The Best Dance

"Her dancing entranced him, leading to a dance of another kind"

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Mandy moved with grace about the stage, her slim body moving in perfect sync with the music. The song was a powerful ballad about lost love and remembered passion. The dancer was perfectly in tune with the music and the story it told; the movements of her body capturing every nuance of the music and lyrics.

I sat spellbound, unable to take my eyes from the sight of my friend’s twin sister. Seeing Mandy in action almost hypnotized me, stirring up feelings that I dared not express to her or to her brother Will. Fantasies flashed through my mind of that lithe body moving against me as we engaged in long, passionate kisses. Suddenly, I realized that I had sprouted an erection. I quickly tried to bury those thoughts, afraid someone might notice the swelling bulge in my pants.

After the performance, which was part of a cabaret night at the high school where Mandy, Will, and I were all seniors, I joined the rest of the audience and the performers in the cafeteria for a reception. Desserts and snacks provided by the parents’ association were on offer along with coffee and tea.

I had just picked up one of my mother’s lemon squares when I saw Mandy approaching with a big grin on her face. She had showered and changed from her dance leotard into a pink dress. It was fairly modest save for the very short skirt that showed off her dancer’s legs. Those legs were, truth be told, one of her best physical features.

“Congrats, Mandy,” I said as she reached me, “You were wonderful. Stunning, even.”

“Was I really that good?” she asked excitedly, “I felt great but I’m never sure if how I feel matches how others see it.”

“Everyone around me was buzzing about it while they set up for the next performer,” I answered, “I think you nailed it.”

“Where’s Will and Mom?”

“Over talking to Mr. Garrett, I think. He’s probably gushing over you again. I think he has a bit of a crush,” I said with a nod towards the head of the music department. The irony of me commenting on someone else’s crush on Mandy was not lost on me.

Mandy laughed, a bright sound that could cheer me up no matter how bad my mood.

“Probably. I don’t think I’m the only one, though. He can’t keep his eyes off Linda either.”

“Few guys can,” I cracked, glancing over at the rather busty young lady in question.

After another laugh, Mandy turned and headed towards her mother. As she walked away, my eyes feasted on the tight, shapely little ass wiggling under her skirt.

“Fuck, she’s hot, Luke,” said my classmate Benny from nearby.

“Amen. Whoever gets her is in for a treat,” I responded with a sigh, wondering if there was even a ghost of a chance that it would be me.

That night, I dreamt about Mandy dancing for me alone, an audience of one, in the school auditorium. She moved gracefully about the stage to the same song as at the show. In the dream dance, though, Mandy was naked and I had my pants unzipped with my cock standing out at attention as I watched. The music ended and Mandy came down to the floor. I rose to meet her and we kissed, her hand stroking my cock as our tongues met.

“Take me, Luke,” she whispered, “I want to do the dance of love with you.”

With that we got up on the stage together. I lay on my back and Mandy mounted me, sliding down on to my erect dick. She let out a soft moan, then began riding me.

“Oh fuck, that is good,” I moaned to my dark empty bedroom as I awoke in the midst of an orgasm, my pyjamas quickly becoming soaked in cum.

The next day was a Saturday and, as often happened, I ended up at Will’s place playing games with him and some other buddies. Mandy was out shopping or something with her friends, which was normal. However, I found myself hoping she would be home before I had to leave. Even a glimpse of the beautiful dancer would be a treat, though I was afraid I would blush if thoughts of the dream came to mind when I saw her.

Towards dinner time, Mandy came in with a couple shopping bags and a smile on her face. Mandy smiling was ten times prettier than Mandy with any other expression. Her hair was shorter and in a new style. Obviously, she had enjoyed a busy afternoon.

“Hi guys,” she said to Will and I. The rest of the gang had already left, leaving my best friend and me to pack up.

“Hey, Mandy,” I answered, managing to not stare as a memory from my dream flashed through my mind.

“Mom won’t be home until late,” Will said to his sister, “Said to just order in pizza for ourselves.”

“Cool. Want to join us, Luke?” she asked.

Her brother’s eyebrow shot up in surprise, but he said nothing and shrugged.

“I think it’s okay. Mom’s just having leftovers tonight,” I responded, trying not to sound too excited. However, I was already contemplating the joys of being around Mandy for the whole evening.

