I pulled under the porte-cochère at the hotel and walked back to Michael’s car when he pulled up behind me. I bent down at his open window to tell them that I’d go in and get a room, thinking it might look a little odd for all four of us to come trooping in to reserve one room. When I did I could see Alli’s left hand, the diamonds on her wedding rings shimmering in the overhead spotlights, wrapped around the thick ridge of his erection where it extended down his right thigh. Although that sight wasn’t as wild as the things my imagination had been conjuring up, it still sent a shiver of arousal and jealousy through me, and my breath caught.
“Hey guys, why don’t I run in and get a room and then let you know which one, and you can join us there? Might look a little odd, all of us popping in and asking for one room.”
Michael grinned. “You’re worried about appearances and we don’t even know these folks. You think it’s the first time something like this ever happened here?”
I laughed. “I’m sure it’s not, but still.”
“You know they have cameras everywhere, right? In the lobby, in the halls, here under the portico and in the parking lot? They probably already know we’re here together.”
I hadn’t thought about that, and glanced up into the corner of the roof above; he was right, there was a tiny surveillance camera tucked away there, red LED glowing. “Huh. Good point, and you’re right. Well, how do you want to work it then?”
“Like you said is fine. I’ll pull up and find a parking spot, just call one of us with the room number when you get it and we’ll meet you there.”
Alli leaned over and looked at me, her eyes first going to the obvious bulge in my own pants – not as obvious as Michael’s, but still very apparent. “Hurry, sweetheart, I think we’re all more than ready!” I watched her fingers trace the prominent head of Michael’s cock through his pants as she spoke, lightly outlining the very visible ridge at the rear of it, and when I swallowed it felt like a brick.
I bent lower to see her better, and when I did I could see that he had his huge right hand between her legs, curled over her thigh clear up at the top so that his little finger was against her pussy… between her wet pussy lips, actually, as she had removed her tiny panties on the ride over and they now lay in plain sight on the dashboard. She’d given him open access to her sex and he’d taken advantage much as I’d done with Marci, only more so.
Fuck! My cock strained against my pants, and I think I could have come then and there just by watching the two of them tease each other; a very odd realization considering the jealous angst that churned in my belly. The understanding that this was going to be almost painfully intense on multiple levels was just now worming its way into my head.
“Um, guess I’ll go get a room. Two queen beds, I assume?”
Alli laughed. “Of course, hon’ – unless you think all four of us should roll around together on one king bed.”
Michael shook his head, grinning. “Two beds, Dave. This will be strange enough without adding that to the mix.”
I smiled. “Yeah, for sure. Not even really sure why I asked that; just nervous, I guess.”
He nodded. “We all are, bud. I’m gonna pull up over there, so just let us know, okay?” He pulled away as I turned to walk to the lobby, taking my wife with him. I figured they’d be playing and turning each other on while I was arranging for the room, a thought which gave me a combined surge of arousal and jealousy. The two emotions seemed to mix about as well as oil and water, and I was still up in the air about which would win the day.
There was nothing special going on in town that weekend – no shows, festivals, tournaments, car clubs, rodeos, etc. – so getting a room was not an issue. In a matter of minutes I was back in my car with Marci, keycards in hand. I asked her to call Michael or Alli and give them the room number, but as I pulled forward from the hotel entrance I saw his headlights come on and he simply pulled out and followed me to the other end of the long building.
It felt a little strange to walk into the door at the end of the hall with absolutely no luggage; it felt even more strange to ride the elevator up to the third floor with Michael and Allison touching and stroking each other, even as Marci and I were doing the same.
I noticed that Michael had a fifth of some kind of amber liquor in his hand, and realized that he needed the inhibition-inhibiting effects of the alcohol as much as I did. Hell, as much as we all did. Absent the few drinks we’d had at dinner, we’d probably not have made it this far.
At the room I ran the keycard and let us in. Once inside, with a couple of lights turned on, it suddenly became awkward. Thinking about it, talking about it and planning it, we’d never considered this moment, the moment where we all walked in the door, still more or less fully dressed, and all just looked at each other. We were all friends, sure, but we were anticipating boldly going where these friends had never gone before, and suddenly none of us were that bold.
It took the boldest among us – Marci, of course – to break the stalemate. She crossed to the far bed, the one closest to the window, pulling me along by the hand. She sat on the foot of the bed and patted the space beside her. “Here, Dave. Sit by me.”
I sat, and she leaned into me, putting her head on my shoulder as her hand drifted up my thigh. I heard her sigh softly as she lightly nuzzled my neck, and when I turned to her we kissed. It was a real kiss, soft and deep, not a friendly peck between friends, which was all we’d shared prior to that moment. Even at the hot tub party, when we’d fondled each other a bit, we’d never kissed. Not like this.
