Casey awoke and immediately remembered the dreadful things she had to organise that day in order to fulfill her weekend missions. Somehow, she had to mentally cope with asking people for help to plan things that would mean being nude in front of them, including a new boyfriend, and they hadn’t even had their first date yet. What would he think of her shaved pussy and protruding labia? What if he gagged and ran away? She wasn’t sure how to ask Greg if he would even do it yet, or even if he would be available. They barely knew each other, but at least her secret was out in the open, already, with him, and she knew he was okay with it. More than okay, really. That was way better than having to explain all this to someone new. It suddenly occurred to her that her story might make more sense to him if she just told him she was planning to spend the whole weekend naked as part of her nudist experiment, so it all tied together. Yes, that might work.
The hardest part she knew would come after she managed to get all of this organised. She would then have to follow through with it and parade herself naked in front of her friends for extended periods of time over the weekend, not to mention hundreds of strangers in a supermarket. And she would have to do it while pretending she was confident and not in the least bit ashamed so that, hopefully, it bored her blackmailer and made him lose interest in her. Could she even do all this without passing out from the humiliation she’d actually be feeling, though, let alone not show it?
A large part of pulling it all off was to have everything well planned in advance. That started with Amelia, who she could see right away before class. She’d need to explain things to her in a way that wouldn’t freak her out. Although, she wasn’t exactly sure yet what she was going to say that might make it sound normal enough not to freak her out, or perhaps gross her out. She supposed her best chance would be if she acted excited and enthusiastic about it, even though she most definitely was not excited or enthusiastic about it. Maybe she should just tell Amelia the truth. That would mean revealing the things she’d done though, and Amelia might want to go straight to the police, so it would all go to shit and make everything she’d done for nothing. Jolene would still end up on the auction block, and all of the naked pictures and videos would be sent out. No, as awful as it was to have to lie to Amelia, she had to keep this to herself.
Greg would be the next to approach. Maybe she could text him and meet up at lunchtime? If that failed, there was always their date tonight to approach the subject. That might be cutting things a bit fine, though. Better if she can find him at lunchtime.
Once she managed that, she still had to find one more person and convince them of the same. Well, she hoped it would be just one more. If neither Amelia nor Greg could come, or if they refused, then she might have to find three more, including someone with a car who could drive her to the dreadful mission on Saturday. Well, not just drive her, but also record a video of her shopping naked in Stocksgate. Who else did she know with a car? The only person who sprang to mind was Cassandra. Asking her was just too awful to even contemplate, let alone being naked in front of her, or having her record her mission. Casey would never hear the end of it, assuming Cassandra accepted and didn’t just refuse and then tell the whole college what she had asked. Knowing Cassandra, that would be exactly what she would do.
She scratched at her pussy involuntarily, suddenly realising it was very itchy. She reached into her pyjamas and sure enough, it was stubbly. Her bush was starting to grow back already, but sadly she knew she wasn’t allowed to let that happen. She lowered her pyjama bottoms and looked at herself in the mirror. There was a dark shadow covering her pubic area and some tiny red dots here and there.
She normally showered in the locker room on campus after her morning run, but she guessed she would have to start doing it at home now. There was no way she was going to risk being seen shaving in a public bathroom or risk anyone seeing her naked pussy while she was showering for that matter. She almost laughed at that thought. Plenty of people were going to have seen it after the weekend, and she was sure there would be plenty more to come, the way things were going.
The missions that the blackmailer had given her had been completely humiliating so far, but, hopefully, the evidence of them was at least contained to him and the few people she had to involve. He definitely had her over a barrel now for sure, and she had little choice but to go along with everything he wanted for now. She hoped one day he would indeed tire of her, and she could get her old life back with pubes and underpants and no awful pictures of her floating around.
With a sigh, she headed to the shower and grabbed a can of her father’s shaving cream to take in with her. After washing everywhere and letting the room steam up, she carefully applied the foam and began shaving the stubbly area. It required several passes to get rid of the prickly feeling under her fingertips, but at last, she was satisfied. She then did the same around her back passage as best she could, then rinsed off and turned off the shower. The mirror had fogged up, and she had to wipe it with her hand to check the results of her work. With a sigh of relief, she saw that the shadow was gone, and while there were still a few red bumps, she should pass muster when the inevitable upskirt requests started coming.