A quick call home confirmed that I was okay to stay, and then we ordered up a couple pizzas; one vegetarian and one with some pepperoni and sausage.

“Want a beer with those pizzas, boys?” Mandy asked with a sly smile.

“Um … we’re only eighteen,” Will pointed out.

“Doesn’t mean I don’t have any. Porter is nineteen and picked up a case for me. I keep it stashed away. Same brand as Mom so we can drink her cold ones and then I’ll replace them with mine.”

Will shook his head and I laughed. Mandy wasn’t just a great dancer. She had some smarts, too.

With pizza and beer in hand, we settled down in front of their big screen TV to enjoy our dinner. There was a hockey game on but we didn’t pay much attention, instead gabbing about this and that. Of course, my attention was mostly on Mandy, enjoying the sight of her in jeans and a sweatshirt as much as I did when she wore leotards.

The phone rang around the end of the second period, by which point we were getting more into the game. Will got up and went out to get it. Mandy stretched and yawned.

“Hope you don’t mind if I strip down a bit. It’s getting warm in here,” she said with a wink as she grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt.

Slowly Mandy pulled it up over her head. Underneath, she wore a white, cotton tank. Static with the sweatshirt lifted that undergarment with it, flashing me a taut belly and, briefly, the lower curve of her small, firm tits. Then Mandy pulled the sweater completely off and the tank fell back into place. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra, which was fairly common for her.

“Better?” I asked, still marvelling at how close I had come to seeing my crush’s breasts.


Will returned with a scowl on his face.

“Mom’s old beater is fucked up again. She’s going to crash at Logan’s.”

“Like she needs an excuse to spend the night with her boyfriend,” his sister responded snidely, “And she could easily afford to replace that piece of shit car now that she’s been promoted.”

Will chuckled.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” he said in a mockery of his mother’s voice, “He’s just the guy I fuck when I’m lonely.”

Mandy giggled and shook her head.

“Anyhow, I’m headin’ up for bed,” Will said, “I think the beer gave me a headache or something.”

“Fuck, how’ll you ever handle college if you can’t hold your beer, little bro? You only had two,” his sister said with a laugh.

“Fuck off, sis. Good night, Luke,” he said, heading upstairs, “Don’t hang around Mandy too long. You’ll turn into a skinny little bitch like her.”

I knew that the twins were actually quite close to each other and that the swearing and insults were a bit of a game with them. When their Dad died, Mandy had been the stronger of the two and had pretty much kept her brother alive and sane for a few months after. That’s about the time my crush on her began. Seeing the emotional strength that she possessed was probably attractive to me in some way.

“So, it’s just you and me, now,” Mandy said, “Or are you going to take off, too.”

I shrugged. While I probably should have gone home, I didn’t really feel like it. It was not very often that I got time alone with Mandy.

“Should at least stick around until the end of the game, I guess.”

“Good,” Mandy answered, a smile lighting up her face again.

To my surprise, and secret delight, she nestled over closer to me on the couch we were sharing. It felt nice to have Mandy close to me and a light, flowery scent, probably her soap or shampoo, wafted over me.

We didn’t watch long before Mandy flipped the TV to a music channel and turned around to face me. Her deep green eyes locked with mine.

“You like me, don’t you, Luke?” my friend’s sister asked quietly, “A lot?”

I swallowed hard, not sure where this was leading.

“I do, Mandy. I’ve been … kind of in love with you for a while, I guess. How long have you known?”

“For a while, too. It shows in the way you treat me and look at me. I’m very fond of you, too, Luke. You’ve been a great friend to Will and me. I sometimes dream about you.”

“Dream about me?”

She nodded.

“About walking along the river holding your hand. About kissing you. About …,” Mandy’s voice trailed off to a sigh, seemingly unwilling to fill in that blank.

“Me, too. They’re sometimes very … sexy dreams,” I stammered out.

Mandy smiled and nodded.

“For me, too. You’ve never had a girlfriend, have you?”

“Not yet. Probably being interested in you is a distraction. You’ve dated, right?”

“Dated and made it to first base. The last time I made out with a guy, though, I kept imagining it was you.”

She had moved closer as we talked. As her last words echoed in my mind, her lips touched my cheek first, then my lips. We held the kiss for just a few seconds, then Mandy eased back and smiled.

