Is it on the screen in front of you
Is it in the stories you read
Is it in the way you see someone dress
Or how they behave, or even misbehave
We all know where sex is
It’s not down there
It’s up here.
Down there is just…the mortality of sex
It’s where you feel the sex
Squeeze the sex
Lick and suck the sex
It’s not where the sex is…
These words are not sex
Neither are they erotic or horny
Erotic and horny are somewhere else.
Where is that somewhere else?
Well, you know where it is,
It’s well above your sexual toys
Your prick, your pussy or your breasts
Those are just tools of the trade…
No, everything you experience
It’s in here… Where I’m pointing to, in here.
Have another think about what sex is
How do you interpret sex?
How do you feel when your tools
Are touched, licked or excited?
It’s how you think
How you behave
It’s up here, that tells you secretely
How naughty you will be.
It’s like a switch in your head
It’s off, then something flicks it, on
You squirm because your mind tells you to
You sigh, moan and groan to let-them-know
But in here, that’s where the
Eroticism lies
That’s who controls you
Not down there!
Up here is where all the screaming is
The anticipation and pleasure is up here
Your words are nothing but a channel
To let them know what is going on, inside
It’s in here that tells your body to react
Pushes it forwards, faster and faster
It’s in here that instructs you…
Tells you what to do.
It’s in here that stops you when it’s wrong
It’s also what prods you and pushes you further
When you’re unsure, afraid, hesitant
It’s in here that makes you want to try
New ideas, new ways, new things
It’s in here that tells you
You’re sexy, wanted, admired, loved
In here is what makes you…you!
Tell me now, what is Sex?
Or Eroticism? or Lust?
They’re just expressions
Of two minds…colliding
Each mind screaming,
Sexual emotions, pent up inside
Forcing themselves out,
As unheard words
One need, urging the next need
Forwards and outwards
Minds that find themselves
Bound together in ecstacy
Minds intricately linked with
Emotional rope or silk
Sex is…
When two minds merge!
Forget your body
Forget your toys
Forget your mortal feelings
Let your mind Scream!
With the pleasure or the pain
Forget the words that cannot be used
To explain
What you really mean.