Jolene had opened my eyes not only to horses and country life but to being more open with my sexuality. This past year in school I went on dates that were only out of courtesy to whomever asked. Boys or girls it was always the same. I wanted Jolene. She had opened my eyes and at the same time closed me off to others. My longing for her spoiled me for anyone else.
Our time together reminded me of an old song from a movie made back in the sixties starring Sidney Poitier, “To sir, with love.” The line “How do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume?” seemed to fit the way I felt about Jolene.
The thoughts about the possible confrontations with my “lover” and my sister still distracted me as I waited for mom to pick me up at the train station. Deep down I didn’t feel like Jolene was the kind of person who could be capable of seducing me and then my sister. My heart ached with the thought that I had misjudged Jolene. Standing near the end of the depot talking to myself like a crazy person I didn’t notice my mother until she walked up to me.
“Christine, sweetheart, what are you doing?” The look on her face was one of bewilderment. She probably thought I’d gone crazy in that mass of people called New York City.
Mumbling to myself, not paying attention to anything or anyone I glanced in her direction, “Mom, sorry, I was just thinking about a few things.”
Her arms opened wide, I slipped between them enjoying the distraction as we hugged. It had been too long.
“School’s out sweetie, you have all Summer to not think. What’s on your mind that has my girl so concerned?” Her hand brushed the hair from my face as she gave me a concerned look.
“Oh, just debating my major and wondering if my grades this year were good enough for a different one. Maybe engineering or architecture, I really can’t decide.”
“There’s nothing you can do about it now. Let me help you with your bags and get you home. You must be tired. I want to hear all about New York City. You hardly ever called and when you did it’s like pulling teeth to get you to say what’s going on. Were you happy there?”
“Yes mom, I was happy. The classes were harder than I thought, and I always seem to have too much homework. I feel okay with my grades, really. I have a 3.5 GPA assuming I did as well as I thought I did on my finals.”
Her hug felt so reassuring; I lifted the handle of the larger of my two suitcases while she did the same to the other. We rolled them out to the car placing them in the trunk to head home.
“Is Maggie home?” I asked as we pulled out of the lot and onto the highway.
“No, I think she’s at Jolene’s working. She’s been spending an awful lot of time there. She just says she’s learning so much about all the animals, especially the horses. I think that girl has fallen in love or something.”
“Fallen in love?” I swallowed hard. It couldn’t be true. Please, not Jolene and Maggie.
“Yes, taking care of the animals. She’s applied to some colleges that are very rural. I think she may want to be a veterinarian or something like that. She just always seems to be in such a good mood when she gets home from Jolene’s. Kinda like you were last summer.”
“Like me?” My heart sank.
“Yes, after that night your car broke down. You always seemed to come home happy and content. What is it about Jolene’s ranch that does that to you two?”
“I don’t know mom, maybe it’s just working hard. Is Maggie still seeing Pete?”
“Oh, they broke up a few months ago. She’s not seeing any boys right now. Didn’t she tell you?”
“No, mom.”
“Oh, that’s right you never call.”
I could feel her look of disappointment in me when she said that. I continued to stare out the window. I was feeling tears beginning to well up in my eyes. No way was mom going to see that. I had to remain calm. I wasn’t going to tell my parents quite yet that I was bi or even maybe a lesbian. I needed to talk with Maggie and Jolene before I did anything close to that.
The rest of the way home we talked about all the mundane things I’d missed over the last year. I managed to explain my sniffles by telling mom that my allergies were acting up.
When we got home we lugged both suitcases up to Maggie’s old room. She had gotten mine when I left, which I was beginning to regret. Seems she might have gotten more things from me than I had wanted her to.
The first thing I did after unpacking most of my clothes was to slip on some shorts along with a tee shirt. It felt more comfortable than the jeans and blouse I had worn on the train. The long trip from New York took its toll on me mentally and physically. I laid down, shut my eyes, and slipped off into a nap. Luckily my dreams had nothing to do with my sister or Jolene.
I woke up about an hour later. I headed downstairs to see what was going on. Dad had come home from work, he was watching some sports thing on television. He shut it off so we could talk as I plopped down on the couch. Mom came in and I told them about my school year along with the plans for my major. They got me up to speed about what was going on around town. I really didn’t care because of the tangled mess of thoughts in my head.
When we had caught up, I asked if I could borrow a car to go out to Jolene’s to see Cinnamon. My car was now Maggie’s, so naturally they said yes. I found my cowboy boots in Maggie’s closet. I slipped them on, not caring how dorky I looked in shorts and boots.
I drove slowly trying to figure out what to say when I saw her. If I was going to have my heart broken, I didn’t want it to be over the phone.
The drive out to Jolene’s was as pleasant as ever. I really missed being out in the country. Like they say, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. The only bad part was what I dreaded seeing and finding out. The warm afternoon sun felt good as I traveled the quiet back roads. I came to the conclusion that I really did prefer this to New York City. If Jolene seduced my sister I didn’t know what I would do, probably break down and make a fool of myself.
