Purity Comes To Visit! (Part 4 of the Retirement Village series)

"Matters get complicated when a daughter joins us."

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After I got back from St. Lucia, the time just went by in a whirl. Twice a week, Marilyn spent the night with me and Marcia also visited another night and also at the weekend. I felt great, though at times lacking a bit of sleep, but it was worth it.

The Saturday before Christmas, I drove Marcia to Gatwick to meet Purity from her flight that was due to arrive early in the morning. We got there at about eight am just before the Virgin flight landed. Marcia was wound up tight, like a spring, anticipating seeing her daughter for the first time in two years.

We waited in the café, drinking a strong coffee, and waited. Finally at 9:20, Marcia jumped to her feet and ran over to where Purity had suddenly appeared. I stood back to let them embrace and make their greetings. A few minutes later, they realised I was standing a few yards away, and Purity let go of her mother and fell into my arms. Her greeting kiss was anything than brief, which was lovely, but I did just wonder what Marcia would make of it.

She broke in and said we had to go. So we did, and the two of them didn’t stop talking all the way back. I dropped them off at Marcia’s apartment, said I would see them later on, and left them to it.

The next day, I met Marilyn in the local shop, and recounted my chauffeuring of Marcia and Purity, and she said that she hadn’t heard from them either. Marcia wanted to meet Purity, and my gentle probing elicited the fact that she knew nothing of Purity and me in St. Lucia. I decided to tell all, as secrets of that kind, in my experience, only led to problems.

I recounted how I had enjoyed the attentions of someone that I thought was a chamber maid, only to be told who she was. Then, how we had spent time together and that I had had the privilege of introducing her to the joys of anal sex. She listened quietly and, putting her hand on my knee, told me that Purity could not have had a better teacher.

I said to her that if we were not going to see Marcia and Purity, then I could think of nothing nicer than to make love to her. She squeezed my hand, and we walked hand in hand to her apartment. We were old lovers, so there was no sense of haste.

I love to make Marilyn cum on my tongue. She has rather puffy pussy lips, with the inner lips pushing out between then, which makes for a lovely sensation as my tongue moves slowly up and down and inside. She lay back and her moans were an encouragement as I continued my oral attack. In just a few minutes, her moans changed to more guttural gasps and her body tensed and then went into spasm. My face was covered in her juices, and my hand covered. She’s a squirter, in case I haven’t mentioned this before.

Kissing my wet face, she asked how I would like it to be. I told her that was up to her, and she scooted down the bed, kneeling between my legs stroked my cock which was pointing straight up at the ceiling. She collected some of her own juices in her hand and spread them over my cock, before starting to give me a slow hand-job. Oh, that felt good, and even better when she massaged my balls with her other hand. Soon enough some of my precum oozed out and, seeing this, Marcia bent down to lick it up. She grinned, looking like the cat that had got the cream, and I suppose she had!

She sucked me expertly and it felt fantastic. I wanted the feeling to last but she had other ideas – a finger in my ass had hit the spot and made me forget all thoughts of holding back, ending in an orgasm that seemed to go on for ages as pulse after pulse of my sticky semen spurted into her waiting mouth.

I briefly sucked at her pussy once more and captured more of her juices in my mouth. Then, we kissed, mixing our fluids and enjoying the sensation and taste.

We had been dozing when the phone rang. Marilyn groaned and sleepily asked me to answer it. I did, and it was Marcia!

“Oh, it’s you!” she said, rather grumpily I thought.

“Is she there? And awake?”

I handed the phone to Marilyn, mouthing to her that it was Marcia.

They talked for a while, or rather Marcia did, with Marilyn making the odd comment but contributing nothing much to the conversation. Eventually, she said goodbye and put the phone down.

“Hmmm…she didn’t seem very happy,” Marilyn said. “Not sure what’s going on but, at first, I thought she might be a bit off because you were here. But it’s not that. I think something isn’t quite right between her and Purity.” 

“Anyway, we all invited to dinner tonight, so we’ll find out.”

I arrived at Marcia’s apartment just after seven pm, with flowers and a bottle of wine. Marcia appeared, looking as tasty as ever, a rather low cut top showing off her full breasts to advantage. She kissed me as we greeted each other, a normal welcome kiss, and thanked me for the flowers. Inside was Purity, dressed exactly the same as her mother, the low cut dress exposing her breasts.

“Wow!” I said, “you make quite a pair, or should I make that two pairs?”

“Oh stop it,” said Purity, “we thought that you’d like it. Mother and Daughter, just the same. Could you tell us apart?”

“Oh maybe,” I joked, “but I’d have to examine you each more thoroughly to be sure.” 

This interchange set the tone for the evening and when Marilyn arrived, we chatted, I opened a bottle of wine, and it was like we were all old friends, which indeed we were. I felt somehow, that something had changed, though, and I wasn’t at all sure what it was.

By the time we had finished dinner, and a couple of bottles more of wine had been drunk, the atmosphere was getting to be more relaxed, so I decided to try to find out what the problem was.

“Marcia,” I started, “I think there’s something bothering you and I’d like to know what it is and help, if possible.” 

She seemed surprised I had stated this so baldly, and shot a glance or two at Purity, and then looked back to me, and somewhat hesitantly started to explain.

“Well, it’s you! I know it was I who set Purity on you in St. Lucia, but now she’s here I don’t know quite how we all will be. Purity and I talked about it earlier, and she told me that she wanted to fuck you as soon as she could. I think she wants you all to herself while she is here, and that’s not what I want.”

“No, certainly not,” broke in Marilyn. “I’m not giving you up for Christmas, no way, not to anyone.” 

“Hey,” said Purity, “I want my share too!”