As I returned the kiss, my hand, seemingly of its own volition, moved up her side until I was cupping her breast, my thumb and palm gently squeezing it as my fingers curled back toward her ribs. It felt nice, full and soft, but mostly I was focused on the kiss because it was something so utterly new and intimate between Marci and me, even though we’d known each other for a long time and were very close. It was very odd in a way, but good too.
So focused was I on Marci and the taste and feel of our kiss, I almost forgot that Michael and All were right there with us until I heard him clear his throat. “Mmhum… anybody else want a bourbon? I know I could use one.”
We separated self-consciously, finding both he and Alli watching us. My heart was racing, but I tried to downplay things and just be cool. “Uh, yeah, I’ll take one. Anyone but me want ice in theirs?”
Allison declined a drink – I knew she wasn’t a bourbon drinker – but Marci requested ice, so I grabbed the ice bucket and went down the hall to fill it. I was back in a few minutes, and things had changed little. Michael had unwrapped the flimsy plastic water glasses for our drinks and had them lined up on the desk. He took the ice from me and dropped a couple cubes in each of the glasses, although I’d never seen him drink bourbon any way but neat in the past. Nerves, I assumed.
As Alli grabbed a glass and some ice and went for water, I watched him pour. His hand shook badly, so much so that he splashed a bit of the Maker’s Mark on the counter. It began to dawn on me that he was every bit as nervous and angst-ridden about Marci being with me as I was about him and Alli! I hadn’t expected him to be immune to emotions, of course, but I also hadn’t thought for a moment that he might be as ambivalent as I was.
I nudged him with my elbow. “Buddy, you okay?”
He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah. This is fucking weird, man. We were so looking forward to getting together with you and Alli, but now that we’re here… well, I just don’t know. You guys kissing…”
“I know what you mean. We don’t have to do this, you know.”
He shook his head. “No, we want to, and Marci would be very disappointed if you and she don’t… well you know.”
I nodded. “I know. And Alli too, I’m sure – and me too – but we all need to be on board. You know, Alli and I talked about this, but we kind of got ahead of ourselves and we forgot to talk about it with you two.”
I turned and raised my voice slightly so that Marci and Allison, who had been sitting on one of the beds, speaking to each other, could hear me. “Marce, when we first talked about this Alli and I thought about some sort of safety valve, a word or something, that any one of us could use to stop things if it got too weird, or too intense; if anyone wanted to back out at the last second, basically. We also talked about it being with no hard feelings and no repercussions. If anyone wants to call a halt, for any reason, it’s okay. No second-guessing them. Everyone good with that?”
She and Michael both nodded. I thought he looked relieved. Alli nodded too, but was giving me a sly smile; it took a second for me to realize that it was because I’d taken charge and appointed myself chairman of the sex-game group, without ever asking for a vote. She’s accused me of doing that before, and I suppose I do, but it’s never a conscious thing. When something that involves several people needs to be said, done, or organized and I see everyone dithering I tend to step in and steer things where they need to go. Fuck, someone’s got to or inertia triumphs!
I smiled back at her, acknowledging that she’d caught me doing it again, but went on anyhow. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound. “Should we have some safe-word or phrase we all agree on, or just plain English; stop, hold on, wait a minute, something like that?”
Marci laughed. “Yeah, I think we all can come up with something in English, so we probably don’t need a secret code word. If it was me, for example, I’d probably yell at Alli, ‘Get your perfect little ass away from my husband!’, or something along those lines.” She looked at Alli, “No offense, but every time I see you wiggle that perfect, flawless little tush of yours I think I hate you a little.”
Alli knew she was kidding and giggled even as she turned bright red. “I could say the same about those boobs, Marce; I get a serious case of breast-envy when I see these beauties.”
To my utter amazement she reached out and squeezed Marci’s left breast as she spoke, running her thumb over the prominent nub of her big nipple where it thrust against her shirt. Marci just looked down at Alli’s hand, sighing contentedly.
I looked at Michael as I said, “I think maybe they’re starting without us.”
Still staring at them, he nodded. “Yeah, which creates the dilemma of whether to join in or just stand back and watch.”
“For you, maybe. I’m pretty sure I’ll come down on the side of joining in.”
We’d been sipping our drinks as we talked and watched, and now he tossed down the last of his, grimacing slightly at the burn. “Yeah, me too.”
With that he crossed to Alli, unbuttoning his shirt as he went. He bent over behind her, slipping his arms around her and pulling her to him, away from Marci. His hands covered her breasts (which I found myself thinking of as my breasts, my wife) completely engulfing them. She melted back against him for a moment, her body molding to his as I thought about his cock pressing against her ass, and then she pivoted smoothly in his arms and their lips met.
That was a beautifully erotic dagger to the heart, and it shook me to my core. I could completely understand now why his hands shook after watching Marci and I do the same, and I felt a little guilty for hurting him that way. I glanced at Marci and saw that she was watching them too, and she looked like she was feeling much the same emotions that I was. It occurred to me that I could either continue to stand there staring like a slack-jawed moron or I could go to Marci and we could perhaps lose ourselves in each other.
