Ever since I can remember, we enjoyed annual summer holidays in Southern Europe within easy walking distance of a nudist beach, but now that my brother, sister and I were in our late teens or early twenties, this would be the last time that we went as a family.
Argeles-sur-Mer in the Camargue region of Southern France was always one of our favourite destinations and for the two thousand and four trip we’d rented a couple of caravans on a site situated just behind the wide sandy beach.
It’s always very hot in July, but my parents and siblings are avid sun-worshipers who always return home with deep all-over suntans. Being blonde and very fair skinned I can burn very easily so I spend most of my time in the shade, only venturing out when the fierce heat of the sun has subsided.
One particular day towards the end of our vacation, the plan was to visit the medieval town of Perpignan for some sightseeing, shopping and a very long lunch, but I was feeling a bit hung over from too much wine the night before. The others completely understood when I told them I preferred to stay behind and read my book.
They left early and by ten thirty I was feeling okay again so I decided to wander down to the beach.
There are always a lot of people around but the area where we stay is not as crowded as others and there’s a freshwater lagoon that’s formed by the outflow of a small river into the sea. I found an unattended large straw sun umbrella, unfolded my little beach chair, and took off my skimpy shorts and vest.
Beaches in general, but nudist beaches in particular, are unique spaces where people of all shapes, sizes and ages can congregate without feeling self-conscious about their bodies. As I scanned the beach I could see some very large men and women strolling around naked as well as fit young men, and gorgeous women. People look of course, but there’s no ogling or lecherous behaviour, and everyone feels comfortable because of the genuine feeling of equality.
In any case, I think I have a nice body and I’m quite happy for people to see me naked.
After about an hour or so, I noticed a lovely young girl with long blonde hair carrying a blue coldbox offering people slices of watermelon, which almost without exception, they bought from her. She was wearing nothing but a golden tan and a broad smile, and although I could see her conversing with her customers, I couldn’t hear what was being said. She put the money she was collecting into a small bag then stood up and did a few model-like poses as the people took photographs of her.
Eventually she made her way over to me, and knowing what she had in the coldbox I was already reaching into my bag for my money.
As soon as she knelt in front of me she smiled and said three words, “English, Deutsche, Francaise?”
“English,” I replied.
Then, in a distinctive German accent, she said, “My boyfriend is English. Johnny teaches me everything. You want to buy some watermelon? I have only two pieces left.”
I certainly did want to buy a piece and, at three Euros, it was excellent thirst-quenching value.
Then she asked, “You want to take some pictures of me? Five Euros for all you want.”
I realised then what she’d been doing earlier and I loved her cheery, carefree directness. I’m not usually in the habit of photographing naked women, but this was a nice little event and something to show the family later so I happily parted with a five Euro note.
She struck a few poses and I clicked away with my camera. She wasn’t in the least bit shy about showing off her lovely young body and, although some of the poses were very explicit, I could tell that she enjoyed being an exhibitionist.
She asked me if she could have a look, and knelt behind me with her chin on my shoulder as I flicked through the dozen or so images on the screen. “You have a really lovely body,” I said.
She then gently pulled back my hair and kissed my ear, saying, “You like girls?”
“I do like girls,” I replied. Then she licked my ear, and reached round to caress my breast and tenderly pinch my nipple between her finger and thumb.
“You like girls who do this?” she whispered.
The moment I said, “Those girls especially,” she turned my head towards hers and kissed me sensuously.
Suddenly her beaming smile was replaced by an expression that was far sultrier. “You want to come home with me to have some fun?”
My heart skipped a beat and I didn’t hesitate to agree. Bear in mind that I hadn’t had proper sex for nearly a fortnight, and although I enjoy pleasuring myself with my finger just before I drift off to sleep, the opportunity to romp naked with this nubile young German was just too good to miss.
We both stood and I put my togs back on then gathered up my belongings. As we strolled towards the rear of the beach, she told me that her real name was Heidi but everyone had called her Babette since she was a toddler. It turned out that we were both nineteen and she’d dropped out of college in Stuttgart to shack up with her boyfriend to live a simple life on the beach.
Underneath the trees was a beaten up old Citroen 2CV with faded red paint, and more dents than I’d ever seen on one car. It wasn’t even locked, and Babette reached inside the open window to retrieve a tie-dyed dress, which she slipped on. As we sat on what remained of the seats it became obvious by the manner of her driving how much of the damage to the car had been sustained.
