Becoming A Cheating Slut

"My path to becoming a slut begins..."

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What is it they say about things coming in threes? Well, I certainly felt like it was the case after the nights events. It’s five a.m. and I’m immersed in the hot, bubbly, sweet scented water, but even after scrubbing I can’t get rid of the smell of them. Mints, mouthwash and toothpaste don’t take the taste of them away. No amount of bathing or cleaning will work in cleansing the acts which I have done. Nothing will allow me to forget the truth of the matter. I’ve been a bad girl. I’ve cheated. I’ve become a true slut.

From the outside looking in, I’m sure it was clear to see my escalating behaviours of debauchery. I, on the other hand, was less inclined to admit that I had started spiralling out of control. I had convinced myself that it was okay and I could handle things.

That’s probably why I’m finding it so baffling that I got myself in such a situation. A situation like the one I had just come from. The events that have me trying desperately to wash away the guilt, but deep down I know things have changed forever. I have unleashed something that can never be put back.

Increasingly, my husband has been spending more and more time at the workshop, choosing his job over me. I know he is doing it to create a better future for us, but while he is looking to the future, I have been in the present, lost and lonely. As he plunges himself into work, I have spent more and more time out with friends. I have regressed back to my youthful days of partying.

It all started with harmless flirting. I’d appreciate the admiring glances and it built my confidence. I was still worth the attention. It sparked a side of me that had been dormant for years. I knew eventually my flirting would get me into a dangerous situation. I knew I’d end up in a place that I’d have to make a choice. One day I would flirt with a man that would want to take things further, someone who didn’t have the morals to stop and think of my feelings. I knew all of that, yet I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. It was too much of a thrill, something inside me loved the danger and even though I could destroy everything I’d built in my life, I continued.

I’m sinking lower into the hot water of my bath, trying to relax my aching body. I’m trying to stop the flashbacks, but my mind keeps replaying the events of my evening.

I’d been left by my friends. They had all gone off enjoying their single lives. I’d headed out onto the terrace to catch a break from the intense heat of the club. I watched as one of my friends argued with a bearded man that wanted her and her alone. She had other ideas and was happier being a free spirit.

The cool air and smoke, which filled my lungs combined to increase the effects of the alcohol streaming through my system. My head spun slightly. Alone and under the influence I had two choices. I could go home to my husband and end my night there, or I could find someone to keep me company, until my friends remembered about me.

With my indecision still playing, I turned and looked about to see if there was anyone I could talk to. Next to me there was a man that I recognised. It was someone that I’d seen at the gym I used to train at years ago. I hadn’t known him to speak to, but in that moment he was the closest thing to someone I knew, so I plucked up the courage to smile at him. Thankfully, he acknowledged my smile, so I took the steps towards him.

“You’ve been left on your own as well?” I asked.

“I just came for a smoke and to cool down. It’s pretty hot in there tonight.”

“Yeah, it’s nice out here. I’m just waiting for my friend to finish her domestic with that fella. Are they still at it?”

He looked over my shoulder, “The redhead and the guy with the beard and tattoos?”


“Yeah, they’re still going.”

We shared a laugh and both took drags on our cigarettes while sharing a moment of sizzling eye contact with each other. My pulse quickened with his confirmation of attraction. I looked away quickly but found my gaze resting on his huge biceps. 

“I recognise you. Do you train at Atlantic gym?” I asked, in hope that conversation would lower the atmosphere of sexual tension.

“Yeah, that’s right.” He looked surprised at my knowledge of this.

“I used to train there years ago. It’s a great little gym.”

It had worked and it was the perfect icebreaker and soon conversation was following easily. I found out his name was Joel. We talked through general topics, who we knew, where we worked. We smoked our way through another cigarette each. I watched his gaze fall on my hand when I took the final sip of my drink. I know he’d clocked the wedding band on my ring finger, but he didn’t seem to mind. Over the course of our conversation, the flirting looks had continued and the proximity to each other had closed. His leg brushed against mine and our arms touched.

