Going white for the first time

"His first time with a white female, is a lot more than he expected."

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The wife and I have been married for just over four years. We were one of the original people to have moved into this apartment complex.

“Have you seen the new lady in the next building?” she asked.

Alexis my wife, was the neighborhood watch dog. She had recently been asked to notify the community leaders of any rule breaking that happened. Little did they know she would take that bone and run with it. 

“No I haven’t,” I sighed.

She always found something she wanted to complain about. It could be anything from, someone not cleaning up after their dog, or a person parking in the wrong parking spot. The list went on and on.

“Lacey and I think she had work done,” she said while putting her make up on.

“Really,” I said.

I worked nights, at a night club. Most of the time I was the bouncer at the door, other times I worked the floor. It was a nice job, which I loved.

This morning I was not in the mood for one of Alexis’s rants. I had just got home from work. All I wanted to do was sleep.
“Yeah, she is very top heavy,” she said. “Totally unnatural for a woman to be that big.”

Alexis hated her job at the bank. If she wasn’t complaining about people in the neighborhood, she was complaining about

“Okay, I am off,” she said.

I took a quick shower then went to bed, falling asleep immediately.

My alarm went off at it’s usual time. There was just two hours until Alexis would return home from work. Two more hours after that, until I had to be at work.

I decided that I was going to hit the community gym at the club house. Instead of going all the way to my normal

The gym was small, it didn’t have much in the way of free weights. It did have a decent tread mill though. That’s all I wanted to use today. I put my ear buds in, then started the machine up.

I was just over a half hour into my work out. When I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. My back had been turned to the door, so I hadn’t noticed that someone had come in.

Turning around I saw a great looking woman.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” I replied.

“Can you watch my stuff?” she asked.

She pointed to a bag on the floor. 

“I have to go and change.”

“Sure,” I replied.

She nodded then went to the bathrooms, that were located just outside the gym.

“Thanks,” she said, as she came back.

She must be the woman that Alexis had been talking about. I thought to myself.

She was shorter than Alexis, but she was in much better shape physically.

She was wearing a black tank top that fit her very tightly across the chest. Black sport shorts, that stopped just below her ass. Her brown hair was pulled back through the back of her cap.

“No problem,” I nodded.

 After an hour, I decided to head back home.

“Have a good workout,” I said.

To which she nodded. She was on the bike, going full out.

“So did you meet her?” Alexis asked me.

 It was later in the day. I was nearly ready for work. She had come in the house, just as I had gotten out of the shower. I was just in the middle of shaving.

“Who?” I asked.

“The new woman?” she said, staring at me.

 Alexis had long dark black hair, brown eyes and dark caramel skin. When I met her she was a fitness nut just like me. She had stopped going to the gym a few years ago. Which resulted in her losing her figure.

 I on the other hand, had kept up my pre married weight. I worked out as much as I could. I tried to eat healthy. I felt like I was in the best physical shape I had been in my whole life. My head was shaved as well as the rest of my body.
“Tina said, she saw her enter the gym shortly after you did,” Alexis said.

“That was her?” I asked. “I thought as much. Yeah she was in there.”

“Well?” she asked.

 Now she stood by the bathroom door as I was brushing my teeth.

“Well nothing,” I shrugged. “She worked on the bike, I was on the tread mill.”

“Uh huh,” she said rolling her eyes.

“What does that mean?”

“You know exactly what that means,” she said.

“Not really.”

“It means, you didn’t tell me you saw her,” she said shaking her head. “It means. I know how you like big boobs.”

“Yes, I didn’t tell you. Because I didn’t think it was a big deal. It’s not like we talked,” I said. “Since when did I have to tell you everything that happens to me?”

 I was getting annoyed. This was becoming a daily ritual with her, she was getting into a nasty habit of picking arguments with me, based on nothing.

“Since you put this ring on my finger,” she said, holding up her hand. “That’s when.”

“You know what. I am going to work. You and the local neighborhood watch, can figure this shit out.”

