You may have heard someone say that; allow me to let you in on the secret – they have eyes and ears and can sometimes see into the minds of the people and creatures who live within those walls. Not every mind, not every wall: just special ones that are open enough, working on the right wavelengths, and so manage to connect.
I can’t generalise, I’m a building, I can’t go around doing surveys and interviewing other buildings to aggregate their experience. I can read, I can listen to the radio and watch TV, so I accumulate things. Winston Churchill once said that buildings speak to us – he meant to other people, not to us buildings, but I must be one of those he was talking about.
One such being that understands me in his own way is Ralph, who, on the day this story begins, is standing, naked and nervous, talking to his wife, Veronica who is wearing a loose grey dress. Ralph is a brilliant man whose mind is full of ideas, whose dreams extend way beyond what others call the here and now. He makes reality, new realities inside computers and sometimes his mind is lost in those electronic dreams for hours, even days at a time. He understands me and has even tried to build my reality inside his computer.
Ralph is very sensitive, not just to me but also to Veronica, who is standing here with him. She loves him very much but he knows that somewhere in her head she wishes that he was better in bed. More to the point, and to put it crudely, she sometimes wishes Ralph had a bigger cock. She has thought that the fault was hers, wondered if she was sexy enough, and sometimes wished that she could hold him in the moment for longer and stop his mind escaping into one of his many virtual spaces. She is very beautiful, I can see that myself. I can compare her to all the women that have ever lived in or visited in the two hundred years since I was built. Ralph adores her.
“Are you ready?” said Veronica
Her question was surprisingly gentle, almost tender.
“I guess,” he said. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“You still want to do this?”
“It’s for you Vee. You need to do it at least once.”
“It’ll be okay love. It’s your plan; your plans are always good.”
He smiled weakly, stretched himself on the floor and slid under the four poster bed. Veronica wrapped a cuff around his right ankle and secured it to a bedpost then did the same with the other leg. She lay on the floor and moved herself forward until she very gently sucked his cock, getting it as big as it might ever get, and then fastened a strap around it. She’d done it many times before and knows exactly how tight it needs to be to keep the erection. She moved forward holding herself so that her nipples traced a path across his chest before she secured his hands to the other two bedposts.
She kissed him, slowly, passionately until he could hardly breathe and then she gagged him. A wire led from the ball running back along the strap.
She smiled and kissed him on top of the gag then rubbed noses. “Still okay?”
He nodded.
She reached across to side of the bed and carefully fastened in place a virtual reality headset, plugging the wire from the gag into the side of it and inserting the ear buds. She reached behind him to pull an insulated box over his head, stuffing the gap below his chin to cut out any sound he might make.
She crawled out from under the bed and dropped the heavy valance so that it reached the floor, hiding any sign that Ralph was immobile under the bed.
“You won’t see anything till I activate the cameras,” she said, glancing at the spot above the four poster where the microphone was hidden. “Whatever happens, remember the drill, bite to cycle the picture from one camera to the next.” There was no sound from under the bed. I knew she was thinking, ‘Why am I telling him that? Because I’m nervous, I’m reassuring myself. He knows how to work the kit, he invented most of it.’ She took a deep breath.
“I hope you grunted then love, you said you would. I didn’t hear a thing, so the sound proofing is working.”
Of course she is nervous, I know that. I find it harder to read Veronica, but her whole demeanour tells me that she is on edge. She is about to have sex with another man, who she has talked to on the Internet. His cock is huge if the pictures are to be believed. It should be exciting. She is trembling slightly; I can detect this when she stands still because the tiny movements of her body are transmitted to the hem of her dress.
She glanced around the room, mentally checking everything, and activated the camera hidden in the frame of the mirror on the wall facing the foot of the bed.
“I hope you can see that,” she said. “Here we go.”
She began to undress, throwing each item of discarded clothing into the laundry basket and, when she was nude, she closed the lid. She smiled at the mirror, cupped her breasts in her hands and played with her nipples until they stood out.
