You call to ask me to come into the office again, as you have something important to discuss with me. It is more unusual to visit the office nowadays since we have started meetings at your apartment and have introduced a degree of remote working by mobile and Zoom. It sounds a bit mysterious, but it’s not as though I’m about to lose my job, I think, so I say, “Of course, I’ll see you there.”
I arrive at Reception at the agreed time and check in. The Receptionist is the same girl I remember from my very first visit all those months ago, and I know she overheard much of our “Interview” through the intercom.
She is young, with long blonde hair, beautifully coiffed, and expertly made up. She clearly takes her job of welcoming visitors very seriously and smiles widely at me saying, very slowly and deliberately, “Welcome… again… Simon… I remember you!” and she half stands to lean forward towards me slightly, over the desk, and give me my Office Pass. I do not think it is any accident that this gives me a full view of her cleavage, as her rather large breasts sway forward too, under her low-cut top. I notice a very short skirt below and long legs too; all very stimulating! I think I detect a slight French accent in her voice ( perhaps French-Canadian?), but soft and very attractive. In summary, I think she looks like what I might call an “Instagram Girl”, modelled on countless others, but appearing somewhat artificial for my liking. I try to put all that out of my mind and go into your office, where you sit waiting for me.
“Simon,” you say, “Things have been going very well over the last few months, don’t you think?” ( I nod in agreement and smile back at you, remembering all our other ‘meetings’ elsewhere.) “The trouble is, Glenda from HR at Head Office is taking an interest in my team now, and wants me to take on more responsibility. To begin with, she wants me to look after Reception and for June (that’s the blonde you met outside) to report directly to me.”
“Well, that must be good for you,” I say, “Congratulations! Do you get a pay rise?”
You laugh and say, “Thanks, but there is a slight complication. HR know you as my PA, but you’ll remember the ‘Personal Contract’ we drew up privately between ourselves, and I must say, you’ve fulfilled it (and us!) very well. The fact is that June overheard our original interview in this office and she’s also very friendly with Kira and Mia, so she called them over to listen alongside her.”
“I know that already,” I say, “but how is that a problem?”
You explain that June has kept in close touch with Kira and Mia ever since I joined, and say, “They may have been a little… erm… indiscreet, in what they’ve told her about our Training Courses. I don’t think she knows everything, but she knows enough. June will become the most junior member of the team, Simon, but she really wants to be included in our meetings and she’s hinting that if she isn’t, she might tell Glenda in HR about all our activities. The last thing I want is any sort of investigation by HR!”
“Obviously, they don’t know about our Training Courses and I hold all the papers for your Personal Contract very privately, here. The videos of all our meetings are also held securely by me. By the way, they have all been shared now between myself, Kira and Mia, except for the second part of the last Course, which I’m sure you remember well!” You look down, and I suspect you blush a little at those memories. “Would it be acceptable to you if June became part of our group in some way, but of course, you won’t report to her, and she won’t be able to call on you just as she wishes, like Kira and Mia may. It would be a much more formal arrangement. She would have to ask for your time, through them and through me, and I would have to keep full records. The question is whether that is acceptable to you, and do you think you can manage the … erm… increased workload?”
“You and the girls haven’t actually been as demanding of me as I thought you might be,” I say, ” so if it keeps Office Politics with HR under control, I’m sure we can come to some understanding with June, and then you can swear her to secrecy. If all the arrangements pass through you, I think that would work. My only concern is that if I don’t measure up to June’s expectations; I mean, if I’m not good enough for her, she might become a problem? She seems very young and energetic, but I already have the impression that she is highly sexualised, so her expectations may be very high; you would have to keep the frequency of her demands under some control, too!”
“Don’t worry about that, Simon, I will keep her very firmly under control and from my experience, I don’t think you need worry about disappointing her! I’m very grateful for this and if you’re happy to go ahead, I’ll ask her in now, to discuss arrangements. I think you’re right in your assessment of her. Kira and Mia have both told me that June is very highly sexualised. I think it’s clear from her make-up, clothes and general self-presentation in Reception that she loves to make an impression (especially on men!), but the girls tell me she has no ‘steady’ boyfriend. If you’re ready, I will ask her in to talk.” You press the Intercom and summon June into your office now.