She towel-dried her hair and was momentarily shocked, but also pleasantly surprised by the pretty blonde girl staring back at her in the mirror.
Yes, blonde is my colour. I actually look like a girl now rather than a tomboy jock.
Her mother was in the kitchen busy getting ready for work, so their conversation didn’t extend beyond saying good morning to each other and asking how they slept. After saying farewell, Casey grabbed her bag before heading off to Tech on her bike. She was a little later than usual, so she wouldn’t have time for a run, but she was in no mood for running today anyway.
Amelia was already in the locker room by the time Casey entered.
“Wow! Look at you!” Amelia exclaimed on seeing Casey’s new hairdo. “I was wondering where you were yesterday. It looks like you treated yourself to a stress day with some pampering?”
“Yes! Do you like it?” Casey asked.
“It’s gorgeous!” Amelia replied. “Blonde totally suits you. You’ll be beating the boys off with a stick.”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you. I got a date tonight!” Casey announced with a little happy dance and a smile.
“Really? Who is he?”
“His name’s Greg. I think he plays football and drives one of those old muscle cars. I’m not sure what it is. It’s red and has a gold emblem of some sort covering the bonnet.”
“That sounds like an old Trans Am. Yes, I think I know who you mean. Ooh, so where are you going?”
“We haven’t decided yet. We were just going to grab a burger or something. Nothing formal.”
“Has he seen your new blonde look yet?”
“No, you’re the first so far, apart from Mum and Dad,” Casey replied.
Casey suddenly had an idea about how to ask Amelia over for the Sunday luncheon. Just as she planned to do with Greg, she would also tell her about her plan to be naked for the whole weekend since her parents would be away, and also tell her what she was planning to do on Saturday with Greg. That way she could say she was experimenting with what it would be like to be nude amongst a crowd of strangers, and then with a small group of friends, to see how she felt in both situations. It was still loony, but there was definitely an element of plausibility there that she might just be able to pull off if she gave it plenty of enthusiasm. There was no one else in the locker room yet.
Okay, here goes everything…
“Amelia, my deepest and most enduring of all friends…” Casey began.
“Yes?” Amelia replied suspiciously, knowing full well that Casey was buttering her up for something.
“Are you doing anything on Sunday?”
“No, not at this stage. What did you have in mind?”
Whew! She’s available at least.
“Well, you know how the other day you helped me with my nudist experiment?” Casey continued.
“Yes, I haven’t forgotten about that yet, Casey…”
“Well, I want to take it a step further. My parents are going away for the weekend so I thought I’d see what it would feel like to be nude for an extended period of time and try to stay that way for the whole weekend, and also try to do a few things I would have to do if I actually was a nudist.”
“You’re a braver woman than I am, Casey Reine, but how can I help? What are you planning to do?”
“Okay, I want to try being nude amongst a bunch of strangers,” Casey began to explain, “and then try the same thing with a small group of friends, and then see how I feel in both situations. On Sunday I want to have you and maybe two other people for lunch while I stay nude. Would you be okay with that?”
“Holy fuck! But yeah, okay, I think I can manage that, but I won’t hold you to staying nude if you don’t feel comfortable at the time,” Amelia responded. “I gotta ask, though, what’s with this fascination with being nude? Is it a sex thing for you?”
“No, not a sex thing at all,” Casey replied, trying to think of something fast. “I was just Googling around one day and read some stuff about it, and it intrigued me. I wondered what it would actually feel like to be so exposed like that and if it would be a freeing experience, or something else.”
“Oh okay, sure. I’ve never really thought much about it myself, to tell the truth,” Amelia admitted,” and I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it at all, but you do you, girl. Tell me, if you did decide to register one day, would you move to one of those nudist towns or would you want to stay right here where you’d probably be the only nudist between here and Stocksgate?”
“Um… I hadn’t really considered that,” Casey replied honestly, “but I guess I’ve been thinking about it in the context of living the same life I have now, just nude. I’m not sure if I’d ever actually do it, though. It’s a lifetime commitment, after all, so it’s just an experiment for the moment. But yes, I think I kind of like the idea of staying around the people I love.”