During the short hair-raising journey, Babette didn’t stop asking questions and was clearly keen to get me to open up about myself.
“You like boys too Candy?” she asked boldly.
I said that I did and she came back with, “You like porno maybe? Two girls and a boy, this sort of thing?”
Again I told her that I did and she came out with the bombshell just as we pulled up in front of a ramshackle building. She turned the engine off and smiled at me, saying, “Me also, maybe you will let Johnny fuck you too.”
Suddenly I realised that this encounter might lead to my first ever threesome and, although I hadn’t even met Johnny yet, I’d already decided that I was quite keen on the idea.
Babette opened the door and ushered me into a large sitting room that was quite untidy but had an atmosphere of enterprise about it. The room was strewn with all kinds of merchandise from watches to beachwear, and the walls were adorned with dozens of really striking semi-abstract paintings.
She called out for her boyfriend, and when there was no response she went looking for him. After a minute or so, they both entered the room and Babette introduced Johnny to me. He had a paintbrush in one hand and a tall empty glass in the other with a chunk of lemon in the bottom.
He cast his eyes around the paintings on the wall and explained that he was outside creating his latest masterpiece. “I sell them through a dealer in Paris,” he said.
His kaftan was liberally spattered with paint but, in a way, it really suited his bohemian appearance. He was probably in his late twenties with a mop of dark wavy hair, a great tan and a lovely white smile. He greeted me with a kiss on both cheeks and offered me a drink.
“I’m afraid it’s just Bacardi and coke or wine,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting any guests today.”
He dropped several chunks of ice and a piece of lemon into three glasses then filled them halfway with Bacardi before topping up with coke.
Babette had to move a pile of beachwear so that we could sit down on the sofa and he said, “Babette tells me that she met you on the beach. Are you interested in a job?”
I chuckled and told him that Babette hadn’t said anything about a job and that I was just there on holiday.
“It’s good money,” he said, “Babette makes a hundred Euros or more easily in a morning just selling slices of watermelon and letting people take photos of her.”
I could well believe that because she made eight Euros from me in barely a minute.
Johnny went on, “It’s new people every two weeks so the work never dries up. Do you earn anything like that much tax free in England?”
I told him that I enjoyed my job selling exotic underwear and sex toys but it was certainly something to think about.
“People like buying things on the beach from young naked girls,” he said, and then he asked Babette to show me one of the beachwear items.
“This is one of our best selling lines,” he said. “I get them made by a local seamstress for next to nothing and the girls sell them on the beach for twenty Euros.”
Babette said that they split the money fifty-fifty with Johnny and everyone’s happy.
Johnny suggested that Babette model one to show me, and she peeled off her dress then held up a bright yellow piece of fabric in a kind of ‘X’ shape. She tied two of the ends together in a knot and slipped it over her head with the knot at the back of her neck. Then she fed the rest of it between her legs so that the centre part just covered her pussy pulling it tight so that it was buried deep in her crack. Then she pulled the other two ends from the back to the front and tied them around her waist.
The whole demonstration only took a few seconds, and after a bit of adjustment to cover her nipples, Babette struck a suitably sexy pose.
It did nothing to conceal her lovely firm breasts and, as garments go, it’s difficult to imagine anything more minimalist that actually did cover the extremities of a woman’s body.
Johnny said that the girls just wandered around the beach naked and showed people how simple and sexy the thing was. He said they were easy to sell, and even unaccompanied men were worth approaching because they often wanted to buy the actual garment the girl was modelling. “I’ll give you three guesses as to why,” he said with a wry smile.
Then he said, “Now be honest Candy, wouldn’t you rather be naked on a beach for a couple of hours each day selling this kind of thing than stuck in a dreary shop from nine till five for far less money?”
I explained that whilst I was really tempted, I burn too easily.
“I’d love to have you in the team,” Johnny said. “So, if you change your mind, just contact me. In the meantime let me see you try one on.”
As I slipped off my shorts and vest, Babette removed the microkini and undid the knots. The other two watched as I briefly considered the way it went together and very quickly put it on to an impromptu round of applause.
“Well done Candy,” Johnny said, “you’re a natural.”
Then he suggested that we all go outside and maybe even have a dip in the pool.
