Daddy’s Roommate

"A woman feels safe and relaxed with her daddy."

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Bet already knew that my roommate was a young woman who was also divorced. She didn’t know all of the details, though, and I figured it was time to come clean. Either she stuck around afterward or not—none of my other girlfriends had.

I planned to make Bet’s first night over at my place a big deal, which it would have been whether I had a roommate or not. I poured a scotch for myself and changed into my jeans. Shana, my roommate of two years, hadn’t shown herself yet, and I honestly didn’t know if she was out of the apartment or moping in her room. 

The salad came out of a bag (with a few extras that I added) but I wrapped the bacon around the fresh scallops myself and I put the risotto broth on to get warm. This was a dinner for two, for Bet and me, and Shana knew it. She was a big girl and could get her own dinner. 

The doorbell rang right on time, and I showed Bet around: two bedrooms, a bath and a half, a sitting room, and a more-than-decent kitchen. 

Bet kept looking back at Shana’s door. “Is she here?” 

I shrugged. 

“Dinner looks like it’ll be great. What can I do?” 

I asked her to open the wine and get the cheese out of the fridge. Shortly after the cork popped, I heard Shana’s door open. She bounded out, shouted, “Daddy, you’re home!” and jumped up so that I’d have to catch her. She gave me a big kiss on the lips (closed mouth, thank God) and jumped down. “Can I have some wine? Who’s she?” 

And so, it began… 

“No, I told you no wine when you’re like this. Shana, this is Bet. I’ve told you about her and you knew she was coming over. Bet, this is Shana, my…” 

“I’m his daughter.” 

“…my roommate.” 

As confused as she was, Bet was classy enough to extend her hand. “I’m happy to meet you, Shana.” 

Shana gave Bet’s hand a weak shake, “Yeah, me too,” and plopped onto the couch. She was wearing very tight capris leggings and a cropped camisole. I doubted that she had any underwear on. 

“Shana, you can stay and visit for a bit but you need to put some clothes on. You remember this is a dinner for two, don’t you?” 

“Ugh!” she said before clomping back to her room and slamming the door. 

“Your daughter is your roommate?” 

“Not exactly.” 

“How old is she?” 

“I think she’s twenty-seven.” 

Twenty-seven? You think?” 

“I’m pretty sure.” 

“Not seventeen? You don’t know how old your daughter is?” 

“Shana! Can you come out here for a minute and bring your wallet? She’s not my daughter, Bet.” 

Shana came out, topless, and threw her purse at me. I rummaged through it and she snatched it back. “Hey! Pa-rivacy! Ugh!” She knew what I wanted and threw her driver’s license at me before retreating back to her room. On the way, a lanyard and card fell. I picked them all up and handed her license to Bet. 

“She’s not your daughter.” 

“Told ya.” 

“She is twenty-seven.” 

“I thought so.” Sometimes I remember things. 


I gave her the lanyard and explained. 

“Shana was recently divorced and wanted a small place near her job. I was recently divorced and needed a roommate. We were both gun-shy about living with the opposite sex but we seemed to get along and decided to risk it.” 

Bet waved Shana’s card at me. “She works at a big law firm. What is she, an administrative assistant or something?” 

“She’s a lawyer.” 

We finished off the first bottle of wine and seared the scallops. Shana emerged wearing a little black dress and carrying a pair of stiletto sandals. “Smells good.” 

“For two, Shana. Please.” 

“Fine. Don’t wait up.” 

She slipped on her shoes and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I kissed her back since it set the stage for the rest of my story. We ate in silence for a while after she left. “How’s the risotto?” 

“You two do seem to get along.” 

When she first moved in, Shana was normal. Over time, she became irresponsible, sullen, and immature. She stopped speaking in complete sentences and rolled her eyes at everything. I don’t have any kids and I don’t have a sister, but I caught on. I stopped treating her like an adult and she seemed to be good with that. I filled Bet in with the rest of the details and opened the third bottle. 

