Silent Love

"A Second Chance"

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Some months after my first sexual experience with another boy an opportunity with another boy at school came my way. The boy and I were both seventeen.

He had the loveliest body of all the boys I had sex with – it could have been made in heaven and yet I will freely admit he was not a good looker but it was not his looks that attracted me.

His younger brother, as it happened, certainly was pretty and some of the other boys my age had a crush on M. He was a boy who loved the attention and got plenty. At sixteen, he was just too young and not mature enough to possess the kind of cock or the type of body I admired.

I knew from seeing A. nude often enough in the showers after games that his legs were slender and shapely, his hips elegantly contoured and his ass was beyond beautiful. It was an ass to fall in love with.

His buttocks formed the most perfect orbs and somehow these orbs suggested they guarded the most perfect and the most inviting cavity you could imagine.

His abdomen was slenderly muscled, the kind that almost begged to be kissed. It stood above a shock of dark pubic hair and a magnificent, handsome beautiful, silky smooth cock.

I kept my feelings secret.

I never used to know who was having sex with whom at any particular time. I was not a gossip and it was not an open topic of conversation. One thing I knew for sure was that I wanted this boy and I so wanted him to want me.

I did not know at the time if A. wanted sex with me or with anyone else for that matter. It was best not to ask around or risk being labelled a queer or a tart. If boys wanted sex with you, they would gather like bees round a honey pot. That had its upside. It also meant, unfortunately, you would probably never be taken seriously in any other way.

All the boys who secretly desired you but did not have the courage to follow through would be the most disapproving and censorious while those who wanted you would find a way to persuade you.

You never quite knew for sure how gorgeous a boy’s cock would turn out to be until you saw it fully erect and engorged, whatever you imagined beforehand.

A’s cock was a gift, pure and simple. Long after we left school I had a fantasy of living with him, locking in a 69 or taking turns to fuck each other when I came home from outside. Believe it or not, I fantasised about marrying him somehow. Yet we were only two seventeen-year-old boys!

I only had to see him without clothes in the changing room and my cock would inevitably develop a rapid rhythmical, erection, my blood flooding my aching cock in a torrent, surging in time with my heartbeats, stirring and aching my balls, just like I feel today, think back to those times.

The desire I had for A. still stirs me so deeply so long after.

After many years since of sex with beautiful and very sexy women, I realise now there is nothing that truly compares with the passion that one male can have for another and the excitement that craving gay sex and a boy’s body had for me.

Even today it is the summit of sex for me, the Everest of desire.

I think my blood was completely soaked in sex hormones sometimes.

I had to hide my erotic responses to A. though until I was sure of my ground. To risk an approach and to risk rejection was to risk being “outed.” You had to know for pretty much for certain that you both wanted sex with each other for it to be a deal.

One afternoon after sports four of us boys shared the bathroom and lay in the hot tubs of soapy water relaxing for what seemed like hours, occasionally stirring to pour in more hot water as the bath water cooled.

Two of the boys eventually came out of the bath, dried and left the room.

A. and I were diagonally opposite each other in the bathroom.

The window high up on the wall was closed so the room was steamy and hot, rather like a sauna.

A. didn’t say anything at all.

Then without any explanation or warning he turned over in the bath and swung his gorgeous leg up over the side of the bath until he was lying on the side of the bath straddling the lip, his leg dangling down and exposing his exquisite ass to me, pale and steaming in the half-light of the late afternoon.

He still didn’t say anything but somehow radiated longing.

I gasped inwardly, shocked with delight, my cock rapid in its tumescent response. Alarmed, I hid my cock between my legs and hoped it would go down.

A. just stayed there, as if he knew exactly and provocatively the effect he was having on me and was going to wait until I did what he wanted me to do.

If I had behaved differently and if I had had the courage to do so I would have got out the bath licked his hot hole, soaped him and fucked him there on the edge of the bath, filled his gorgeous ass with every drop of cum in my young balls and it would undoubtedly have been the biggest thrill of my life.

As it was, somehow I didn’t find my courage and shortly after, hiding myself with my towel, left the room, leaving him languishing on the side of the bath.

But he had shown me what he wanted from me and it was not long before he got something from me, about a week as I remember.

Sometime after the lights had finally gone out in our dorm I looked over to his bed and saw that he was no longer there. I was curious as I had not seen or heard him leave.

I silently left the dorm myself and carefully went down in my pyjamas to the study we shared with two other boys. There was A. in his chair in the corner by his desk, his desk lamp on, his hands propping up both sides of his head gazing at a page but without reading or registering what he was seeing, so it appeared to me.

I sat there reading a book for some time without speaking growing gradually more restless and longing for him to say or do something. In the end, I just said to him, “Shall I turn the light off?”

He did it for me without much pause. The only light in the room was that of the moon. In the moonlight, I could just about make him out as he stripped naked in front of me revealing that most beautiful cock in all its glorious erection and its faint aroma seemed to caress my nostrils.

Straight away he pulled the curtain, almost, but not quite obscuring the moonlight …

We were pitched into the very faintly illuminated dark together.

The next thing I knew I could feel his hands on me motioning me to kneel and the next think I knew his divine cock was slipping past my moist lips which I had been licking in my nervousness into the cavity of my mouth.

I was stunned, both awestruck and in the grip of indescribable happy, relieved sensations. I had never known such joy and pleasure in doing anyone a service as I did then.

The taste the smell the touch and the sound of my sucking his perfect cock more than made up for what I could not see in the pitch dark.

I sucked his cock with skill and passion alternately taking his cock out of my mouth and stroking it until one time when his cock was out of my mouth he came suddenly in spurts which I felt here and there on my skin (I was also naked needless to say).

I loved his cum on my skin and it felt that a rite of passage had been passed. I could smell the strong, sharp, mushroomy fragrance of his spunk on his cock. What else could I want?

His smell made to arise in me such a profound sensation of love from deep within my balls and it seemed to want to burst out free of all restraint. As if reading my mind he quickly latched onto my stiff cock and within a minute, he had sucked my cock to the point of explosion and beyond.

I abandoned myself to a most intense and unselfconscious orgasm which I unleashed into his mouth. I felt as if I were being sucked into a whirlpool of intimate passion and devotion to a glorious epiphany of male sexuality with which nothing could compare.

My satisfaction left me without words and he quietly left without a word. I pulled back the curtain to look up at the moon, serene and indifferent to my gaze. I followed a few minutes later back to the dorm to the quiet sleeping figures. It felt crazy somehow. I felt so alive but soon, against my expectations, though feeling so deeply stirred, somehow fell asleep.

Published 9 years ago

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