“Your first?” she asked, her fingers toying with my hair.

“My first,” I answered quietly. I reached out to stroke her cheek, then her soft brown hair.

We kissed again, still just lips on lips. I enjoyed the sensation and let it linger longer and longer each time. The first time her tongue slid in to meet mine, I practically jumped. We moved closer together as our first French kiss dragged out, stroking each other’s faces and hair as our tongues moved over each other.

A stirring in my pants made me realize that making out with Mandy was arousing me something fierce. An urge to touch her body, to lift her top and bare her breasts to my fingers, fought my worry that she might not want to move that quickly.

Then a noise from upstairs startled us both, breaking the moment and sparing me the decision. We both looked up, then at each other. Mandy broke out laughing first, then me.

“What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?” she asked, “I know a place where we can have privacy and more time together.”

“Nothing really. My parents are doing some church thing and, for once, aren’t dragging me along. Will’s ref’ing a kids’ soccer tournament all day. So I’m free. What do you want to do?”

“Dance for you,” she said quietly.

We kissed one more time and then I left, my mind reeling with the thought of what might be in store.

The next day, I walked up to the condo complex where Mandy had told me to meet her. I was a bundle of nerves, unsure of what was coming and excited by fantasies about what my friend’s sister might have in store. She buzzed me in and I moved briskly to the elevator, glancing around to see who saw me arriving. Would anyone know or care why I was there?

Mandy opened the door to greet me when I knocked. Her body was wrapped in a long bathrobe. As she smiled and beckoned me in, I wondered what that robe was hiding.

“Come on, I’m eager to show you my new dance routine,” she said brightly. Mandy seemed to be in a similar state of nervous excitement to me.

She took my hand and led me to one of the rooms. It was a large room clearly intended as the master bedroom. Instead, the owner had left it unfurnished save for a mirror covering most of one wall and a ballet barre. Speakers occupied the corners of the room, wired to a decent-looking stereo on the wall opposite the mirror. A comfy looking armchair nestled in one corner but was the only real furniture in the room. The owner of the condo had obviously turned the room into a dance studio.

“Wow, whose place is this?” I asked after taking it all in.

“My dance instructor,” Mandy responded, “She’s away doing some performances and attending a conference and asked me to apartment sit. I’ve been using her studio to practice and work out some choreography since I have it to myself for a couple weeks”

“Cool,” I said. The realization that we had near total privacy for the afternoon raised my excitement level even higher.

“Sit down and relax,” Mandy said, “I’ve got to queue up the music.”

She walked over to the stereo and fiddled with it as I settled into the armchair. Then she straightened and turned to face me. Slowly, Mandy untied the belt of the robe and let it fall open. Underneath, she wore a sheer, loose white dress that barely reached mid-thigh. Slipping the robe completely off, she smiled. The music began. It was a sultry love ballad that was popular at the time.

Slowly, Mandy began to move to the music. The motion of her body captured not just the rhythm of the music but, in some way, the feeling; the emotional melody. I watched in fascination, realizing that her attire was sheer to the point of translucency and that her body was visible beneath when the light hit her in the right way. The beauty of Mandy in motion became more sensual, more alluring, than ever before in this private performance.

A twirl and a leap sent the loose little dress up, flashing little white bikini briefs that seemed to be her only undergarment. I could swear I had seen Mandy’s tits briefly, small and capped with pink aureoles. My excitement grew, my cock swelling with arousal in my pants.

Mandy moved in close, leaning over me briefly. Her eyes locked with mine and there was a sensual gleam in them. The low neckline of the dress slumped and this time there was no doubt; her breasts were bare underneath. She flung herself back into the dance, repeatedly flashing me glimpses of her panties and naked breasts. Part of me was scared at the thought of what might happen at the end; part of me couldn’t wait for it. My cock was half-hard and twitching in my pants.

As the song faded out, Mandy settled onto my lap. She smiled at me, then pressed her mouth to mine. The kiss was our longest and deepest yet. As we kissed, I let my hand wander up under her dress, caressing her naked torso. When my fingers brushed her hard nipple for the first time, I wondered if Mandy would stop me, but she did not. I began exploring her firm, small breasts with my fingers, the first time I had touched a woman so intimately.

“You like my tits, Luke?” she said looking down at what I was doing, “I think they’re kind of small.”

