Susie smiled as she looked down at me.
“Aww, do you miss me already, Jerry?” she giggled, then knelt down to give me a peck on the cheek, her still-hard nipples brushing against my arm. My penis twitched involuntarily.
“Oh my God, Mom just texted me to ask if Jerry made it here safely with my purse.” Jennifer said, looking at her phone as she stood in the middle of the room, naked but for her heels.
I sat up with a start and self-consciously moving my hands to cover myself.
“Oh, Jen, you should put her on FaceTime and move over here so Jerry is in the background!” Susie squealed, and both girls erupted in peals of laughter.
As soon as I looked up and saw Jennifer taking a few steps towards me, I didn’t wait to find out her response to Susie’s suggestion. If she was willing to share her aging lothario in a sexual threesome with her best friend, she was more than capable of carrying on a video conversation with her mother with that same aging lothario naked in the background! I jumped up, grabbed my discarded jeans and shirt, and made a beeline for the relative safety of the kitchen, desperately trying to step into my jeans as I hopped from the room. Behind me, both girls shrieked with laughter.
“Oh God, Suze, I’m going to piss myself!” Jennifer screamed through her laughter as she hurriedly squeezed her thighs together and slapped her hand over her mound. Wrong hand! Her telephone flew across the room and hit her friend on the head! Susie screamed, probably more from shock than pain, but the overall effect was horrific!
“Fuck, Jen, that hurt!” she squealed, as blood immediately started dripping down onto her jiggling breasts. Having pulled my jeans up and thrown my shirt on, I stood rooted to the spot watching in amazement as the two girls, wearing nothing but strappy high heeled sandals, moved to comfort each other. Both were still giggling, which didn’t help arrest the flow of blood from Susie’s head wound and only served to increase the stress on Jennifer’s bladder. Her muscles gave up the struggle a second later and she released a series of shimmering arcs of golden liquid which splashed against Susie’s torso before dripping to it’s final resting place in the expensive Oriental rug on the floor.
As I watched this pantomime unfold in front of me, the grim reality of the situation suddenly hit me right between the eyes. Here I was in a strange house with two very young, naked, hysterical girls, one bleeding profusely, the other urinating on her, and both screaming loudly enough to wake the dead, or at the very least, the neighbours!
I rushed back into the room, careful to avoid any slippery puddles of Jennifer’s pee that had missed the Oriental rug and landed on the tiled floor. Unfortunately, quieting two hysterical teenage girls from screaming and giggling was not my forte.
“For heaven’s sake, will you two be quiet before the neighbours hear you and call the police!” I pleaded, putting my arms around them in an attempt to calm them down. Both had tears running down their cheeks from laughing so hard, four young breasts and nipples were smeared in blood, and the tangy odour of fresh urine filled the room.
I could see the headlines now…
Elderly Man Arrested Last Night in Horrifying Bloody Sexual Attack on Two Innocent Young Girls.
No, wait. Good-Looking Man Arrested Last Night in… Yes, much better.
Just then, the sound of Jennifer’s mother’s voice came from below, where Jennifer’s phone had come to rest between Susie’s feet. The room fell silent as we all looked down. Simultaneously, we all put our fingers to our lips and mouthed “Sshhhhhh!” After what seemed like an eternity listening to Anna’s worried voice repeating “Jennifer, hello” a few times, I reached down to pick the phone up and handed it to her.
“Mom, I’m so sorry! Susie and I were playing around and I dropped the phone. She was tickling me, I couldn’t help it, sorry. What? Oh, no, it’s just the two of us, that was the television you heard.”
I blanched visibly, looking at Jennifer and then Susie. Had Anna heard, and more importantly, identified my rather distinctive accent?
“Yes, Jerry was here earlier. He dropped my purse off and had to leave to get home.”
My heart missed a beat when I heard my name.
“Yes, okay Mom, and sorry about dropping the phone on you.