“When did ‘Daddy’ start?” 

“You probably don’t want to hear about that.” 

“Are you sleeping with her?” 


“When did ‘Daddy’ start?” 

I told her. 


One night, Shana let herself into my room. I woke up hearing, “Daddy? Daddy?” 

It took me a few seconds to focus. Shana was standing there with one arm behind her back, holding her elbow. The light from the hall behind her shone through the thin fabric of the t-shirt she was wearing (which I realized was one of mine). 

“Are you okay, Shana?” 

“I had a bad dream, Daddy.” 

Daddy? “Are you awake, there? This is me, Ken.” 

“Can I get in bed with you, Daddy? Just for a little while?” 

I wasn’t going to say ‘no’ but I didn’t get a chance to answer anyway. Shana climbed in and snuggled against my back. 

“Night-night, Daddy,” she sighed.  


Bet was getting caught up in my story. “What happened then?” 

“I’m pretty sure she fell right asleep.” 

“And you?” 

“I was awake for a while trying to figure out what was happening.” 


“And after an hour or two I fell asleep.” Bet cocked her head. “I fell asleep with a raging hard-on that I was afraid to do anything about.” 



Sometimes you sleep through a wet dream until it’s too late and sometimes you wake up beforehand. At about three in the morning, I was dreaming about getting a hand job. 

“Are you awake, Daddy?” 

I was, trying to wrap my head around the fact that Shana’s hand was wrapped around my dick. “Shana, what…” 

“Shh, Daddy, it’s so big. It’s as big as I hoped. Does it feel good, Daddy? I want it to feel good for you.” 

“Yeah, Baby, it feels really good.” I sure as hell wasn’t going to question this. 

“Hmm, gooood.”  

She rubbed harder and I soon came into her hand. 

“Yummy,” she said a few seconds later. “I’m going back to bed. Love you, Daddy.” And she left. 


“She just up and left?” 

“She did. A few hours later, she was dressed like a lawyer swilling coffee and calling me, “Ken” again. That evening, she dressed down like a teen and called me ‘Daddy’ but there was nothing overtly sexual.” 

Bet and I snuggled on the couch while she drew figure eights on my thigh. We changed topics but always came back to Shana. I explained that after that, when Shana was heading for work or coming home, she was an adult. Once the suit came off and especially on the weekends, I had this teenage daughter to contend with. I gradually accepted my role because, apparently, I’m a perv who likes having scantily clad moody girls around. 

“Is she coming home tonight?” 

“Probably. She always calls and asks if it’s okay if she stays with a friend overnight.” I hadn’t realized how bizarre that sounded until Bet laughed out loud. I might have blushed a little. 

“Does she ever bring anyone home with her? You know, like the dreamy captain of the football team? The way she was dressed and did her makeup tonight made her look like a teen trying to pass as an adult.” 

“Yeah, but they’ve been always age-appropriate. I was a bit worried that she might introduce me as her dad, I’m only forty-two for God’s sake, but that hasn’t happened. I tend to hide anyway, just in case.” 

Bet bit my earlobe and whispered, “Maybe we should go hide now, just in case.” 

She didn’t have to ask me twice. Her invitation was unexpected but certainly welcome. We kissed and undressed and kissed and undressed. My intention was to reward her open-mindedness with a good tongue lashing. I tugged at her ankles and she readily wriggled down the rest of the way. 

Sometimes I muff-dive right in but I decided that a slow buildup was in order. I gave it a kiss just to let her know I was there. Then I flicked at her with my tongue like I was trapping sprinkles from an ice cream cone. She whined and wiggled, so I put my tongue to better use, splitting her lips and crawling along every crevice. Her whines turned into squeaky sighs when I French kissed her clit. 

It’s not bragging when you’re just passing on what you were told. “Your mouth and my pussy were made for each other,” Bet had told me. She wasn’t wrong. 

“Okay, on your back,” she ordered. 