I chose the latter, and to my immense surprise was actually able to move my feet. I slid onto the bed behind Marci, moving over against her and pulling her into my arms. She came willingly, and when she turned to me I could see the arousal and torment warring in her blue eyes and imagined that I must look much the same. Marci and I know each other so well from all the time at work together that there seems to be something of a telepathic bond, and it seemed to work in this situation as well, our sexual desire for each other strong but perhaps not as powerful as the desire to not watch our mates in this intimate moment.
Instead we kissed again, gentle and deep, and began to slowly undress each other. She shivered lightly as I pushed her blouse back and my fingers softly stroked her bare skin, tracing her neck and her collarbone before dropping to the upper swell of her breast. Her skin was warm and smooth and flawless, more pale than Alli’s but with an almost translucent alabaster perfection that I found fascinating.
As I slowly stroked her soft skin I worked my way down and released the catch on her thin bra, a delicate thing of satin and lace that flattered her full figure. Surprising myself, I’d been observant enough to notice that it hooked in the front and was able to unhook it with no fumbling or stumbling; pure luck, I’m not usually that smooth.
Pushing the cups aside, I lowered my face to her breasts and began to kiss and tease, working my way to her nipples. They were rose-pink and erect, jutting proudly, large and suckable, and so I did. Watching Marci in the office every day, these same nipples often showing through her clothes, I’d probably imagined this moment a few hundred times; never did I think that it might actually happen, and so it seemed almost a little unreal… until I heard her low moan and felt her fingers in my hair and on my neck. Then it became very real, and my cock throbbed with the sensations that knowledge created.
As I eagerly sucked and nibbled – gently – at her generous nipples, my hands squeezing and kneading her breasts, she was busily opening my clothes; unbuttoning here, unfastening there, unzipping right down below, and when her hand found its way under the waistband of my boxers and curled around my cock it was my turn to moan. It felt good, exciting and forbidden, and she squeezed me tightly.
Her lips close to my ear, she whispered, “Fuck, Dave, you’re as hard as a rock! I can’t wait to suck on this thing and then feel it inside of me.”
Marci’s never been shy about saying what’s on her mind, so her words didn’t surprise me. They did, however, send a tremor of arousal through me as I thought about her wrapping her lips around me, and about sliding into a woman other than Alli for the first time in years. It’s funny, because I am absolutely, a thousand percent happy and satisfied with Allison, but there’s something about that thought, that it would be someone different…
We continued to touch and fondle and tease as we completed undressing each other. I glanced over at Alli and Michael and they were doing much the same. He had her stripped naked, her nipples rigid with desire, and when her eyes momentarily met mine I could see in them that swirling, smoky arousal that I know so well. My wife was enormously, intensely aroused; there could be no doubt of that.
He was behind her, pulling her back against him with one hand mauling her breast – none too gently, it appeared – and the other between her legs, his fingers in her wet pussy. I saw nothing to indicate that she didn’t love every second of it.
Michael’s powerful upper body was naked, his dark skin stretched taut over rippling muscle, but he still had his pants on; not for long, it was clear, because the moment they separated Alli’s nimble fingers were busily at work on belt, button and zipper. I watched – we watched, because Marci was looking at them too – as Alli pushed his pants down his thick thighs.
Freed from the restraint of his jeans, his cock began to rise, lifting the front of his blue boxers away from his body. Two or three inches of his huge meat extended below the hem of his boxers, and I could see the massive head of his cock, still half-covered by his dark, fleshy foreskin, as his shaft rose to horizontal.
Alli’s hand flew to her lips as she stifled a small giggle of excitement at the sight of him; she’d seen his cock before, of course, at the party, but it had been a few months and she may have begun to doubt her memories. Reaching out and wrapping her fingers around the head of his cock, she quickly set about refreshing them. She fondled and stroked him for a few seconds, and I watched my wife’s fingers play with his foreskin a bit, sliding it back and forth over the purple plum-sized head of his incredible penis, but it was apparent that she wanted him out of his boxers and pants, as naked as the rest of us were.
While they concentrated on that, Marci and I moved together on the bed. She had one hand cupping my balls while she stroked my cock with the other, and I returned to her gorgeous breasts with my lips as my hand wandered down her tummy to play with her tiny patch of curls. While Alli has kept herself smooth – at Derek’s request – Marci has a small patch of neatly trimmed blond fuzz on her mound. Slightly darker than the white-blond hair on her head, it’s merely a small triangle in front, although her lips are smooth and soft and warm and wet… which I can attest to because my fingers were exploring them.
When I slipped a finger into her she moaned and pushed against my hand as her pussy tightened, gripping my finger. Feeling her squeeze me that way sent a surge of arousal straight to my cock, which pulsed and squeezed out a fresh trickle of precum. She was using her fingers to stroke and twist and torture the head of my cock, and as they spread this new burst of lubrication over my ultra-sensitive glans it was my turn to moan.
