallway, making my way to his room and opened the door slowly. It made no sound, the room was almost pitch black, his curtains glowing from the dim street light outside. I could see the darkened outline of his figure underneath the covers. I stepped lightly towards the head of the bed and pulled the covers back gradually, His hand was the first thing I saw. I held it up and placed it on my wetness, feeling the back of his fingers grazing my inner thighs, then touching my wet lips made my cheeks blush immediately, my heart pounded.

I pressed my legs into the mattress. Shifting them upwards, I knelt next to Malcolm, still sleeping. I moved the covers further off his body. His broad chest displayed grey curls of hair that emanated downwards, over his rounded stomach. He had the form of someone who was once in great shape, age had changed that. However, I was still finding myself attracted to him and had been since the thrill of him seeing me naked.

I traced my finger over his chest, through the hair and circled his nipple. He stirred for a second. His eyelids flickering. I squeezed the hand that was still pressing against my wanting lips. His eyes opened and he lay still. Through the dark, his head turned towards me, his limbs were still loose. He raised his other hand out of the covers. Letting my finger continue its path, I traced downwards over his stomach and spread my palm over his pubic hair.

Malcolm came around from the sleep to the slow realisation that I was really there in his room, feeling his naked body, the back of his hand still feeling me.

“Ericka?” Malcolm whispered.

I shushed gently, bringing my hand down further, finally reaching his soft penis.

“No talking, Malcolm.”

I let go of his hand, letting it bounce off the mattress. Taking his manhood in both hands, I massaged both balls and cock, until his penis grew stiff in my hands. He pulled on my blouse and stifled a groan, the bottom buttons popped open. My hand ran the skin of his testicles through my fingers and teased, carefully grabbing at them.

“I can feel how much these balls have been longing for affection…”
His erection was full. The blood had packed his raging head completely; I could feel it. His cock was petite and circumcised, but very pretty and attractive. Gripping him, I began to masturbate, slowly. One fat vein swelled into the palm of my hand with every pump. Aside from the moans and grumbles, Malcolm remained silent. The look of perplexity that spread over his lips gradually turned to a pleasure filled grin, I could make out the delight through the dark.

His hand reached around to my back, feeling for the edge of the blouse and slipped underneath. He explored my pert backside, switching between both cheeks as I continued to jerk his member. Suddenly, both hands were on me. Groping at my chest through the fabric. My hard tits presented my hot and horny state, he unbuttoned the blouse allowing my chest to breathe and heave as my heart pumped and pounded with exhilaration.

Dipping me head down, my hair covered my face and draped around his groin. It was just me and his cock, for the moment. I outstretched my tongue and nuzzled the tip of his opening lovingly. The sweet flavour of his pre-ejaculate covered the tip of my tongue and spread a tingly warmth to my taste buds. I left a tender kiss around his gland before moving my attention to Malcolm, himself.

His face displayed pure desire and amazement. I met his aged eyes with my own and locked into them, they glistened emerald before scouring around my lips, searching for tenderness. I drifted further towards him until I planted a soft kiss on his lips, he accepted readily. His hands embraced my shoulders and tightened around me as we carried on kissing in the dark, my tongue edging out slightly until it met with his own.

I pulled away lightly.

“I’m going to get on my hands and knees… and I want you to fuck me, Malcolm.” I whispered.

“Ericka, what is this?”

“This is what I want.”

I raised myself up and rested on my elbows. Arching my back, I lifted my legs, ankles resting on his shoulders as he buried his face in my ass. Spreading my cheeks with both hands, he took a taste of my cunt, his tongue licking me up and down immediately. I was so wet. He was devouring me. Malcolm’s nose pressed into my asshole, my pussy oozed wetness. He slipped his finger inside me briefly, getting me ready. He stood up, I looked over my shoulder and bit my lower lip in anticipation.

