“Looks ripe, but I am not big on veggies,” I said lifting up another crate of potatoes.
I hated Mondays. It was the day when the trucks came to drop off new products to the little corner shop where I had found myself a summer job. Brooke was the daughter of the owner and his wife. She was two years older than I, and most of the time she had a hangover from too much partying.
I liked to go out too, but I kept the amount of liquor I drank to the minimum. This was mostly because I spent a lot of me free time at the gym, and I didn’t want to add unnecessary fat to my perfectly tuned body.
“Not to eat, I meant as a good size of a cock,” said Brooke and handed me the cucumber.
I looked at the green vegetable and then back at my friend. “No cocks are this big.”
She laughed. “No, they are not, but a girl can always dream. By the way, are you dating anyone right now?”
“No, not since I left Mark.”
“What happened?”
“The usual, I guess. He said we had grown apart but I think he met someone else.”
She stopped stacking boxes and looked at me from top to bottom. “He must have the IQ of a worm. What woman has a better body, and personality than you?”
I blushed, and then added, “there was this one other thing.”
She moved in closer. “What thing?” she whispered.
I looked around us to make sure there was no one close. “He wanted anal sex, and I said no.”
Brooke laughed again. “C’mon, you are what, twenty-two?”
“Same as, and you haven’t been fucked up the ass yet?”
“Shh, not so loud.”
“Look, honey. It’s no big deal. It hurts a few seconds, and then it’s okay.”
“Well, Mark was kind of big, if you know what I mean.”
“How big is big?”
“Around eight or nine inches, maybe.”
“Fuck, that is some cock.”
“Mm, and I miss it.”
“I bet you do.”
“Excuse me?” A new voice said.
We both turned around, and in front of us stood a man who I guessed was in his mid-thirties. He wore a pin-striped suit and sunglasses. His shirt was white and the tie dark red and his head was completely shaved.
“Yes?” said Brooke, giving him her biggest smile.
“Are those tomatoes fresh?”
“Came in from a farm nearby this morning.”
“Give me three pounds please.”
Brooke picked the tomatoes while the man watched closely and commented on which ones he preferred, I gave him a second look.
He didn’t quite fit in, and what I mean is that very few men in our town wear suits. That is, if they are not going to a wedding or a funeral. Most the men are the jeans and flannel shirt type.
This guy was very sophisticated. His shoes gleamed and looked expensive. His glasses had a logo on the side and that too was expensive. On his wrist hung a gold chain and in one ear he had a diamond stud. He was a big man, well over six feet and his shoulders were broad and his neck thick, without looking fat. This dude was not from around here.
After he had left us I turned to Brooke. “What do you think?”
“Mafia, serial killer, or something along those lines, but not a new farmer in town.”
“Mm, I agree. Interesting, with some fresh cock in town, though.”
“Kelly! What kind of language is that? You just lost your guy.”
I was about to answer here when I saw Mr. Charlston come down the aisle towards us. He was Brook’s dad and a pretty cool guy.
“Ladies,” he said, “what are you doing there gawking at our new Sheriff?”
“What?” my jaw dropped.
“That was Sheriff Jake Talbot, and he is starting tomorrow.”
“Oh well, I better not run a red light, because I would not like to be locked up by him,” said Brooke and giggled.
“Oh shut up, and get back to work, the both of you.”
We spent the rest of the day stacking and cleaning the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Charlston took care of the cash register and the customers while we did the grunt work. I didn’t mind since it gave me a kind of work out.
When I left the shop around six in the evening, I got on my bike and bicycled to the gym which was only three blocks away. After changing into my gym clothes I spent almost two hours working out. By the time I left, I felt refreshed and my muscles hurt the way I liked it.
It took me another thirty minutes to get home. I lived with my parents and older brother outside the town on a large farm. We used to have cattle and grow vegetables but my dad had left all that behind and only grew sunflowers now.
After a long hot shower, I went down to have dinner with the rest of the family. My brother Mike was in Afghanistan so he obviously didn’t join us, but a plate and a glass were set for him anyway. My mom liked to do that.
“How’s work?” asked Dad.
“Fine, I met the new Sheriff today.”
“Oh, how was he? I heard he is very handsome,” said my mom and gave me a wink.
“What? A handsome Sheriff? We don’t need that. What we need is someone who takes care of the drunks on the weekends and the kids driving like crazy at night.” My dad fumed.
