Kelle Returns To Mayhem

"Kelle after a grueling 60 minutes at Mayhem Crossing, a notorious biker bar, contemplates a return."

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Kelle wasn’t fucked. Not this time. There was no lost bet. No agreement to complete. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind. It had been a few weeks since her near debauch at Mayhem Crossing, the local biker bar. She had lost a bet and ended up doing things she never imagined doing. She had paid the bet and her career with the police was solid. She was no longer a rookie cop. She was off probation. Her career path was good. It was all good. Yet. Mayhem was on her mind.

She had spent sixty long minutes in Mayhem. When she was finally escorted out by Bullet, the bouncer, she felt like she had been beat up. In the mirror the next morning, her boobs had bruises where they had been repeatedly pinched. Her nipples ached and her ass looked worse than her boobs. Yet. She had had one of the best orgasms of her life in spite of the fact it was in front of eight strangers and she was only wearing panties. The fear of that evening had been replaced. By what? Longing? A sense of emptiness? What was up with that?

Once on a whim she had driven back out to Mayhem. In the daylight, the place was empty. Apparently, everyone was sleeping it off. The bouncer, who protected her, wasn’t there but she batted her eyelashes at the bartender and found out where his day job was. What would she do with that information? Nothing for now. In a few days, she found herself seeking Bullet out. When she walked into the quick lube where he worked, his eyes lit up. After all he had seen her nearly naked. How could he forget something like that? She suggested that they meet for coffee. He suggested a local greasy spoon. So in two days, they met.

After they ordered, Bullet looked at her and smiled.

“You’re the prettiest woman I ever had a date with.”

Kelle smiled.

“This is not a date; I just want to talk.”

So they talked about that night at Mayhem and she told him in vague details about the bet. They shared some about their lives. Now it was time for Kelle to get to the reason she came. She had to say it just right. She had a kink. She knew that now. But she needed someone to be on her side if she decided to act on it.

“The odd thing about that night.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ll think I’m nuts but I kinda liked some of it.”

“It seemed like you liked a whole lot of it.”

“Can we keep this confidential?”

“Can I count on you for a cop favor if I need it?” Bullet countered.

“Listen. I’ll do whatever I can. Just don’t kill anyone.”

“Good enough. What is this confidential shit you want to tell me?”

“I’d like to do it again. It was like riding a bull; scary but exhilarating.”

“And you want to get mauled again?” Bullet eyebrows shot up as he said it.

“The excitement of not knowing what will happen next is intoxicating. But I don’t want things to spin out of control. I’m only a 130 pound woman.”

“And what do you expect me to do?”

“The same thing you did last time. Keep the situation within the boundaries.”

“For free?”

“No. I’d pay you. What do you want?”

“A blowjob should do it.”

Kelle groaned.

“Bullet. I have a strict no fucking rule. You know that. That’s why I need you.”

So they talked money instead. Eventually they agreed on an amount. To make sure Bullet would keep things in order, she would pay him at her car afterwards. Then they talked limits. No fucking, no blowjobs, no hand jobs. Everything else was on the table. Then they talked safe words. Before she left, they agreed on a date and time. Next Thursday at 11. Mayhem should be busy but not overly full.

After her shift on Thursday Kelle went home and started to get ready. She bathed. She shaved her legs and her pussy. She painted her nails. Then she inspected herself in the mirror. Again there were those long legs. And her tummy was fairly flat from all the physical activity in her job. Her boobs? Her boobs were definitely nice but not spectacular.

She chose a short skirt and a low cut ribbed top. This time she went with a thong instead of the boy shorts. She felt like feeding her kink. After trying on several bras, she put on the top without one. The boobs definitely weren’t as noticeable. She searched her closet. Eventually she found a ribbed shirt that was a little thinner and it had buttons down the front to her waist. She put it on. Kelle hesitated. The thinner fabric certainly shows her boobs off better. However, her nipples were on full display and they were too much of an invitation for mayhem. So Kelle dug through her drawers. Finally, she was able to come up with a couple of nipple petals. Now the look was right. She unbuttoned three of the five buttons and she was good to go.

Before she could chicken out, Kelle was out of her apartment and on her way Mayhem. On the trip over she felt the excitement build. By the time she got to the parking lot, her adrenalin was on full overload. Her body was thrumming. She almost skipped to the front door. It was electric inside. The music was loud and Kelle was instantly noticed. She headed to the bar but before she got there someone grabbed her elbow. Kelle turned. There was Red Dog, her tormentor from her first time at Mayhem. She looked at her watch to mark the time. Two minutes in. Fifty-eight to go.