She took a box from a drawer in the dresser, opened it carefully and extracted a small object. Standing closer to the mirror, she carefully pressed the object into her navel, tensing her flat stomach muscles as she did so. After a few seconds she felt a small click as it locked itself to the jewel permanently attached there. She turned to the laptop in the corner of the room, pressed a few keys and waited until a picture of the room appeared on its screen. She moved her hand over the object in her navel and the image was replaced by one of the back of her hand.
She returned to the drawer and took out two more boxes and a pair of ornate spectacles. She put on the glasses and adjusted her hair a little. The facial ornamentation had an interesting effect, somehow making her seem more mysterious. The frame was matt black set with what looked like diamanté jewels on the outside corners of the eye pieces. She pressed a tiny button on the side frame and turned back to the laptop. Another quick adjustment brought up a 3D picture. She smiled again and turned back to the dresser.
The next box contained a butt plug with what looked like a jewel at it’s centre. She smeared lube on it and eased it into place. She stood in front of the mirror, squirming a little and raising first one leg and then the other, until she was comfortable.
She checked the laptop again and watched the picture as she slowly moved her legs apart. An image of her thighs appeared as seen from above. She opened the last box and took out a ball gag, opened her mouth and strapped it in place. She checked the laptop and soon filled the screen with a shot of the table and the keyboard. She passed her hand in front of her face and the image was again replaced by one of the back of her hand. She carefully removed the gag, closed the laptop and slid it into a drawer.
She glanced around the room again before taking a pair of hold up stockings from the dresser draw and pulling them up her legs. All this activity had steadied her. She stood, twirled in front of the mirror and gave a wicked smile into the camera. She closed the drawer then knelt at the foot of the bed and lifted the valance. She ran one finger over the foot that she could see and watched as the toes curled and uncurled.
“Time for action,” she said, giving the foot one last squeeze. “He should be here any minute.”
She carefully rearranged the valance, hiding any hint of the figure under the bed, stood up and eased her feet into a pair of red “fuck-me” high heel pumps. She opened the door and strolled elegantly along the corridor, the ball gag in her hand.
Five minutes later the bell rang. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Hey Honey; wow do you look wonderful?”
“Of course I do,” she said, “I’ve been getting ready for an hour.”
“Is Ralph away?”
Veronica turned to the hall table and picked up her iPad. In a couple of swipes she brought up a map.
“Find my iPhone is such a wonderful app,” she said. “I don’t know what I would do without it.” She pointed to the screen. “That’s where Ralph’s phone is right now, at least half an hour away.”
“And not moving, he must be busy. Fucking amazing, you’re a genius.”
Veronica put her hands on the man’s shoulders and pushed him gently, backing him up against the door and pushing it shut. It closed with a satisfactory clunk.
“We don’t want the neighbours joining in do we?”
“How long have we got babe?”
“As long as it takes. We can keep an eye on Ralph’s phone, if it starts to move we’ll have half an hour from then.”
“Poor schmuck.”
“Don’t be rude about him, I love him dearly. He just lacks something that you do have.”
She turned, leading him down the corridor. “Remember the rules,” she said, “one hole only.” She turned and bent over enough to point to the plug in her butt hole, then stood up, kissed him once and put the ball gag against her lips and turned her back.
“Do me up,” she said and then pressed the gag into her mouth and held the straps behind her head.
“You are one weird chick,” he said as he cinched it in place.
“Mmm, mmm,” she said and opened the door to the bedroom.
Under the bed, Ralph had watched the corridor unfold in front of Veronica’s spectacles, the nerd in him critiquing the quality of the 3D image. He had found it hard to get into it. Moving his legs was impossible so this was not like VR when you’re free to move in the environment. He tried to imagine himself as Veronica: the rhythm of her walk in heels was quite different to his own. He was beginning to think he should try walking in heels when the door opened and, for the first time, he saw Raymond, though from his casual clothes and macho manner he guessed he called himself Ray.