Given the shambles that they lived in, the fact that they had a pool came as something of a pleasant surprise to me because there was no air conditioning, and I was getting quite sweaty.
“Shall I keep this on or take it off?” I asked.
It was a silly question really and in a couple of seconds I was nice and naked again.
I was pleased to find that outside there was a large patio area that was completely covered by a rustic pampas grass canopy. It provided a perfect shady refuge from the searing heat of the midday sun and there was a table with several chairs that didn’t match. I could only speculate as to why there was a large mattress with a white waterproof cover over it held down with some bricks, but I had a pretty good idea.
Johnny’s easel supported a large canvas on which his new painting was progressing nicely and beyond the pool was a grassed area with some sunbeds randomly arranged. The whole garden was a mass of colourful plants and flowers, and there was even a waterfall that fed the filtered water into the pool.
Johnny sat in one of the chairs while Babette and I wandered over to the edge of the pool and dipped our toes into the crystal clear water. As we walked back towards the table Johnny said, “Sometimes I just have to pinch myself.”
I gave him a quizzical look. “Look at this,” he said. “I live in a virtual paradise, and today I’m in the company of two naked teenage girls with long blonde hair, gorgeous bodies and silky smooth pussies. How much better can the day get?”
Babette and I looked at each other and smiled. Only we knew what we’d talked about on our short journey but the telepathy between us had already conjured up the answer.
We both turned on our heels and made our way into the pool where we immersed ourselves in the water and splashed each other playfully. Then we moved to the edge and invited Johnny to join us.
He smiled broadly as he stood up he peeled the kaftan over his head then tossed it on the chair. My first sight of Johnny’s naked body convinced me that my decision to go through with this opportunity couldn’t have worked out better.
His lean muscular body was a wonderful shade of brown all over and between his thighs dangled perhaps four or five inches of beautiful circumcised masculinity the like of which I’d only ever seen in porn films.
To say I was excited would be an understatement and we both followed him with our eyes as he ambled round to the far side of the pool and dived in.
I’d already gone further than I’d ever done before by sharing a cock with another girl, but it just seemed the natural thing to do and I had no hesitation in wanting this encounter to go all the way.
Johnny’s cock was lovely and hard now and when he hauled himself out of the pool and sat on the edge, it stood perfectly erect and had almost doubled in size. Babette and I rested our tits on his thighs and took it in turns to suck his delicious manhood.
There really is no substitute for that wonderful fleshy delicacy of a guy’s stiff cock in a girl’s mouth. Although I’d brought a realistic looking dildo with me on holiday, I’d really missed the warmth and sensuality of sucking the real thing while I’d been away.
Johnny just leaned back supporting himself with his arms saying nice things as he watched us, and occasionally he’d gasp softly when we touched a particular nerve.
The droplets of water on his skin glistened in the sunlight, and I felt the heat of the sun beginning to burn my back. When I mentioned it, Babette suggested that we get under cover, and we all made our way to the patio.
Johnny took the bricks away and dragged the cover off the mattress to reveal that it had a crisp white plastic fitted sheet wrapped around it. “The outer cover keeps the leaves and other crap off,” Johnny said as he lay on the mattress.
Our bodies were wet but it was nice and warm so, when Babette and I lay either side of Johnny and pressed up close to him, we all experienced that lovely sensation of skin on skin.
We kissed and caressed him, and in the position we were in he was able to reach between our legs from behind and finger our soft pussy flesh. Equally we only had to adjust slightly so that we could suck his meaty cock and fondle his granite hard balls.
What I enjoyed immensely was when Babette and I stroked our tongues slowly up his lovely shaft and licked around the tip before touching tongues and kissing. I’d seen films of men ejaculating at this point and the thought of Johnny’s warm creamy cum spilling out of his tiny cockhole and filling our mouths really turned me on.
We were a long way from that delicious moment, and the climax to our encounter might be completely different to that, but there was no doubt that one way or another, Babette and I would soon be sharing his hot load between us.
There was nothing sordid or dirty about this encounter. In fact it was developing into the perfect sexual experience for all of us. When Babette disconnected and straddled Johnny’s thighs, the wonderful image of his long thick cock disappearing into her sweet young cunt in one smooth penetrating stroke caused us both to gasp.