I pulled into Jolene’s driveway around three in the afternoon. I didn’t see anyone around so I parked the car near the house. I walked over to the big barn to see if anyone was there feeding or grooming the horses. I didn’t see Maggie’s car around which was good. I could deal with Jolene alone.
Opening a side door on the barn I could see someone shoveling hay from one of the stalls. I called out unsure of who it was.
The shoveling stopped and I heard her voice.
My heart melted. I loved when she called me that.
“Is that my baby girl Christine?”
“Yes, Jolene,” I replied not wanting to give away my joy in hearing her again.
The pitchfork clanked against the stall wall then she appeared, as beautiful and as buff as ever, sweat beading on her brow, her hair tied back in a ponytail. Her face lit up when she saw me. My knees almost gave way under me. Her arms opened wide as she rushed to me almost knocking me over with her embrace. Then she kissed me. I was prepared to be mad, angry, hurt but in her arms, her lips and body against mine, all I could feel was a rush between my legs and my heart about to beat out of my chest.
“Oh baby, I’ve missed you. You never call. I thought maybe you hated me or something.”
She looked at me with soulful eyes. I looked away embarrassed that I had been so aloof. Her fingers lifted my chin forcing me to look her in the eyes.
“What’s wrong sweetness? I could have sworn by that kiss that you missed me, but now you look like you’ve got some bad news.”
She brushed the hair back from my face, her touch so gentle, so loving.
“Are you fucking Maggie?” I said it. Blunt, harsh, angry.
Her eyes widened, the look on her face was one of astonishment. I stood my ground asking again.
“Are you? Are you fucking my little sister?”
She let go of me and took a step back, not recognizing the angry little demon that now confronted her.
“Christine, what the hell are you talking about? No, I’m not fucking Maggie. Why would you think that?”
“Then why is she staying over here so much? Mom said she comes over here and when she gets home she’s happy like I used to be when I stayed here, in your bed, making love to you.”
My face reddened, tears formed as I stood back from her, wanting her but not wanting anything to do with her. I waited.
“I think we need to go inside, sit down and talk about this. I don’t know what got into you but I’m not sleeping with Maggie.”
“No! Tell me what’s going on now!”
I stomped my feet like a small child angry not getting her way. Tears beginning to streak down my face.
“You are fired up aren’t you? Okay, fine.
“Surprise? For me? What’s going on?”
I felt as if I’d just been slapped hard, my tears stopped. My mind began to think back. Maggie and I had been closer when we were younger, but the last couple of years we’d been more like rivals than sisters. Now she has a surprise for me? It had something to do with Jolene. This was more confusing than ever.
“Yes, for you. Your sister has been working her butt off around here and not for riding lessons for herself. I really shouldn’t be doing this. Come with me, young lady.”
She grabbed my hand nearly pulling my arm out of the socket. She led me to Cinnamon’s stall, practically throwing me in front of it.
“Now, you look inside there and tell me what you see, Missy.”
Her voice was demanding, she was upset. She crossed her arms, standing there as if she were scolding me.
Timidly looking at her, I slowly walked over to peer into the stall. I saw Cinnamon, she was standing diagonally across the rectangular stall blocking my view of something behind her. She recognized me, let out a whinny which was followed by a higher pitched one. My eyes widened and my lower jaw dropped. From behind my favorite horse out walked a foal, the cutest thing I had ever seen. It nuzzled up to Cinnamon as I caught my breath.
“Oh my god, it’s so beautiful. What does this have to do with me?”
“Your sister, who I HAVEN’T been fucking, young lady, has been working to pay for a portion of that little filly for you. Now what have you got to say?”
“I’m so sorry Jolene. I thought the worst.”
My tears were now tears of joy. My worst nightmare vanished from my mind. I sprinted the few feet to her, wrapped my arms around her almost knocking her over. I kissed her with all the passion I had been holding back. We stood there in each others arms. I felt so good, so renewed, I would never doubt Jolene or Maggs ever again.
Cinnamon and the foal whinnied while they moved about the stall. It was almost as if they were cheering the happy ending of a movie.
It felt so good to be in Jolene’s arms, worry free. We kissed, hands exploring, nine months of not seeing her, not feeling her, erupted. I needed, I wanted to feel her soft skin against mine. She paused our kissing to look me in the eyes.
“If you mention a word of this baby girl, I swear. How could you think I was sleeping with Maggie?”
“I won’t Jolene, I promise. It’s just that when I talked to mom, she said Maggie was here a lot. Plus she had broken up with her boyfriend. I just assumed.”
I melted into her embrace; she stroked my hair, comforting me as we stood in the barn. How could I have been so dumb? My sister and Jolene. What was I thinking? Those wonderful feelings came rushing back into me. The butterflies I hadn’t felt in almost nine months rushed between my legs. Jolene must have sensed it.
“You assumed wrong, let’s go inside baby doll, I’ve missed you.”
I smiled, nodding my approval. “I’m sorry I jumped to that conclusion, Jolene. I missed you so much. I should have called. I should have known better.”
She placed her hand in mine, the other caressed my cheek. Her eyes told me everything would be alright. My heart raced as we headed to the house. Neither one of us spoke, we knew what was going to happen, both of us were anxious. She led me to that fabulous bedroom once more.