 Later that night, while I was at work. I was still being bothered by texts from Alexis. She was still bothering me about the woman.

“Man, you should turn that shit off,” my friend said.

 He was one of the other bouncers. He had seen me taking my phone out numerous times during the night.

“Nah then it will be worse, when I get home,” I said. “She is just getting jealous of some new woman that moved in. It will blow over.”

“She white?” he asked.

“The new woman?”

“Yeah. Is she white?”

“Yeah. Alexis knows me. She knows I won’t go with any other woman,” I said. “If I haven’t yet, after working in here, then I am not going to.”

“Yeah, but if she is white and good looking, then you have bigger problems, than you think,” he smiled.

“Nah, I am not like that. Plus I have never been with a white woman,” I shrugged. “No interest to either.”



“Does Alexis know that?” 


 I didn’t see the big deal. So the new woman was white. I had been around plenty of white women. I worked around a lot of them. Alexis had no problems with me working here. She had never asked if I was cheating or if I had interests in any other woman, until now. 

 That morning on the way home, I decided that I would stop at a diner. Maybe I could stay there a while, at least until Alexis was gone. I didn’t feel like getting into another argument.

“What can I get you?” the waitress asked.

“Just a turkey sandwich with fries and a sweet tea please.”

“Right away.”

 I browsed through my phone. No new texts. Which meant either she had let it go, or I was in for a very long day.

“Hi,” a voice said from behind me.

I turned to see the lady from the gym.

“Hi,” I said.

 I turned right back around. This wasn’t happening.

“Long night huh?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

 How could she be here? Why was she here? If any of Alexis’s friends saw the two of us here together, in stalls right next to each other, I would never hear the end of it.

“Did I do something?” she asked.

She got up, she was standing right beside me. 

“No, not at all.”I said looking up at her. 

“You seem distant,” she said, sitting down opposite me.

She was dressed in a light green dress skirt, that hugged her body tightly.

 Now I knew why Alexis and her friends had thought she had work done. Her chest was literally popping out of the top of the dress. Either they were fake or the boob fairy had hit her with everything it had.

 My eyes went straight down to the table.

“You moving over here love?” the waitress asked.

“Yes,” she said.

 I wanted to say no. All of me wanted to say no. But nothing came out of my mouth.

“Well?” she asked.

“I am married,” I said.

“What has that got to do with anything?” she asked.

“We are neighbors right? Why can’t we be friends? Does your wife not allow you to have friends?”

That got me mad. I was not some whipped husband, that did anything my wife said. 

“I am allowed to have friends. Even if she doesn’t approve of them.”

“Ah, so she doesn’t like me,” she laughed.

“I never said that.”

“Not in exact words.”

“Listen,” I said.

I told her everything.

Starting with Alexis thinking that she had work done. I also added that for some unknown reason Alexis didn’t like her. There were other things, that I had heard Alexis say over the phone. I told her all of it. 

“Nope and hell no,” she smiled. “I am totally natural and no I am not a stripper.”

I laughed at the face she made, when she said that.

“Okay. I used to be, not anymore,” she shook her head.

“Damien,” I said.

“Paula,” she smiled.

 She told me about her job. She was an escort. She made it perfectly clear that she wasn’t one of those escorts that slept with their clients. Instead she was an escort that got paid to go on dates.

Her recent client was a traveling business man, that had no time to find a lasting relationship, he wanted to impress some clients. He had hired Paula through the escort service to be pretend to be his girlfriend, soon to be wife.

She showed me a picture of the two of them together with the clients. Then she showed me a ring.

“So do you have to play along?” I asked.

“Yes, he has paid for a full week. I am meeting him tomorrow, on his boat,” she said with a smile. “He has asked for a revealing bikini and an evening dress.”

At this she shook her head.

“Don’t like the dress?” I asked.

“Love the dress, it’s the bikini,” she turned up her face. “Leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.”

I laughed.

“Not funny,” she shook her head. “You carry these beach balls around all the time, then try to fit them in a bikini.”

