To your keyboard lover
Could it be a tad trite
When you’re together
Love found on a screen
Best to keep as a fantasy
Keep it to a particular scene
You must keep your sanity
Do you share your life
To make it seem real
Life of a real wife
Maybe best to conceal
If in pain should you share
Should you just stay in the moment
Do you think the other really cares
Do you think this causes torment
Cyber sex or a loving connection
Should you keep it make believe
And just enjoy the cyber affection
Stay real so you don’t misconceive
A connection for many years
When it’s over does it cause pain
Do you cry with many tears
Perhaps cyber love is a bit insane
Love by keystrokes is a dangerous game
An emotional roller-coaster to the edge
Usually you only share first names
Cyber games could cause a real wedge
Cyber love fills a void
Until you don’t need it anymore
Then all is destroyed
When you close the cyber door