‘Did she pick a man with a name that began with R deliberately,’ he thought. ‘Maybe she did. VR – yeah, that had to be it. Vee – always had the little jokes.
A tiny icon appeared in his vision to tell him the ball gag camera had gone live. Still watching the 3D spec cam feed he saw her arms wrap around Ray’s neck. Ralph found himself focussed on bushy eyebrows. He switched from the specs to the gag cam and it went dark. For a second he thought the connection must have gone down then teeth and tongue appeared. Ray was kissing Vee around the ball gag.
‘That’s gross,’ he thought and was so surprised that he bit his own gag enough to change the camera and suddenly he was looking at the top of Ray’s fly. The navel cam. He began to appreciate just how big Ray was. Inevitably his agile mind went into calculator mode: Veronica is petite and, even with the heels, she’s probably only five-five. Her navel is five inches below his. This guy must be about six-three.
With the camera so close he could see the bulge of Ray’s cock.
‘That has to be huge,’ he mused. ‘Well, that was the point wasn’t it?’ They had auditioned him on web cam, well Vee had done the work but Ralph had watched the video.
He bit the gag again and switched to the view from Vee’s butt cam. For a split second he enjoyed the view, he could almost feel those black stockings. He had felt them a hundred times and tried to recall the sensation, to join it up in his mind with the picture in front of his eyes. The view moved sideways as she turned then he momentarily lost the view: Ray was fingering the butt plug. There was a quick shot of his finger as Vee moved away.
Ralph closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he heard Vee say, “Welcome to my boudoir.”
He opened his eyes and saw a sweeping view of the room as Vee turned to close the door behind her.
“Hey wow, some place” said Ray. “A four poster huh. Hey girl don’t look at me like that, your pussy’s gonna get what’s coming, don’t worry, but a guy can clock the décor, right?”
Ralph switched to the gag cam as Ray’s face loomed large. He mentally measured the stubble down to the last millimetre, thinking about the setting he would use on his own precision razor to get the same effect. Sweat was beginning to glisten on Ray’s upper lip. Ralph switched to the 3D spec cam to confirm his mental calculation and then back to the gag, via Vee’s navel and butt. The face receded and the camera panned down to catch a glimpse of Ray’s hands on Vee tits.
Vee ran finger nails down Ray’s chest and unbuckled his belt, hauling it off in one long pull. It went out of sight behind her as she got to grips with the zip and, in a few seconds, Ray’s enormous cock was in view. Ralph sighed through his gag. It was spectacular, that was for sure, and the realisation dawned that no amount of patent remedies and phony exercises would ever allow him to match that. As Ray pulled off his trousers, the camera moved down and Vee began to nuzzle the cock with her ball gag.
“Just as well you have the gag honey, this thing could ruin your throat.”
The cock in Ralph’s vision retreated and he switched to the spec cam just as Vee took off her glasses and carefully placed them on the beside table which gave Ralph a wide angle view of the room. He watched as she turned back to Ray, nudged his cock some more and then slid one hand under his balls and eased herself up the bed, pulling him with her.
In a few seconds she was horizontal with Ray straddling her. Ralph switched to the navel cam. Lost in the VR under the bed, Ralph gasped at the size of the balls swinging above him. Even Vee would not be getting this view. Ray leaned forward so that his huge member lay on her abdomen and slid along her body, eventually nudging the camera in her navel. Ralph, under the bed, found himself trying to cringe away from the massive member filling the screen. His breath came in short gasps until he could stand it no longer and he switched back to the panorama view provided by the specs at the bedside.
Ray worked at it, you had to hand him that. I’ve seen most kinds of lovers in the last 200 years. Lately I’ve seen more of them; I don’t mean more lovers, I mean more of their bodies – a side effect of central heating, the action doesn’t take place under the blankets these days.
Ray massaged her tits, played with her hair, kissed her eyelids, nuzzled her nose and ran his tongue around the ball gag.
Trying to pick the best view was a constant problem. All this was so new to Ralph that he was forced to experiment, to make sure that he experienced everything that was going on. Paging through all four cameras was a bind.