June enters the room and I watch as she swings her hips and stalks across on her high heels, moving like a catwalk model, placing each foot heel to toe as she walks. She is very shapely, but tall too. Her breasts sway as she moves, under the loose top I had noticed, and she flicks her blonde tresses from side to side. She obviously enjoys being the centre of attention, and she pouts towards me, parting her plumped-up pink lips, as she sits alongside me and crosses her long legs. Her make-up is impeccable, with fashioned brows, mascara and long eyelashes. To be honest, I find it all rather artificial (though I do think the breasts are natural) but I can’t deny that it stirs my cock a little. I imagine that she is obsessed with clothes and that would probably include the sexiest, skimpiest lingerie she can afford. But I’m not altogether sure how sophisticated she really is sexually, less so than you, I imagine, if only because she is so young. Perhaps I will find out.
You tell June that now she is to become part of your team, and she will be working with me too. “That’s wonderful,” she says, turning to smile straight at me. “Kira and Mia tell me you’ve been very helpful to them, personally. I get the impression that there is lots of fun being had in this team and I’ve not been included so far. I’d like to be now, but I know I’d be more junior.”
She drops her eyes and says, “I only want to be a part of the team, that’s all, and I do know that I would have to do what I’m told. Kira and Mia both say it is exciting, and I know that you two have had fun from the very first day Simon appeared here!” She looks across meaningfully towards the intercom, and says, “Is that switched off now?”
“OK,” you say, raising your eyebrows towards me, “I think we need to show June our Personal Contract, Simon, and agree how it could be modified to include her. June, this is all on condition that you swear to absolute secrecy from HR. This is a private arrangement within our team, OK?” She nods in agreement and smiles at me again.
You hand her the Contract to read and while she does so, you tell me (and June overhears this) you think that my “workload” should remain limited to a maximum of two ‘occasions’ per week; one of those still to be in your control, and the other now to be shared by agreement between Kira, Mia and June. You have already spoken with the girls and as they are all friends already, that won’t cause any stress, and your ‘quota’ will remain as it is. I will just have to “spread myself more thinly”.
June finishes reading the contract, and says, “Wow, this is amazing! Kira and Mia said they had a lot of fun with you both, but I didn’t realise just how much!” You tell her that if she agrees to share my time with Kira and Mia, we can write that revision into the contract, and she will then be entitled to see the tapes of our previous Training Courses, so she sees exactly what can happen. I suspect she already knows much of it from the other girls.
She can hardly wait for you to write in the amendments and sign up, but I say “Remember, Michelle, we all had to add our thumbprints in DNA to validate our signatures. That makes the contract undeniable, and June should note the complete secrecy she’s sworn to. I don’t want just anyone to see the tapes of our meetings, nor do you, and nor would the girls, I think. They are under your sole control, Michelle, and June has to accept their total confidentiality.”
“Quite right, Simon,” you say, and June nods her agreement, though I’m not sure she fully understands the reference to DNA. You do, though. and having added the amendments for us all to sign, you point out to her that the earlier signatures were all accompanied by thumbprints. Her mouth drops open slightly when you explain that they were made from a mixture of my cum, and the juices of the relevant signatory, impressed like a wax seal in the presence of the others.
You say, we don’t need Kira and Mia to sign again, but these amendments obviously do need to be signed by June, and by yourself, and of course, by me.
I say, “I suggest that June talks to us about her preferences and needs, but I am happy for us all to be bound by the new Contract, once it is properly signed and validated”.
“O My God,” says June, “you mean here and now, in the office, like I heard you and Michelle? I don’t know whether I’m prepared for that!”
“Don’t worry,” you say, “there’s no need for you to fuck Simon in front of me right now! But I think we do need to get him to provide the material we need to sign with, and I think you’ll find, like I and the girls did, that you will produce your own in the process!”
I’m still not sure June fully understands, but you say, “I’m sure it would be helpful to us, June, if you could explain a little about your private life, what you hope to get from Simon and me, and how we could help develop your skills. Or maybe you think you are already skilled? Just talk us through your likes and dislikes, for example, and maybe it will help Simon to prepare himself.”
June seems more nervous now and begins talking very rapidly. While she does, you come over to me and undo my jeans, unzipping me, and drawing them down and off my feet. I sit there in Green Boxers, which are now the focus of June’s attention as she talks, becoming slowly less coherent.
