“Why don’t you sleep downstairs tonight, love. You are too tired to negotiate the stairs in your condition. Worry about that tomorrow.”
We lived in a dormer bungalow. The two main bedrooms and bathroom were upstairs but we kept a single bed made up in the small downstairs bedroom for guests.
“You do love me, don’t you, Philip?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“You know I do, sweetheart. With all my heart and soul.”
Then he kissed me softly before helping me sit down on the bed.
Even with his help, undressing was really difficult. Philip helped me off with my blouse and then came the hardest task, my trousers. First he removed my left boot. I looked at it wistfully. I loved those boots. I had saved up and paid a hundred and twenty pounds for them just last month and now they were ruined.
I unfastened the hook and zip at the side of my equally destroyed trousers then lifted my bottom off the bed with my arms so that Philip could pull them down over my plaster cast and off.
“These will be for the bin then,” he said.
“The boot, yes,” I replied sadly, “But keep the trousers, they will be okay while I have this damned cast on.”
“Oh, yes, of course. I didn’t think of that,” and he placed them on the chair.
When he went to undo my bra, I stopped him.
“It’s okay,” I said, “I will sleep as I am tonight. I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.”
The truth was I didn’t want him to touch me. I felt terrible but it was how I felt. I knew then that I had a long hard road ahead of me. I was going to suffer for what I had started but what hurt me the most was knowing the pain I was going to cause other, innocent people. People who didn’t deserve such treatment.
I lay back on the bed where I drifted into a restless, exhausted sleep and the last words I heard were,
“Good night my love. I will be here if you need me.”
As reality faded into darkness I felt a warm salty tear well up in my eyes, run over my nose and down my cheek and soak into the pillow.
“Yes Sam?” I answered.
“Are we okay?”
“Yes, my love. We are okay.”
I looked at her pretty face on the pillow next to me. She was happy and her eyes twinkled as she smiled. She slid her head along the pillow until her nose was touching my nose and kissed me softly, all the while looking into my eyes with that dreamy look that only two people who are in love can achieve. I lifted my arm and placed my hand gently on her head and pulled her closer to me. To be nearer she shuffled her body until we were lying against each other, our breasts pressed tightly together and her leg draped over my hips so that her sex was pressed against my naked leg.
As I pressed my lips hard against hers and our tongues sought refuge in each others company, I felt her begin to rub herself against my thigh. I felt the hot soft lips squashing against my flesh and the movement of her labia as if she was making love to my leg. I let my hand wander down to her bottom and stroked the smooth skin of her buttocks, letting my fingers play gently in the furrow between.
Lifting my leg higher I pressed my thigh harder against her, feeling the moisture on my skin and the heat from her body. Her breathing was becoming noisy now and, without breaking away from our embrace, she pushed me onto my back and rolled on top of me. Sliding slowly down my body she kissed and licked each of my breasts in turn before continuing down over my belly, pausing to attend to my navel, then onwards until she reached her goal. Her tongue found its way between the soft folds and sought out my throbbing, engorged clitoris. Before placing her soft lips around it, she gently blew on it and flicked it with her tongue.
“Ahhh… Sam… that is so good,” I whispered, her name hissing from between my teeth.
“Shhh…..” came the reply and she continued to kiss me so gently and lovingly.
I couldn’t help but to move my hips, tilting them back and forth and arching my back a little while my head moved from side to side.
As Sam worked her magic with her lips and tongue she gently inserted first one and then two fingers into my opening. They entered easily, she had made sure of that, and started to massage the internal walls of my vagina, pressing and teasing the ribbed front flesh, making me writhe in pleasure. My chest began to rise and fall as my breathing became heavier and deeper. I felt her fingers turn inside me and begin to press against my back passage through the thin membrane that separated them. I felt her push deeper still, actually touch my cervix. Slowly, I felt the tingle build up inside me, starting in my stomach and gradually spreading until it enveloped my whole body. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat. I tensed and arched my back as if trying to push all that energy down into my vagina.
I didn’t cry out or moan out loud but just held my breath for a moment, then exhaled all that trapped emotion with a big sigh and sank gently back onto the mattress.
Sam lay her head on my abdomen and for a moment neither of us moved except for the motion of my hand stroking her hair.
“Sam, I am getting pins and needles in my foot, you will have to move.”
My leg was beginning to hurt as she was laying on it.
“Sam, please move,” I told her. The pain was becoming unbearable.
“Sam, Please, SAM !” I shouted at her.
Suddenly the room was filled with light.
“What’s wrong, Darling?”
I looked around. My eyes hurt from the sudden light. I was alone in bed.