Marci took that as a signal and lowered her face to my cock, taking me into her warm mouth as her lips closed around me. It was incredibly intense, and for a moment I thought I might come in her mouth in a matter of seconds, but she seemed to sense that as well and squeezed the base of my cock firmly between her thumb and fingers, which seemed to somehow quell that urge to come. I’d have to make a note of that trick!
I watched her as her lips slid up and down my shaft. I don’t know what it is, but watching a woman give me a blowjob has always been an intensely erotic thing for me, feeling the sensations in my body even as I see her creating them. She was good, too; Alli gives a world-class blowjob, utterly involved and focused on making love to my cock and balls, but Marci was right up there as well, and when she swallowed me all the way to the base and held there, my cock down her throat as her tongue caressed the underside and tickled the front of my scrotum, I was amazed!
Then I remembered that she was used to doing this on a much larger cock than mine. That thought made me look across at Alli and Michael, and what I saw there was almost my undoing.
They were between the two beds, somewhat in profile to us. As a matter of fact, if I’d slid over just a foot or so on our bed I could have reached out and touched his hip, they were that close. Alli was sitting on the edge of the bed as he stood in front of her, his right hand reaching down to play with her hard nipple, the other resting lightly on her head. Her left hand was squeezing and fondling his heavy, low-hanging balls as her right moved up and down his enormous shaft, her fingers not quite closing around it. She had him in her mouth and was eagerly sucking him, but no way was she going to duplicate Marci’s trick and get that thing down her throat!
Oh, she had the big head of it fully in her mouth, and maybe a couple inches more, but that was all she could manage. Her saliva – likely mixed with some of his precum – was leaking from her lips and down his shaft, and she used it to lubricate his dark skin where she stroked him. Seeing that huge, shiny-wet cock in Allison’s mouth, his enormous balls in her small hand, and the look of pure ecstasy on her face gave me a mixed jolt of jealousy, arousal, and pure penis envy unlike anything I’d ever felt. Despite the two less-than-pleasant components of that mix, I still would have come instantly from the pure arousal if Marci hadn’t been skillfully controlling that urge.
Alli’s eyes had been closed, adding to her expression of bliss, but at that instant they opened, looking directly into mine. They crinkled slightly at the corners, the closest she could come to a smile, and then her eyebrows rose as she took in Marci’s head bobbing up and down on my cock. Her eyes returned to mine, and I know she could read my expression like a book. She knew that seeing her sucking Michael’s huge cock was sending a mix of powerful emotions through me; she also knew exactly how to play on the most powerful and positive of those emotions.
Alli slowly let him slip from her mouth, her lips sucking tightly as they gripped his fleshy foreskin and stretched it forward over the swollen head of his cock. Despite years with me and my own circumcised cock, she seemed to know exactly what to do with his – and to thoroughly enjoy it! I wondered if maybe one or more of her prior lovers had probably been unclipped as well. Whatever the case, as she let it slip from her lips it again slid back, retracting enough to expose most of the huge, shimmering head of his cock.
She made love to it then – not to Michael, necessarily, but definitely to his cock. She licked and stroked it adoringly, running her tongue up and down his length and around the crown and eagerly lapping up the large, glistening bead of precum that oozed from the tip. She worked her way back to the base, and to his balls; he was shaved (or waxed) as smooth as she, which he hadn’t been at the party, and as she sucked one of his enormous testicles into her mouth I imagined that she enjoyed the smooth, hairless feel of his ballsack on her tongue. Her eyes again flitted to me, to be sure I was watching.
This wasn’t going to work; there was no possible way that I could watch Allison enjoying Michael like this – teasing me intentionally, playing to my fantasies – and not come. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away. It didn’t help, the image of her with that freakish cock in her mouth burned into my head such that I could still see her. I looked down at Marci, knowing that I was oozing precum copiously and that she was eagerly swallowing it, and realized that in a very short time I was inevitably going to fill her mouth to overflowing with a huge, uncontrollable load.
I stroked her hair and her neck, and she looked up at me, my cock still mostly inside of her mouth.
She let me slip free. “You can come in my mouth if you want to, it’s okay.”
I laughed softly. “You have no idea how close I am – and it would be far more than okay for me too – but maybe later. Right now I have other plans.”
We moved around each other a bit, not as smoothly as Alli and I do, but not too terribly awkwardly. We ended up with her on her back and me alongside of her where I could lean over and suck her hard nipples. My cock was against her hip as I did, and I could feel her moving, her hips working as her fingers played over the tip of me. I could tell that Marci loved having her nipples sucked and pulled on, and the harder I did it the more she seemed to respond.