Casey hoped her answer might make her sound a little sentimental and grounded, and not like a complete lunatic. It wasn’t a complete lie that she’d been thinking about what it would be like to be an actual nudist, though. The stuff the blackmailer had been making her do had given her a taste of that already, and it was completely awful.
“Oh okay, and what were you planning to do on Saturday?” Amelia asked. “Can I help you with that as well?”
“Well, it’s a big one and I’m kind of scared about it…” Casey responded, thinking ‘kind of scared’ was the understatement of the century. “Basically, I want to go shopping in the nude, so I’m thinking I’ll go over to one of the supermarkets in Stocksgate where nobody knows me.”
“What the actual fuck, Casey! Have you lost your mind?” Amelia responded, clearly now thinking her friend was indeed nuts. “No! As your friend, I have to step in here and tell you not to do it. Just no. Something like that can’t be undone again. If someone finds out, the gossip will spread like wildfire, and you’ll never live it down.”
“Well, I figure, let ‘em talk,” Casey shrugged. “If their lives are so small, that’s all they can think to talk about, then they should go for it. Small things amuse small minds.”
Other girls had started to fill the locker room, so they lowered their voices.
“But won’t you be arrested if a cop sees you?” Amelia whispered.
“Well, I’m going to wear a fake registered nudist tattoo which should let me pass for a real one if anyone does stop me,” Casey replied, tracing the shape of a crescent on her wrist to demonstrate where it would go.
“Sheesh, okay then. Well, I guess it’s your life. How will you be getting over to Stocksgate?”
“I was gonna ask Greg to drive me. Long story short, we’ve been talking, and I told him about my little experiment, so he already knows that much. I just haven’t told him about my plans for the weekend yet. I only found out last night that my folks were going to be away. If he’s available, I’ll also ask him to be there on Sunday. I just wanna find at least one more person for that. I don’t know who yet…”
“Well, I’d offer to come with you on Saturday, but I don’t think I can handle seeing you do that to yourself,” Amelia admitted. “Are you really sure you wanna do that, Casey? Like really, really sure? It sounds like something that could so easily go very, very badly.”
“Yes, I’m positive about it. I’ve been thinking about it for ages and the opportunity just presented itself with my folks going away. They don’t go away very often so it’s now or never.”
Or everyone gets my nude pictures and video in their inboxes…
“Well, I’d choose never if it were up to me, but as I said, it’s your life.”
“Thanks, Amelia. You’re a true friend. I’ll probably see you at morning tea or lunch, but if I don’t, see you Sunday.”
“Sure thing, Casey. No worries. What time should I come?”
“Oh, let’s say eleven-thirty to twelve. Does that work for you? I should have plenty of food and drinks, so you won’t need to bring anything. It’s nothing formal. Just an impromptu gathering. Maybe we could make it a regular thing? Well, without me being nude next time,” Casey added with a smile.
“Okay, yeah. That sounds nice. Okay, see you then at your place if I don’t see you before. And remember I won’t think less of you if you decide not to go through with it,” Amelia assured her in parting.
“Thanks, Amelia. I’ll definitely keep that in mind.”
If I actually had a choice about it…
Okay, one down two to go.
She was only about thirty minutes into class when she got her first upskirt request.
This one was easy to pull off. Everyone’s attention was focused elsewhere so she just had to quickly part her legs, put the phone into place between them, and take the shot before texting it back. It wasn’t dignified by any means, but it was efficient.
What now?
“Shaved suits you”
Ugh. Is he blind?
Casey was mortified knowing that someone else could now see the ugly mess she’d been cursed with down there. The truth was her appearance was quite normal. She just didn’t know it yet.
At morning teatime, Casey looked everywhere for Greg but couldn’t find him. She suddenly worried he wasn’t on campus. They didn’t have a class together that day so she couldn’t catch up with him there, but she had his number, so she decided to send him a text.
“Are you here today? See you at lunch?”
It took a few minutes before he replied, and it happened just as she was entering her next class.
“Sure! I’ll meet you in the cafeteria”
Casey gave a silent prayer of thanks. Now she just had to hope that he’d be open to what she had to say and wasn’t busy when she needed him for her horrible missions. She also made a mental note to always double-check to who she was sending an upskirt picture, now that Greg was in her contact list and recent texts. She would have to drown herself if she accidentally sent one of those to him.