“They’re beautiful,” I answered, “I love your body, Mandy. Maybe because of the dancing. You’re so graceful it always looks beautiful in motion.”

Mandy laughed.

“Want me to take my dress off?”

“May I do it?”


Taking the shoulder straps in my hands, I slid them down her arms. As the dress slowly lowered to her waist, those lovely boobs came into full view. My heart was pounding and my cock was rock hard and twitching.

Tentatively, I leaned in and kissed the tip of one. Mandy giggled a little. Even more tentatively, I ran my tongue around the stiff tip. She gasped softly in response.

“Is that okay?” I asked.

“Yes. I play with my nipples a lot when I masturbate. I’ll bet it will feel real nice if you suck it.”

I swallowed hard and answered, “I’ll give it a try.”

I licked Mandy’s nipple again, and then closed my lips around the end of her breast and sucked in. As I sucked and licked, I could feel her hand on my head, stroking my hair and holding me gently in place.

I moved a hand down to caress Mandy’s smooth, muscular thigh. To my surprise, she took my hand in her own and guided it between her legs. My fingers ran over the smooth fabric of her briefs. The crotch was damp and I could feel the soft lips and slit beneath.

“Higher,” she hissed, “Rub me near the top.”

I did as asked.

“Yes,” Mandy moaned as I obviously hit the right spot and started massaging her there, “Yes, that’s my clit, there. Oh fuck, that feels good, Luke.”

Still sucking on her tit, I massaged her clit more firmly and vigorously. Her breath came hard and fast in ragged gasps that soon gave way to soft cries. Her panties went from damp to wet and her body shook.

“Oh fuck,” she said, “That is so fucking beautiful.”

“Did I make you cum or something?” I asked.

“God, yes. You sure did,” Mandy answered, catching her breath before kissing me.

I had never seen a girl cum for real before, just in porn. I had to agree with her own words. It was fucking beautiful.

“But now,” Mandy said after that kiss, “I want to make you cum.”

“I’m not stopping you,” I answered.

Smiling, she slithered down to the floor in front of me. Together, we got my jeans undone and slid them and my briefs down to release my erect cock.

“It’s big,” Mandy said, her eyes wide as she touched it.

“I guess. Never measured it or anything, though.”

“I’ve never seen or touched one for real before so I’m no expert either.”

Her fingers slid along my shaft, a lovely feeling. She was much gentler with it than I ever was and it actually felt terrific. Gingerly, she drew back my foreskin to expose the head.

“I’m going to kiss it, okay?” she said, her voice tense.

“Go ahead. Please do.”

She gently pressed her lips to the shaft, then to the head. It was a very different sensation than being touched with fingers. Then, as I watched with amazement, her tongue slid out and she ran it along my shaft a few times, then around the head.

“Does it taste good?” I only half-jokingly asked.

“It tastes like you, Luke, which is good. I know guys are supposed to like it when a girl sucks on their cock. Should I try?”

“Go ahead if you want,” I responded, quivering with anticipation of what it might feel like.

Mandy opened her mouth and lowered it over my head. She didn’t take me in very deep, just enough to put the head and a bit of shaft inside. Then she closed her lips around me and gently took in some air. I lay back and closed my eyes, reeling at the heavenly feeling of a mouth on my dick for the first time. She was tentative, but seemed to quickly get into a nice rhythm of sucking while teasing my head with her tongue.

“That … that is so nice,” I said softly, looking down at my lover through half-closed eyes. Then I felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm building.

“Almost there,” I warned.

Mandy didn’t let up, continuing to lavish oral attention on my stiff prick until, with a loud groan, I erupted in her mouth. She pulled back with a start, a little rivulet of cum running down her chin, then started giggling. Quickly, she took me in her hand and stroked me as I shot more and more of my cream out.

“Shit, it’s like drinking from a fucking hose. I did not expect it would come out that fast,” she said after licking the cum from her chin.

That got me giggling, too, but I quieted to watch as she licked up some of the cum that I had shot outside her mouth.


“Here, see for yourself,” she said, raising her head and French kissing me with a bead of my semen on her tongue.

After that, we started giggling again. Mandy got up and offered me her hand.

“Come on, let’s clean you up and then we can go to bed.”