I used tongue, lips and teeth on her, not always gently, and soon she was writhing and moaning under my touch. I could hear Alli making similar sounds and desperately wanted to look and see what he was doing to her, but I was focused on Marci; it seemed rude and highly uncool to keep looking at Allison and Michael when I had a beautiful, loving, sexy and very horny woman right here at my disposal, her passion building under my touch.
I kissed my way down her ribs and tummy, and then across her lower belly and the tops of her thighs, nuzzling her downy blond patch as I did. I caught the musky, feminine scent of her arousal, subtly different from Allison’s but just as quick to send all of those delicious electric tingles to my groin, and I heard myself let out a low growl of approval as I moved between her legs pushing them up and apart as my tongue parted her.
She moaned and her hips pumped forward to me, thrusting herself to my lips as I tasted her for the first time. She was sweet and wet and perfumed with arousal, her big soft lips puffy and welcoming against mine as I pushed my tongue into her. I heard her groan of approval and her fingers tangled in my hair, pulling my face more tightly to her sex. I was more than fine with that!
My nose was tweaking her big clit as I continued to tongue her opening, savoring her juices. Like the exaggerated sexuality of Marci’s generous curves and lush breasts, her clit too announced her overt sexuality. It was big and hard and protruding eagerly from its fleshy hood, the thickness and length of the last joint of my index finger and more like a tiny penis than seemed possible, despite being the homologous organ. I hadn’t been with hundreds of women by any means, but I had been with a few – enough to know that Marci was different, and to be excited by that discovery.
And to be eager to explore that difference, as I kissed and licked her very aroused and sensitive protrusion. My lips on her received the anticipated vote of approval, her moans intensifying and her hips grinding against my face, and when I sucked it into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue she cried out and almost yanked my hair out as she demanded more. I eagerly granted her wish, my cock throbbing with sympathy pulses.
I was wrapped up in Marci, thoroughly enjoying the chance to live out some of the things I’d fantasized about. Her arousal and complete involvement in what we were doing told me that it was the same for her, which was very gratifying to know. Still, despite my focus being entirely on my friend and assistant at that moment, I heard Alli come.
It was a sound I knew oh so well, and one that I love with all my being, my wife crying out in ecstasy as an enormous orgasm rolls through her body. I’d had the joy of giving her that pleasure many, many times, and had also enjoyed watching and hearing her pleasure herself on some occasions, but this was the first time since we’d met that anyone else had provided that intense pleasure to her. While the sound of Allison’s orgasm was intensely powerful for me, knowing how much she’d enjoyed it, the fact that it wasn’t me providing it burned like a red hot poker in my chest.
I’d known it would happen, expected it; that was the purpose of our experiment, after all, to spread our wings and enjoy something new and different. Still, I ached with jealousy that I hadn’t been the one that gave her that intense moment. Silly, I know. It’s not as though it was the last one she would have, or best one she’d ever had; it just hadn’t been me providing it.
I desperately wanted to look and see how he’d made her come; had he used fingers or mouth, or did he have that huge cock inside of her, his massive organ stretching her and reaching her depths? The curiosity was killing me, the need to know overwhelming, but I steadied myself and stayed the course, unwilling to insult or embarrass Marci by letting myself become distracted as her climax was building.
Whether it was despite my distraction or because I chose to block it out and try to focus on Marci’s pleasure, the result was powerful and gratifying as she suddenly stiffened and launched into a very intense orgasm of her own. It was Michael’s turn to hear his woman coming at the hands – or lips – of someone other than himself… and yes, I’m a little ashamed to say that exact thought did cross my mind.
There was a certain mental dissonance in feeling both emotions at once, however. On the one hand, my mind was saying, there, see how you like it, pal, while on the other I was thinking, I know that twists like a knife in your heart, my friend, and I’m sorry.
My own experience of hearing Alli come was fresh, still clawing at my mind and throbbing in my groin, and if he felt like I did – intensely aroused but just as intensely jealous and confused – I felt for him. Still, despite all of the churning emotions, I thoroughly enjoyed Marci’s orgasm. A tiny gush of her fluids flooded my tongue, and I eagerly swallowed and continued to lap and suck at her slippery sex as her spasms died down.
When I felt her suddenly go limp I raised my head and looked up at her, only to find her beautiful blue eyes staring back at me, hooded with arousal. “God, boss! You’re every bit as good as all the notes on the wall in the ladies room said you were!”
I laughed, knowing she was kidding. Leave it to Marci to lighten such an intense moment, reminding all of us that sex should be, first and foremost, fun and enjoyable! “Thanks Marce, so glad you enjoyed it; I know I sure did. Oh, and by the way, I wrote most of those notes, so…”
She gave me a sexy smile. “I know, still true.” Her eyes flicked over to the other bed, apparently as curious about what her man was doing as I was about Alli, so that gave me carte blanche to look as well.