“Hey Echo, where you been?”

Echo? Oh yeah. Kelle almost forgot. That was the lame name she used last time.

“Hey Red Dog. Where’s your gang?” She didn’t really want to know but she was stuck for conversation.

“Oh two brothers have moved on, a couple of brothers are in jail and one is in the hospital. So you have me all to your own.”


“Want to play some pool. Table’s open.”

“I’ve never played.”

“Oh I’ll teach you.”

So Red Dog and Kelle headed to the pool table. Several bikers were there standing around. Their eyes had a hungry look as saw Kelle approached.

“Hey guys. This is Echo.”

Kelle would like to say they said that they were please to meet her. But this was a biker bar. They just leered and licked their lips. Red Dog broke. After sinking three balls, he missed. He handed the pool cue to Kelle and indicated that she should shoot at the nine ball. Kelle tried to line up the cue ball.

“Let me help.”

Red Dog came up behind Kelle. He bent her over the pool table. She could feel his crotch grind against her ass. As he was grinding, he positioned Kelle’s hands on the pool cue. As he was doing it, he made sure his arms had a lot of contact with her boobs. The show didn’t go unnoticed. There was even more leering and some mumbled comments. Kelle missed. Red Dog made a couple of more shots before he missed. He handed the cue to Kelle.

“Let me show her how it’s done.” Said one of the assembled bikers.

He came forward, turned Kelle around facing the table, and started to grind her ass. Instead of helping her with her shot, he just brazenly cupped her boobs. With no bet to lose, Kelle tried to turn and squirm out of his grip. The guy just ground harder and continued squeezing and moving her boobs so vigorously that Kelle thought they would come out of her shirt. She was at once scared and excited. His ministrations hurt her tits but the ass grinding was causing her pussy to rub against the table. Her excitement started to build.

Kelle missed the shot. When it was her turn again, the pretense of the game disappeared. Another guy bent her over the pool table and just groped her boobs. He pulled her shirt down until her shoulders were bare and her boobs were all but spilling out of her top. The bikers whistled at the show and he squeezed and cupped her boobs. Kelle’s inner motor started to hum. In spite of the fact, her boobs were getting abused and she was about to pop a nipple, the adrenalin was pumping. The thrill ride was on!

He passed her onto another guy. He put his hand on her back and pushed her boobs into the table. As they smashed against the table until they were flattened out. God it hurt. Kelle could feel the back of her skirt come up. Suddenly she felt cold air on her ass. Her ass was on display. Her heart was hammering. Why had she waited so long to go to the edge again? Then she felt a hand slap her ass, hard. She yelped. Now both her boobs and her ass hurt. She was struck a second and third time. In spite of the pain, she began to felt more excited. How long would this go on? Her ass throbbed and her boobs ached but Kelle was again at the edge and the thrill was overwhelming. Then Bullet was there. He freed Kelle from the table. Kelle adjusted her top and was led to the bar. Kelle got a beer and Bullet returned to the door.

Twenty minutes in. Forty to go. And the edge was everything she remembered.

“Hey legs. What’s your name?”

Kelle turned.

The guy to her left was eyeing her appreciatively. And behind him, was Holley.

“Hi Echo. Long time.”

“Hey Holley.”

Holley moved in-between them.

“Saw you getting spanked. How was it?”


Then Kelle whispered, “But it was nice. What’s up with that?”

“I loved to get spanked especially when some guy is doing me doggy.”

Holley reached down and under Kelle’s skirt. She started rubbing her ass. Her eyebrows rose.

“Oh, are you going commando tonight?”

“No, I’ve got a thong.”

Holley moved her hand to the crack of Kelle’s ass. She started pulling on the string between Kelle’s ass cheeks tightening the patch over her pussy. Kelle started to get warm again.

“Oh I see. Let me soothe your sore ass.”

She then rubbed and gently massaged Kelle’s ass. It felt good. If they weren’t in a bar, Kelle could have relaxed into it. But they were in a bar and many of the bikers had discovered this new show.

“You here for some fun?”

Kelle nodded. “What did you have in mind?”

“You want to play Truth or Dare?”


“Have you ever fucked a biker?”

Kelle thought, an easy one.

“No and not in this lifetime, or at least, the foreseeable future.”

“Your turn.”

“How many bikers have you fucked?”

Holley looked thoughtful.

“I would say about thirty bikers and about fifteen biker chicks.”

“You’ve fuck women?”