I stood and, after stepping clear of my pants and underwear, took her hand. Soon, we were naked and cuddling in a soft bed under a heavy, warm comforter.

As I ran my hands over Mandy’s sleek body, marvelling at how smooth and soft her skin was. Mandy’s hands were caressing me back at the same time, gently sliding over my skin. We were looking into each other’s eyes as we snuggled and caressed each other under the sheets, occasionally kissing lightly.

“Feel good?” she whispered.

“Very,” I replied, then kissed her.

My hand slid up to her breast. I kneaded it with my fingers while rubbing the nipple with my thumb. It stiffened in response.

“Pinch it,” Mandy whispered, “I like that.”


“Yes. I do it to myself when I’m really aroused,” she responded, “Don’t be too gentle either. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

A bit nervously, I did as she asked. Taking the erect nipple between thumb and forefinger, I pinched down.

“Oo, harder, Luke,” she said with a gasp.

Swallowing hard, still afraid to hurt my lovely friend, I nonetheless pinched harder.

“Oh, yeah,” she said, “Like that. Again.”

We kissed as I pinched her nipple again. Then I slid down to bring my mouth to her breast. I sucked the stiff tip, then, using my lips as padding, bit down on it lightly.

Mandy gasped, “Oh. More.”

I repeated, sucking and biting her nipple alternately. I felt her hand on my cock, stroking it as I savoured her tit. Already half erect, it swelled to life at Mandy’s touch.

“Do you want to fuck me, Luke?” Mandy asked, “I want you to.”

Releasing her breast, I moved back up to kiss her before answering, “Yes, if it’s what you want. I’ve never done any of this before and I’m enjoying it so much.”

We kissed again, Mandy continuing to stroke me under the covers. I slid a hand between her thighs to touch the soft lips there. She was wet again like earlier, something that excited me even more. Then I got a thought.

“You’ve tasted me, but I haven’t tasted you,” I said.

“Want to?”


“Then go ahead.”

Mandy rolled on to her back and spread her legs. I got down between them, lowering my face to the wet, pink opening. Gingerly, I licked her a couple times. A tangy taste filled my mouth and, excited by it, I slid my tongue between her labia.

“Mmmm, do you like it down there? Am I as tasty as you hoped?” Mandy moaned.

“Yes, baby,” I answered, “Delicious.”

Then I went back to lapping at her pussy. Mandy began moving her hips, gently writhing as my tongue probed and tasted her intimate space. I slid it up to lap at the place where I had used my finger on her earlier in the studio.

“That feels good, Luke, but I am very ready,” she said loudly, “Please fuck me.”

I crawled up over Mandy and, with some help from her, guided my cock into place. I froze for a moment with the realization it would be the first time for both of us.

Mandy smiled comfortingly, stroked my face, and said, “Go ahead, Luke. I want this badly and I know you do, too.”

I nodded and slowly pushed my cock into her. She was tight, her wet tunnel holding my cock in a firm grip as I slid it further and further into her. A bit of resistance gave way. Mandy winced and I stopped.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Fine. I knew it might hurt a little but it’s not bad. Feels good to have you inside me. Very intimate.”

With that reassurance, I continued and soon my cock was buried deeply and snugly in the dancer’s slim body. I drew back again, then plunged in faster.

“Yes,” she moaned, her eyes half-closed, “Do it, Luke. Fuck me. I want to feel you moving inside me.”

And fuck her, I did. I drove my cock into that wet, tight hole with slow, even thrusts. It was one of the most heavenly sensations I had even felt. Mandy got into the rhythm, moving her hips to come up to meet me. Her hands were on my body, caressing me lightly.

“Oh Luke, we’re dancing,” she gasped.

Mandy was right. With the rhythm we had going, it was like a very intimate, erotic dance on the bed. I smiled at the thought, but said nothing. I was completely lost in the feeling of my body moving in and against my partner’s.

The orgasm came quickly after that. It started slow as tension gradually built in my balls and loins. I increased the rhythm and Mandy caught that and did the same. Inexorably, it hit the exploding point.

“Oh Jesus, yes!” I yelped.

My body was quaking with the wave of pleasure as my cock pumped away inside my lover. Mandy grabbed onto me and began grinding hard against my pelvis. Soft, wordless cries came from her open mouth, ending in a long, loud exclamation. The wet walls enfolding my cock were pulsing, vibrating even, with her climax.