He placed his hand carefully on the rump of my flesh, gripping firmly at my loin. His warm belly pressed into my ass cheeks as he guided his head onto my ever sweetening slit. Malcolm’s blood filled organ separated me slowly, my legs quivering. My pert lips enveloped his head, and he entered me. My toes curled.

The sensation shook my being, and I realised that this was something inexplicably important to me, to whoever I didn’t know I was. The desire for him to be inside me, for me to wrap my mouth around his penis and taste him was frightening at first, but to have the gratification of seeing the joy on his face as I fulfilled his desires, made me burn inside with incomprehensible passion.

I felt his hand following the curves of my body, over my back and around my hips, resting on my cheeks. He stroked me as I rocked into his groin. My hair swayed, as did my tits.

Our fucking became more rigorous. The connection of our bodies became audible as his hips banged my ass. His fingers gripped my flesh and his excitement heightened with every groan that escaped me. He growled a deep growl, it was so deep I felt as if it was shaking me every time his penis hit the walls of my pussy. The depth vibrated through him.

“Ericka, I’m about to…”

He didn’t need to finish the sentence; I could tell he was close. But I wasn’t ready for that yet. I eased away from his gyrating body and turned around on my knees, moving him away from the bed. I leaned on my wrists, legs splayed out behind me and took his cock in my hand.

It was wet from being inside of me. The tip of him was glistening in the dark with leaking ejaculate. My mouth opened, tongue outstretched only slightly, I tasted him. His body jerked and shook, I brought my hand around his waist and held him soothingly, as I took his manhood deep into my mouth. I held it wide open as his cock went all the way to the back of my throat without touching the rim of my mouth. I brought my hand around and cupped his balls in my soft hand.

I let him push himself in and out a few times without swallowing, his penis hitting my tonsils every time. With each hit I gagged lightly, building up a new layer of phlegm. Malcolm’s breathing was heavy, I felt the heat of it beating down on the top of my head as I finally closed my lips around the base of his cock. His pubic hair brushed into my face as I let him rest inside me, swirling my sopping tongue around his shaft.

The moisture between my legs bubbled until the urge to finger myself was unbearable, my hand slipped down and I raised one leg across the bed, entering my two fingers into my dripping cunt. I spent the next few minutes devouring his lovely penis, deep throating to my hearts content. The ridges of his gland running their course around my lips, I licked him up and down. In the heat of the moment I spat onto his cock and licked the spit away, my fingertips were rolling my clit briskly.

Rolling onto my back I spread my legs and raised my arms over my head, my hair splayed around my shoulders.

“Oh, fuck me, Malcolm! Put your cock inside me again! Fuck me!”

I was ready to cum. Malcolm moved towards me and grabbed my legs, pulling me closer to his throbbing cock. My vagina found him and he slid into me with ease. He leaned over my body, his warmth covering me, my tits heaving as he fucked me hard and fast. His hand cupped my breast and squeezed around my tit, my skin tightened in his grip.

“Oh fuck!” I was gasping, ready to explode.

His grunts wheezed as his thrusts deepened. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer. My hands clasped around his big, broad back, his right hand still attached to my breast, his left clutching my head and hair.

“Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh fuck yeah.” I squealed.

His cock slipped in and out of me. Malcolm groaned a lengthy groan and held himself deep inside me. I came hard, my pussy exploded with desire and heat, my thighs weakened immediately. Malcolm ejaculated with a deep grumble and his seed shot inside me, spreading around, melding with my own juices. I loved it. His semen filled me.

He lay on top of me, still inside me on the bed. I was still comfortable, even with his weight on me. He had drooled into the quilt cover, I felt the wetness next to my shoulder. I held him against me as his heavy breathing began to subside and his cock began to soften.

Without saying anything we lay there. He slowly fell from my vagina, and I felt his semen trickle out of me, running down my inner thighs and onto the bed. He ran his hand from my neck to my breast and stroked my hair. I ran my nails up and down his back, easing my legs from around his waist.

We continued to lay in silence, breathing for each other.

Published 9 years ago

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