Officer Lucas walked up the pathway looking really authoritative in her official Discipline Centre uniform of a beige short-sleeved shirt, matching beige shorts, a brown belt, and beige ankle socks. She rang the doorbell.
A few moments later the door opened, and a shocked Sandra Beckett stood there. Sandra was sixty, her hair now grey and she was wearing a summery floral sleeveless dress which was low-cut showing off her deep cleavage and full breasts, with a hem well above her knee.
Although Sandra didn’t recognise Officer Lucas, she certainly recognised the uniform. The reason she was shocked was that she knew she had an appointment to attend the Discipline Centre in four days’ time, so didn’t know why an Officer would be coming unannounced to her house today.
Unsure and pensive, Sandra asked, “Good afternoon, officer, can I help you?”
Officer Lucas said abruptly, “I have come here to deal with you. We can either discuss it on the doorstep or I can come inside.”
Officer Lucas didn’t wait for a reply but took the few moments of silence as an invitation to come inside and just barged in past Sandra and into the hallway. Sandra certainly didn’t want the discussion to be held outside but was still shocked when the officer barged past her. However, she accepted it and closed the door, happier that the discussion would not be overheard by her neighbours.
Once inside, Sandra did take a few moments to look more closely at the officer. She realised that she was certainly very young, and doubted she was even twenty. It didn’t surprise her completely, because she was used to the officers who had so far dealt with her case being not much older.
Sandra also noticed the rucksack that the officer had on her back and which she slipped down her arms and put on the floor. It was actually rather like a case that would hold a large guitar, but she didn’t have time to think too much about that.
Officer Lucas held out some papers as she said in a very stern tone of voice, “I’ve come here to deal with you. As you know, you are due to be spanked and caned. I will be spanking your bare bottom and then giving you the forty strokes of the cane. Any questions?”
Sandra was totally thrown by that. She knew that was the penalty she was due to receive but expected that to be at the Discipline Centre in four days’ time. However, she took the papers from the officers’ hand and looked at them, and they quite clearly said she was to receive the punishment today in her home. She had never heard of this happening before, but the papers certainly looked official. So, knowing that arguing with officers always led to increased punishments, Sandra just handed the papers back and waited for the officers’ instructions.
Officer Lucas saw that Sandra was not going to argue, and gave the instruction, “We will go into your living room. You will get completely undressed, and I will secure your wrists with handcuffs. I will then put you across my lap and give you a spanking, with both my hand and wooden paddle. After that, you will present your bottom to be caned. Any questions?”
Sandra certainly had lots of questions but didn’t dare ask any of them. She was used to these young officers being so authoritative and commanding, and this officer was just like that. Of course, she knew that they were trained to be like this, and their job was to discipline offenders like herself, and so it was right not to accept any arguments from the offenders.
Sandra also said to herself that if she was going to be disciplined here at home then that would save her the time going to the Discipline Centre, so that was a plus. Equally, she wouldn’t have to travel back from the Discipline Centre with a stinging bottom, which meant that she wouldn’t have to shuffle around on the seat on the train and make it pretty obvious to those on the train what had happened to her because she would have to get on at the station that only served the Discipline Centre. It was always humiliating when that happened, and she had already attended the Discipline Centre on three separate occasions.
On balance, Sandra also accepted the benefits of having the Discipline Centre regime. Of course, it was humiliating and painful, also because being her age, the officers who had dealt with her so far were just about a third of her age, so young enough to be her granddaughter. It meant that whenever she was out and about and saw young ladies that age, she even pictured herself being across their laps and having her bottom spanked by them. Sometimes she just couldn’t stop herself picturing that and, worse, her knickers always got damp with her sex juices as she pictured it.
Officer Lucas could see that Sandra had fallen for her ruse. She did work at the Discipline Centre but not as a punishment officer. She worked in the back office but did want to become a punishment officer. Things were going slowly, however. She knew that she would be asked to go onto the transfer scheme at some stage, so, to get ahead of the others she even took some canes home with her, hidden in a bag, and practiced on one of her cushions. She wanted to practice on a real bottom, though, and realised that she could forge papers, just like the ones that she had produced today, and also knew that offenders rarely argued because of the fear of a seriously increased punishment. Well, that worked for her today. Better still, her name didn’t appear on any of the forged papers so Beckett would find it hard to complain about her.
Officer Lucas glared at Sandra, and ordered, “Right, Beckett, let’s get going.”
Still not arguing, Sandra pointed towards the living room and, when she saw the officer stand still, she went ahead of her and went and stood in the middle of the room. She turned and saw the officer walking in and glaring at her.
Officer Lucas said in a very demanding tone, “I said get undressed, so do it now. I want all of your clothes on the sofa and I want you to stand and look at me with your hands on your head.”