I readily complied because that could lead to any number of good things. She squatted over my lap, held my dick in one hand, and spread open her pussy with the other. She s-l-o-w-l-y slid me inside and sat there. 

Sat there. 

“So, you said you were fucking your daughter. Tell me about it.” 

“My roommate is not my daughter and I’d rather not talk about her right now.” 

“Why not? It’s not like you’re going anywhere.” 


A few nights after my daddy hand job, Shana skipped into my room wearing some shortie bed shorts and an oversized tank top. She jumped, really bounced onto my bed, and said, “Hi, Daddy.” She made herself comfortable under my covers, gave me a quick peck on the lips, said, “Night-night, Daddy, and closed her eyes. 

I said, “Good night,” and after a few minutes rolled my boner away from her. For some reason, it didn’t seem right for me to initiate anything. 

I managed to fall asleep for a while but something made me wake up. Shana was facing me again and looking at me. 

“I can’t sleep.” 

“Maybe you’d be more comfortable in your own bed.” I swear that I said that without even thinking. This daddy-daughter roleplaying was starting to affect my baser interests. 

She pouted. “I don’t want to.” She rubbed on my crotch and asked, “Am I pretty, Daddy?” 

Oh, God. “Yes, Shana, you’re very pretty.” 

She rewarded me with her pretty smile and a squeeze. “Am I prettier than Mommy?” 

That one took me off guard. “Yes. Yes, you’re prettier than Mommy.” Whoever that was

With that, she stripped off her top and dove under the blankets. She told me how big and nice my dick was between pops and slurps. After a minute or so, she threw the blankets off (it was too hot under there, she claimed) and I got to watch her give me a very enthusiastic blowjob. 

We both knew I was about to explode. She opened her mouth and aimed me at her extended tongue. The first shot ended up on her forehead. Subsequent squirts painted her cheeks, nose, hair…everywhere but her mouth. 

“Look, Daddy! I have horrible aim! I didn’t get any of your cum in my mouth.” She kissed me before I could react and transferred a bit of my jizz to my face. “I’m going to my bed now and…” She gave me a very naughty look. “…and I’m not going to wash my face first.” Giggling on her way to the door, she turned and said, “Night-night, Daddy. Love you.” 

“Good night, Princess. I love you too.” That slipped out. The happy look on her face made her even more beautiful and she ran off. 

The next morning, she was Shana Smith, Attorney-at-law, complaining that the coffee wasn’t strong enough and for me to stop nagging her to get a better breakfast than her daily English muffin. 


Bet wiggled now and then but she was right—I wasn’t going anywhere. I caught her squeezing a tit and flicking her clit now and then. 

“Do you think this is an ageplay-daddy-issue fetish for her or do you think that there might really be something wrong with her?” Bet asked. 

“I don’t know. She’s really dedicated to her career and likes it, although my conversations with grown-up Shana are becoming fewer.” 

“She’s just been giving you blow jobs, then?” 

“Oh, no, she fucked me for the first time the next night.” 


I couldn’t fall asleep, wondering about Shana.  


I looked towards my door but she wasn’t there. 

“Yeah, Shana?” 

“Can I come in?” 

“Sure, Baby, come on in.” 

She took one step past my door. She was completely naked. I stared at her for what seemed like a very long time. 

Shana acted like a teen but she definitely had a woman’s body. She was a little on the thin side but had curves that are only suggested by younger women. Her youthful mannerisms were a big turn-on, though, I had to admit. 

“Daddy, can I sleep with you?” 

“Of course, Shana, climb on in.” 

She took a single step and stopped. “No, I mean, can I sleep with you?” 

I swallowed hard. “I’d like that.” 

She trotted over and covered up as if she was suddenly embarrassed about being naked. She lay on her back as far from the edge as she could get without making me move and looked up at me with hopeful eyes. 

I’ve got moves that I’ve honed since I was seventeen but she wanted none of those. She placed my hand over her smooth, hairless cunt and I massaged it for a while before slipping in a finger. She gazed at my face the entire time—we hardly even kissed much. When I knew she was ready, I asked her if she was. She gave me a quick nod in reply and closed her eyes. 