“No thanks,” I shook my head. “I think they are a bit bigger than a beach ball.”

 Which was the truth, even though she was sitting back. Her chest was still touching the table. Every time she leaned forward, they would nearly cover the whole table. It was a miracle that she could even stand without falling over. Sitting this close I could also see she had beautiful green eyes.

“Yeah they weigh more too,” she said.with a smile.

 My phone went off. It was a text from Alexis. 

‘Where are you?’ 

‘On my way back.’ 

“I have to go.” I said. 

 I stood up, leaving money on the table for my part.

Paula looked up at me, then made the signal for being whipped. I smiled then gave her the finger.

 I drove home as fast as I could. Which was the wrong thing to do. The moment I stepped inside, I got an earful of questions.

When she finally did leave, I couldn’t be happier that she was gone.

 I had the night off. So I stayed up later than usual, I played on my Ps4 for a little bit before turning in. As I began to lay down there was a knock on the door.

“You forget your keys?” I yelled.

There was no answer.

 I pulled open the door. There was Paula, she was dressed in her gym outfit.

“You coming?” she asked

“How did you know where I lived?” I asked.

“Easy to figure out,” she shrugged.

“I was about to go to bed. I work nights remember?” I shook my head.

“Too early, to go to bed. Even If you work nights. Lets go. Meet you down there.”

 She was half way down the stairs before I could say anything.

 I went back to my bed. I laid there for a few minutes before I got up.

“You’re asking for trouble,” I said to myself. “Lay back down and go to sleep.”

 But I didn’t. I got ready for the gym, then headed down. 

“About time. I was beginning to think you chickened out,” Paula said.

“Nope,” I said.

“Spot me,” she ordered.

 I don’t know why, I was doing everything she said. It was like I couldn’t say no to her. I felt compelled to do what ever she said.

She laid down on the bench as I stood over her from behind, holding the bar over her chest.

 I watched her chest heave up and down. Each time she moved the bar up or down, her cleavage would peak out of the top of her tank top.

 Alexis was a nice 36D. When we first got married, she had let me tit fuck her every day. Now after four years of marriage, if I got a glimpse of them outside of a bra, I was lucky.

 All that was going through my head was tit fucking these huge tits. They made Alexis’s D cups. Look like mosquito bites.

“Your turn,” she said.

 She stood up. As I walked past her, she smacked me hard on the ass.

“Let’s go!” she said. “You look like you’re in a daze.”

 I felt like I was in a daze. This wasn’t like me, not at all. I should be back at my apartment sleeping. Not out here. Not where prying eyes could see me with someone, that my wife clearly disliked.

“Okay, lets put some more weight on here,” she said.

She lifted a few of the circular weights, then slid them on each end of the bar.

 Her pony tail bounced back and forth as she walked. I watched her tanned and toned muscular legs, pass back and forth. I was lying on the bench so I was at eye level with her shapely ass. Her shorts were so tight around her. I could see there was no panty lines.

‘No!’ I screamed inside my head.

 I was getting turned on. I couldn’t stop myself, she was perfect. From her long hair coming through the back of her black cap. Her eyes as she was looking down at me as I lifted the weight. Her chest that was leaning over me. Everything.

“I better go,” I said.

I jumped off of the bench. Heading for the door.

“One more set,” she said.

 She moved in front of me, placing her hands on my chest. She was staring directly into my eyes. She knew exactly what she was doing.

“Just one more,” she said again, with a smile and a slight shrug.

‘Say no,’ the voice in my head said. ‘Just say it.’

“Okay. One more then I need to go,” I said.

“Perfect!” she smiled.

 She picked the worst machine in this whole place.

The chest machine.

“Just one set each,” she said. “You first.”

 She stood in front of me as I worked out.

 Then we switched.

 I watched her chest each time she pulled the fly machine across them. Each time it went back, she pushed her chest forward. I couldn’t take it.

“And done,” she said.

“Okay,” I said.

 I literally took off running. I closed the door back behind me. I thought I saw a wicked smile cross her face as I left.