It was immediately apparent that Alli’s earlier orgasm had been due to Michael’s tongue and lips; he was on his knees, sitting back onto his own calves. Alli’s feet were on his shoulders, his head between her legs and his huge hands each cupping one of my wife’s buttocks as he held her to his face. The muscles in his arms bulged as he supported her weight while he feasted on her horny pussy.
His cock also bulged, standing thick and huge from his groin, his foreskin fully retracted and the big head glistening purple. He was massively aroused and fully engorged, the veins standing out in relief and a thick trickle of slightly-milky precum running down his dark skin. The idea that he would soon be thrusting that into Alli was, at once, terrifying, painful, and incredibly, sickeningly arousing, a combination of emotions that cannot peacefully coexist.
And they didn’t; they swirled and battled each other in my head even as I watched Allison writhe and thrust against his lips, her own hands busy at her breasts as she tugged and twisted her hard, aroused nipples. She was coming again, that was readily apparent to me from her actions and the sounds she was making; I’d brought her hundreds of orgasms during our marriage and before, and I could tell this one was going to be one of those amazing ones as her hips began to undulate, grinding her pussy against his probing tongue.
And then as Marci and I watched, both too captivated to look away, Alli crashed into a huge, mind-blowing, earth-shattering orgasm, her body rigid and her motions becoming desperately spasmodic as it burned through her and held her in its grip. She cried out in ecstasy, loudly enough that anyone in the hall or neighboring rooms undoubtedly heard her, and my cock throbbed and ached as it does when I’m the one responsible for those sounds… only more so.
Michael stayed with her, driving her orgasm to its slow, incredibly sensual conclusion as her cries diminished and her body gradually went limp in his hands. I knew that her powerful orgasm was due partly to what he’d done to her and partly a result of her own mind, of the knowledge that she was with Michael, the anticipation of fucking him, his huge cock and all that entailed. I’m not sure if that realization made it easier or harder for me to accept, but no matter; Alli had clearly enjoyed it and Marci had enjoyed a very strong orgasm of her own due to me, and was now wriggling herself around to get in a position for us to fuck. At a moment like that, those are the things that matter!
I moved up Marci’s body, kissing her tummy and her breasts, lingering again over those big, luscious nipples, and as she felt the tip of my rock-hard cock tickle her pussy she pulled her legs up and apart, opening herself to me, welcoming, eager to have me inside of her.
I chose to tease a little, enjoying playing but at the same time knowing that I was creating time, delaying my own orgasm; once I was inside of her I was not entirely confident that I could last very long. I slid my cock against her, the underside of my shaft parting her lips and rubbing against her wet, slippery sex, gliding over her hard clit. Marci gasped softly and thrust her hips upward, crushing her sex against me and rubbing herself on my hard cock.
“Ohhh fuck, Dave! Put it in… I want you inside of me!”
I wanted that too, very much, as my throbbing cock could attest. I moved back and then forward, groaning as the tip of my cock parted her lips, finding her opening, and then…
“Wait! Stop, I can’t do this!” Michael objected, bringing everything to a screeching halt, the very tip of my cock against – maybe slightly inside – his partner’s silky wet, eager pussy.
I glanced at him, aching to bury the length of my cock in Marci’s hot, ready sex. “God! You’re joking, right?”
He was still on his knees, sitting back on his calves, but now Alli’s thighs were draped across his, her ass on the bed between his legs and his huge, rampant cock resting with the underside of his shaft against her open vulva. He had one hand locked behind his neck, the other a clenched fist in front of him and was looking at us with an expression of near-panic. I could read the tension in his body; his muscles bulged with it, and he was practically trembling.
Marci looked at him, her concern overcoming her arousal. “Honey..?”
He shook his head and exhaled a long sigh before saying, “I’m sorry. Horrible timing, I know, but I thought I’d be okay with this. I’m not. Fuck, Dave, the thought of you fucking Marci is killing me!”
I stared at him. “Thanks, bud.”
He shook his head. “Not like that, not you specifically, Dave; anybody. I can’t take the idea of another guy having his dick in my girl… I guess I’m way too fucking jealous and possessive for that, as it turns out.”
In a way I was relieved; he’d done what my mind had been screaming at me to do, but which my arousal, libido, and perhaps lack of courage had prevented me from doing. I had wanted to stop things several times, but never more than before he entered my wife with that huge cock of his. There was something about that idea, more than any other part of it, that he would be inside of her body, that she would be taking him inside, stretching as he filled her, her body conforming to his thick cock and squeezing him tight… It made my body ache with arousal and my mind ache with jealousy and a sense of betrayal all at once.
It felt like a personal violation, like he would be invading and desecrating a sacred place that was mine and mine alone. Silly, possessive, immature perhaps, but it was how I felt; and yet had he not called a halt I would have allowed it to go ahead, all because I didn’t want to be the one, out of the four of us, that chickened out. In addition, the idea of seeing Alli getting fucked by his huge, thick cock, of him possibly coming inside of her as she climaxed to his spurts and pulses… that mental image still sent a sick thrill through me, and that alone might have been enough to keep me from calling a halt.