I poured some more gravy over my meatloaf and asked, “do you know where he is from?”
“I heard he is from the east coast, somewhere around Boston,” said my mother.
“Who cares? As long as the man does what he is paid to do, he can come from Timbuktu, as far as I am concerned.”
My dad was always grumpy, but I loved him to death. He treated me and my brother as equals. When he taught my brother to work a tractor, I learned too. When he was taught to shoot, I got lessons as well. When my mother taught me how to fix a sock, or sew a button, so did my brother. I guess I was a bit of a tomboy in that sense.
But don’t take me wrong, I loved to dress up in short skirts, and tight tops. I have a nice pair of C-cups I like to show off, and my ass is lovely, or at least that’s what Mark had told me.
Mark was the only guy I had had sex with. I had kissed a few others, but honestly, in a town of ten thousand souls, there wasn’t much of a choice. I lost my virginity at twenty and since that day, we fucked about twice a week. That was how often his parents were away at church or Bingo night. My parents never left the house at the same time.
I liked sex, and I loved to play with Mark’s big cock. I could easily spend half an hour just playing with it with my hand, making him go hard and then soft, over and over again, until he begged me to make him come or we simply fucked.
He would use the internet to learn new positions that we then tried out, and that’s how he learned about anal sex. We tried it once, but he was simply too big. We got as far as him pressing his cockhead against my tight hole, and even though he was lubed up and used a condom, I stayed shut like an oyster. There was no way he was getting in my back door.
The following morning I was peddling along the country road into town. I wore my uniform which was a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with the name of the shop on it. On my back were my gym clothes in a backpack and on my nose sat a pair of Oakley biker’s sunglasses my brother had bought me before he left.
The sun was coming up over the horizon and hit my eyes with a vengeance. Even though I had the sunglasses on, the light was extremely strong. I lost my balance and the front tire hit a stick that was lying on the asphalt. My Cannondale that I had saved up for over two years went into the ditch and I flew over the handlebars.
I hit my shoulder and then the air was pushed out of my lungs with a long whooshing sound. I lay there trying to get my breath back, when I heard a car stop and a door open. Then there was the sound of running feet and suddenly a bald head was blocking the sun.
“Are you okay, Miss?”
I did a mental inventory and nodded, “Yeah, I think so.”
“Sit up slowly, and let me have a look at you.”
I realized it was Sheriff Talbot and that made me feel a bit better. He took both my hands and helped me to stand up.
Then he picked up the bike and carried it in one hand up onto the road and I followed. When he put it down I saw the front wheel would need replacement.
“Are you sure you are ok? It looked like quite the fall,” he said.
I brushed off my arms and legs and then gave him a smile. “I have had worse, but I would appreciate a lift into town.”
“No problem, my pleasure.”
While he used the quick releases to take off the front tire and stuff the bike in the back seat, I took a seat up front.
The cruiser was old and stank of stale tobacco and rancid food. When Talbot got in he gave me a smile and started the car. He wasn’t wearing a suit or a uniform. He had a pair of slacks, a dark red shirt and his sheriff star on his left shirt pocket. On the right side of his hip hung a Glock 17 and two extra clips. He must be expecting trouble I thought.
“You work in the grocery store, don’t you,” he said.
“Yes, we met yesterday.”
“Those tomatoes were fantastic. You never get such quality in the city.”
“Where are you from?”
“Why did you move here?”
He laughed. “Good question, but I am afraid the answer is a little bit complicated.”
I was intrigued. “Let me guess, you put away some really bad guys, and now you are hiding in the middle of nowhere.”
He gave me a glance. “Well, it was a bad woman, but you are not far away from the truth.”
“Was she a criminal?”
He laughed again. “No, she was my wife, but she could have been on the FBI most wanted list. A horrible person and a lousy wife.”
We rode in silence and when he stopped at the store I got out and he helped me with the bike.
“Thanks for the help.” I said.
“Anytime. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jake Talbot, but most people around here seem to just call me Sheriff.”
I gave him a sultry smile and said, “I prefer Jake.”
When he drove off, I led the bike one block east to the garage and asked Mr. Johnsson if he could do anything about my front wheel.
“Sorry, Kelly, there is nothing I can do. I can order you one but it will be expensive.”