 I got home, slamming the door behind me.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” I yelled out loud. “You’re married.”

 I took the coldest shower I could, but it did nothing. I was still hard. All I kept thinking of was her. Not just her chest, it was everything, from her tight stomach, her hair, her arms. Everything.

“Get a grip,” I said.

 I laid out on the bed. Slowly from being extremely tired. I fell asleep.

 I woke up later in the day. I could hear voices coming from the kitchen.

I walked out of the bedroom, heading for the kitchen. I stood in the hallway shocked.

There was Alexis in the kitchen, standing by the bar was Paula.

“Hey,” Alexis said.

She was smiling.

“This is Paula,” Alexis said.

“We know of each other, he was the one that was helping me work out,” Paula said.

“You,” Alexis said in a stern voice. “You ran out of the weight room?”

“Yeah, it’s not a big deal, we were nearly done,” Paula shrugged.

“Yes it is,” Alexis said. “Apologize,” Alexis ordered.

“No really. I am sure we will hit the gym again another time, if we are there at the same time. Maybe we can work something out,” Paula said.

 She was smiling directly at me.

“Here is his number,” she said.

 She wrote on a piece of paper.

 What the hell was going on? First she didn’t want me around this woman. Now she was giving her my phone number.

“Thanks,” Paula said. “I better get going. I have that thing I told you about.”

 With that Paula left.

“What the hell?” I asked.

“What?” Alexis asked.

“This morning, you were yelling at me for talking to her. Now you two are friends?” I asked.

“Not exactly friends,” Alexis said. “She came up to me as I pulled in. I have to admit, I was quite rude to her at first. But then she told me all about seeing you at the diner. Then we just kinda hit it off.”

“So everything is good?” I asked completely stunned.

“Yeah.” Alexis shrugged. “She showed me the wedding ring from her soon to be husband. Did you know he is like a big name in diamond sales?”

 I couldn’t believe this.

 Paula had literally pulled the wool over Alexis’s eyes. I wanted to tell her that Paula was really an escort. The wedding ring was part of the deal she had with her client.

“Well, I made dinner for you,” she said.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Paula gave me passes to a new night club downtown. I am going with a bunch of my friends. She got us into the high rollers suite. Can you believe that?” Alexis said.

 Alexis left shortly afterward. I was glad that she didn’t ask me to.

I was sitting on the couch watching a movie on the television, when I received a text. It was from a new number that I had not seen.

 I opened the text to see a picture of Paula in her bikini.

‘Told you nothing to the imagination,’ the text read.

 The picture showed her huge chest, with little silver triangles over her nipples. Her flat stomach and thin silver lines across her waist. She was lying on her back.

 Then another picture came. This one was of her back. The silver line disappeared between her perfect ass cheeks.

‘Why are you doing this?’ I replied.

‘Doing what?’ she sent back.

‘You know what.’

‘Tell me stop, right now and I will.’

 There it was in plain text. A way out of whatever was going on. I looked at it on my screen. All I had to do was say stop.

‘If you tell me to stop. You will not hear from me again.’

 Another way out. She was giving it to me. I could end this. I could return to my normal life.

‘If I don’t?’ I replied.

‘Your life will change.’

 I couldn’t believe what I was typing. Slowly my fingers went across my phone in a daze, pressing each button, one after another.

‘Don’t stop.’ I sent back.

‘Last chance.’

‘I’m in.’ I sent back.

‘Good boy.’ She sent back

 The phone rang, I immediately answered it.

“You will do what I say, when I say it. Understood?” Paula said.


 She laughed.

“Wait for me.”

“What about Alexis?”

“She won’t be a problem,” She said.

 I could tell she was smiling.

“I have something planned for her,” she said. “Just stay home, I will be there soon.”

 She hung up. I didn’t know what she had planned for Alexis. I knew I should care. I should call Alexis right now and tell her what just happened. But I did nothing. I sat on the couch and waited.

 An hour later there was a knock on the door. I opened it.