With everything progressing as planned so far, she was almost upbeat. Almost. But then as she was on her way to her locker to get her books for her next class, she passed by a noticeboard. A new notice caught her eye, and to her horror, it was a printout of one of her upskirt pictures, obviously taken before she had shaved. Someone had written in sharpie across it “Have you seen this minge?”
Oh my God! He did send that picture out on Wednesday and some asshole has pinned it here!
She quickly looked around and then ripped it off the noticeboard, tore it into tiny bits, and put it in a bin. She then couldn’t stop wondering who had pinned it there and how many people had seen it. It was far from a comforting thought.
The next class passed without any more word from the blackmailer, and then it was lunchtime. She set off to the cafeteria and found Greg waiting for her at the entry. They got their food, and she chose a table away from the main crowd where she thought they might get some privacy.
“Wow! I love your new hair. It really suits you,” Greg exclaimed. “I’m looking forward to tonight even more now. Are we still on?”
“Thanks. Yes, I’m looking forward to it as well,” she answered without lying. She was indeed looking forward to it. It was what she was about to ask him to do on the weekend that was causing her a problem right now, though.
“Um… there’s something I want to ask you,” she began. “Um… you know how I told you I’ve been thinking about becoming a nudist?”
“How could I forget about that?” he replied with a cheeky grin while waggling his eyebrows. Casey smiled briefly and then continued.
“Okay. Well… my folks are going away for the weekend, and I thought I’d take the opportunity to try spending the whole weekend in the nude to see what it feels like for a fairly long period of time…”
There. It’s out there now.
Greg leaned forward with big eyes.
“Are you taking visitors?”
Whew! Well, he’s more than open to the idea at least, if not a little too enthusiastic maybe…
“Yes, but let me explain,” Casey replied with a laugh. “I want to try some real-world situations I’d have to face if I did become a registered nudist one day.”
“Like what sort of situations?” Greg asked, still with big eyes and a broad smile.
“Well, I want to feel what it would be like to be amongst a bunch of strangers if I was the only one nude, and then I want to try the same thing with a small group of friends to see if it feels any different.”
“Go on,” prompted Greg with mounting interest.
“Okay, on Saturday I want to go over to Stocksgate and do some shopping in a supermarket, and I want to leave my clothes at home, so I don’t chicken out when I get there. I shouldn’t bump into anyone I know, so my reputation should stay safe, and I’ve got a fake registered nudist tattoo organised, so I shouldn’t attract any unwarranted attention from any security guards or police. The problem is I don’t have a car to get there…”
“Are you serious?” Greg asked, grinning from ear to ear.
“Yes, very serious,” Casey replied with a wink she hoped would look flirty.
“And you need a ride?”
“Yes, I do. I don’t suppose…?”
“You want me to take you? Sure thing! Absolutely! Yes! What time do you want to do it?” Greg asked, almost jumping up and down in excitement.
“I dunno. What time are you available?”
“Well, I have a game in the afternoon. That doesn’t start until two o’clock, but I can’t be late. Any time in the morning would work for me, as long as we leave there by twelve, I guess,” Greg considered while at the same time scarcely believing this was real and not a wind-up by his buddies. He looked around to see if any were watching nearby.
“That sounds perfect!” Casey replied. “We can get an early start if you like, and then just stay long enough to get the items on my list.”
“OK super! This sounds fucking awesome if you don’t mind me saying. You got game, girl!”
“Thanks,” Casey laughed. Inwardly though she was completely mortified that it now looked like it was actually going to happen. “Oh, and one more thing. I want to get something I can look back on to remember everything and see people’s reactions and so on. Would I be able to give you my phone to record me?”
“Twist my arm. I would so hate doing that…” Greg responded with a wry smile and twinkling eyes to indicate that he would actually love doing it. “Consider it done.”
“And… one other thing,” Casey continued. “On Sunday I’ll be doing the ‘small group of friends’ part at my house at lunchtime. Would you also be available for that?”
“Yeah sure, I can definitely be there then for sure. I had something else on but I can blow that off no worries.”
“That’s great. Thank you so much, Greg.”