“Go ahead, I have some money saved.”
When I walked into the shop Brooke came up to me from behind a shelf. “Was that the new Sheriff that dropped you off?”
I told her what had happened. “He is a really cool guy, and he is recently divorced.”
“Mm, and you think he would like a little hottie like you, as what? Fuck friend, lover, or a new wife?”
I punched her lightly on the shoulder and led the way to the back. When we were halfway down the aisle I turned and said, “I don’t care which, he is such a man’s man.”
“I don’t know, that earring, it makes me think he is a bit of a fairy.”
“I doubt it. Anyway, he carries a big ass gun to balance it out.”
We both laughed and began the day’s work.
When it was time for lunch, we decided to go and visit Brooke’s boyfriend. He worked as a short-order cook over at the diner. When we stepped inside, I immediately spotted the Sheriff at the bar. Brooke gave me an elbow and I gave her a face.
“So, we meet again,” I said when I sat down next to Jake Talbot.
Brooke had taken a seat next to me and was waving to Rex, her boyfriend, who was looking out of the service window.
“Come here often?” said Jake.
“Once in a while. I try to watch my figure, so fat and grease are not high on my list.”
He laughed and gave me a good look from my head to my feet over. “You look very fit.”
“Thank you, I do work out six days a week.”
“Wow, that is impressive. Is there any reason to it, or do you do it for fun?”
“Fun, mostly. I like to keep in shape.”
“Good for you. Can I invite you and your friend to lunch?”
I looked over at Brooke who nodded. “Sure, thanks.” I said.
“You are welcome.” He replied.
Rex came out and gave Brooke a quick kiss on the cheek and then went back to the kitchen while Marta the waitress took our orders. The place was pretty busy with several tables occupied and three more seats taken at the bar apart from us. They were mostly local men having something quick to eat before going back to work or driving their produce to one of the several small towns around ours.
“How’s your first day?” I asked between bites of my tuna salad.
“Very exciting, I have had a lost dog, a parking ticket, and listen to this, a rabid cow.”
“Mm, we get a lot of those. Between the rabid cows and the drunken horses, you will be very busy.”
He smiled and leaned closer. “Too busy to ask you out to dinner?”
I was not ready for that one, and it must have shown because he continued, “sorry, was that the wrong thing to say, did I hurt your feelings?”
I collected myself and chased a cherry tomato around the plate before answering him. “Well, first off, how do you know I am single?”
“I don’t, I just took a chance.”
“Second, do you think it is appropriate for the town’s Sheriff to go out to dinner with a girl a lot younger than him?”
“I’m thirty-seven, so I am not even close to being retired.” He replied.
“I’m twenty-one, and some people around here might find that disturbing.”
He thought for a while and then said, “Okay, what about this, we go to a different town, for dinner, I mean.”
“I’ll have to ask my parents for permission.”
“At your age?” he asked with surprise.
“You have to understand, this is a small town, and I might be of age, but my parents watch everything I do. I will ask them, but no promises.”
Jake finished his hamburger and put some bills on the bar. “Sounds good, let me know what they say.”
He said goodbye to Brooke and nodded to Marta and Rex and then left.
When Jake was gone, Brooke moved over to where he had sat and whispered, “you have a date!”
“Mm, but you got to help me.”
“Sure, but how?”
“I’ll tell my parents we are going to Ringsborogh. They have a cinema that shows movies in 3D.”
“Good thinking, I will cover for you.”
After work that day, I walked over to the Sheriff’s office and found Jake sitting behind his desk drinking coffee.
“No doughnuts?” I said and winked.
“Only city cops eat those.”
“We have to go to Ringsborogh.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I will tell my parents I am going to the movies there with Brooke.” I responded.
“Okay, cool.” He said.
“I got to go back now, but I will meet you about a hundred yards from my house.”
I gave him the directions and then left.
On my bed lay three different outfits and I still hadn’t decided on which to wear. I began with my panties and I chose a black thong with a lace border. Then I did my makeup and hair while sitting at my desk. I never liked to wear too much makeup, just the basics.
In the end, I decided on a black flared skirt and a white colored top. It was tight so it would show off my boobs, which I thought Jake might like. The bra pushed them together, creating a deep cleavage.
Looking at myself in the mirror I was pleased with what I saw. I looked sexy but mature.