 Paula made her way in. She was in her cocktail dress. It was very long.

 I closed the door behind her, watching her enter my apartment.

“Do you like?” she said spinning around.

The dress was magnificent, it hugged her body tightly. It was a dark blue with glittery sequins all over it. It was very long, covering up her feet. There was long cut up the side, showing off her legs. There was also a low v shaped cut in the front showing off her cleavage.

 Her hair was perfect. She had gold earrings with diamonds in them. Her eyes sparkled at me.

 I was totally mesmerized by her.

“Look at you,” she said.

 She approached me, lightly dragging her finger tips across my chest as she walked around me. Then she stopped right behind me, she wrapped both arms around me. Pulling me back onto her.

 I could feel her breath on my neck, her huge chest pushing against my back.

“One thing I have learned. With the right body and the right personality. You can bend others to do exactly what you want.” she said.

She let me go then stood in front of me. Staring at me, as I stared back at her.

“I danced for years, showing my body to rich men, poor men. It didn’t matter how much they made or how little. Each night they would give up their hard earned money, just to watch me, take my clothes off.” she smiled.

“It wasn’t long until I realized. I really didn’t have to do anything, this body would do it all for me,” she said.

“Why me?” I asked.

“You don’t remember me?” she laughed.

“Should I?” I asked.

“Of course you should.”

She got really close. She was holding my face in her hands, she leaned forward then whispered in my ear.

“Sarah Nicks.”

 It couldn’t be. Sarah was a girl my friends and I had picked on throughout high school. We called her names. We were terrible to her. She was flat chested, she had pimples all over her face. Nothing like the woman that stood before me.

“I was a very late bloomer,” she said.

She walked away from me, taking off her blue gloves.

“It wasn’t until my very late teens that I began to develop, but when I did.”

She stopped, then span on her heels. With her hands out.

“Well, you can see the results.”

“Sorr…” I began to say.

“No need. I never hated you,” she said. “ In fact I loved you. You were the first male, to make me feel that emotion. And as the saying goes,” she smiled.

She took me by the hand.

“You never forget your first love,” she was looking directly at me.

“What about Alexis?”

“Like I said before, she will learn a lesson.”

 She lead me by the hand into the bedroom. She laid down on the bed, pulling me down on top of her.

“Now do whatever you want to this body,” she said.

I began to peeled her out of the dress, pulling it down and off her shoulders. Looking at her tanned white skin as it came out of hiding.

 The dress came down and over her huge tits, they were huge, cupped in a large bra. I slowly pulled the bra off. Revealing her small pink nipples.

 I began to suck on them one then the other. Her body reacted to my touch. I sucked softly on a nipple, squeezing the other boob with my other hand.

It was amazing to see how her boobs made my hands look so small.

 She pushed her hand down into my pants, gently taking my dick out. Her hand slowly glided up and down. We both looked at her white hand, as it went up and down on my black dick.

 I worked the rest of the dress off of her, until she was lying there in just her g-string.

 She rolled me over. So she was on top of me.

 Her body squeezed against mine as we kissed. She was still gliding her hand up and down my dick as she began to slowly work her way down.

 I gasped as she took me into her mouth. Slowly her head began to bounce up and down, increasing in speed as she went. Her long hair draped over her face. Her soft pink lips gliding up and down my black dick.

 My hands clawed at the bed sheet as her pace quickened. I couldn’t hold back anymore.

“ I’m cumming,” I moaned

 I looked down at her eyes as I came into her mouth. She kept sucking on me, until she had swallowed all I had.

 Alexis never swallowed. Not even on our wedding night.

I grabbed her tightly, our skin looked so different, but so good together. I wondered why I had never done this before.

“Your turn,” she said. “Stay right there,” she ordered.

 She sat up, twisting her body around. Her body was just over my face, she lowered herself onto my face. Putting both of her knees on either side of my face. She pushed my head down into the bed, as she slowly rode me.

 She stopped holding my head with her hands, she grabbed both of my hands then placed them above my head. I was stuck in this position. This was primal, she wanted to let me know, she was in charge. When she was done with me, she slowly got off.