“You cried out. Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I, I’m sorry, I must have been dreaming. My leg is hurting, it must have woken me.”
Sitting on the bed Philip took my hand in his.
“Can I get you anything?”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll just have a couple of pain killers, I will be okay. What time is it?”
“About seven. It’s still dark out.”
I let my head flop back on the pillow and groaned. Three and a half hours sleep!
“Don’t worry, Honey. I will phone work for you later. You try to get back to sleep.” The light clicked off and the door began to close but stopped half way.
“Anna… who is Sam?”
“Sam?” I questioned.
“Yes. That’s what you cried out.”
“Sam? Are you sure it wasn’t ‘damn’?”
“Hmmm… Maybe.”
He didn’t sound convinced as he quietly closed the door.
I lay back and closed my eyes but sleep didn’t return.
The co-codamol didn’t completely stop the pain and all I could think about was Sam, Philip and I and what lay in store for all of us.
About nine o’clock I called Philip. I could hear him pottering about in the kitchen.
He called out a reply but I couldn’t hear what he said so I waited patiently. He was probably busy and I didn’t want to be one of those people who constantly badgered their carers for attention.
After a short time, the door opened and Philip entered, carrying a tray.
I started to pull myself into a sitting position.
“Oh, no, no, no,” he scolded as he put the tray down on the bedside table. “Let me help.”
I leaned forward and he plumped up the pillows and helped me get comfortable in a sitting position.
“How’s the foot?” he enquired.
“Not too bad, I suppose.” I sat very still as he folded the legs out from underneath the tray and placed it on the bed across my legs.
“Now then,” he said, “I’ve got your favourite cereal and a couple of slices of toast.” Eight triangles were arranged point up in a rack. “Some yoghurt and a mug of strong black coffee, just how you like it.”
“Oh, Philip,” I looked at him, seeing something in his eyes that concerned me, “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble. I am not sick or anything.”
“I know,” he answered, “But I love you and I have not seen you hurt before. I don’t like it.”
I took his hand and looked at his little boy lost face.
“Oh God, what have I done?” I thought. I squeezed his hand, then, out loud, said, “I’ll be okay. I am not used to being waited on but I suppose I could get used to it.”
He smiled, as did I but I wasn’t sure. Was there something in his voice that doubted we would be?
“I rang work for you. Told them what you have done.”
“Oh, right. Thank you. What did they say?”
“They said you were not to worry and just to get better. They also asked what happened.”
“Did you tell them?” I queried.
“I told them you slipped at the station but it occurred to me that you haven’t actually told me how you did do it.”
“No,” I said, “I suppose I haven’t. It was a bit hectic last night.”
“So? How did it happen?” I wasn’t sure but he sounded a bit testy.
“Well,” I ventured, “ As I walked across the concourse to the exit I suddenly realised I hadn’t called you to tell you when I would be back so I grabbed my mobile, but in my haste it must have caught on the edge of my bag sending it crashing onto the floor. I suppose I panicked then because I picked up all the pieces I could find and went to find a pay phone but because I was rushing. As I turned I slipped and went over on my ankle.”
“Ouch,” he grimaced. “That must have hurt.”
“It did!” I exclaimed, “It still does.”
“We should sue them. Those tiles are obviously too smooth.”
“Oh, no Philip, don’t say that. You sound like one of those ‘no win no fee’ adverts. It was my own fault. I should have been more careful.”
“Okay, Sweetheart, as you wish. Now, what do you want to do today?”
“First off,” I replied, “I want to get washed and dressed.”
“Will you need me to help you, do you think?”
“Do you know, I’m not sure,” I looked at him, puzzled, “I’ve never had to do it on one leg before!”
“That’s all right,” he smiled, “Neither have I!”
We laughed and then he went on in a more serious tone, “You don’t need to worry, you know, I will always be here when you need me.”
I looked him in the eye and said, “I know you will my love, I know you will,” and kissed him gently.
He put his arms around me he held me tight and whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I replied truthfully.
When I had finished my breakfast, Philip took away the tray and came back to help me out of bed. Sitting on the edge, I took my crutches and, with his arms around my waist, I managed to stand on one leg and arrange myself around them. It wasn’t as easy as it looked but I soon got the hang of them and hobbled away towards the shower room.
“Hang on!” he called after me, “You can’t use the shower. You can’t get the plaster wet.”
“Oh crumbs,” I replied, “I never thought of that. I’ll have to use the bathroom upstairs!”
“Tell you what, let’s use the kitchen sink just for today. I will help you wash and then, later, we will practice getting you upstairs. How does that sound?”