It was only when my body pressed against his, my hand resting on his massively muscular arm, our lips within touching distance that he whispered gently, “How long have you been married?”

I froze. My gaze dropped to the floor for a moment, before I looked up at him, “Nineteen years.”

He didn’t flinch, or move away. Neither did I.

“Notice how I don’t comment on that,” he smiled.

“You’re married as well?” It was a question. It didn’t need to be, I knew the answer.

His lips were soft, cold and tasted of the beer and fags, but I didn’t mind that. It was just amazing to feel another man’s lips against mine. I was lost momentarily from the world. All consumed with the feel of his tongue finding its way with mine. But my mind was strong and I couldn’t stay lost for long. Fear of being seen by someone who may know my husband pushed forward. I pulled away from the kiss and looked around me.

He laughed. “Come on,” he took my hand, “let’s go get another drink.”

He leads me down the stairs and back through the maze of the club until we reached the darkness of the main dancefloor. He didn’t take me to the bar; instead, he found the darkest corner and stood. With the music pounding, the notes took me and I couldn’t help dance and sway. With dirty beats, it was all too easy to start grinding against him.

With the feel of his strong arms around me and the security of darkness, it wasn’t long before our lips locked again. The kiss was more intense, uninhibited. His fingers laced through my hair and I felt a rush of naughtiness sweep through me. I pulled back slightly from the kiss.“I’d love to feel your fingers through my hair like that while I’m on my knees… sucking your cock.”

He just groaned and kissed me harder. If we had been somewhere more discreet I perhaps might have even dropped to my knees there. I loved the attention he was giving me, revelling in feeling special. I didn’t last, though, as he pulled away and went to speak to someone he obviously knew. He went from giving me all his attention to nothing. Deflated doesn’t even begin to cover how I felt.

That was number one. I’d kissed another man. Perhaps if I wasn’t so drunk and annoyed that he’d just dropped me, I might have felt guilty.

I decided my best option was to go get another drink, so I stumbled my way through the throng of partying people and pushed my way to the bar. I didn’t need anything more to drink, but I was passed the point of caring. My body swayed of its own accord, as the music and intoxication took control of my faculties. I bumped into a man stood beside me and before I knew it, he had pulled me onto the dancefloor and we were dancing together.

I saw a flash of red hair beside me and found my friend. We squealed in drunken delight at finding each other again. I pushed the man aside and started dancing with her. She led me by the hand and took me to the other side of the dancefloor, where we danced for several songs. She’s a gorgeous girl and gets a lot of attention. This was causing her some issues, so she pulled me closer and started sexy dancing with me. I’d done that before to help friends, but the man that was giving unwanted attention didn’t seem to take the hint.

She pulled me closer and started kissing me. This was number two. I know it’s not uncommon for girls to have kissed their friends in this way, I’d seen it plenty of other times, but I’d never actually done it. Her lips were gentle against mine to begin with. I was a little reluctant to start, but all too soon I’d lost myself in the kiss. The music and other people dancing around us faded away. The kiss deepened and tongues lashed.

It was her that pulled away, laughing and smiling with a shocked looked on her face, “Jesus, you’re a really good kisser.” I blushed, but before I could protest she had pulled me to another section of dancefloor and had started dancing with a man that caught her attention.

I’d danced off the annoyance of my muscle man jilting me, so when I saw him again, all was forgiven and I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. He seemed pleased to see me again. His breath tickled my ear, as he instructed that I come with him to get a drink.

We went through the doors to the quieter bar, but the staff informed us the bar had closed. I hadn’t realised how late it had got and the club was about to shut. With my tiny hand encased in his, he led me out the club, informing me that we were off to get food.

As I remember the events of the night, safe in the warmth of my bath, I take my facecloth and place it on my cheeks.

It warms my skin, even though the memories of what happened next did a good enough job of flushing my cheeks on its own.

I can’t remember the walk to the pizza shop in its entirety. The multitude of drinks had faded my memories, playing with my perception of time. I do remember giving Joel my number as we walked and I do remember being stood in the bustling fast food joint, waiting for him to order his food. It’s hard to forget because that’s when I met Jake.