It ended. I lay down on top of Mandy and she wrapped her arms around me. She was sobbing a little, which surprised and worried me.

“Are you okay, Mandy?” I whispered in her ear, “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, Luke,” she replied after a pause, “I’ve just never felt like that before. It’s the best dance ever.”


Music filled the dark auditorium and a single spotlight went on, following Mandy as she moved about the stage. I was near the front, watching enthralled as ever by her grace and beauty. She seemed to absorb the music and make it a part of her, moving in perfect harmony with both rhythm and melody. I was falling in love all over again as I watched.

It had been nearly fifteen years since that afternoon when Mandy and I became lovers. She went by “Amanda Grace” now and was the co-founder and principal dancer of a successful modern dance company. To me, she was still Mandy McGee, my first lover and the one I most regretted losing. We had maintained an on-off relationship for almost five years after losing our virginities, but it had finally ended. Passionate as it had been, it had been battered by conflicting ambitions and long separations due to our education and career paths.

The show ended with a standing ovation. I stood almost robotically, my mind still filled with images of Mandy in motion. Her body was still lithe and beautiful; her dancing more skilled with maturity. I wanted her again but knew it was not going to happen. As the applause faded and the performers left the stage after a final bow, I pulled my coat on to head out towards the chilly February night.

“Excuse me, sir,” said a young woman in sweats who approached me in the lobby of the theatre, “Mr. Mitchell?”

I looked her over, not sure who she was or how she knew my name. Suddenly, the face clicked. She had been on stage during the show.

“I am,” I answered, “How may I help you?”

“Come with me, please. Ms. Grace asked me to find you and bring you to her dressing room. Apparently she knows you?”

I smiled and nodded. “I was friends with Amanda and her brother back in high school.”

She smiled back and nodded towards one side of the lobby.

“This way,” she said, “Please.”

I followed her through a “Staff only” door and around through a couple hallways until we reached a door. The girl stopped and gestured.

“Go on in. She’s waiting for you,” she said brightly before walking away.

With a shrug, I opened the door. Mandy stood there smiling, her robe only loosely tied so that plenty of her smooth, pale skin was visible.

“Hello, Mandy. Nice to see you again,” I said.

I wanted to say more but didn’t get a chance. Mandy practically pounced on me. Her arms circled my neck and her mouth pressed to mine, stifling any further words. I was stunned at first and almost started resisting. Then, remembering who this was, I gave in instead. I wrapped my arms around Mandy’s slender body and held it against me as my tongue slid against hers.

Finally, I pushed Mandy back enough to get access to the tie on her robe. I pulled it to undo it, then grabbed the garment and slipped it off her shoulders. Feasting my eyes on Mandy’s nude body, I began shedding my own clothing. Mandy smiled and joined in, undoing my slacks as I shed my coat, jacket, and shirt in due course.

Soon, we were both naked and in each other’s arms again. We kissed almost frantically as I took her boobs, still small and firm as ever, in my hands and roughly massaged them. Mandy slipped a hand down to stroke my cock, then took it between her thighs and rubbed against it. I felt her wetness leaking out onto my shaft.

“Fuck me, Luke,” she said, gasping for breath, “I need your cock in me so fucking badly.”

I eyed the makeup counter and guided Mandy over to it. Lifting her up, I positioned her on the edge. Realizing what was happening, Mandy grinned and open her legs. That allowed me to move in between and slide my pole into her.

“You are still so tight, baby,” I said with delight.

“Glad you like it. Now show me how much you like it,” she hissed back at me.

I kissed her hard, then began driving my cock into her wet core with fast, firm thrusts. We kissed repeatedly and I played with her tits as we fucked. Finally, I slipped free and stepped back.

“Other way,” I said.

Smiling, Mandy got off the counter, turned, and bent over to lean on the counter for support. I moved in behind her, got a grip on her cute little ass, and rammed back into her pussy, fucking that tight, wet hole like my life depended on it. And maybe it did. I hadn’t felt this alive since that lovely afternoon when we were eighteen and taking each other’s virginity.

“Oh God, Luke,” Mandy cried out, “That is so fucking good.”

“Oh fuck, baby, it sure is,” I responded, feeling things coming to a head.