“Wow! I’m really looking forward to this, Casey. You’re turning out to be a really amazing girl and I barely know you yet. I’m really looking forward to spending time with you this weekend, even if you decide to back out and wear clothes.”
“I won’t back out,” she laughed, knowing full well that she couldn’t.
“Oh…” Greg began. “I better get your address. What time do you want me to come to get you tonight?”
“Oh right. I’ll text my address to you,” she replied, and a moment later Greg’s phone dinged.
“Well, if it’s for dinner I like to eat early if I can,” Casey continued, knowing she had to get him to drop her off back at her house before eight-thirty p.m.
“I don’t mind eating early,” Greg assured her. “Would six p.m. be okay?”
“Sure, sounds perfect,” Casey replied. She was pleased it was all coming together so well, although not so pleased with the reasons she was making these plans.
They continued with some social chit-chat for a while, when Casey realised she still needed a third person for Sunday. She checked the clock on the cafeteria’s wall and then turned white as she realised she only had minutes to get to class! She’d been enjoying Greg’s company too much and the conversation with him had taken longer than she expected, so she was now out of time. What was she going to do now?
As she bid Greg farewell, her mind was racing, wondering who she was going to ask and when not to mention how. Her mouth was dry from having to explain it twice today already, and she had a head-start with those two. Someone new would need to be brought up to speed with the whole experimental nudist thing, and their reaction to that tested before she would be able to introduce the mission part that she needed them for. Oh well, she still had Saturday afternoon to find someone. Maybe Greg had a friend or sibling he could bring along? If all else failed, she could ask Amelia. She was bound to know someone who could be discreet. Maybe she would text her on Saturday when she got back from the shopping mission and ask her then? She went into class feeling reasonably assured it would be okay, but she was still worried, and she had enough to worry about already.
About ten minutes into class, you-know-who texted again.
The teacher was talking out the front and everyone was watching him, so she had no trouble getting the deed done in her usual manner. She even remembered to double-check the sender before texting the reply.
“I see stubble. not good”
Casey damned her dark pubic hair and fair skin, but did he seriously expect her to re-shave it multiple times a day, and while on campus? She realised she would have to shave again before the webcam meeting now at least. It would probably be best to take care of it while she was getting ready for her date in case she was too late getting back after, and definitely tomorrow morning before Greg saw her naked when he came to collect her for the shopping mission. If she couldn’t have a bush, she figured it was better to be completely smooth than let him see her all stubbly.
The rest of the day passed quickly, until, at last, she was biking home. She remembered to check the letterbox and found an envelope addressed to her. Once again there was no sender information or even a stamp, which meant the blackmailer was a local and had delivered it personally, or it was dropped off by a courier or something. She wondered if it would be difficult or expensive to set up a security camera to watch the mailbox and porch. Perhaps she’d get a glimpse of what he looked like, which might lead her down the path to being able to do something to stop him. Or it might all backfire and all of the naked photos and videos he now had of her would be sent to everyone at Tech, and her parents, not to mention sending all of the evidence he had against Jolene to the authorities. It was a big risk. Too big for now, but there had to be some way to put an end to all of this perverted filth he was making her do.
Her parents were still home when she arrived, but their suitcases were in the hallway, so they were set to leave, and right at that moment as it turned out. They both gave Casey a kiss goodbye and told her to be good and call them if there were any problems.
Casey waved them down the road and then quickly went back in to check the contents of the envelope. She opened it with a letter opener, which was a technique she learned from a TV crime drama to preserve evidence. Inside was just the fake registered nudist crescent tattoo as promised, and a one hundred dollar bill pinned to a shopping list that had the supermarket’s address at the top. The list itself consisted of various fruit and vegetables and other general grocery items. Nothing special or extraordinary. Casey didn’t realise it then, but the items on the list were carefully selected to make sure she had to go down every aisle in the store. She put the empty envelope into a clean zip lock bag and sealed it up just in case it could be used as evidence later.
Oh crap! I forgot to take my phone off vibrate! Just as well I had it with me.
“Did you get the tattoo & shopping list?”
“Just carry a small purse with you tomorrow & keep it in the cart. No large handbag or anything you can use to cover yourself.”
“Do you have a driver for tomorrow?”
“Party on Sunday all organised?”
“Yes. I just need 1 more guest”
“What time is the mission tomorrow?”