“Hey! Wait a minute!” I said suddenly. “If your mom was on the phone that whole time, then that means you switched from text to a live call. Oh my God, you were actually going to FaceTime her with me naked in the room! Are you trying to get me shot, Jennifer? Your mom would cut my nuts off if she caught us!”
We were interrupted by Susie.
“For fuck’s sake, I’m bleeding to death here! If it’s not too much to ask, a little medical assistance please!”
Jennifer rushed off in the direction of the bathroom to get some facecloths while I helped Susie into the kitchen and leant her over the huge sink. When Jennifer returned with an armful of medical supplies, we set to work stanching the flow of blood, generally mopping up her bloodied head, breasts and torso. Jennifer’s latent maternal instincts took over and she gently but firmly pushed me to one side.
“If we’ve got everything back under control now, I need a stiff drink. Susie, where do your parents keep the liquor? Would you two like anything while I’m there?”
Jennifer turned to look at me over her shoulder.
“Jerry, we’re only eighteen years old, we’re not old enough to drink.”
My face reddened.
“Oh, yes, right,” I mumbled, as delicious images of the two beautiful girls using and abusing my body for their recent sexual gratification flitted through my mind. I decided not to go down that road.
“The booze cabinet is in the main room, off to the right. Mixer’s in the fridge. Oh, be careful of the wet floor, Jerry, I think I might have… um, well…”she tailed off.
“Oh, you mean where you peed all over the place, Jennifer?” I tried, but couldn’t hold back my big grin and a little chuckle. Susie’s giggles were muffled by the facecloths as her wounds were tended to by her best friend.
“Throw me that roll of paper towels, I’ll get rid of as much of the evidence as I can before the police show up and arrest both of you for assault,” I joked.
The roll of towels came flying at my head with both accuracy and velocity. Jennifer had a good arm on her.
“Like they’d believe you and not two poor innocent young girls, forced to strip naked and bloodied and bruised.” Jennifer laughed.
“Hmmm, you do have a very good point there,” I agreed. “Actually, although I love having you both just the way you are, it might be a good idea for you to put some clothes on, just in case anybody does decide to stop by.”
As I said this, my eyes wandered up and down the two ‘poor, innocent’ young girls in front of me. They were both tall and slender, with firm rounded bottoms that just begged to be kissed and nibbled on, and long, well-toned legs. They both still wore their high-heeled sandals, which accentuated the muscles in their calves and the curve of their arches. I was indeed a lucky man.
I tore myself away to get that drink I so badly needed. I poured a healthy shot of gin and returned to the kitchen to grab the tonic water and ice to find the girls in a loving embrace, their bodies crushed against each other as they kissed.
“Um, so our patient is obviously feeling better,” I said as I dribbled a few drops of tonic into the gin. “I think it’s time for you two to get some clothes on, and time for me to get home. If you need a hand tidying up, I could pop over tomorrow morning if you like.”
“Oh, can’t you stay a little while longer, Jerry?” Susie asked as they broke off their kiss. “We didn’t get to give you your special treat.”
“I’m sure we can find some time for that tomorrow, Susie. Staying around for a while would be pushing my luck I think. Besides, just being with the two of you is a treat for me.” I gulped down my drink, put the glass down, and held my arms out to her. She moved to me and pressed her warm, naked body against me.
Are you sure, Jerry?” she giggled innocently, lifting her face to mine and brushing her soft lips on my mouth. Then Jennifer stepped over and wrapped her arms around both of us.
“Damn, you two are so bad.” I gently untangled myself from the group hug. “Now throw on some clothes and try and tidy up in there before you go to bed. Send me a text if you want me to help out tomorrow.”
I kissed both of them on their cheeks, and moved towards the front door before I changed my mind.
A few minutes later I was still sitting in my car trying to get it started. This I didn’t need! Several minutes later, the battery gave up it’s last ounce of juice, so I got out and turned to walk back to the front door.
Just as I was about to ring the bell, I heard a car drive up behind me.