I climbed on top and introduced my dick between her lips. She stiffened, gasped, and shut her eyes even tighter as I carefully slid inside her warm, welcoming pussy. “Are you good?” 

She opened her eyes, smiled, and closed them again. 

It wasn’t long before my needs surpassed any imagined cautions. I fucked her for all I was worth, while she mostly just lay there making tiny girly grunts with every thrust. She kind of shivered beneath me at one point which made me think she might have climaxed. 

“Are you going to cum inside my pussy, Daddy?” 

I had every intention to. “Only if you want me to, Baby.” She smiled broadly as I closed my eyes. My balls emptied themselves after only a few more strokes. 

“I feel it, Daddy!” 

If she wanted the whole I’m-new-to-sex experience, I was willing to give it to her. “You were great, Baby. Daddy’s going to go to sleep now.” 


Bet rolled herself beneath me. “Nice story. I didn’t quite follow the part when you actually fucked. Why don’t you show me instead?” 

I happily obliged as she lay spread eagle, making me responsible for her orgasm. She wasn’t nearly as subtle about expressing her climax and she wouldn’t let me roll over when I was done. 

Saturday morning, I was slowly waking up—refusing to wake up—and a little confused about which side of the bed Bet was on. Then I realized that there were three of us there and did what any sane man would do in that situation; I played possum. 

One was leaning on my shoulder and the other was stirring. Then I heard Bet say, “Oh! Good morning, Shana.” 

Shana pressed her tits harder against my back as she draped more of herself over me. “You’re not my mommy.” 

Well, it was fun while it lasted… 

“I said good morning, Shana. And you’re right, I’m not your mother.” Shana hmphed and left. “It’s safe now, you coward.” 

I yawned and stretched and said good morning to my girlfriend. 

“I guess I’m encroaching on someone’s territory.” 

“I’ll tell her to grow up, just say the word.” 

“No…no. I want to see how this plays out.” 

We came out and I was completely ignored when I said good morning to Shana. 

“What shall we have for breakfast?” Bet asked as she fixed the coffee. 

“I want Daddy to fix breakfast!” 

“That’s okay, you can have breakfast tomorrow, then.” 

All three of us sat at the table enjoying simple scrambled eggs and sausages. Bet did what she could to get some conversation out of Shana and was largely unsuccessful until she asked her about school. If you took Shana’s words at face value, she was opening up about ‘school’ but when you thought about it she was actually talking about her office. 

“Your name is, ‘Bet,’ huh? Bet you lost a bet to get that name, huh?” Shana snorted at her joke. 

“Very clever. It’s short for ‘Betsy’ which is short for ‘Elizabeth.’ My friends started calling me ‘Bet’ because it sounded tough.” 

“Huh.” Shana stayed silent for a moment. “Elizabeth, huh?” 

“That’s right.” 

“Huh. I’m going to call you Auntie El.” With that, she went to her room. 

I was stunned by what had happened. Bet was happy to explain that she just had to let Shana think that she wasn’t a threat. 

“You’re not?” 

“Of course, I am.” 

The original plan was for Bet to leave this morning. My expectation was that she wouldn’t have lasted through last night’s dinner. 

“I’m staying over again tonight unless you and Shana had other plans.” 

I told her that I only had a few errands to run and that it would be great if she stayed. 

“Go run your errands, then. I’ll stay here with Shana.” 

“I don’t think…” 

Bet gave me a lingering kiss. “We’ll be fine. Girl time.” 

We took a shower together first and I caught Shana peeking in while I was on my knees washing Bet’s bits. 

While I was out, I wondered about which body I would find stuffed in the freezer. 

When I got back, nobody was in the sitting room. “Bet?” I called. I looked in my room—nobody. “Shana?” I wondered if they were in Shana’s room. What were they doing? Were they talking about boys? Was Bet teaching her how to kiss? Were they naked, exploring… 

I rapped on Shana’s door and opened it to find the girls giggling while Bet brushed Shana’s hair. 