“1st thing in the morning”
“What excuse did you tell your driver?”
Why does he care about that?
“I said I was thinking about becoming a registered nudist”
“Good idea. The next mission will be to ask your parents for permission to do that”
What the fuck? Is he serious?
“You want me to ask for permission to become a registered nudist??”
Oh God! What if they say yes and I have to be nude forever even after this wretched blackmail thing blows over? He surely can’t expect me to go through with that?
“Please. I’ll do anything you want but please don’t make me do that”
“Get nude on the camera & tell me you want to do it. Make me believe it & maybe I’ll change my mind”
Resigning herself to her fate for now, and hoping she’d find a way out of the nightmare very soon, with a sigh Casey did as he requested. She took off her clothes and turned the camera on, then gave a pretend squeal and happy dance saying “I’m going to ask my parents to become a registered nudist. I hope they say yes.”
She shuddered at the thought of actually becoming a nudist full-time. Asking her conservative parents to allow her to do something like that terrified her enough, but far more terrifying was the possibility they might say yes. What would she do then? She hoped her performance was convincing enough to let her off the hook as he promised. There was no way she could go through with doing that, no matter what the repercussions were. Or could she? After this weekend, plenty of people would have seen her naked, and her closest friends would believe she was considering it. It would hardly come as a surprise. One possible upside was that he then wouldn’t be able to threaten her by sending nude pictures of her to everyone. However, there were still Mark’s photo shoots, along with everything she’d done on the webcam. Those were about so much more than just being naked. They showed her to be slutty, shameful, and wanton. Was becoming a nudist still a better option than having that stuff become public knowledge? The main problem, though, was the evidence he had of Jolene’s drug dealing.
Dammit, he can make me do this, and he’ll still have power over me afterward! This could happen! Oh God, the thought of asking my parents for permission and then spending the rest of my life naked is absolutely mortifying but it’s my only option. I know I couldn’t live with myself if I refused to do it and Jolene ended up an indent or in jail, but could I live with myself being a nudist? My life here would be over. On the other hand, it’s just a few months until graduation. While it’s too late to change colleges or move to another town, it is just a couple of months. Maybe I can put up with being an object of ridicule for that long for Jolene’s sake? After that maybe I can change my name and move to another town, or maybe emigrate to another country? Fucking hell! I’m completely cornered. I’d have to do it. Please, please, horrible man, tell me you’re kidding!
“I’m not impressed with your stubble. Make sure you fix that before the start of your nude weekend. Be nice and smooth at 8:30 pm on the cam”
Fuck! He didn’t say anything about letting me off the mission of asking my parents to register. Was he serious about that or not?
She checked the time on her phone. It was approaching five o’clock. Worrying about this would have to come later. Now it was time to get ready for her date. She hopped into the shower and re-shaved everything for the cam later, then did her hair and makeup and selected a pretty dress and a pair of comfortable pumps with sensible heels.
Shortly after she was finished, there was a burbling noise outside and she checked out the window to see Greg’s car in her driveway.
“Hi, Casey. Are you ready? Obviously. You look smashing!” he greeted as he came to the door.
“Thanks, Greg. Yes, let’s do this.”
Casey got into the passenger seat and then jumped when he started the engine again. It was really loud and vibrated throughout the whole car.
“This is an interesting car, Greg. What is it and how long have you had it? Sorry, I don’t know much about cars.”
“It’s a 1978 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. Dad and I salvaged her from a wrecking yard, and we spent most of last year fixing her up. It was a lot of work and a lot of money, but it was worth it.”
“I’ve never been in a car like this. It sounds really powerful,” Casey commented, hoping to impress him.
Greg suddenly gave the throttle a squeeze in response. Casey felt herself pressed back into her seat and was overwhelmed by the sound of the engine roaring and tyres scrambling for traction. Then just as suddenly he backed off again, throwing her weight forward against her seat belt.
Casey was momentarily speechless.
“Holy fuck!” she eventually blurted.
Greg was grinning from ear to ear.
“So where are we going? Assuming we get there in one piece?” Casey asked as she fought to regain her senses.
Greg laughed out loud at that.