‘Thank heavens all the channels are being recorded,’ he thought. He knew that later he would edit the whole thing into a great video. He found himself flipping between the cameras, mentally comparing light levels while thinking the sound won’t be a problem because there’s only the one mic.
‘I’m a nerd,’ he thought, ‘no wonder she wants to try something new. I’m a nerd with a small cock.’ Fortunately another thought intruded. ‘Don’t start feeling sorry for yourself, if you cry inside this VR set all the best bits will be blurred and if they happen to look good like that the effect won’t be on the video. Well, not unless I can think of some clever effects.
‘Okay, so I’m a clever nerd with a small cock and a beautiful wife.’
Ray interrupted his train of thought by moving down the bed. Ralph switched to the butt cam just in time. He watched the huge cock sweep across his vision and pause with the head just out of sight. It had to be right at the entrance to her cunt.
‘At least he’s taking it slow. If he bangs that thing straight in she might get hurt.’
Seeing the fleshy rod in front of him nudge to and fro in gradually increasing oscillations was mesmerising.
‘Could I get a cam in her cunt?’ he thought. ‘No, a cock that size would hit it and then he’d want to know what the hell it was. Anyway, it’s dark in there – maybe infra red would work. No. No. No. This is why I’m rubbish in bed. Idiot, listen to her breathing, be in the room, be in the moment.’
All passage of time disappeared, maybe it was a minute before the whole shaft had entered Vee, maybe it was ten, who knew? Ralph knew they could check on the video afterwards. For now he had to work at staying in the moment, concentrating on the sounds from the action above him. Eventually, he tired of the cock humping in and out and paged through to the panoramic view with a brief glace at Ray’s hairy chest and abdomen from Vee’s navel and ball gag. He tried the view from the mirror on the wall but all he could see was Ray’s hairy arse going up and down.
‘OK if you like that sort of thing.’ He switched back to the butt cam where the real action was.
Was his own cock responding? His breathing certainly was but, as for the rest of his body, he had no idea: all the activity was happening in his brain. Desperately he tried to feel his cock, clenching his buttocks, tightening his pelvis trying to thrust in time with Ray’s vast member, but it was impossible to escape from his nerd’s brain. If he thought about his own cock, the memory of Vee’s lips was all there was.
‘This is only the first time we’ve tried this,’ he thought. ‘When we analyse it afterwards we’ll learn a lot. We can do it better.’ He sighed through the gag. ‘It’s not about me, it’s about Vee getting what I can’t give her.’
Gradually the rhythm slowed and he knew Ray was spent. The huge cock slid out of Vee and a stream of semen flowed out behind it, forming a milky waterfall across the lens of the butt cam. ‘What a great effect. I’d never have thought of that.’
As the action above him slowed to nothing he wondered if Ray had fallen asleep. For a while he was mesmerised by the slow motion milky patterns rolling across the butt cam but eventually he switched to the spec cam.
Ray was breathing heavily but his eyes were open. He could see Vee becoming a little restless under him.
“Relax little lady, we ain’t done yet. Give old Ray a minute or two and I’ll be back in action. You ain’t going nowhere.”
Slowly Ray rose on his elbows and gazed at Vee’s face. She turned briefly to smile at the spec cam, a flash of love that Ralph knew was directed at him. The big cock must have been up to expectation. For a moment relief washed over him. He had given her what she wanted and the video meant that they could relive it again and again. If she needed more, then they had the technology, it could only get better.
The bedside table top was a little below her head on the pillow so when she was looking at Ray, Ralph could not make out her expression.
Ray spoke. “What I really need, honey, is that mouth of yours. That’s what I need to get me going again. This gag crap has got to go.”
He reached up with one arm and grabbed both her wrists, holding her arms above her head.
“You might want to save those lips for that nerdy husband of yours but possession is nine points of the law, as they say, and I’m in possession here.”
