How I Became A Cuckold Partner Part 12

"The continuing story of how I became a cuckold partner."

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Part 12

While she was taking a shower, I found her clothes on the bedroom floor and I had a closer look. The dress was fine, but the stockings were covered in some dried cum stains and as I said one was badly laddered.

After that night, our lives carried on pretty much as before, David would either arrange to see Angela via their lunch meetings or he would phone our house phone, to say he was going to collect her that night. Sometimes for whole weekends but more often than not for a night out with her staying over at his place.

David bought her many dresses during this period and all were extremely sexy styles. He bought her a tight-fitting long PVC pencil skirt in black that had a very high split up the back. Also from the ‘She-N-Me’ brand, he bought her a white satin toga dress, and a white ‘Cire’ ruched dress, similar to her black one but this one had a high ruched section going up the back.

Strictly for times with him, he bought her a black PVC maids dress, complete with white frilly under slip, white apron, and a white headdress. She often wore it for him and did his housework for him in his apartment, while he sat and enjoyed the view. I only saw her try this outfit on for me once at home but it was very sexy.

Watching her excitedly doing her makeup and getting dressed for David, was a huge turn-on for me, especially knowing I could not touch her and that her body now belonged to David.

After David was happy with her housework whilst she was wearing the PVC maid dress, he would then enjoy fucking her in that outfit she would tell me.

We did marry two years later, in 1988. David even came to our wedding. Watching David dancing with my new bride, with all the guests around us oblivious to our little secret did, I admit give me a big thrill.

When David’s eyes were not looking deeply into Angela’s he would be looking at me while dancing with my new bride.

Later on, at the reception, he said to me ‘Angela being your wife now changes nothing, Mark, I still want her and expect my regular enjoyment of her to continue as before.’

‘Of course, David,’ I replied, ‘I expected nothing less, and she is of course still yours to enjoy whenever you need to.’

‘Thank you, just so we are both clear on that,’ he added.

David went on to add, that Angela now being married made her more desirable to him.

‘I insist she always wears her wedding ring, when with me please, Mark,’ He concluded.

He was of course the complete gentleman that day, but once or twice I did notice a glint in Angela’s eyes when she looked at him.

Even while on our honeymoon, David forbid any form of sexual activity with my new wife, which I had to comply with. Upon our return a week later, David called and collected her for a long weekend at his place, making sure she wore her wedding ring at all times with him, as he had requested.

We settled into married life with David’s weekly and sometimes mid-week calls to collect my wife, with me then left at home pondering those wonderful thoughts on how he was using her.

She remained David’s submissive for around five years after that first night, with many more nights away. He took her way for long weekends often. The evening meetings were regular during those years too.

While she was away with David, I would simply have to wait until he returned her home the next day. This was accepted by the three of us, and it became an everyday part of our young lives together.

I often used to wonder what our next-door neighbour’s thought if they saw a black BMW regularly pulling up outside our house, and a tall older man collecting Angela. Given she would always be dressed very sexily for David, my mind would ponder over it each time he called for her.

But even that turned me on as well I have to admit.

How we managed to keep it all a secret from our families was not easy, and there were a few close calls, and white lies told by myself over those years.

Her parents said, how they found it a little odd, that Angela seemed to spend so much time away, including long weekends, with me left at home and so on.

If Angela and I were going on holiday together, David would always insist it was only for one week, always with my ban strictly in place of course and as soon as we came home again, he would phone and expect to take Angela for an overnight session that very day. I was usually left to do our unpacking, as he gave her such short notice. We both accepted this of course as it was one of David’s very early instructions for us both.

Within an hour David would be at our front door, and Angela would have rushed to do her makeup and choose a sexy outfit for him, then I would have my regular pleasure of watching him take her down the path to his waiting car.

He even enjoyed fucking her once or twice on our marital bed, with me watching.

The first time this happened, David had phoned our house and asked me, ‘Mark, I was wondering if you would like to watch me fuck Angela on your marital bed?’

I told David I would love to watch that, so we arranged for him to come to dinner one night at ours.

For the evening, David had told Angela to wear only white sheer stockings, white suspenders, and a pair of black patent high heels, nothing else. She happily complied of course and she had made her face up perfectly for David and styled her hair beautifully.

I sat watching her getting ready in our bedroom, with my cock rock hard in my hand, as she added nail polish to her nails and applied her perfume. Of course, I was not allowed to touch her, and she enjoyed teasing me throughout.

David arrived soon afterwards, and I opened the front door and led him into our dining room, where Angela was already setting the table.

Throughout the meal, I was teased intensely, by David who would often grab Angela, kiss her and feel all over her naked body. But mostly by Angela herself who pranced around the table in her stockings, suspenders, and high heels, knowing of course I could only look, but not touch.