It’s amazing how elastic a woman’s vagina is. One second it’s a tight little hole and the next it’s expanded to consume something the size of a cucumber.
She was riding him smoothly in a reverse cowgirl position and making lovely feminine grunting noises as he fucked her smoothly. Johnny cupped her firm breasts and fondled them tenderly while I leaned in and licked her sweet pussy. I could taste her delicious juices on Johnny’s cock with every outstroke, and much as I was enjoying the close-ups and slapping sounds when their flesh collided, I was nevertheless longing to feel the sensation of his cock deep inside me.
I had to wait quite a while before Babette agreed to give way to me but, eventually, she dismounted, and after sucking her pussy juice off his cock and licking her lips, she offered him to me.
I don’t know why, but I just fancied being fucked from behind so I leaned right forward with my ass high, and when I parted my bum cheeks with my hands, every part of my womanhood was visible. Babette couldn’t resist the temptation to get there first and the sensation of her tongue licking and probing every orifice was just amazing.
“I’ll get you nice and wet,” she said with real enthusiasm, and by the time her tongue and fingers had worked their magic on me, my vagina was dilated and dripping wet.
I first felt Jonny’s hands gently caressing my bum cheeks as he got behind me, and then the tip of his engorged cock touching the soft entrance to my babyhole. He teased me by rubbing it up and down between my holes before slipping it sweetly into my warm wet cunt.
Babette was squeezing his balls gently as he penetrated me, but when he was deep inside and started to fuck me, she changed position and lay in front of me with her legs open so that I could lick her pussy.
She was rubbing her clit energetically as I savoured her delicious womanhood, and it was clearly her intention to bring herself off. Inspired by this I reached between my legs and, as Johnny fucked me rhythmically, I masturbated vigorously. All three of us were moaning deliriously as our bodies reacted to the stimulation, but it was especially brilliant for me with Johnny giving it to me hard and fast from behind.
Babette’s legs suddenly started quivering, and then she jolted as though a horse had kicked her. The squeal of delight was followed by a long slow sigh of pleasure as her orgasm rippled through her, but when she gently tugged on my ears it was clear that she wanted me to carry on licking her.
I could feel the tip of Jonny’s lovely cock pressing against my cervix with every deep penetrating stroke and seconds after Babette’s climax I felt the familiar sensation of my own orgasm beginning to erupt. Waves of ecstasy coursed through my body and I could feel my toes curling as the pleasure engulfed me.
All my sex nerves were tingling, and by climaxing whilst I was being fucked, the whole sensation kept going and going until it became almost unbearable.
Johnny confessed that he’d got really close to cumming but just didn’t want the joy to end so he withdrew from me, and as Babette and I kissed and cuddled on the mattress, he wandered over to the table and flopped into a chair.
He then brought our drinks over, and we took a few refreshing sips before he returned them to the table and sat down again.
Babette and I were still engrossed in each other and although we’d enjoyed sexual contact already, we both wanted more. The fact that Johnny was watching us just made it hornier.
We sat cross-legged, and as we kissed, we tenderly caressed each other’s ample breasts. Babette cupped mine in her hands and sucked my nipples while I reached down and gently stroked her neat little slit. Then we both sank back on the mattress and just petted each other sensuously.
By the time we got into a sixty-nine position with Babette on top of me licking my juicy cunt, Johnny was stroking his cock, and even from where we were, we could see the trickle of pre-cum leaking out.
We were enjoying putting on a show for Johnny but in our heightened state of arousal we both needed to cum again. Almost as though the move had been rehearsed, we slipped between each other’s legs until our vaginas kissed and we then started to gyrate our hips in perfect synch.
Johnny came over to the mattress and began kissing us as Babette and I scissored our way to a thundering climax, and for Babette it must have been really intense because as she came, she squirted all over me.
My heart was pounding. Nothing like this had happened in my life before but I was so turned by it that my head was spinning.
Babette was trembling and was hardly aware of Johnny getting between her legs and slipping his bone hard cock into her succulent cunt. As soon as he started fucking her she responded by grasping his bum cheeks and urging him on.
I was lying next to them with my knees in the air and my legs wide open, rubbing my clit hoping that he wouldn’t ignore me for long. After a dozen or so more deep satisfying strokes inside Babette, Johnny tenderly withdrew his throbbing cock and moved toward me.
