Even after those dark days
Back to our life fairy-tale
In bad times, I did pray
We’re both in a better place
Love is back and here to stay
We now always touch base
We can talk and have lots to say
Laughter fills our rooms
I feel I have my friend back
No more sadness or gloom
Our love is back on track
Seventeen years this September
I’ve loved you each and every day
We met one night in November
Near the jukebox in the archway
I love being your wife
I enjoy our little family
We have an amazing life
This is our reality
I love what we have here
The love for each other
No more sad tears
We’re each other’s lover
Our life is happier now
We weathered the storms
We’re bound by our wedding vows
Back to feeling fuzzy and warm
I’ll always be your soul mate
We’ll be together forever
This is our fate
This is our life endeavor