He seemed to appear from nowhere. I’ve never met anyone like him. Like an instantaneous whirlwind, he was there, being introduced and the next minute his arm was around my waist. He looked at me with such an intense lust filled stare. There was no beating about the bush.

I felt a bit uncomfortable because this was my first step into actions that I wasn’t accustomed to. I hadn’t picked up a married man before and I wasn’t sure on the etiquette. It didn’t feel right that I had only shortly been kissing Joel, to then have his friend coming onto me so blatantly. I looked at Joel to see his reaction, but he was more interested in tucking into his pizza. Jake tried again and went in for a kiss. I pulled away before he could make contact with my lips. “No!”

Jake laughed. I could see in his eyes that hearing me say no was a huge turn on and challenge. It was probably one of the hardest no’s I’ve ever had to give because Jake was gorgeous. He had cheekiness and a glint behind his eyes, which were framed with the sexiest eyebrows. His grin only added to his appeal. But, I was with Joel and I couldn’t allow his friend to just appear and in literally less than a minute steal me away.

Part of me loved the utter cock surety of Jake’s actions, but there was also apart that was aghast at his behaviour. I decided to take control and told them I was going to get a taxi. They both followed me. I was about to join the queue, when out the corner of my eye I spotted my friend in the doorway to a shop. She was fighting with Mr Tattoos again. I went over to help.

She was crying and telling him to leave her alone. I don’t get aggressive, but anger burned within me when he started laying into my friend with spiteful words.“I think you better fuck off home right now!!” I told him, getting in his face.

“Fine, she’s not fucking worth it anyway,” he shouted as he stumbled off, leaving me to sooth my teary friend.

“Don’t get upset. He’s not worth it. We’ve had a brilliant night, haven’t we?” She nodded and wiped her eyes. “See, so don’t let him spoil it.”

At that point, a man she’d been flirting with earlier in the night walked past. She jumped to her feet and changed from a sad girl to an upbeat happy girl in an instant. I laughed at how quickly she could flip her mood when a man was involved.

She had abandoned me again, so I was left with the two men waiting patiently for me. I was surprised they hadn’t just made their way home, but as it turned out they weren’t finished with me. With a man either side of me, in the relative seclusion of a shop doorway, I stood waiting for a taxi. Joel kissed me and I thought that might have been a sign to Jake that I was already taken. But Jake wasn’t about to give up. This was number three about to start.

As Joel’s lips pressed against mine, Jake’s hands roamed around my body. My large breasts, which were on show with my exceptionally low cut dress, received a lot of attention from Jake. I pulled out of the kiss with Joel and turned to look at Jake. I moved his hands off my body and gave him a look that told him to stop. His grin just widened and he looked at me right in the eyes.

I couldn’t stop the look on my face. The look that told him quite clearly my feelings didn’t match my protesting. He knew if he kept pushing I would crumble and deep down I wanted my resistances to be broken. He moved in for another kiss and I didn’t stop him. The kiss was passionate and incredibly intense. As his tongue danced with mine my juices began to slowly coat my pussy lips as the excessive amounts of silky liquid leaked from me. I pulled out of his kiss reluctantly. His hand had started to lift my dress and I wanted to see his face when I told him, “I’m not wearing panties under there.” Moments later he confirmed my statement by sweeping his large fingers across my most intimate area.

I’d never felt so alive, or so naughty than I did at that moment with two men toying with my body in the middle of the street. Joel took the opportunity to kiss me again.

With absolute skill and dexterity the type I had only ever heard about and never experienced, Jake’s hand snaked around the back of my dress. With one quick movement, he unhooked my bra, freeing my breast from their confines. The look of utter shock on my face must have been a picture. He pulled my bra from my body and handed it to me.

“You won’t be needing this,” he said with a huge grin, before handing me my bra. I stood holding onto it aimlessly, as he continued his assault on my body.