Although my vagina was young and tight, Johnny’s cock was soaked in Babette’s slippery juices and it slid sweetly into my body right up to the hilt. When he started fucking me with long slow rhythmic strokes it was just magical. I could feel my tit’s wobbling gently as his tempo increased, and as the minutes passed I recognised the subtle signs that he was getting close to an orgasm.
I know that when a man is ready to cum, the urge to do so is almost overwhelming, so the fact that he’d managed to fuck two hot teenage girls like Babette and me without cumming inside either of us was testament to his wonderful powers of self-control.
His moment of joy was fast approaching though and I invited Johnny to slip his cock out of me so that Babette and I could share the enjoyment of his glory stroke. This time his cock was soaked in my fragrance and as he reclined on the mattress between us we told him that we didn’t want him to hold back.
“Just tell us when you are close,” Babette whispered.
Although we were still young, both of us knew perfectly well how to stimulate a man to a climax, and had done so many times. The special thing for me was that this was the first time I’d be sharing the experience with another girl.
As we stroked and licked Johnny’s delicious manhood I tried to visualise the moment in my head. It wasn’t difficult, and I was determined not to flinch when his lovely fluid hit my face.
In the end it took quite a lot of vigorous tugging between the two of us to get him to the point where Johnny softly announced that he was really close. As we both licked the sensitive tip lightly, Babette just stroked her finger gently up and down the underside of his cock.
“Oh girls,” Johnny whispered, “If only you knew just how amazing that feels.”
After a few seconds our gentle stimulation tipped him over the edge and his warm semen started to flow.
The first couple of pulses erupted from his cockhole and spilled over our tongues but then a huge spurt of warm creamy cum shot out as far as my hairline, and another powerful jet spattered Babette’s pretty face. I could feel it trickling down my face, and no doubt Babette was enjoying the same experience, but gradually the flow of cum subsided, as Johnny’s sac was almost empty.
We both savoured every drop and used Johnny’s cock to spread it over our cheeks before sucking him dry and swallowing all that we could.
Johnny just flopped onto his back and was breathing heavily as Babette and I examined each other and scooped little droplets off with our fingers.
I’m not sure how I came to have so much on my tits but Babette had the same so I guess it was just what dripped off our faces when he was ejaculating over us.
Anyway, it was all very lovely and for a few minutes the three of us just slouched on the mattress before deciding to plunge into the pool and clean ourselves up.
We were all still naked as we sat around the table enjoying a simple lunch of Camembert baguettes and red wine. The conversation was a mixture of the sex we’d just had, and their laid back lifestyle in general.
“I couldn’t believe it when Babette squirted all over me,” I said.
“Now you know why the mattress has a plastic cover on it,” Johnny said with a chuckle.
Babette gave him a friendly slap on the arm and said, “I can’t help it. It just happens.”
“Do you squirt Candy?” Johnny asked casually.
“Sometimes,” I replied, “but it’s really random.”
Johnny raised his eyebrows a couple of times and suggested that I visit them again and see if they could get me to do it. He may have been joking but I got the impression that he’d very much like to have sex with me again, and the feeling was mutual.
In all I’d been at the house for nearly five hours and it was time I was going, but before I left Johnny gave me a couple of microkinis and a few thongs in assorted bright colours. He also gave me his contact details and then kissed me.
“That job offer is still open,” he said, “and you know you’re welcome here anytime.”
Babette agreed to run me back to the beach and we kissed sensuously before parting.
I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see them again but, as a reminder of my wonderful afternoon, I had some photos, a few skimpy garments and a warm feeling inside.
By the time my family got back, I was sitting outside the caravan reading my book.
They were all gasping for drinks, and as they sat around the table I rustled up some ice-cold beers. They gave me a run down of their day and were pleased to know that I was fully recovered from my hangover.
My Mum asked me what I’d been doing all day.
“Actually,” I said, “I’ve had lots of fun today including meeting a girl on the beach, which led to a well paid job offer.”
There was some mild derision and my brother scoffed, “Doing what precisely?”
I passed my camera around so that they could flick through the pictures of Babette, and then I held out the items of beachwear. “Honestly,” I said, “you wouldn’t believe how much money I could make just wandering naked around the beach selling these things to tourists.”
“Yes,” said my Dad, “but are there any prospects?”
I didn’t really know what to say after that.