After the meal, David and Angela began kissing passionately in front of me, his hands all over her, with me sitting watching, my rock-hard cock in my hand, as David devoured my beautiful wife.

Soon afterwards, he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder, her head hanging down behind him as he carried her upstairs, slapping her bum hard as I followed them up to our bedroom.

Watching her submit to his sexual powers on our bed was something to behold. He would literally devour her whole body, and his stamina when fucking her was incredible!

Watching him fucking her bum on our bed drove me crazy, as David positioned her so she was looking right at me and me back at her. It was amazing!

As he was about to cum, he held her firmly by her slender hips, and thrust deep inside her bum as far as he could, before erupting his spunk inside my wife. As an added kinky touch he grabbed her by her hair, yanking her head backwards firmly, as he pumped her ass full of his spunk.

I remember on a few occasions when David would visit her at our house, he would insist I sat in our bedroom on Angela’s dressing table chair, then make her kneel in front of him. She would normally only be wearing stockings and high heels, then David would stand over her as she sucked his more than average cock right before my eyes.

Being so tiny, and David so tall, she would have to lift herself onto her knees to do so, and watching her doing this was a major turn-on for me.

Her wedding ring would sparkle on her tiny hand, as she held David’s muscular thighs, while he took his pleasure in her mouth.

It would usually end with the same result of him gripping her hair tightly, then fucking her face, all the time he would be looking at me.

Angela would be struggling to stay kneeling, but David would hold her still by her hair firmly. Her beautiful small tits bounced slightly as he used her mouth this way.

He would then either spray his spunk all over her face or make her deep throat him as he came making her swallow his cum.

Watching my beautiful little girl on her knees, dressed the way she was, submissively swallowing David’s spunk in front of my eyes was mesmerising!

Angela would always turn and smile at me right afterwards, her lips wet with David’s spunk.

He would then lift her to her feet, and as she stood before him in her high heels and stockings, he would lift her head so she looked at his eyes then he would tell her she was his ‘Perfect little fuck doll.’

That’s the name he would often refer to her as, and she willingly accepted it during those years.

Moments like this were highlights for me of David’s affair with her.

After just one month of seeing Angela, she was completely under his power, so David soon instructed her to grow her hair a little longer, which of course she had to comply with. At first, I felt sad to see her lovely boyish 1980s crop growing out, as she had worn her hair that way since we first met, and I always liked it. But I knew I could not go against David’s instructions.

She kept the shoulder-length style he insisted on, throughout that time with him. It did suit her though I had to agree.

He also insisted she kept to a maximum weight of just eight stone and encouraged her to maintain her trim little figure so she rejoined our local Gym and would work out twice a week plus she ran every evening to maintain her figure for David.

He persuaded her to dress more sexily even when she was not expecting to see him. I enjoyed this enormously.

I loved her wearing short dresses, with high heels almost all of the time back then.

During her affair with David, Angela always told me every detail of each meeting with him, as I had asked her to, be it a private session or with Colin and Ray taking part. I loved hearing her recounting what he had done with her and always found it a huge turn-on.

We would look forward each week, to David calling to collect her, and to my knowledge, she never missed a single meeting with him.

I used to love watching her getting ready for him. Doing her makeup and hair to perfection, then choosing a sexy little outfit to wear.

The sparkle in her eyes told me she loved being with David like this, and I hoped it would continue for her for a long time.

Angela would often thank me again for allowing her freedom to be with David, and agreeing to his seeing her. I always told her I was more than happy and that I loved the arrangement we all had.

I told her I never once regretted my decision that particular day, and that I loved her being David’s little fuck doll.

She would giggle at that, and I truly think she loved the nickname David gave her.

I don’t think she ever protested or resisted anything he had in store for her, during those years.

When getting ready for David, she would always ask my opinion about how she looked, if her outfit was sexy enough, and so on, and if I thought he would approve.

Each evening when David collected her, as he walked her away to his car, I would watch her leave, looking at her gorgeous legs and body in yet another short sexy dress, sheer stocking tops showing, and her high heels clicking seductively on the path. Ankle bracelet sparkling, and always got the same Butterflies sensation. My mind would be doing cartwheels as I thought about what plans he had for my darling girl that night.

What we were doing was far better than say Angela cheating behind my back, as she had done in the very beginning, so this arrangement was perfect for us both and of course for David.

We both got plenty out of her affair with David, and I look back on those times as the sexual peak of our lives together.

It was unconventional of course, but for us, it worked and provided all involved with a lot of pleasure.

After he had taken her away for an evening or weekend, I was always alone with my thoughts, thinking about what was being done to my gorgeous little girl was intoxicating, it became like a drug for me at that time. The inner turmoil I experienced, the tightness inside me, and the nerves, when watching her getting ready, all made the experience incredible!

Published 2 years ago

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