“Hi, Daddy!” 

“Hi, Kenny.” 

“M-my girls!” I exclaimed. They were alive and dressed. 

“Doesn’t Shana look nice, Ken? She said this was her mother’s dress. I think she looks all grown up in it, just like she should! Don’t you?” 

Bet told her to get some homework done. “I’m going to visit with your dad for a while.” 

“Okay, Auntie El.” 

I tried to form a coherent question. Bet saved me from myself. 

“It’s like I told you. She has to believe I’m not going to take you away—and I’m not. Let’s face it, we’ve only been dating for a couple of months and I’m in no hurry to move in with a man any time soon, even you.” 

“When you were together, did she, I don’t know, break character?” 

“Nope. She stayed seventeen the whole time. She told me she has a car but you make her take the bus. Did you know sometimes she’d sneak and drive to school anyway? School is very stressful with all the advanced classes she’s taking and she’s afraid she’ll fall behind the other students.” 


“She told me that she’s so glad that her daddy is here to protect her from the world.” 

I thought it would be fun to all go out to dinner but Bet had another idea. 

“Let’s stay home and have a nice family dinner in tonight.” 

We did and it was. I even let Shana have a little wine with dinner. We were up pretty late and Bet said she was going to bed. “You two finish clearing up the kitchen and run the dishwasher first.” 

“Okay. C’mon, Daddy,” she agreed right away, pulling me off of the couch that the three of us had been sharing. “Auntie El’s not like the other whores you bring home,” she confided loudly. 

Bet had obviously heard that but just winked at me. 

When we were done, I was ready to join Bet but Shana asked me to sit with her first. I sat at the end and she curled up with her head in my lap. She broke the silence by asking me if I was going to fuck ‘Auntie El’ tonight. 

“I hope to.” 

“Oh. That’s nice, I guess.” 

Shana lifted her dress and sat facing me on my lap. She gave me a look, daring me to tell her to stop humping me. I almost did but she pulled her dress over her head and pushed a tit into my mouth. Before long, we felt my dick cream my shorts. 

“Oh, too bad,” she said. “Now you don’t have any left for Auntie El. Night-night, Daddy!” 

Pissed that I had fallen into that trap, I figured I’d give myself time to recover by keeping my face planted in Bet’s lap. When I walked into my room, she was standing there without any clothes on. “That didn’t take long,” she said as she stripped me. I tried to keep her hand away from my shorts. I really tried. 

“That really didn’t take long.” 

I tried to tell her that it didn’t matter, that I’d make sure she’d cum so many times that she’d beg me to stop, but she said that wasn’t the point. 

“Shana Rose! Get your ass in here this instant!” 

I had no idea that her middle name was ‘Rose.’ That’s a pretty name, Shana Rose. 

“Yes, Auntie El?” 

How could a girl with such a pretty name look so evil? But there she was… 

Bet pointed at my limp dick. “Did you do this?” 

“Uh-huh. What are you going to do about it?” 

“I’m not going to do a damned thing, young lady, but you’re going to get him good and hard again. I had plans for that dick and you broke it!” 

“What if I don’t want to?” 

“You’re not too old for me to take over my knee!” 

My dick heard that. 

The corners of Shana’s mouth curled up just for a split second before she stuck out her lower lip and scowled. “Fine! Hurry up and get on the bed, Daddy. I want to go back to my room!” 

This was surreal. My beautiful, angry, naked girlfriend was forcing my demented, almost naked roommate to give me a boner. I’d have pinched myself but I didn’t want to wake up. 

Shana gave me half-hearted strokes and licks. Bet wasn’t having any of that. She grabbed a handful of Shana’s hair and gave her a swat over her panties. 


“I said hard and I said now!” 