I was looking at him, an odd thing with the head of my cock almost inside of his wife as he sat with his own cock resting across Alli’s extremely wet and ready pussy. I was about to say something to him – as soon as I figured out what to say – when Marci wriggled and raised up onto her elbows to look at him.
As she did, the head of my cock slipped inside of her. I felt it, and by the way her body tensed and gripped me I knew she felt it too. The urge to thrust all the way in and bury myself in her tight heat was powerful, but instead I pulled back; that would have been more of a betrayal at this moment than it would have been even seconds before, but even as I backed away my cock throbbed with the sensation of her warm, silky softness around me.
She showed no outward sign of our brief coupling, instead speaking softly to Michael. “Honey, it’s okay. We said ahead of time that if anyone wanted to stop things, at any time…”
He shook his head. “No, I know. I just…” he looked down at Alli open and willing in front of him, her legs wide, her pussy spread and dripping to be taken. “I’m sorry, Alli. I wanted to. God, I still want to, so much, but it wouldn’t be right. I can’t be with you like this if I’m going to keep Marci and Dave from… well, you know.”
Her eyes were wild with arousal and need, but she handled it well. “No, you’re right. I wanted it too, and I’m sooo fucking horny, but it’s okay. I understand.” She reached down and cupped her hand over his cock, holding it against her wet sex as she gently moved her hips, rubbing herself on his hardness. “So what now? Do we stop and go home or trade back to our own partners? We could just keep playing and enjoying each other without actually doing it, if that’s okay with everyone. It seemed to be going really well up until now.”
Marci and I both agreed that we were fine with that plan, and continued to touch and play with each other even as Michael made up his mind.
He looked down at her hand on his cock, at her wet pussy rubbing against him, and I saw his cock swell and his body tense as a slight shudder ran through him. He groaned, “Fuck that feels good. I don’t know; maybe, I guess. It’s been fun up ‘til now – and the truth is, I could come very easily just from what you’re doing.”
Alli’s eyes flicked from his dripping cock up to his face as she bit her lower lip, her eyebrows arching coyly. “Really? That would be fun too. There’s definitely something very arousing about watching a man come – and I do owe you a couple.”
He smiled and began to move his hips, gliding his length against her open sex, between her slippery lips. “Let’s try that then, if everyone is okay with it.” He looked down at Allison. “And just so you know, this probably won’t take long.”
She simply gave a small, “Mmm,” sound and continued to rub on him. Marci moved below me, her own pussy caressing my cock, but it was evident that she wanted out from beneath me. I moved and let her escape, and as she slid aside I rolled onto my back. I was now near enough the edge of the bed that if Alli and I each stuck our arms out we could have held hands across the gap between the two beds.
Marci moved down alongside of me and again and bent over me, taking my cock into her mouth. It still felt amazing, and knowing that I’d been inside of her momentarily and that she could undoubtedly taste herself on me provided a tiny extra thrill. She gave me a thorough tongue bath before taking me into her throat, and I knew that, like Michael, I wouldn’t be lasting long.
I watched her as my orgasm rose, but just as I was on the verge of filling her mouth she let my wet cock slip from her lips and suctioned my right testicle in instead. She’d known I was about to come, had felt it in my body, but had again expertly delayed things. She gave my twitching cock a moment to settle as I watched her suck my balls and then began a slow, steady stroking, her hand wrapped around me tightly, using her own saliva and my precum as lubricant as she tongued my scrotum. If she too wanted to watch a man come, she wasn’t going to have long to wait!
I stared at her, enthralled by the sight of my assistant, whom I’d so long admired and fantasized about at work, making hot, wet, slippery love to my cock! I throbbed, all possible nerve endings at full-tingle.
From the corner of my eye I saw Alli and Michael change position and looked over just in time to see him roll away from her and go flat on his back. She straddled him, her pussy above his dark, freakishly huge cock, which was rigid and hovering a few inches above his taut stomach muscles, dripping a string of clear precum into his navel. She lowered herself onto him, trapping his cock between her slick pussy and his hard belly, and began to rub on it. Her outer lips were spread open over his thickness, her soft, wet inner lips and hard little clit grinding against the thumb-sized ridge on the underside of his shaft.
He reached up and engulfed her breasts in his big hands, squeezing them and teasing her erect nipples with his fingertips. Alli closed her eyes and leaned forward to grab the headboard, putting her nipples in range of his lips and tongue and bracing herself with both hands so that she could more effectively grind her horny pussy against his throbbing cock, which was now shiny-wet with their combined juices. Michael bent his knees, pulling his legs up so that he could thrust against her, matching her movements.
