That other she instead of me?
Or anyone really
Why’s it gotta be she
She is not nice
She is not mean
She is the past
Our future is unseen
She’s not your Queen.
You take the blame
At every false claim
You played the game
And changed your name
And now you know
It will never be the same.
But you try.
You try, fail, cry,
And I want to know why!
I am making a stance
That you let go
And give the present, the future, a chance.
Can you do that, please?
Just for me?
I know we are only friends
And help each other
Try to mend things
That have been broken or misused.
Seriously, what have you got to lose?
You’ve said goodbye once before
And walked away from the she, you adore.
NO MORE will I stand by and allow you
To inflict such pain on your brain.
You are seriously going insane and,
To be honest, I am a little scared.
But this isn’t the time for all that to be bared.
Oooops, I’ve stumbled out of formation.
That happens sometimes
When you’re on my mind
And I can’t seem to find
An answer for you
Or one for me too
But please know I care
I am here, not there.
We must find time to share
And be aware,
I do not care if she stares
And may her eyes burn from the light.
You will win this fight by giving up tonight.
And for fucks sake, she’s not worth your life.
She is not your mother.
She is not your wife.
She will not complete your life.
Who is she anyway?
Just a girl who came your way
And you said all the right things
To make her stay.
Stay where?
Inside your head.
We all see what we want to see
And for me,
I see you strong and playful and free.
So come on now
And just let yourself be
The happy (sometimes moody) man
That I know you can be
That you are
That’s the man that I see….
Call me, poke me, drop me a line.
If I’m not here, leave a message.
I will reply as soon as I can.
Tell me when you’ll be there
I will come to hold your hands
Laugh around the bonfire making imaginary plans.
You know how we do
When it’s just us two.
Me and you.
I figure I owe you one anyway,
Since you helped me through my latest gray day.
I shoulda sent this in a note.
Maybe a letter woulda been better,
But you know how I ramble
When I get worked up,
And you won’t gamble.
Take a chance,
Let go of romance.
And tonight, by the fires bright light,
You are perfectly alright.
We can deal with the rest tomorrow
Let go of the sorrow
Allow me borrow
The happy guy I know.
The real one,
The one I’ve come to know.
I should go as I’ve gone off again.
You get the message.
See you soon my friend.