Ralph under the bed felt his insides turn to lead. He strained frantically at his bonds but that was hopeless and he knew it. ‘What have we done? Plan B, Vee… remember plan B.’ He knew he was shouting but he was gagged and inside a soundproof box. All he could do was watch.
‘If he kills her I’ll die right here,’ he thought, tears filling his vision. He shook his head, trying to see clearly what was happening, frightened to watch but somehow unable to close his eyes.
Vee was still hazy from her own orgasm and, until Ray spoke, she was only too happy to allow the pace to slow, to get her breath back. But suddenly she knew this was serious.
It was an anxious moment for me. I have read stories of evil being done but it has never happened in my rooms in two hundred years. For the first time I found myself desperately trying to imagine ways that I might intervene. Could I summon a ghost, force paint to fly off my walls, start a fire. Do something! My channel to Vee seemed to open in a way that I have not seen from her before. Perhaps the adrenalin makes a difference.
Vee came fully alert in a second and scrutinised Ray’s face. Was he bluffing? She tried to free her hands but it was instantly clear that she had no chance in that direction.
“Forget it kid,” Ray said. “I’m too big and strong for you. What the hell gave you the idea that you could make the rules. The nerd is miles away, you showed me where his phone is. I can do what I like with you. By the time that nerd gets home your throat will be so sore that you won’t be able to talk to him and your ass is gonna be wrecked. I almost wish I had time to wait and meet your sorry husband and see what he thinks of his slutty wife. You might think you’re high class with this phoney four poster bed and your silk stockings, but you’re just a slut and you’re gonna get what you deserve.”
‘Oh well, that settles that,’ thought Vee and bit hard and long onto the ball gag, activating a switch inside it. Above the bed there was a brief electronic whirling sound before a small hole appeared and a tranquiliser dart shot out, stabbing into Rays buttock, followed by another that hit his shoulder as he turned.
“What the fuck,” he said before his eyes closed.
Veronica squirmed out from under him, opened a drawer in the dresser and quickly cuffed Ray’s legs together before dragging his arms behind his back and cuffing them, too.
She eased the ball gag out of her mouth and moaned, “It’s all gone wrong love, it’s all gone wrong.”
She flung herself under the bed and freed Ralph’s wrists and legs and dragged him out. She helped him take off the VR set and collapsed against his chest. Ralph held her close for a minute until her sobbing subsided and they both looked at the sleeping form on the bed.
“How long will he be out?” whispered Vee.
“Two darts, an hour maybe; but he’s a big bloke, so maybe less.”
“This is not how it was supposed to go, love.”
Ralph held her for another minute, his own breathing slowing as he recovered quicker than Vee.
“Before he got big ideas did you enjoy yourself? From where I was it looked like the real thing.”
Vee leant against Ralph, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair until finally she looked up and began to smile.
“Don’t fret love, we’ll sort him out. Try to forget the last five minutes. We’ll watch the video this evening. I’ll edit out everything about him, everything except his cock. It’ll be fun, we’ll get a curry delivered, have some wine, it’ll be great.” He kissed away her tears.
“But what are we going to do with this lout?”
“I did wonder about turning him into our slave. W e could keep him sedated, you could use his cock whenever you wanted.” He paused, looking deep into her eyes and he saw the anxiety rising. “Only joking love. I’ll bring his car around the back, we’ll put him in it, drive it off somewhere and let him sleep this off.”
“Will that work, won’t he just come back mad?”
“I’ll give him a dose of diazepam as well, that tends to suppress memory.”
Vee wrapped her arms around Ralph’s neck and kissed him, her tongue pressing deep into his mouth.
“He’ll be heavy.”
“I may be a nerd with a small cock, but I do go to the gym. Anyway we have tools.”
“Okay,” she said, “I’ll move the car and you get the drug.”
“I dare you to drive it dressed like that.”
“You’re on,” she said as she dashed out of the door.
“But Vee, you don’t even know where his car is…” His voice was lost in the clatter of her heels as she ran down the corridor laughing. “I hope he didn’t come on the bus,” he mumbled as he rolled Ray over.
