Two years ago, my wife left me for another guy. A year later, I lost my high-paying job in a ‘corporate restructuring’. Now, just three weeks after moving into a new house, the heating packs up.
Actually, I had a lot for which still to be thankful. My ex-wife’s new husband was rich, so her financial demands were relatively small. My kids, now grown and on their own, took my side and were a source of loving support. The redundancy payoff had been generous, and I had managed to pick up some consulting work that provided a bit of income. And, even though I was 61 and lonely, I was in good health and worked out every day so I did not necessarily look like an old geezer.
Still, I was pissed off that all of the radiators upstairs in my new home were stone cold. Oh well, time to call a plumber.
I found a local website that featured small, independent workmen and decided to call ‘Mikey the Plumber’. The listing was well-written, and I liked the idea that Mikey was an experienced plumber who had recently set up an independent business.
My call was answered by a pleasant female voice. I briefly explained the problem, and I was told that the plumber could be at my house in about two hours. That was pretty quick, so I gave her my details and began to work in the sitting room, since my home office upstairs was freezing cold.
Nearly two hours later, the doorbell ran. I opened the door and was greeted by a very attractive woman in a denim jacket and a pair of jeans, tight enough to be interesting but loose enough still to be practical. She wore a pair of sturdy work boots, but who cared about her footwear? She had mid-length blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a charming smile.
“Are you Dave? I’m Mikey,” she said, reaching out to shake my hand. “By the look on your face, I assume you were expecting a male plumber.”
I stammered an answer, probably not too coherently, but Mikey laughed it off good-naturedly.
“It happens all the time. I was born a Michelle. My Dad really wanted a boy, so my Mom let him call me Mikey, and the name has stuck for fifty-six years. My driver’s licence and credit cards still say Michelle. My kids grew up and left home, and I needed something to do. Somehow, I became a plumber’s apprentice.”
I was a bit dumfounded, not so much by Mikey’s story but by her beauty and the fact that she was in her mid-fifties. I would have thought she was ten years younger.
“May I come in and check out your problem?”
I quickly stepped aside and invited Mikey in, but my mind was working overtime. “Oh yes,” I thought to myself, “I would love for you to check out my problem.” I hadn’t had sex since my wife left me.
Mikey asked where the boiler was located and quickly got to work. She accepted my offer of a cup of tea and within minutes diagnosed the problem … at least the one pertaining to heating. The good news: it wasn’t serious. The bad news: she would have to drain the system, and it could take a couple of hours to refill.
Mikey got to work while I returned to the sitting room, which was getting cold now that the plumber had turned off the entire system. I heard a lot of clanking from the laundry room, where the boiler was located, and Mikey made many trips both up and down the stairs and to her van outside.
After about an hour, Mikey came into the sitting room and said: “It was a blockage that was relatively easy to clear, but I did have to drain a lot of water from the system. I figure it will be at least an hour and a half. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Not at all. Would you like another cup of tea?” I asked.
“Sure,” she said. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
As Mikey turned to head for the bathroom, I couldn’t help but notice that she had a hell of a body. She had removed her jacket and was wearing a loose work shirt, but it did not hide the fact that Mikey had a generous chest. As the work I was doing wasn’t urgent, talking to an attractive older woman wasn’t a bad way to spend the afternoon.
Mikey returned just as I was bringing two mugs of tea back to the sitting room. Did I imagine that she had brushed her hair, put on a bit of lipstick and undone a shirt button?
As she was comfortably sitting on the sofa, I took a seat beside her after setting the mugs on the coffee table. We made small talk about the difficulties associated with started a business until she asked, “How long have you lived alone?”
I was taken aback, but I explained that I split up with my wife two years earlier and had only moved into the house several weeks ago.
“I could tell,” Mikey replied, “not that you were necessarily divorced, but it was clear that only a man was living here and had not lived here very long. I mean the house is really nicely furnished, but everything looks too orderly and there aren’t any signs of female inhabitation. I’ve been a plumber for nearly twenty years, so I can tell a lot just by looking at a house.”
She then surprised me with her next question.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“No,” I stammered. “I really have not seen anyone since my wife left, and …”
I stopped speaking because Mikey had shifted closer to me on the sofa and had put her hand on my thigh. She said softly, “Would you mind a girlfriend for the next hour or so while the system is filling?”
Before I could answer, she leaned over and kissed me very softly on my lips.
I was dumbfounded, but she looked straight into my eyes and said: “It’s okay. I find you very attractive, you are about my age and I can tell you are a gentleman. Most of the time, it’s women who are at home when I arrive during the day. When a man does answer the door, he often either hits on me immediately or says something sexually insulting within the first ten minutes. You are different.
“I will be honest. I am in a really lousy marriage and would like some male company that doesn’t include hitting and hurting.” I could sense Mikey was about to weep, but she got it together and said softly, “It’s cold in here, but I think it would be warmer under the duvet in your bedroom.”
Again, it took me a moment to respond, so she quickly said: “I am so very sorry. What I have just said is really unprofessional, and I apologise profusely. I understand if you think I am some sort of a slut. But …”
She stopped talking as I leaned in to kiss her. I then took her hand in mine and said, “Want to go upstairs?”
When we arrived in the bedroom, I excused myself to freshen up in the bathroom. When I returned, Mikey had removed her boots, socks, jeans and shirt and was sitting on the bed in bright yellow lace underwear. She looked divine. I walked over to her. She rose, smiled and began unbuttoning my shirt.
As she slowly undressed me, she explained: “A lot of people imagine that a lady plumber is probably a dyke.
