Thrust and Release

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Thrust and release, 
apart and together, 
our bodies begin moving 
to a music we create with 
our carnal moans and cries, 
whispered sentiments 
of love and forever, 
intimate promises pledged 
as our bodies now dance. 

This swaying is universal, 
both poetic and animalistic, 
tonight it is our rhythm, 
even though it has been 
repeated and reinvented 
since before we began, 
before the Earth was even
marked by our footsteps

Tonight is not about history, 
it is our intimate moment, 

Nothing else matters, 
time is frozen as we move
nothing exists outside
of this tangled bed, 
nothing exists outside 
of our combined passion. 

Your hardened edges
thrust into my softness, 
yelding simultaneously, 
neither afraid of the other’s 
jagged peaks or brokenness, 
my body sheaths you, 
welcomes your intrusion, 
wrapping you in my heat. 

Hard against soft, 
thrust and release, 
apart and together, 
we fluently move as one, 
my hands marking you, 
nails breaking open your flesh, 
your hands possessing me
covering my every curve
in your kiss and touch. 

Hard against soft, 
thrust and release, 
two becoming one, 
this body stretching, 
limbs contort to yours, 
muscles tighten and pull
my body reshaping to you. 

You adapt with each thrust, 
your body mirrors mine
as legs wrap around you, 
drawing you deeper into me
my desire fully exposed 
gives this aching a voice. 

The language spoken now, 
gasps and single syllables, 
a tongue foreign to anyone else, 
yet understood by each other, 
our breathing interrupted 
only by escaping moans, 
with each thrust you claim me, 
just as everytime I clench, 
I am staking claim to all of you

Give and take, 
thrust and release, 
sheets gripped tightly, 
sweat beads forming, 
my sex consuming 
every inch of yours, 
your hardness covered
In my slick nectar 
as it coats the length of you. 

Moans turning to profanity, 
thrusts quickening, 
my body stiffens involuntarily, 
responding to the increasing 
urgency of your throbbing cock . 

The smooth walls of my pussy
grip you even tighter 
as I explode around you, 
the room echoing loudly 
as I cry out your name, 
now desperate to feel 
the heat of your release 
deeply warm all of me. 

Thrust and release, 
apart and together, 
you suddenly impale
an unknown depth in me, 
pulses flowing the length
of your hard cock
as I feel the heat of you, 
filling what was once
the most empty part of me, 
warming my heart as
you stake your claim, 
spilling your seed as you
whisper softly my name. 

And then silence.

No more cries of passion, 
nor begging of release 
no profanities echoing, 
the moans have quieted.

This is the sound of love, 
the few moments of silence
as we are still connected as one, 
both marked by the other, 
changed by the ancient dance, 
enjoying the heat radiating 
as if nothing else in the world exists.

Published 9 years ago

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