My parents were watching TV when I came down the stairs. When I shouted to them that I was leaving, only my dad mumbled a response. Thank God, they were busy or they would wonder why Brooke didn’t knock on the door to come in and say hi.
Jake picked me up in a sleek black BMW. It was not the biggest model, but it had leather seats and felt very sporty.
“Nice car,” I said.
“I like it. It’s the only thing of value my ex-wife didn’t take and that I thought it worth bringing with me.”
“Why didn’t she take it?”
“She can’t drive,” he chuckled and smiled.
The drive took almost forty minutes and when we finally parked outside a restaurant I was starving. The place looked inviting. It had a large terrace with subdued lighting and I could see a few couples sitting around the tables. Jake took my hand and we walked up three wooden steps and were greeted by a brunette in a uniform.
“Good evening,” she said.
“I made a reservation for two in the name of Talbot,” said Jake.
“This way.”
We followed her and she led us to a table on the terrace. It was in a corner a bit away from everyone else. After handing us two menus, she asked if we wanted a drink while we decided what to eat.
“White wine for me,” I said.
“Dry Martini,” said Jake.
When she had left I said, “this is nice. How did you find it?”
“I looked it up on the internet, and it has some great reviews.”
I picked up the menu and while I read it, the hostess came back with our drinks. After trying the wine, I said, “this is very good.”
“Glad you like it. Have you decided what to eat?”
“I think I will go with the Rib-Eye.”
“Mm, I thought about that too, but I am having the Salmon.”
After placing the orders we talked a bit about Jake’s life before coming to our town. He said that he liked the city, but that he had needed a change of scenery after the divorce and when the opportunity of his present job came up, he took it.
“How come a pretty girl like you is single?” he said.
“I wasn’t up to until recently. I dated a guy for a couple of years, but he left me for someone else.”
“Dick head.”
“Yes, I totally agree, but that’s over and done with and it’s time to move on.”
When the food arrived we ate in silence and my steak was fantastic. I wiped my plate clean with a piece of bread and when I was done pushed it away. Jake had ordered a bottle of wine and I refilled our glasses while he finished his fish.
When the plates had been taken away we sat looking at each other and then Jake broke the silence. “I guess this is the time to say it.”
I twisted the stem of my glass, “say what?”
“That I like you, and that I want to see more of you?”
I lifted an eyebrow, “more of what?”
I thought he blushed. “You know, see you again.”
I couldn’t help myself, I am such a flirt, so I said, “oh, I thought you meant more of me, as in naked.”
He laughed. “Yeah, that would be nice too.”
“So all you really want is to get into my panties?”
“No, no, not at all. I want to get to know you better.”
“So you find me ugly?”
“Darn, woman, why do you keep playing word games.”
It was my turn to laugh. “I’m just kidding, Jake. I know what you mean, and I would love to see you again too.”
The hostess asked if we wanted dessert, which we both said no to. When she had left, Jake took my hand in his and stroked my palm with his thumb. The touch was electric, and I felt how my hairs on my arms stood up. My lips parted and I licked my lips.
“So, should I take you home?” he said.
I checked the time on my phone. It was just before ten. My parents wouldn’t go ape-shit until it was close to twelve. They knew that sometimes Brooke and I would get something to eat after a movie.
I leaned in and spoke softly. “You can take me anywhere, as long as it’s not home, not yet anyway.”
“Check please!”
I laughed and pulled my hand from his. We got the bill which Jake paid and then we walked quickly to the car.
I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew it had to be somewhere where we could be alone. I wanted this man, and I wanted him right then and there. It had been far too long since the last time I had sex. And being with a much older man was a turn on.
He drove towards our town and when he saw a motel by the side of the road, he pulled in.
“Wait here,” he said.
Ten minutes later he came back with a set of keys and opened the passenger door.
“We are in room twelve.”
I followed him up a set of old metal stairs and then along a dark corridor. When he opened the door it was dark inside and it smelled a bit musky.
He turned on the light and I said, “wow, this looks romantic.”
There was a bed, a small desk with a lamp on, and that was it. I checked the bathroom which had a toilet, a shower, and a wash basin. I could smell mildew and there was humidity damage in the ceiling, but I didn’t care.
When I came out Jake was sitting on the bed. I walked over to him and stood in front of him.
“Hi,” I said.
“Hi, sorry about the accommodation.”