Her hips pumped sensuously as she slid against his cock, masturbating herself on his hardness, and when she suddenly came, her body tense and shuddering with a powerful orgasm, Marci released my aching testicle from her mouth and turned to look at them. I don’t think she realized immediately that he was not inside of Alli; it was not as apparent from her vantage point because she couldn’t see his cock trapped between them, against his belly; all she could see was Alli riding him. I heard her breath catch and she sat up, staring at them, only then realizing what they were really doing.
She looked at me. “That looks like fun! Whaddaya say, boss, want to try that?”
I laughed. “Sure, but stop calling me boss.”
“Mmm, but that’s part of the fun!” She swung her leg over me, straddling me as Alli was Michael, except facing away in a reverse-cowgirl position. It allowed me to admire her plush ass as she lowered herself, pressing her wet, slippery sex to my cock. She pressed herself down on me, sliding on my rigid, aching penis, and it felt incredibly good. I cupped her ass, squeezing it, enjoying the softness before sliding over and tickling her little rosebud with my thumb. That earned a low moan from Marci, and she pressed back against me.
She moved slowly, her hips in a slow, sensual grind, knowing, I think, that if she moved more quickly I’d be spurting in no time. As it was I was on the precipice, so very close to tumbling over. When she reached down and fondled my balls, something this position allowed her to do very easily, it exacerbated that situation, and when her finger lightly tickled my perineum, that sensitive spot just behind my balls, and then teased my asshole as I was hers, I knew it would be a matter of seconds.
At that key moment I heard Michael groan and gasp before managing to grind out, “Fuck, Alli! Ohh, fuck, I’m coming!”
I saw Marci turn to look and I looked as well, just in time to see him launch a long, thick spurt of white across his chest and stomach, even hitting himself in the neck where his cum quickly pooled in the hollow at the base of his throat. Alli reached down and grabbed the head of his cock as he spurted his second shot into her fingers and then moved suddenly forward, then back… and he slipped inside of her, his cock continuing to rhythmically spasm and pump as he spurted again and again, deep inside of my eager wife.
Fully half of his massive cock was inside of Alli as we watched the remainder of his thick shaft flex and spasm with each spurt. His hands dropped to her ass and he held her there, impaled on his amazing cock as he flooded her pussy with his hot semen. It was intensely erotic – and intensely emotional – for me to see him filling her that way, coming deep inside of my Allison… and then I was coming too.
I felt like I almost burst, the first huge spasm of my own orgasm rocketing through me as I squirted a long stream of cum onto my own stomach. My body simply reacting to the intensity of my climax I bucked forward, sitting up against Marci’s back and wrapping my arms around her, grabbing her big breasts.
She moved up just slightly, and then down, and I was suddenly inside of her, the sensation of her warm pussy closing around my spasming cock almost painfully pleasurable. That had not been my intent – I was not intentionally trying to get inside of her, I don’t think – but I‘m not so sure about her motives. I think maybe her movement, the shift that had allowed her to settle back on me and take my erection into her pussy, had been entirely intentional.
Whatever the case it no longer mattered, and I came massively inside of her, helpless to do otherwise, my body electrified as I pumped and spurted deep in her hot, tight tunnel even as Michael did the same with Allison. I heard Alli come yet again, her body stretched tight around his girth and his huge cockhead no doubt thrust against the top of her sweet velvet sheath as he emptied his load into her.
I cried out, in part at the intensity of my own climax but also in part, I think, at the knowledge that Alli was coming with someone else’s huge cock spurting deep inside of her precious body. I was still coming inside of Marci even then, my spasms only gradually tapering off, and the thought that hearing and seeing Alli’s orgasm had so intensified my own was a confusing one.
Marci’s hand clamped over mine at her breast, forcing me to maul her soft breast more brutally, and I remembered that she liked that part rough and squeezed both, pinching her nipples much more viciously than I ever would have of my own accord. It worked, and the combination of the sensations of me coming in her and my fingers and hands roughly handling her breasts sent her into a powerful climax, the last of the four of us to reach that peak.
She powered through her orgasm, her pussy squeezing my still-hard cock, milking it, and as her orgasm peaked and began to wane I felt her begin to go limp in my arms. Still buried deep inside of Marci I glanced over at the other bed, feeling guilty for doing exactly what Michael had expressly stated he couldn’t bear to see happen.
They were paying no attention to us at all, however. Instead, Michael was staring up at Allison, whose body was quivering, in the throes of yet another orgasm. He looked a bit shell-shocked by what had happened, the intensity of it, but made no move to disengage as she rocked through her orgasm, slowly fucking herself on his cock, which remained huge, thick and hard and well inside of her.
As I looked I saw a thick stream of Michael’s pearly white cum squeeze out of Alli, sliding from my wife’s wet, pink, and very stretched pussy and down his dark shaft onto his heavy balls. It made me throb, and it made me ache, and it made me want to slide my cock into her, to feel her heat and looseness, to feel that hot, slippery mess, and to cum inside of her, reclaiming her as mine.