“You’re on.” I agreed, “But just this once. I won’t feel clean until I get showered.”
“Your wish is my command, your majesty,” he joked and bowed low with a flourish of his right arm.
We made our way into the kitchen. Philip was very attentive and never strayed more than a foot away from me.
The first thing he did after sitting me on a bar stool was to put a black bin liner over my plastered foot and secure it with elastic bands to keep it dry. Then he filled the sink with hot water and went to fetch a flannel and a couple of bath towels from the airing cupboard.
“Now then,” he said finally, “Let’s get these things off you.”
I reached behind and unfastened the hooks and eyes of my bra. As it fell away I felt self-conscious and went to cover my naked breasts with my arms. Philip looked at me and frowned, puzzled.
“I am sorry,” I said, letting my arms fall away, “I feel a bit weird. I suppose it’s just this situation. It’s, well, unusual to say the least.”
He smiled then but again I sensed that something was not quite right, as if he didn’t really believe me.
“Philip, I think you may need to help me with these,” I said, indicating my panties.
I lifted my bottom off the chair and he pulled them carefully down and over my thighs. As he reached the top of the plaster he paused and looked for a moment then leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss between my legs.
Placing my hand on the back of his head I sighed. He turned his head and, for a moment, rested it on my thighs. I stroked his hair and my heart felt so heavy. I didn’t want to hurt him but I knew that it was only a matter of time. He knew something was wrong but not what. I leaned forward and rested my head on his back.
“Come on.” I whispered eventually, “I can’t smell very nice down there, I haven’t washed since yesterday morning.”
“If you didn’t wash for a month,” he replied, “I would still love the way you smell.”
He sat back then and finished removing my briefs, taking care not to disturb the plastic bag.
“Right then. I am going to wash every part of you except your hair. You can do that yourself.”
“How?” I enquired.
“You can lean over the sink and I will use the little watering can we use for the pot plants like a shower.”
“You are one smart cookie!” I laughed.
“Yeah, I know,” he answered with effected pride.
Lathering the face cloth with my favourite scented soap, Philip began by washing my arms.
“I can do this myself you know,” I protested, half heartedly.
“I know, but just for today I want to pamper my Queen.”
Lifting my arms he washed my armpits very gently but firmly. I laughed and tried to stop him by pulling my arm down.
“That tickles,” I said through fits of giggles.
“Sorry,” was the only reply I got but he didn’t stop until he had washed and dried them both and when he finished drying my hands he kissed each one before releasing them.
“Okay,” he said, “Lean forwards.”
As I did so he washed my back and shoulders. I closed my eyes and let the feeling of his strong hands on my back wash over me and gradually he worked his way round the sides and onto my breasts, washing and caressing each one, paying special attention to the undersides and massaging them with the hot, wet, scented cloth, being very careful not to neglect my nipples.
I just kept my eyes closed and relaxed, enjoying every second. Philip didn’t stop there but continued to wash my chest and abdomen until he reached the top of my legs.
I parted them slightly so he could gain access but oh no, he stopped!
He dried me off, then, and proceeded to wash my good foot and my legs. I have never really been into feet. I think they are ugly and really not sexy but the way Philip cleaned my foot felt so nice as he pressed the cloth between my toes and cleaned each one in turn, then the sole and finally the heel and top.
After soaping the cloth again he washed my legs and dried them and, when he dried them, he kissed each toe as he went.
“Okay, Sweetheart, I have saved the best till last but I am afraid you will have to stand up for me.”
I placed my arms around his neck and he lifted me to my feet then gave me my crutches for support.
Then he soaped the cloth and began to clean me.
He began by washing between my legs, the hot soapy cloth sending waves of pleasure through me as he worked the lather well in between my labia. The heat and pressure as the cloth passed over my clitoris caused me to twitch and jump slightly. Philip worked away and pushed further round to where my opening was and cleaned gently and carefully so as not to hurt me. I felt his fingers through the cloth as they worked up and down and over the little ridge that separates the two openings.
Moving his hand away he went behind me and started to clean my bottom, first paying attention to the twin globes of my buttocks and then carefully working his way between them and down to my ever so sensitive anus. His fingers pressed against me there, making sure I was properly cleansed. Finally he dropped the face cloth back into the sink and draped the big, soft bath towel around my shoulders and began to dry me, paying particular attention to the last areas he had visited.
Still holding the crutches I leaned against him and, putting my weight on my good foot, put my arms around him and held him tight.
Like a knight, Philip swept my legs out from under me and carried me back to the bedroom and laid me carefully upon the bed then, untying the cord, slipped off his dressing gown and shorts and lay beside me on the bed.
To be continued…