“You’re in safe hands here, Babe. I’d never let anything happen to you. Um… your choice. I was thinking we’d go down the esplanade. There’s a bunch to choose from down there. Burger joints, hot dogs, salad bars. We could grab some takeaway fish and chips and eat it on the beach if you like?”
“I choose that one,” Casey replied. “Fish and chips on the beach sound awesome!”
Greg offered to pay after they ordered, and then they waited in the queue for their number to be called. Before long they had a package wrapped in white paper along with two cokes and set off across the road to a small park with picnic tables on the waterfront. The sun was just setting over the water as they sat down, but the picnic area had plenty of lighting so they would be spared from complete darkness once it set.
“Are you excited about tomorrow? Still going through with it?” Greg asked as they were eating.
Casey still had a mouthful and almost choked as the thought of having to do that tomorrow brought her back to reality. She took a swig of her coke and swallowed.
“Um… yes, still going through with it. A little nervous I guess,” Casey replied.
“It’s okay if you decide not to do it, but if you do, I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”
“Um… thanks. Do you have Mrs Daly in anything? What a dragon!” Casey asked, changing the subject.
They talked about Tech and the various characters in it for some time, both enjoying each other’s insights and company. Then Greg raised the subject again.
“So, what time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” he asked.
Oh God! I’m going to be naked in public tomorrow with him watching me! Think, Casey, think! How to make the best of a bad situation? Do it as early as possible when there are fewer people around, and get it over with as quickly as possible…
“Oh um… I guess it opens around eight-thirty and it’ll probably be better to get in early before the rush. It’s about a sixty-minute drive. What’s say around seven-thirty to eight a.m. or so?”
“No worries. Sounds good,” he replied.
She glanced at her phone to check the time and was shocked to discover it was nearly seven-thirty p.m. already. She would need to get him to take her home very soon if she was going to make her webcam date with the blackmailer.
“Um… I don’t suppose you’d mind taking me home? I’m having a great time, but I have some stuff I need to organise for tomorrow.”
“Yeah sure. Do you want to get an ice cream or something first?”
Oh crap! What-do-I-say? What-do-I-say? What-do-I-say?
She would have loved to spend more time with Greg, but if they went for ice cream, she would almost certainly be late for the cam, and she didn’t want to think what the consequences of that might be. Then an idea came to her.
“You know…” she started, nonchalantly looking at her fingernails as if checking if they needed a manicure, “the sooner I get home, the sooner my nude weekend starts…”
Hell, he’s going to see me naked soon enough anyway. May as well get it over with so it’s less awkward tomorrow.
Greg immediately stood up and held out his arm for her, and moments later they were back in his car, and he laid rubber as they left the parking spot. Casey laughed at his enthusiasm.
About ten minutes later they almost screeched to a stop in Casey’s driveway. He stopped the engine and then ran around to her side, opened her door, and bowed to take her hand. She put her hand in his in return, as if she was a princess, and he gently pulled her to her feet. As they walked to the door, he clicked the remote lock for his car, and it answered with a chirp.
“Well now,” Casey began as she stood awkwardly in the hallway inside trying to stall. “Would you like a coffee or something?”
“I have an idea,” Greg responded, sensing Casey’s awkwardness. He then strode up to her, took her into his arms, and gave her a long open-mouthed kiss.
Casey had kissed before, but it was nothing like this. It felt electric as he pulled her body close to his. All her senses were filled at once, and her knees suddenly felt weak. Instinctively she pushed her tongue into his mouth, and he returned with the same. After a few moments, she frantically kicked her pumps off, and in between kisses, caresses, and petting, she managed to blurt out “zipper”.
Greg knew what that meant, and as their kisses continued to grow more heated, he reached behind her to find her dress’s zipper and quickly lowered it down her back. She desperately worked her arms out of the sleeves, and as the dress loosened, it slid down her body and dropped to the floor around her bare feet. Next, she undid the catch at the front of her bra and slid it off her shoulders to join the dress in a puddle of clothes around her ankles. Without pausing to think about it, she bent over and pushed her panties down her hips and thighs. As they dropped past her calves, she lifted them up with one leg and kicked them across the room. Now completely naked in his arms, the kissing intensified. After all the times she had been completely exposed recently, this time felt like it had a purpose. She felt that familiar ache in her lower abdomen again, so she took his hand and led him up to her bedroom.