He gazed at Ray’s cock for a moment before reaching over to pick it up. “It really is huge,” he muttered, “the camera didn’t lie.” He was still holding it when Vee came back.
“What are you planning to do with that?”
“Oh I was thinking about a tattoo, but that’s out of the question if we want him to forget he was here. We need to dress him. I know it’s a shame to lose sight of that marvellous member but he did arrive in his clothes.”
Vee giggled. “Best to get it done before he wakes up. I’d rather keep him cuffed when he’s in the car.”
Five minutes later, Ray was dressed but still snoring. Vee found his driving licence and read the address.
“Do you suppose he might be married or have someone living with him?”
“Do you think anyone could stand a bully like that? No matter, we’ll just park him near his place. Actually, there’s one other thing,” said Ralph, dashing out of the door and returning with a bottle of whisky. He opened Ray’s mouth and dribbled some of the liquid over his face and chin, down his neck and, with a final flourish, soaked a few drops into his shirt.
“Pity to waste the bottle, but it’s in a good cause.”
“He hasn’t drunk any so if the cops breathalyse him he’ll come up clean.”
“Yes I know,” said Ralph. “That’s okay, I don’t want to get him locked up, just out of our lives.”
It took another ten minutes to get Ray in the car but, as Ralph promised, he was up to the task.
“I’ll drive his car,” said Ralph. “Best if you keep a discreet distance. Call me if there is a problem.”
Vee laughed briefly. “When do you think we’ll get your other phone back in the post?”
“Tomorrow I reckon. That trick is so obvious, it’s a wonder anyone falls for it.”
Ralph picked up Vee’s glasses from the bedside.
“How do I look?”
“Great.” He opened the laptop and quickly routed the feed from the glasses through his phone and back to the laptop.”
“You’re going to record this?”
“You know me Vee, I can’t help myself.”
I have to admit that I was secretly glad. One disadvantage of being a building is that I don’t get to go anywhere, but I do love Ralph’s videos from his various excursions. From him I have learned more about the world in the last two years than in the whole two hundred before. I sometimes think he makes the tapes for me.
In half an hour they were in Ray’s street, five doors from his house. Ralph tipped the passenger seat back as far as it would go and rolled Ray sideways to be sure his airway was clear. He was breathing easily. Ralph peeled open one eyelid and watched Ray’s pupil react.
“You’ll do,” he said. He poured some more whisky onto the car seat, wiped the bottle and dropped it between Ray’s legs. He removed Ray’s cuffs and looked up and down the road, scrutinising the nearby windows. There was no sign of activity. He dropped the keys in the footwell and got out. Vee had parked fifty yards along the street and was sitting in the passenger seat.
For a few minutes they sat in the car breathing heavily. Ralph removed his gloves. “I wiped everything in sight including that cock before we dressed him but I don’t suppose anyone is going to swab that for DNA. I think you should send him a message.”
Vee typed, “Ray – Your cock was as good as you said but I didn’t enjoy the bad manners, the bad breath and the drinking. I have pictures of you naked and passed out drunk, looking ridiculous. The world will see them if you come near me again.”
Ralph glanced at the message and nodded. She hit send.
On the way home they picked up a curry and a bottle of pink Prosecco.
As they drove off Vee giggled. “Hon, guess what I forgot?”
Ralph turned his head; an anxious glance, looked back at the road and back at Vee. “What?”
“I’ve still got my butt plug in.”
Ralph laughed. “You know, love, sex is a hell of a lot more complicated than I ever thought. Virtual Reality is a breeze by comparison.”
Vee laughed and stroked his neck. “You tried to give me something and I tried to share it with you. It didn’t work out exactly as planned, but we did it, and we did it for each other. That’s what love is, and that’s not complicated.”
I love these people. Somehow I will find a way to tell them; I want them to love me, their house, their home.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: My thanks to Curvygalore for some great comments that helped it get much better.