She says that she takes great care of her body and is very proud of it. She keeps fit and is pleased to be ‘noticed’, so working at Reception is almost her ideal job. She buys (and wears) expensive lingerie, but giggles when she explains that sometimes, like today, she sits in Reception without panties and so can easily play with herself under her very short skirts, without anyone on the other side of the desk being aware. She admits that she sometimes does this when an attractive man checks in and claims that she has done so several times when I visit, because she still vividly recalls hearing me fuck you in this very office.
She also explains that she has no regular boyfriend, but ‘plays the field’. She enjoys sex, but often doesn’t feel very fulfilled by it and has to bring herself to full orgasm in private, later. On the other hand, she is particularly attracted by the idea of ‘public’ sex, which can add to her excitement. The desire to ‘shock’ people is strong in her. You say you completely understand that, but both of you are now distracted and staring intently at my cock, slowly growing inside my boxers. I am finding that June’s accent, as well as the content of what she is saying, is very exciting. It certainly seems to add to the general atmosphere of sexuality which is now growing, like me, in your office.
“Simon,” you say, “It looks like you’re getting ready to help us sign the contract? Whenever you’re ready, we will just wait for you.”
I stretch my legs a little in the sunshine streaming through your office window and remove my shirt. June watches intently as my hand slowly unbuttons my fly and I reveal my cock to you both. She gasps a little, and says, “My, what a handsome cock. No wonder you all wanted to keep it to yourselves!” You smile and agree, nodding to me to continue.
I stroke gently up and down, watching your eyes follow my hand as it slowly increases the pace, and my cock swells to its full extent in front of you both. You have seen me do this before, of course, but June seems entranced; almost hypnotised by the rhythmic movement.
The spell is broken when she suddenly crouches between my thighs and before you or I can do anything, she has slowly licked the full length of my cock, from balls to tip. I note that her tongue is very long and seems to curl itself around my shaft as she licks upwards again, and also that her large breasts are squeezed between my thighs. On this second stroke, she pauses to suck the head of my cock inside her mouth. Looking down at her I can see her naked pussy beneath her short skirt and my cock twitches in appreciation.
Now your immediate surprise has passed, you exclaim, “June, stop that now and sit back down! You are not entitled to do that until we have signed the contract, and have our permission!” She obeys, and looks a little sheepish, as she says, “I’m sorry Simon, and Michelle, I just couldn’t resist.”
I continue, but June’s intervention has hastened my climax and after a few more tight strokes, I press myself upwards through my clenched fist, and a torrent of cum spurts skywards, spreading in all directions. As I groan with relief, you both squeal and clasp your hands between your legs. This time it is you who drops to you knees in front of me, to gather a small puddle of my cum in your palm (and to take your own opportunistic lick of my subsiding cock), then stand back.
“My God, Simon,” says June, “that was spectacular! Can we please sign this contract quickly? I really need to make a date with you as soon as I can.” You remind her that she will have to agree to all that with you and the other girls, and it will have to be formally recorded by you. As I cover myself up again, I notice that June has at least one finger inside her pussy, moving rhythmically between her spread (and rather large) pussy lips, which have no sign of a single hair. She is clearly very wet (as you may be too).
However, we gather by your desk and each sign our names below the new amendment, before you offer your trophy of cum for each of us to dip our thumbs and impress our prints on the document. June also adds a wet fingerprint from her own pussy. “Just to emphasise that I really mean it,” she says, “When can we start?”
While I dress and June simply wriggles down the hem of her short skirt, to hide her naked pussy again, you explain that before June can make an appointment with me, she needs to view the tapes of our previous Training Courses in full, with Kira and Mia and yourself present, so that she sees how those sessions have worked. She will have to accept the presence of a third party, to record events in any session with me. You emphasise that the only person allowed to spend contracted time with me, without a third party present, is yourself.
“That, ” you say, “is the privilege of being the boss. When you have viewed all the tapes and discussed them with me, you can apply for a session with Simon, but we will need advance understanding of exactly what you are trying to achieve other than just to have a great time with him!”
“No problem,” says June, “I will get on with all that straight away and make arrangements with you”
I laugh and say, “Thank you. I enjoyed that too. June, I look forward to your ‘reception’ next time.”