Shana set aside her sophomoric tendencies and gave me a serious, furious blow job. Once I was properly inflated, she stuck her tongue out and got up to go. 

“Not so fast!” 

Shana and I were both puzzled when Bet had her get on the bed and lean against the headboard. Then Bet straddled her on her hands and knees, nose to nose. She wiggled her ass and shouted, “Make me scream, Kenny!” 

I mercilessly shoved my newly forged sword into Bet’s velvety sheath and fucked her without the usual lovingly slow buildup. Shana tried to duck away but Bet reared up and straight-arm pinned Shana’s shoulders to the board. 

Shana looked a little scared. She focused on Bet, then me, then back and forth. A single tear ran down her cheek. I think she wanted to touch herself but couldn’t move her arms. 


“Be right with you, Princess.” 

“Daddy’s busy,“ Bet scolded. “You need to learn to be patient, young lady!” 

Bet wanted me to make her scream, and I did. “Oh, God, don’t stop,” she said afterward. “There’s another one coming!” She laughed out loud after her second orgasm—a kind of scary, evil laugh. I liked it. 

“My turn!” I warned. 

“On my back!” 

I pulled out, Bet bowed, and my shot went into the air and splashed onto her back. Bet and I were exhausted. Shana licked her lips. 

Bet let Shana go. “Now you go to your room and don’t come out again until you’ve thought about what you’ve done!” 

After Shana ran out, I said, “God, that was hot.” 

“Yeah, it was. Get something and clean my back.” 

Bet and I were talking and petting for about an hour when Shana returned. 


“What is it?” 

“Daddy, I’m sorry I made you cum before you fucked Auntie El.” 

“Thank you, Sweetheart, that’s okay.” 

That made her smile and then she turned to Bet. 

“Auntie El? I’m sorry I made Daddy cum before he fucked you.” 

“I accept your apology.” We remained silent for a time before Bet asked, “Was there anything else?” 

Shana turned away, shaking her head. “No. Night-night.” 

Bet nudged me. “Shana?” 

“Yes, Auntie El?” 

“Would you like to spend the night with us?” 

Shana smiled and quickly nodded. 

“Okay, you can, but just this once.” 

Shana leaped between us and snuggled in. 

“Night-night, Daddy.” 

“Nighty-night, Princess.” 


“Good night, Shana.” 

The bed was pretty full with three adults in it but I didn’t mind. It was empty when I woke up, just me and my morning boner. I found the girls on the couch, both naked from the waist down. Bet motioned for me to go sit elsewhere. 

“You said your daddy has never licked you down there before.” Shana shook her head. “How come?” She just shrugged. “Has anybody?” 


“Don’t you like it?” 

“I dunno.” 

“I think you’ll like it if you try it. Do you want to watch him lick me? Maybe you can let him try you?” 

Shana shrugged. 

Bet held her hand out for me to come over. “Let’s show her up close, okay? I don’t think she got a good look when she peeked while we showered.” That made Shana blush. Bet lifted a foot onto the couch and I took my first pass. Bet moaned and said, “That feels good, Ken. It always feels good.” 

Shana massaged her pussy and eventually fingered herself as she watched. I used a finger on Bet while I licked and sucked. I covered her sex with my mouth and worked my wonders with my jaw. Bet play-acted her moans some (or so she claimed later—they sounded real enough to me) and told Shana all the good things she felt when I brought her to climax. 

Afterwards, Bet kissed the remains of her cum from my mouth. “Would you like your daddy to lick you now, Shana?” 

Shana smiled bashfully and spread her legs. I shifted and gently kissed her bald pussy a few times.  She looked like porcelain yet was hot to my touch as my fingertips caressed her supreme smoothness. I briefly wondered about the kinds of madness she levied on herself to achieve that. Her aromas were mouth-watering and I was famished (even though I had just enjoyed a little snatch). 