My head tipped back and I let out an involuntary moan, as his hands and mouth worked in tandem to pull my breast from my dress and his lips sucked my erect nipples. Joel stood by and watched. I allowed myself to get lost in the sensations. “I don’t do this! I’m married,” I said, feeling Jake chuckling into my chest before I turned my head to the side and kissed Joel.

It was a fantasy come true to have two men at once. I had never received such attention and I can’t lie, I was loving it. But as Joel pulled away from the kiss, I remembered where I was and what I was doing. However great it felt, it was wrong. I knew I should have been resisting, stopping it from happening. Any attempt to show resilience to their actions was meagre.

Especially as Jake’s lips kissed their way up from my collar bone to my neck. My head lolled back, allowing him further access to that incredibly sensitive and sensual place. My senses overloaded with the pleasurable feelings. I’m sure had my hearing been working I would have heard myself moan. I did, however, hear my shocked shriek as his teeth bit down on my skin.

“No. Don’t you dare mark me!”

Suddenly, the feelings of being lost in lust had vanished. I panicked that what I was doing would be found out because of some visible sign on my neck.

“Oh, I’d certainly like to mark you,” he said with a dirty glint in his eyes.

Before the feelings of desire had completely slipped away from me, Jake kissed me again. From one side I found Joel’s hand lifting my dress and feeling my drench pussy, from the other Jake’s hand had slipped up the back of my dress and was firmly grabbing a handful of buttocks. He pulled me harder into the kiss.

Soon, both hands worked together. There must have been male on male hand contact, as they both fought to gain access to my slippery hole. Joel wasn’t impressed. I could tell instantly that Jake was more comfortable with the situation and had probably done something like it before. Picking up on his friend’s comments about it being crowded, Jake moved his hand to my puckered tight hole.

I am partial to a bit of anal play, but it seemed a step too far out in the middle of the street – like any of it was really acceptable! I flinched away and think I made some comment about being anally ravaged by my man recently, so that area was off limits. He made do with kissing my neck again.

“Do you think there’s a hotel around here?” Jake asked.

“Dude, as much as I’d like to tap this, I don’t think I can cope with seeing your hairy, white ass bobbing up and down while you fuck her,” Joel responded.

The situation was getting vastly out of my control. As much as I got off on the idea of going with two men I had only just met and letting them fuck me senseless, the thought also scared the shit out of me. Not only that but how would I explain to my husband where I had been? It was late enough as it was, without adding a few more hours of fucking on top.

I gathered some resolve and told them both, “That’s not happening. I’m getting a taxi home now.”

I straightened out my clothes the best I could in my intoxicated state and stepped out of the doorway and towards a waiting taxi. I had expected to have to wait, but was soon being ushered into my seat.

“Wait! I haven’t got your number,” Jake said urgently, as I got into the waiting cab.

I wanted to give him my number, but the taxi man shut the door and sent me on my way. I felt a massive pang of disappointment driving away without having a way to contact Jake again.

It’s that which has taken over my thoughts as I step out my bath and dry myself off. I go downstairs and collect my phone from my bag. Joel has sent me a message, but surprisingly it’s not him I want to speak to.

I don’t even know either man’s last name, so I don’t know how I will find Jake. Ignoring the message from Joel, I open up the social media app and search through the endless photos that the nightclubs take throughout the night – just hoping that one of them has posed for a picture and been tagged.

My sleuthing eventually pays off and I find a picture of Joel and Jake. Jake hasn’t been tagged, but Joel has, so it is only a matter of searching through his friends list to find Jake. Within moments, I am looking through all his photos. He’s sexier than I remembered and instantly I want to message him.

I pause over the messenger section. I know I’m opening up a can of worms that I might not be able to close again. From our initial meeting, something inside told me he is bad news, but I can’t resist.

“Thanks for getting me safely to my taxi. Sorry, I had to rush off.” I waited. Delivered, received, seen.

“It’s okay babes glad ya had good night x!”

And so it had begun. I was on my way to becoming a true slut. 

Published 9 years ago

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