One who wants an elderly man in a bedroom kind of way?
I do not wish for fidelity, in fact the opposite is true,
Are there women over sixty who have my point of view?
Oh, to have a woman my age, as promiscuous as can be,
One who loves the menfolk with velocity.
I would share her with other men of like-minded views,
And she would have the pick of us whenever she should choose.
After all what is promiscuity but a love of sex and games?
This is nothing but a love of life and ne’er a bit of shame.
Ah, but age is the important point, I hope you will agree,
a woman must be old enough to have a history.
May-December romances are not designed for me;
I desire an ageless woman with a bit of history.
What does May offer so early in the year
when it’s October ladies whom I wish to sinfully revere?
Young ladies under forty, no matter how smart they are,
can ne‘er replace a matron’s kiss upon the boulevard.
Under a moonlit sky with memories of romance,
A woman over forty may cause a man to dance.
So bring me a promiscuous woman with her experienced repertoire,
she is the one who calls me to dance upon the boulevard.
I would share her with several men of like-minded views
and she would have the pick of us, she simply needs to choose.