Sandra was reconciled to the punishment happening, and so quickly unzipped her dress and slid it down her arms, passed her waist, down to the floor, and then stepped out of it and scooped it up. After folding it she put it on the sofa. She then put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, slipped the straps down her arms, caught it, and put the bra with her dress. Finally, she pushed her knickers down towards the floor, stepped out of them, then balanced with one hand on the sofa, and with the other scooped up the knickers and put them on top of her other clothes. She then, obediently, turned and looked at the officer and placed her hands on top of her head.
Officer Lucas had to admit to being rather excited by watching Beckett undress and enjoyed scanning her now naked body and particularly her full breasts, fleshy tummy arms and legs, and was pretty sure her bottom would be fleshy as well. Equally, as she saw Beckett stand so obediently and fully naked, she could see that she was actually going to get away with this. She kept a stern look on her face nonetheless because she didn’t want to give Beckett any opportunity at all to object.
Officer Lucas had already spotted where the dining table was and instructed, “Follow me, Beckett,” and she marched over to the dining table, carrying the cane and wooden paddle which she put on the dining table, but keeping a hold of the handcuffs. She turned a chair into the room, sat down, glared up at Sandra, and ordered, “Come here so I can put these cuffs on you, Beckett.”
Once Sandra was standing in front of the young officer, she held out her hands and watched as she calmly placed one of the handcuffs on each wrist. Well, she was certainly secure now and, once across the officer’s lap, would not be able to protect her bottom, which she understood was the reason for the cuffs.
Once she had secured both wrists in the handcuffs, Officer Lucas ordered, “Now get across my lap.”
Sandra supposed she wasn’t concerned about being disciplined because she was quite used to it. She knew it would hurt, rather more than she could cope with, but then it would be over. So, still concerned about the amount of pain she was about to receive, she obediently eased herself down across the officers’ lap, just as she would have done at the Discipline Centre.
Once she saw Beckett was looking at the floor, Officer Lucas allowed herself a smile and then placed her hand on Beckett’s certainly fleshy bottom which felt so much better than putting her hand on one of her cushions. She rubbed Beckett’s bottom a few times, and once satisfied that the sixty-year-old offender was going to stay in position she raised her hand and brought her palm down on her far bare bottom cheek and then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks.
Beckett did wince as the spanks continued to land but knew this was actually the easiest part of the punishment. So, she lay there and took every spank, still thinking how humiliating it was to be disciplined in this way by someone so young, but that was the system. Also, she was the offender who had been caught and went to court and was given this sentence, so she knew she had nothing to complain about. On the plus side, for her, she knew that as much as being punished hurt more than she could cope with, she found it erotic and led later to multiple orgasms.
Officer Lucas continued spanking Beckett’s bottom, really getting into the rhythm of things, sometimes spanking alternate bottom cheeks, but at other times spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She even spanked exactly the same spot several times in a row and then changed to the other bottom cheek and spanked exactly the same spot there several times. This was so much better than any of the practicing on cushions that she had done and knew that this experience would help when her time came to become a real punishment officer.
When Officer Lucas was happy with the spanking she had given, she stopped spanking Beckett with her hand and picked up the wooden paddle and tapped it a couple of times on each of Beckett’s bottom cheeks. She then raised it up and spanked it down on her far bottom cheek and proceeded to spank her with the thick wooden paddle on alternate bottom cheeks. She noticed how Beckett let out louder and louder gasps as she spanked her harder and harder with the paddle, but still stayed obediently across her lap.
Officer Lucas counted out sixty spanks with the paddle and was pleased how she saw several bruises on each of the offender’s bottom cheeks. She was very sure that Beckett’s bottom would be stinging and then heard Beckett sniffing a few times and realised that she was already crying.
Of course, Office Lucas had no sympathy whatsoever for Beckett, and glared at the back of her head and ordered, “Get up, Beckett, so I can give you the cane.”
Sandra knew that she was crying as she pushed herself up, and also realised just how blurred her vision was just like those times she had been spanked and caned at the Discipline Centre. At least this was in the privacy of her own home and so she supposed rather less humiliating, until she reminded herself of just how young this officer was.
Officer Lucas moved the chair away and ordered, “Bend over the dining table and grab the far side.”
Sandra knew this was pretty much like going across the caning table at the Discipline Centre and once she was stretched out across her dining table, she knew that her bottom was presented in exactly the same way. The only real difference was that her waist and thighs and ankles weren’t secured in place, but that didn’t help when she heard the next threat from the officer.
Office Lucas knew that, without being secured in place, Beckett could just get up if she wanted to, and so she instructed, “I will be giving you forty strokes of the cane. However, if you get up, then each and every time you do, I will be giving you ten extra strokes. Just bear in mind that, just last week, I gave one offender two-hundred-and-seventy strokes because of the number of times she got up.”