Once there, they both sat down on her bed and continued kissing. Greg gently pushed her back and made his way down to her neck and then her breasts, her heavy breathing causing them to rise and fall. He kissed and sucked gently at her nipples, before planting a series of kisses down her stomach. It felt to her like hundreds of tiny but pleasant electric shocks as his kisses moved steadily downwards. As his mouth slid over her smoothly-shaven pubis, she found herself in pure ecstasy. She was powerless to stop him as he gently lifted her around and positioned himself between her legs. His mouth then worked its way lower until she felt him sucking at her labia. She felt a momentary twinge of alarm at that, wondering if he would be turned off by her anatomy, but it was immediately forgotten as waves of animalistic pleasure overtook her. His tongue worked from deep inside her pussy and then up to her clit, stopping in between to draw her lips into his mouth each time. The sensation proved to be too much, and she felt an intense orgasm rising. She grabbed his head and drew it deeper between her spread thighs, letting her screams of pleasure out into the world.
After her breathing calmed and her senses returned, she looked up to see him standing up and taking his clothes off. He was naked in front of her with an obvious erection. She was momentarily concerned that he might be too big for her, but it was quickly forgotten as he spread her knees wide and kneeled between them, positioning himself on top of her as they returned to their passionate kissing again. Casey briefly realised she could taste herself on his mouth and breath, but in her heightened state of arousal and anticipation, it only excited her more. She could feel his stiff cock sliding back and forth over her long lips, and her wetness quickly coated the length of his erection. He lifted, and she reached down to guide the tip of his cock to her hole. Slowly it nudged between her labia, inch by inch deep inside her until it was pressed hard inside her. She realised her virginity was gone and moaned as she nibbled his earlobe. She had expected pain for the first time but there was none. Greg slid in and out of her two more times slowly before his pace began to increase until he was pistoning in and out of her with such speed and force that a clapping sound filled the room. Soon she was having another orgasm, and he climaxed deep inside her at the same time.
They were lying sleepily together later after their third time when Casey heard her phone ding from her bag downstairs. Her eyes immediately went big.
The cam! Oh, fuck! I completely forgot the time! I was supposed to be on cam at eight-thirty. OH FUCK! I FORGOT TO TURN THE CAMERA OFF EARLIER! HE JUST SAW ME HAVE SEX!
She screamed inside her head as she noticed the red power light of the camera indicating it was on.
“Back in a minute,” she gasped to Greg as she got up and ran downstairs. She was briefly aware that it felt strange to be running around naked in her parents’ house. She could hear her naked feet padding on the tiles and felt breezes on parts of her body that weren’t normally exposed to air. She also felt a wetness between her legs that she realised was Greg’s semen. Luckily, she had been on birth control for some years to help with a cramping issue.
She almost dropped her phone in her haste to get it out of her bag.
“Thank you. That was much more than expected. Another one for your file. Looking forward to shopping video by sunset tomorrow”
Casey had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from screaming out loud. He had seen the whole thing! She’d lost her cherry in front of a stranger! She wasn’t sure if she felt like a victim or a porn star. Maybe a reluctant porn star, which is what she felt like she was becoming with Mark anyway, let alone all the other stuff she’d also done in front of the webcam. She recalled the previous night’s webcam session where she was made to proudly show off her newly shaved pussy and stretch her labia out, and then masturbate spread out as wide as she could go, and she orgasmed! It would totally look like she was into it and not being blackmailed. The mention of a file made her heart stop as well, but of course, he’d be doing that. Now he had even more on her, and the idea that he had just watched her lose her virginity and might send it to her fellow students and parents, filled her with revulsion and pants-wetting fear. Not just the act that she’d been recorded doing, but that now Greg was involved as well.
She then also realised she had just given it up on her first date. Maybe she was actually a slut then? Maybe she did deserve all this happening to her. It hadn’t felt slutty to her though, and it still didn’t. There was definitely a chemistry with Greg that she’d never felt before with anyone else.
Realising there was no changing either situation now, and suddenly feeling exhausted, she went back up to her bed. Greg was already asleep, still naked, so she turned off the camera and nestled up beside him. He grunted and put an arm around her. She felt better there, and before long she dozed off as well.