As soon as we entered she spun me around kissing me hard on the lips. We struggled to get our tops off as we kissed, hands groping, saliva dripping down our chins. I think we may have lost a button or two but we didn’t care. We did pause long enough to help each other with our boots, giggling as we pushed each others ass trying to get them off in a hurry.
Dressed only in our bras and panties, we kissed the entire time as we made our way over to the bed. Just before we arrived I turned her around so her back was to our little nest. She looked at me with a surprised expression. I had never been the one to lead our love making but this time I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to control her orgasms like she had for me so many months before.
“Is my kitten taking over?” Her question was moot.
“Yes, I want to make love with you like I never have before.”
Reaching around to unhook her bra, my lips against hers, my fingers released the clasp. She wiggled to let it drop, our lips still pressed together, hands to her sides. The sheer garment worked its way down and off onto the floor. My lips departed hers as I began kissing my way down the nape of her neck. I made sure I covered her completely in kisses. From her shoulders, I slipped my lips over one nipple. I paused there, my tongue circled her aureole, teasing it until her nipple stiffened. I suckled her gorgeous breast while my fingers played her other nipple. Taking a breath, I’d switch back and forth while Jolene grew more anxious.
My fingers traced her delicious abs until they reached her panties. Easing them under her waistband, I worked them off her sleek hips. I guided them down her long toned legs to rest in a pool at her feet near her bra.
Abandoning her breasts, my lips kissed their way down her front. I enthusiastically licked her abs causing her to squirm with delight. I knelt before my buff beauty inhaling her being. Her scent was divine, sweet and musky. I had missed her body more than I realized. I took time to admire her trimmed mound. I let her step out of her panties as my hands stroked the backs of her legs.
Pulling her closer to me, anticipation growing in us both. My tongue traced her thighs from her mound to her knees then back again. Reaching behind her my grip firmly holding her cheeks, I placed my tongue between her glistening lips.
She gasped as it explored. Her hands came to rest in my hair, fingers weaving their way through the strands. I pressed my face deeper into her and in turn she encouraged me to go deeper.
“Oh my baby, how I’ve missed you.”
Looking up as I drank from my goddess, happy that we were together once more, I traced her lips, making circles around her pussy. I played with her for a bit more pretending my tongue was a vortex. I worked it from outside to within her folds. Her moans became louder when I reached the center and I rolled my tongue inside her. Stiffening it, I began rubbing her clit. I didn’t want her to climax quite yet, so I withdrew myself from her. I stood to face her.
She smiled, we kissed once more. I placed my body against hers using my weight, we fell back onto the comforter.
“Baby really did miss me, didn’t she?”
I nodded, “She did very much.”
Jolene scooted up to the pillows. I followed growling like a little tigress. She giggled then opened her arms to welcome me. I shook my head growling once more. Sitting up to face her I began to manipulate her legs around me.
“Oh baby girl liked this last time.”
“I did, we both did if I remember.”
Her smile grew wider. We helped position each other so our pussies met. We held hands for a moment looking into each others eyes. I was in love.
Leaning back on our hands we began to thrust and grin. Jolene moved her hips clockwise while I moved counter. My pussy was on fire, looking at her, watching her face, her body exciting me. The bed shook with our gyrations banging against the wall with a rhythmic beat. We continued rubbing our wet pussies together until neither of us could take it any more. We slowed our pace which gave me the opportunity to move from her grasp. My legs slipped out from hers causing a quizzical look on her face. Beads of sweat were forming on us.
Working my way to my knees, I bent forward placing my hands under her ass, my face buried between her legs. That intoxicating scent of hers wafted into my lungs while my tongue returned to its delectable chore.
Tracing her folds with my tongue I stopped at the top of her pussy. Once more I slipped it in and began massaging her clit. I sucked, kissed, licked. I stroked her flowing pussy feverishly. My hands under her firm ass cheeks lifted her up so I could delve deeper within her. We were on the edge when our bodies parted. Now with my tongue and the lessons she had taught me last year I was going to send her over that edge into a blissful abyss. She was writhing and squirming around calling my name and blessing my existence. She gripped the sheets white knuckling them. With one last thrust, upward she climaxed with my tongue deep inside. Her legs squeezed my head locking me in place.
When her orgasms slowed she reached down to clasp my head in her hands. Panting, she brought my face to hers. She pressed my lips to her own kissing me deeply.
“Oh my gawd baby. That was amazing. I don’t remember teaching you that.”
Smiling I replied, “I guess I improvised a bit.”
She kissed me once more, holding me tight as another wave of delight rolled through her. We lay together exhausted, nuzzling, caressing each other until the sky began to grow dark.
“Think I should call my parents and tell them the car broke down?”
Jolene giggled.
“No, just call them and tell them you’re staying with me tonight. We have quite a bit of catching up to do, baby.”
“I like the sound of that.”
We lay there for a few more minutes until I reluctantly got up to call home. I knew they’d be disappointed that I wanted to stay here, but I was feeling good and they’d get over it.