Somehow, I had thought that this might be the problem.

“Okay, I could just tell the three of you to sort it out yourselves, but I have a major part in this, I don’t want any fighting” I started.

“So what I propose is that I will call you, as and when I want you, in any combination that I decide upon. Then you can all blame me if things don’t work out, and you can remain friends.”

They looked at each other. Marcia smiled and said that would be fine with her. Marilyn was next to throw her lot in. Purity was quiet, and I looked straight at her and she raised her head to look back. I gave her the slightest of winks, and she nodded and told the others that she was fine with this.

“So all is settled. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company for the rest of the evening, and then we’ll go home.”

And that’s what we did. I decided to leave first, kissing Marilyn with passion, kissing Marcia with equal passion, and kissing Purity with passion and an extra squeeze of her bottom, which I hoped was unseen by the others.

I left and walked back to my apartment, musing on the competitiveness of these three women.

The next morning rang Marcia’s number. Purity answered, so that was fine as it was she that I wanted to talk with, and we arranged to meet that evening for a meal.

When Purity walked into the restaurant I had chosen, she was simply stunning! She wore a black sequined dress, which fitted her like a glove. All eyes were on her as she walked to greet. We talked, ordered our meal, and talked more, mostly about how she had been since I had left. She told me that she had not been able to forget me and that despite our age difference, she wanted as much of me as she could get.

We finished our meal and went back to my apartment. Purity went straight into the bedroom, stripping off and jumping into bed. I dropped my clothes as fast as I could and joined her. She was in my arms in no time, and kissing me passionately. Her hand slid down to grasp me, and to stroke me, not that I needed much to complete my erection, but it was nice anyway. I caressed her breasts, and started to stroke her back, down to her bottom, grasping the round globe of a cheek and squeezing it hard.

“Ouch!” she gasped, “that was unexpected, but nice, as I am just so horny for you. Feel me, I’m so wet.”

I did and smiled as her juices dripped onto my hand. I rubbed them back over her vulva and, enjoying the feeling, she lay back with her knees raised and legs apart. I continued to massage her juices into her vulva and encouraged by the way she raised her hips, over her perineum and onto her asshole.

“Oh yes, that feels good,” she murmured, “I wanted this ever since you left, and when I saw you at the airport, I almost came right there and then.”

I stroked more of her juices onto her ass and slowly inserted one finger and then a second as she relaxed and finger fucked her ass for a while.

“Oh yesss…..good….fucking good…..deeper…..”

It wasn’t long before I was finger fucking her asshole well down below my knuckles, and each time they pushed in, she moaned deep in her throat.

I pulled her to her knees, and slid my cock between her legs, getting it all slippery and wet from her juices before replacing my fingers with it. She was so hot there, hotter than ever it seemed. We fucked for a long time, the longest I can remember being in anyone’s backdoor. She was delicious, enjoying what we were doing as much as I was, and slowly but surely getting towards the point of no return. I remember telling her that there was nothing like a true anal orgasm, and I hoped that this was what was approaching now. Something clearly was as she was out of her mind, squeezing me almost to the point of pain.

The she tensed, and spasmed, gripping me so tight and she screamed. Loud and guttural, a roar that started somewhere deep in her lungs and emerging like a wild animal had been released. Her grip tightened just as I was driving down into her and I let myself go as well, spewing my sperm into her anal passage. We collapsed, exhausted, and with me still in her ass, I think we both fell asleep.

I briefly woke and we were still entwined, though there was no way I was ready for anything else, and she was sleeping soundly, so I dozed for the next couple of hours until the morning light peeped through the curtains.

Lying there with such a wonderful lover beside me, I thought that this was just perfect. But then I remembered that I had to call Marcia and arrange a time for us to get together. My perfect just got a whole lot more perfect!

Two days later, it was Marcia’s time, and we met in a favourite restaurant of mine down by the sea shore. By tacit agreement, we didn’t mention Purity but talked about the coming festive season and many other things. As we walked out to the waiting taxi, I asked if it was okay to come back to my apartment.

“Sure, sweety,” she said, “I’m not missing out on my favourite fuck buddy”

“Good” I replied and gave the driver my address.

Once inside, there was no hesitation, she knew where to go, and walked straight into the bedroom. I called out and asked if she wanted a drink, and she told me to get her champagne. When I walked into my bedroom with the two glasses and the chilled bottle in my hands, she was stretched out on my bed, with nothing but a smile on. I put the fizz own and stripped off, and sat on the side of the bed, pouring a glass each. I toasted her, and we drank. Then we kissed, a long lingering kiss, and when we broke, I poured a little of the fizz into her belly button. Inevitably it overflowed and made its way down to her pussy. Kissing and drinking, I made love to her pussy, as she lay back and took everything I could give her, which was enough to make her cum loudly. Then with no more said, I slid up her wet body and slid inside her and we fucked long and hard before somewhat to her surprise, we came together.

“That was great, Marcia,” I whispered into her ear, “you felt so good, and it ended so well, for both of us.”

“Mmmmm….you are just so good for me,” she whispered back as she lay in my arms.

Later, we made love again, slower this time, and though we didn’t manage to time our climaxes as well, but it didn’t matter, we both felt it was good.

I then called Purity once more, and she spent the next night with me, all night and well into the morning. We talked about what we were going to do at Christmas, and she reminded me that it had better be good as she was leaving on Boxing Day.

I had an idea, which I suggested to her, and though she took a little persuading she agreed. I then called Marilyn and put the same suggestion to her, and she was okay as well. Finally, I got Marcia on her own and talked her into agreeing as well.

Now to put my plans into action.

To be continued…

Published 9 years ago

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