By then she had removed my shirt, pulled down my trousers and was slowly rubbing the obvious bluge in my boxers.
“Take everything off, and I will, too. Then let’s get into bed; it’s fucking cold in here!”
I laughed and did what she said. For the first five minutes or so, we snuggled under the duvet, getting warm, gently kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with our hands. Then she suggested that we get to know each other better. She dove under the covers headfirst and began slowly licking my hard cock. As her legs were by my face, I parted them and slowly began exploring her pussy with my tongue.
Within a minute, she had my entire cock in her mouth and was giving me my first blowjob in more than two years. I had found her clit and was gently licking it, although I had a difficult time maintaining concentration with what was going on lower in the bed.
I was worried that she was not enjoying my amateurish attempts to please her as I received little response. For my part, I was already on edge, ready to cum, but I was not sure if it was the right time.
Mikey must have sensed that because she stopped her oral assault, poked her head above the duvet and said, “Please do not cum yet. I have to feel you inside of me. However, I think we should use a condom. I don’t have any and I have a feeling you probably don’t, either.”
I surprised her by saying, “Wait a moment.” I went into the bathroom and returned with a foil pack.
As I got into bed, I explained with a bit of embarrassment. “A year or so ago, I got so frustrated one night that I decided to call an escort. However, I chickened out, but I had bought some Durex, just in case. I remember them when I unpacked the bathroom stuff when I moved into the house.”
She laughed as she tore the package and began to roll the rubber onto my cock. “Silly, don’t you know that the hooker brings the condoms with her? You really are an innocent lad.”
My member was now snuggly encased in latex, so Mike simply put a leg over my midsection and gently lowered herself on my cock. She sat straight up, so I could now properly see her braless breasts for the first time. They were gorgeous, medium sized, still firm despite her age with prominent nipples. I smiled at the sight of them.
“Please, Dave, suck them while I fuck you slowly. Your cock feels so good inside me, and I think we still have a lot of time. Please love me gently, very gently.
I realised from what Mikey had told me earlier that sex with her husband may not have been a very pleasant experience. So, even though I was more aroused than I had been for many years, I tried to treat her like a china doll, gently caressing and kissing her breasts while she gently ground on my cock.
We continued this in near silence for perhaps fifteen minutes until she suddenly picked up the pace. She was now really grinding against my cock and her breathing became much more rapid. She started mumbling something and suddenly bent down to kiss me passionately, almost aggressively. If we had been making love before, we were suddenly fucking.
Suddenly, Mikey rose straight up and her body stiffened. I could feel her clamp down on my cock. I felt her pussy tremble and her entire body followed. Suddenly, she screamed.
“Jesus Christ, I’m cumming. I am cumming so damn hard. I love it, l love you. It is soooooo fucking good.
As her orgasm continued, she finally said: “Dave, I want to feel you. Please cum in my pussy.
By that time, I did not need any encouragement. Within thirty seconds, I had shot my load, and for the first time in a long time, it was into a beautiful woman rather than my own left hand.
After a moment, she rolled off me, snuggled alongside and put her head on my shoulder. “Please don’t say anything, just for a minute,” she asked.
I held her softly, not quite believing what just happened. We remained still for several minutes, until Mikey broke the silence.
“I think I better get dressed and check the system. I would not want to overfill it.”
I wanted to say, ‘Fuck the plumbing, please stay with me,’ but Mikey had already left the bed and was reaching for her underwear. She made a quick trip to the bathroom, and soon she again looked like ‘Mikey the Plumber’ rather than ‘Michelle the Lover’.
I took my time freshening up and dressing after she went downstairs. I was just buttoning my shirt when she re-entered the bedroom to fiddle with the valve on the radiator.
“I think the problem is fixed, Dave. The radiator should be getting warm within the next ten minutes.
I laughed. “Well, that’s two problems fixed by Mikey the Plumber. I am sure the central heating will be fine, and I feel a lot more warmth than I have in a long, long time.”
I followed her downstairs, staring at her delicious ass again covered by a tight layer of denim. During our love-making, I had never had a chance to really pay much attention to her backside, but I wouldn’t make that error again the next time.
And then I stopped myself on the staircase: Would there be a next time?
Mikey returned to the laundry room, fiddled with the boiler controls and then tidied up. I sat at the kitchen table, and she soon joined me.
“I’m all finished here,” she said, “and I have to be going soon. I have a job in Camden by 5 pm to unblock a drain.”
I did not know what to say. Mikey just looked at me and then said quietly:
“Dave, I have no idea about what you are thinking, and I really do not know what to think myself. You probably think that I am just a slut that get her kicks by fucking my clients, but I have never, ever done this before. In fact, I never thought I would have sex again. My husband broke my jaw about six months ago when I did not suck him off the way he wanted. He is an alcoholic and a troubled man, but I never had the courage to leave him. I don’t want to be alone. I was worried that I would hurt worse if I did. Now, after what we did together today, which was more wonderful that I can describe, I have made up my mind.”
I thought for a moment and I said, “What time do you think your job in Camden will end? What would you like for dinner tonight? I’m a pretty good cook.”
Mikey smiled and just shook her head. “No, that’s not the way I want to do it. I need to talk to my counsellor and then I need to talk to my husband.”
“But, what about this afternoon?”
“Well, I just have a feeling that your boiler might conk out again, possibly as early as tomorrow morning. Trust me, I just know that it will. When it does, I suggest you call Mikey the Plumber. You know the number.”
She gathered her tools, gave me a long kiss and said, “See you tomorrow!”