Officer Lucas knew that was a total lie as well. However, bearing in mind she shouldn’t even be here she thought that one extra lie was hardly a consequence. However, it was likely to mean that Beckett would force herself to stay in position.
Sandra gasped as she heard the threat and suddenly thought that it would be so much easier if she was at the Discipline Centre. After all, once secured in place it was impossible to move around, let alone get up. However, as she was being caned here at her home she told herself she would have to make sure that she didn’t get up.
Officer Lucas couldn’t believe just how easy it had been to carry out her ruse on Beckett and to give her such a hard spanking. Now, she was ready to give her forty strokes of the cane, plus any extras. She had practiced on a cushion and was confident that she would be able to give Beckett a really hard caning. She positioned herself, just as she had practiced, rubbed the cane from side to side across Beckett’s bottom, pulled her arm back, and then landed the cane with a loud thwack. She listened out for, and heard, the expected yelp which told her the cane stroke was quite a hard one.
Sandra had been caned before and knew this was going to be the most painful part of the punishment. Indeed, that first stroke was just as hard as any she had received during her previous visits to the Discipline Centre. As the strokes continued to bite into her bottom so she kept on yelping knowing that didn’t make the pain any less, but it did help her cope with it. She was used to pulling at the cuffs as well but knew that couldn’t happen today, but instead focused on keeping her grip on the far side of the table which she did manage to do.
Sandra quickly lost count of the strokes, as she always did, and just relied on the punishment officer to keep the tally. It didn’t matter if extra strokes were given because that was never admitted. It hardly mattered, because once the caning started Sandra knew she had no say whatsoever in the strength of each stroke, and she quickly fell into a haze not actually losing consciousness but it was as good as that.
Officer Lucas quickly got into the rhythm of landing stroke after stroke with just a few seconds gap between each stroke. She had watched a caning take place often enough when at the Discipline Centre and so knew that she was doing it correctly. She had never been so close to the welts that she was painting across the offender’s bottom, though, and certainly enjoyed watching them develop even as she landed stroke after stroke still.
The sounds of Beckett’s yelps together with the thwacking sound of each stroke filled the room although only Officer Lucas could hear those echoing sounds. It was well established that the offender would be crying too much to hear them, but that didn’t lessen the punishment and, actually, meant that the caning could be even harder. Well, Officer Lucas was there to learn how to give a proper caning on a real bottom, and she was relishing that experience.
Before she really knew it, officer Lucas had completed the caning, at least the forty strokes. She was enjoying herself, though, and knew the offender wouldn’t know if she gave her extra strokes. So, she landed ten more strokes, telling herself it was the offender’s fault for offending. As she landed those extra strokes, she saw how the welts weren’t just parallel to each other but crisscrossed as well because although this offender’s bottom was on the fleshy side, there was no way her bottom could take so many parallel strokes. She was also aware of the offender’s continued crying, and whilst it was right that she had no sympathy whatsoever for the offender, she was certainly pleased with the way that she had imposed her authority and made the offender suffer for her wrongdoing.
So, satisfied with the punishment she had given, she ordered, “Right, Beckett, you can get up now. I’ll remove your cuffs but then put your hands on your head.”
Office Lucas still revelled in the way that Beckett struggled to get back up into a standing position, and even when she did, she simply grabbed hold of the cuffs and undid them without a word. She then watched as Beckett continued to cry albeit with her hands clasped firmly on top of her head in the way that she had to do when at the Discipline Centre.
Once she had packed everything away, Officer Lucas glared again at Beckett, knowing only her outline would be seen through the offender’s blurred vision. She then said sternly, “I will see myself out, Beckett.”
Moments later and Officer Lucas was walking back down the path and then towards her car. She was still so happy that she had carried out the ruse and punished Beckett so severely. She even realised that her knickers were damp and couldn’t wait to get back to the Discipline Centre and would go straight to the staff toilets and finger herself, and she knew several Punishment Officers did each time.
What Officer Lucas also would do after giving herself multiple orgasms, was to send a reminder to Beckett that she had to attend the Discipline Centre in four days’ time. She knew the shock that would give Beckett, but it wasn’t going to be her problem and she was very confident that Beckett would be too scared to make a complaint because, as the rules stood, if she did make a complaint, it would mean Beckett going to prison rather than ever being allowed to attend the Discipline Centre again. Given how glistening Beckett’s hair mound had been as she stood after the punishment with her hands on her head, she really doubted that Beckett would even want to complain.
Back at the house, Sandra was rubbing her bottom as she struggled to recover. She reckoned this had been the hardest spanking and caning she had ever received by a punishment officer but still accepted it was her own fault. At least she was getting aroused as she played over in her mind the pain and humiliation, both of which always got her aroused. She didn’t understand why, but it did, which was why she would break the rules and get caught again in a few weeks’ time, for another appointment at the Discipline Centre, and hopefully with another punishment officer as young as this one had been.