“I almost fucked you didn’t I?” Referring to Kelle’s first time at Mayhems.

“Almost being the operative word.”

“I dare you to unbutton your top.”

“But I’m not wearing a bra. Something might spill and by something I’m talking about my boobs.”

Reluctantly Kelle unbuttoned all the buttons on her shirt. Fortunately for now her boobs stayed put.

“What is it with you? I don’t even see a hint of nipples.”

“Nipple petals.”


Holley reached inside of Kelle’s shirt and felt her tit. She caressed the nipple area and found it to be completely flat.

“That is so sick.”

Before she knew it, Holley grabbed the edge of the nipple patch and pulled it off. Ouch. It hurt like tearing off a bandage. Kelle looked down and saw that Holley was holding the nipple petal in her hand. Her left boob throbbed. She looked and slowly her nipple was getting hard. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Now what? Then Holley reached in and pulled the other patch off the right boob. Now she was standing in a biker bar with her shirt unbuttoned, her boobs about to spill and both nipples standing at attention.

“You two look like you could use some company.”

It was Red Dog. Again.

Kelle checked the time. Thirty minutes to go.

Kelle said, “Later maybe. We’re busy.”

“Doing what?”

“Playing a game.”

“I love games.”

Holley jumped in. “Okay I guess you can play.”

Kelle groaned. But again this could get exciting, and dangerous.

They headed for a quiet corner. A quiet dark corner.

Holley smiled. “You first Red Dog.”

Looking at Kelle, he said, “I dare you to kiss Holley.”

Kelle smiled, leaned in and kissed Holley, lightly at first then deeper until her tongue was buried in Holley’s mouth. Their tongues were exploring each other’s mouth. Kelle thought she should step up her game. She reached around and grabbed Holley’s denim covered ass. It was hard, tight. Wow, she wished her ass was that tight. Holley returned the favor grabbing Kelle’s ass under her skirt. In a minute or so, they broke off the kiss. Red Dog was smiling.

Holley looked at Kelle. “I dare you to show us your boobs.”

Kelle smiled. Heart pumping she pulled down the sides of her shirt. Pretty soon her left boob popped out followed by her right boob. Red Dog hooted. Kelle started to put them away but Holley stopped her.

“Let’s keep them out. I like looking at them. Your turn Kelle.”

Here she was, in a biker bar, wearing a thong, a skirt that by now barely covered her ass and now she had her tits out and guys were really staring at the show. This was getting a little dangerous. Her heart started jack hammering. Kelle was again at the edge.

Twenty minutes to go. She looked at Holley.

“I dare you to take your tits out.”

This was going to be a chore. Holley was wearing a tight t and a bra. But she just smiled and tugging on the bottom of her t pulled both it and her bra up till both her tits popped out. They were nice. Larger than Kelle’s and they hung their like ripe fruit. The room really got interested in the two partially naked women.

Red Dog said, “I dare you both to stand with you hands on your necks.”

Kelle and Holley raised their arms and placed their hands behind their necks. Their boobs were really out there now!

Holley said, “I dare you to kiss her tits!”

Red Dog bent over and started to suckle Kelle’s tits. Her hard nipples started to ache and a warm feeling spread into Kelle’s core. Her heart pounding, she was getting very warm. She was at the edge and was in danger of going over. Kelle wondered what now.

Red Dog said, “Let’s take this to the back room again.”

Kelle hesitated, “Only if Bullet is there.”

Fifteen minutes to go.

Once there, Bullet stood watch as the room filled up with bikers.

Red Dog said, “My turn.”

Kelle and Holley looked at him expectedly.

“I dare you to get naked!”

Kelle looked at Holley.

“I think he means you dear!”

Oh boy, the edge never felt like this. Naked in front of a room full of bikers. First, Kelle reached under her skirt and pulled her thong down and off. She then threw it to Red Dog who sniffed it. Kelle then lifted her top up and off. Casually she tossed it on the pool table. Now the skirt. Kelle was trying to catch her breath. She was close to hyperventilating when she took off her skirt. A terrific roar filled the room. Kelle was embarrassed and proud. It was getting harder and harder to draw breath.

Fifty minutes gone. Ten to go.

“Kelle, I dare you to let Holley do anything she wants to you.”

Kelle swallowed. Hard. She looked at Holley. Holley gave her a reassuring smile. Kelle had fooled around a little with girls back when she was young and she had liked Holley’s kisses and touches but she was still confused about her feelings. Reluctantly she nodded assent to Holley.

Holley approached her. She held her face in her hands. She…

Published 9 years ago

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