The orgasm hit me hard, my words dissolving into a loud groan. My cock pulsed inside Mandy as a powerful wave of pleasure tore through my body. I kept fucking Mandy, my body moving without conscious direction, thrusting instinctively into her.

I was barely conscious of Mandy climaxing right after me. I heard the sound, felt the grip of her pussy tighten, but was completely lost in my own orgasm and didn’t connect them to anything at first.

Then it was over. I slid out of her and stepped back. I was a bit light-headed and breathless. Mandy straightened and turned to face me with a smile on her face.

“Nice to see you again,” I said, smiling back, suddenly realizing that we had never actually exchanged pleasantries before plunging into having sex.

“You, too. It has been too fucking long,” Mandy answered, slipping into my arms for another kiss.

Snowflakes danced around us later as we walked along King Street. We had cleaned up and dressed, and then I offered to walk Mandy back to her hotel. Arm in arm, we walked along the largely empty streets.

“So how’s life been for the last few years?” Mandy asked, “I’ve heard bits and rumours from various friends but not much.”

“Since you and I broke up? I’ve finished college and been through two jobs. Love the current one. Various relationships but most of them not serious. I was married for four years but it melted down in the end and, to be honest, I don’t think either of us really belonged in that relationship. Since that ended, it’s just been short term fuck buddies and one night stands. Kind of been avoiding anything serious. I think that covers it. You?”

Mandy sighed and squeezed my arm.

“I’ve been so successful professionally but my personal life has just been a fucking mess,” she began, “You know about the dance company, obviously, and I was principal with another company before starting my own. But, God the things I did to get here. Slept with people to get parts. Slept with people to get money and support. Hell, I was the mistress of a wealthy arts patron in Montreal for almost two years just to get money to start this company. He was a good fuck, but I was never really in love with him or anything, just playing a part. My last real relationship was with my co-founder and he turned out to be sleeping with me to further his career.”

“So you’ve been on both sides of it, then,” I commented.

Mandy snorted. “Basically,” she confirmed.

“No family?”

“Never married. Got pregnant with a guy I was with just after I broke up with you and miscarried at four months,” Mandy explained sadly, “Scared and hurt me so badly that I’ve been on The Pill ever since.”

“Fuck, that’s rough. Wish I’d known before now. I’ve missed you so much and I wish I had been there for you.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m the bitch who initiated the breakup. For my career. For my fucking, goddamn, overweening ambition that’s basically cost me a chunk of my life,” she said vehemently, “I have a choreographer interested in buying my interest in the company. I’m thinking of selling and using the money to go to university for business or something. Anything but dance.”

“Mandy, are you serious?” I asked, a bit startled to hear this, “Dance has been your life and you’re a natural at it. Sell the company by all means, but surely you can find a place somewhere else. Maybe work as a teacher or a freelance choreographer or something.”

Mandy shook her head.

“It hurts to give it up in some ways but it has caused me so fucking much pain now, I just need to give it a rest. I may keep a few students but I don’t want to make my money dancing anymore. I’ll dance for pleasure but not for a career.”

We had reached her hotel and turned to face each other. I kissed her lightly, affectionately.

“Come up with me,” Mandy said quietly, a bit of a sob in her voice, “I don’t want to be alone.”

“Me, neither.”

We kissed, and then she led me into the hotel. In the elevator, we snuggled close and made out, to the chagrin of an older couple who got on just after us.

Once we reached Mandy’s room, I shed my coat. Walking over to the nightstand by the bed, I turned on the little radio and tuned it to my favorite evening jazz program. A nice, quiet number drifted out into the room. I turned to Mandy, who had removed her coat. Underneath, she wore a sweater and tights.

“Care to dance?” I asked, holding out a hand.

A smile spread Mandy’s lovely lips.

“I’d love to,” she said, giggling and taking my hand.

I pulled Mandy close. One hand held hers, the other I slipped around her slim waist. Taking the lead, I moved to the music carrying Mandy along with me. To my surprise, she accepted that; submitting to my rather tenuous dancing skills rather than taking over the lead herself. Drawing her close, I let our bodies touch. I felt Mandy’s hand on my hip slide around to my back, then down to my ass.

“I love you,” she said, a tear in her eye, “I want to be yours for real this time. Take me.”

“Let’s dance,” I replied, scooping her up on to the bed.

Published 9 years ago

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