Her parted lips easily yielded to my probing and twirling. I got her hips to thrust as she fucked my folded tongue with her clit. She gasped when I gave her one of my honed moves and she cried out, “Holy shit!” Clearly, I had tunnelled past my seventeen-year-old daughter and uncovered her inner twenty-seven-year-old. She recovered with a breathy, “Oh, Daddy,” and kissed me the same way her mommy had just kissed me. 

“Now, wasn’t that nice? Aren’t you glad you tried something new?” 

Shana giggled. “Yes, Mommy.” 

Bet told her to get dressed and Shana ran off. 

“I’ve stayed longer than I planned.” Bet said to me. “I should pack up and go home. Mondays at work are horrible.” 

I wrapped my arms around her from behind. “I was thinking maybe you could stay another night and meet the other Shana in the morning.” 

“Rain check.” 

She dressed and I brought her things. Shana was standing in front of the apartment door. 

“Where are you going, Mommy?” 

“I have to go home so I can get to work in the morning. You can watch the game with your daddy.” 

“Oh.” Shana looked so dejected. “Are you coming back?” 

Bet threw her arms across my neck and kissed me. That made my daughter and me very relieved. 

Shana hugged the two of us and I heard Bet say, “Fuck,” under her breath. “Okay, one more night but that’s it.” 

We all watched the game and then the next one while having popcorn and ice cream. Bedtime came and went without incident or nudity. That is, until midnight. 

I woke up when Bet did, with Shana gently shaking Bet’s shoulder. “Mommy? Mommy?” 

“Mmm, what is it, Shana?” 

“Can I ask you a question?” 


“Can girls lick girls like Daddy did?” 

“Of course, they can. Why?” 


“Okay, Love, go back to sleep.” 



“Can I lick you now?” 

I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. 

“Okay, Love, but just for a little while. Mommy has to get up early, remember?” 

Bet shimmied her panties down and lifted her knees. Shana squealed and climbed up. She lapped at Bet’s cunt the way a puppy laps at his water bowl. 

“Hey, hey, Love! Slow down. Slow down and smell my roses. This has to be good for both of us. Inhale. Do you like me down there?” 

Shana sniffed deeply as instructed and nodded enthusiastically. I pulled out my dick. 

“Good! Now, explore my labia, my clitoris. Play with my pussy just like you like it, okay? Okay.” 

Shana lapped at Bet’s cunt the way a puppy laps at his water bowl. Bet just went with it that time, giving guidance along the way. “Use your finger too, Love.” 

Bet was breathing heavily, I was beating frantically, and Shana was moaning high-pitched moans that were almost drowned out by her slurping noises. 

My cum landed on my fist right before Bet sucked some air between her teeth. “Oh, yeah, you did it, Love, you made Mommy cum!” 

Shana lifted her juice-covered face. “Now we kiss, right, Mommy?” She made her way to Bet’s lips and kissed her a sloppy kiss. 

“Daddy, too, Love.” 

I got my tasty kiss and a big hug. “I love you, Daddy.” 

“I love you too, Princess.” 

Shana bounced back to Bet and embraced her with her head on her shoulder. “I love you, Mommy.” 

“I love you too, Love. Now go to bed! We have to go to work in the morning!” 

“Night-night! I love you!” Off she went to bed and off we went to sleep. 

I showered early and first in the morning to make sure the ladies had the time they needed. The coffee was ready for all and the toaster was out for Shana’s English muffin. I tried to feed Bet, but she said she’d grab something on the way. 

Shana had her skirt hiked wrestling with her pantyhose. She caught Bet laughing in her direction. 

“Sorry you had to see that, Bet. I hate these damned things but this skirt is too short for thigh-highs.” She held her muffin between her teeth as she wiggled on her pumps. “Gotta be feminine but not slutty. Gotta be smart but for God’s sake don’t intimidate the boys.” She tossed the last half of her breakfast in the trash and grabbed her filled travel mug. Bet was nodding. “Sorry, preaching to the choir.” 

I called out to her about dinner tonight. 

“I don’t know. Some chicken nuggets, maybe.” 

Published 2 years ago

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