A couple together for many years
They’re in love with each other
Some obstacles and some tears
A marriage made of two lovers
They’re in love with each other
Some obstacles and some tears
A marriage made of two lovers
Years and years they’re in love
A family they’ve made together
Wedding rings that fit like gloves
Together they’ve ridden stormy weather
The relationship has changed
Love is of course there
Priorities have been rearranged
Each of them still care
They still make love in bed
Kisses exchanged each day
She still gives him head
They explore sex many ways
They both have not strayed
Lovers until the end
Nobody has been betrayed
They’re each other’s best friend
With love there’s fights
Not every day is happy
Many sleepless nights
Many days that are crappy
There wedding vows bind them
They’re husband and wife
A good life with some problems
This is called married life