You rise up again and again.
The battleground is our deep love,
Your wounds I inflict on weak whims.
You say we’ll grow ever stronger.
You say it’s alright, I will learn,
How to trust and believe in us, love,
That a flame like this ever burns.
You’re my person, my heart, and my savior,
So why at slight chills do I quake?
I collapse into shivers and tears love,
When my ‘pricklys’ take over my faith.
Hidden land mines trigger at tiny tremors,
They explode around me as I scream, “Man Down!”
But you stagger up and run always to me,
“Hush darling, I’m okay, stand your ground.”
This process is sometimes so painful,
It pulls at me till my insides are out.
But you lend me your strength till I recover,
You stroke my hair when like a baby I pout.
This “us” is a brand-new creation,
The likes of which the world has not seen.
Part nightmare, part expectant expectation,
Part sadness, part joy, and part dream.
Though I’m learning my brave, faithful warrior,
Remember, my scars from my last war still bleed.
I forget that you’re not like the others,
So remind me you’ll fight and won’t leave.
I can’t wait till the end of our beginning,
When there aren’t shock waves to stun and to sting.
When we relax into our long-lived forever…
My Purple-hearted Soldier, my Daddykins, my King.