 My whole face was soaked, she had came, multiple times.

 I looked over at her. She was breathing heavily. Her chest was heaving up and down. I got up, putting one leg over her chest, straddling her torso.

 She smiled up at me. I laid my dick between her chest, she pushed them together.

“Lets see if you can handle them,” she smiled.

I began to tit fuck her as hard as I could. No matter how hard I tried. My dick never came out of her deep cleavage.

“Come on,” she yelled. “Fuck my huge tits,”

 I looked down at her huge white tits. Fucking them as hard as I could. She started to bounce them back and forth on me. Squeezing them together harder.

 I didn’t know how much longer I could take before I was going to cum.

“Don’t cum yet. I want you inside me,” she said.

 I got off of her. Lowering my body down.

 I slowly slid into her. She was so tight.

She pulled me down on top of her.

“Only one other person has ever been inside me,” she said.

 We kissed again.We locked eyes as I slowly fucked her. Increasing my pace slowly. I looked down our bodies. I watched my black dick disappear inside her.

“You like that don’t you?” she asked.

All I could do was nod.

She pushed me off. Again straddling me. She lowered herself onto me. Slowly she took all of me inside her.

 Then she started to bounce up and down, back and forth. Riding my dick hard and fast.

 My hands reached up, grabbing her huge boobs, pulling them down so I could suck on them. I loved the color contrast between our two bodies.

 She felt my dick spasm, inside her.

 I couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Come on,” she said.

 She was looking down at me, looking me directly in my eyes. Her hair draped down, her hands on my chest. She started riding faster. Squeezing herself around my dick.

“Fill me, cum inside me,” she said.

“I’m cumming,” I said.

 I grunted as my dick pumped her full of my cum.

She got off of me, laying her head on my chest.

“Now, I am yours,” she smiled. “Your the first.”

“ I thought I was the second,” I said, breathing heavy.

“ I never let him cum inside me.” she said. “And he was white.”

I looked down at her. She nodded up at me.

We fell asleep wrapped in each other.

She woke me up in the morning.

“We have to go,” she smiled.

“Where?” I asked.

“I told you,” she said getting up. “A new life.”

 I got ready, putting some clothes on. She put back on the dress.

“What should I pack?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said smiling.

 We walked out to the parking lot.

“Hello, Ms Hicks,” a man said.

 He was standing by a limo.

“Morning,” she said.

 She climbed inside.

“Sir?” he asked.

“Come on,” she waved.

 I got in.

“I don’t…” I began to say.

“You really thought I was the escort?” she asked.

“The man?” I asked.

She nodded.

“I needed to throw you off,” she smiled. “I hired him to take the picture as well as the other’s that you saw.”

I just looked at her.

 She nodded at the driver, then pushed a button. The partition between the two sections went up. 

“A few years ago. I met a man, the only man other than yourself of course that I really cared for. I didn’t love him, mind you. I just liked him a lot.” she said. “He showed me the world and how it worked. He taught me two things. With just the right amount of money, which he had in spades. And the right body which I have. Nothing was out of our reach. We shared each others company and bed for just over a year. Then he passed. Leaving me with everything. There was only one thing missing.”

 She looked directly at me.

“Alexis?” I asked.

“Your past dear,” she smiled. “She will be well taken care of, after she gets out.”

“Out of where?” I asked.

She nodded at the small television.

I leaned forward turning it on. There was video footage.

“I had one of my associates, tape this last night,” she said.

She lay her head on my shoulder. She took my hand in hers.

There was Alexis screaming outside of the club. She was being put into a cop car.

“The police raided the place,” Sarah said. “It is a place of prostitution. Of course Alexis is innocent, but they won’t find that out, well not anytime soon. Especially since she was in the high rollers section.”

She sat back.

I smiled as I laid my head on her chest.

“It will teach her never to fuck with me, ever again,” she put her hand on my head. “You’re mine now.”

Published 9 years ago

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