Sexual Telepathy

"I was rendered completely speechless by this young beauty."

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I retired the very day I turned sixty-two, that was several months ago now. I’m lucky to have a few good buds from work that I frequently talk to, but I do miss the guys.

Yesterday a few of us met at our favorite watering hole near the office. Seated across from us were four college-age girls, one as cute as the other. But one, a natural blonde with gorgeous long hair and big boobs, she was special. Every time I glanced her way, “Damn, what a doll,” I thought.

Blondie (as I liked to call her) and I made eye contact quite a few times that night. This dirty old man conjured-up plenty of naughty-ass thoughts each time I saw her. Well, let’s just say they were tastefully obscene.

As I sat with my buds, I’d glance at Blondie’s amazing beauty and I fantasized about the sex that I’d love to have with this hot young lady. Blondie had my mind so twisted that a bit of pre-cum flowed through my cock and dampened my underwear. I so wanted to feast between her lovely legs – forever. I envisioned this young lady as having prettiest neatly trimmed blonde pussy on the planet. Funny though, I normally fantasize about big tits, but Blondie had those too. She was a ‘ten’ from head to toe.

After my buds left I took a seat at the bar. I wasn’t quite ready to call it a night, I rarely go out anymore. Blondie’s group left about the same time that my buds did. I assumed Blondie left with her group. I was wrong. After a restroom break, Blondie took the barstool next to me.

“Hi Alex,” she cheerfully said, “And by the way, my real name isn’t Blondie, it’s Carrie, but you can call me Blondie if you like, a lot of people do.”

My jaw dropped. I’d never said one word to Blondie, or should I say Carrie.

Knowing that she had me stunned, Blondie then said, “Alex, you are so right you know. My blonde pussy hair is very neatly trimmed, and very fine too.”

Again, my jaw dropped. I was rendered completely speechless by this young beauty.

“Oh, now, Alex… C’mon, it’s okay; men of all ages want to feast between my legs… Some for days, some for weeks, and months, but you, Alex, you wanted to feast forever! I liked that, ‘forever.’ Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I somehow managed to blurt out.

“Alex, for once in my life, I’m going to allow my ‘telepathic admirer’ to live-out his Blondie fantasies.”

“Wait. What, Blondie?”

“Yes. Tonight you will feast between my legs, suck and titty fuck my big boobies, and fuck my pretty blonde pussy for however long you desire. And Alex, I just live one block away.

Are you coming?”

“Wait! Blondie, I mean Carrie, how did you know?”

“Alex, I have a gift – I can read minds, but only when I make eye contact. We made eye contact more than just a few times tonight, and your naughty thoughts made my pussy wet, very wet. Want to feel?”

“Here, right here at the bar?” I sheepishly asked.

“Scoot your barstool close to mine and slip a hand under my skirt. Oh, and Alex, while I took my damp panties off in the restroom, I was hoping you didn’t leave… I just want you to know.”

My head was spinning! After Blondie and I scooted our barstools very close together, I set one of my hands on her right leg. While we stared into each other’s eyes, I crept my hand up and under her skirt until I felt the sexy slit of her pussy.

“Ohooo, Alex, you like my wet pussy, thank you… Finger me now, love, just a little, okay?”

Maintaining eye contact, Blondie spread her legs a bit, allowing my middle finger to easily slide in. Eye-to-eye, Blondie began her sexy whispers…

“Ohooo, yes, Alex, that’s it, that’s it love, fuck my pussy, fuck it, a little deeper, deeper now, deeper… Oh, oh, ohooo, yes, now fuck me, Alex, fuck my pussy, fuck it, fuck it, oh fuck Alex, your big cock is hard… Ohooo, yes, so deep, oh so deep, ohooo so deep, fuck me, fuck Blondie’s cunt… Ohooo, yes, now pump me, pump me, pump me, ohooo yes love… Ohooo, a-ha, a-ha, just like that, pump, pump, pump… Ohooo, fuck yes, love, you’re gonna make me cum, I’m gonna cum for you… Ohooo, yesss, ohooo Alex!”

With a few grunts and a few vaginal contractions, Blondie sprayed my hand with her hot sex serum until her orgasms subsided. Me, I came in my pants. Blondie knew it.

Excited beyond my wildest dream, I expressed my feelings to my sex-genie, “Blondie, you are the hottest woman in the world!” But then I thought about it, prompting me to say with a huge smile, “You already knew that, didn’t you?”

Still breathing heavy, and with a big grin on her face, Blondie replied, “You catch on fast, and thank you!”

Jim the bartender came by while my drenched finger was still planted inside of Blondie’s creamy pussy, asking if we want another beer. When he looked at Blondie, she somewhat rudely said, “Yes, we do… But Jim, that will never happen, and shame on you.”

Jim gave Blondie a strange look as he walked away to grab our drinks. I did too. Blondie then smiled at me and said, “Alex, he wants to fuck me while his wife watches, just to piss her off… That’s why I said what I said.”

“Blondie, screw the beers, let’s get out of here. I have a taste for something else.”

“I know, love, I know!”

Published 9 years ago

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