I giggled. “It’s okay, we don’t need the Ritz-Carlton for what we are going to do.”
“You are right.”
He put his hands on my thighs and slowly moved them up under my skirt. I stood completely still. His hands were warm and felt strong against my skin and muscles. When his thumbs slid across my panties, I gasped.
He took his hands out from under my skirt and then pulled it down, exposing my thong and when he saw it he said, “that’s very nice.”
“Thank you.”
I pulled my top over my head and unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor.
“Wow, you have an amazing body,” he said, letting his fingertips brush across my tummy and up towards my boobs.
“I work out a lot.”
“Mm, I can see that.”
His hands went around my back and he pulled me closer. His lips kissed my ribs and up towards my tits and then landed on my right nipple. He took it in his mouth and gently nibbled on it.
“This is better than desert,” he mumbled.
His hands were grabbing my ass cheeks and massaged them hard and then he slid two fingers inside the hem of my panties and pulled them down. Letting go of my nipple he lowered his head and kissed my pussy, just above the clit. My legs were beginning to weaken and I took his head in my hands and pushed him harder against my yearning sex.
His tongue found my clit and when it did I let a long moan escape my lips. But he didn’t stop there, instead, he turned me around and began to lick and kiss my ass. His tongue ran along the crack and then he forcefully bent me over and spread my ass cheeks. I was about to protest when his tongue touch my ass hole and I decided not to.
His touch was so gentle and it felt so good that I just stayed where I was, bent over, looking at the floor. While he continued to kiss my anus, his hand moved up between my legs and his fingers ran across my pussy. I was wet by now, and he only needed to push a little to slide in.
“Oh, that feels so good,” I said.
“Glad you like it. I have a bit of a fetish for asses.”
“I have noticed.”
He continued to lick me while finger fucking my pussy. It was hard for me to stand still and after a while, I simply turned around and went down on my knees in front of him.
“I want your cock,” I said, surprised at how horny I sounded.
While he took off his shirt, I opened his belt and pants and pulled them down and when he sat naked on the edge of his bed I took his cock in my mouth.
It was thick and hot between my lips. I ran my tongue around the cockhead and then took him deep down until I gagged.
“Yeah, suck me, just like that,” he growled.
He lay down and it gave me better access to him. I loved the shape of his cock, just like a long cylinder. His cockhead wasn’t very big. I kept eye contact with him while sucking and licking him, but when I tasted the first drop of pre-cum I stopped.
I moved up so I straddled his legs and then leaned down, kissing his mouth. His hand found my boobs and he gently pinched my nipples.
“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he whispered into my ear.
“No,” my voice weak.
“Would you like to try?”
“Mm, maybe.”
He pulled me up so his cock touched my pussy and then using his right hand he guided himself inside me.
As he filled me up, I let go of a long sigh and began to ride him. I did it slowly, so I could really enjoy his shaft sliding in and out of me. While I did, I looked down at him and we smiled at each other.
“I like your cock,” I said.
“And I love your tight pussy.”
His shaft was just right for me and it didn’t take long before I began to feel the first sensations of an orgasm. I threw back my head and rode him faster, really grinding my pelvis against his, taking all of him inside me.
“Slow down, baby,” he said.
“No, no, I want this, I want to come.”
He grabbed my hips and literary lifted me off his cock and put me down on the bed next to him.
“No! Why did you do that?” I protested.
“I want your ass. Lie down on your stomach.”
I was so horny I did what he said, and as soon as I had, he was between my legs kissing and licking my anus. He spread my legs apart and slid a finger into my wet pussy, and then moved it up to my tight hole. Gently he pressed it harder against me, and I felt how I opened up a little.
“Good girl. Just relax.”
There was a sting of pain, and I gasped.
“Shh, just like that, be still.” His voice was soothing and I managed to relax a little.
Before I knew it, he was slowly finger fucking my ass. It felt strange but good at the same time. I couldn’t believe he had managed to get inside. It must have been the kisses that softened me up, I thought.
Then he pulled out his finger and slid two of them into my pussy again, and repeated what he had done before. This time, it didn’t hurt.
“Good, you have two fingers inside you now.”
I turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder. “What?”
“I think you are ready.”
With those words, he grabbed my hips and pulled me up and towards him. His cock slid into my juicy cunt and he fucked me a few times and then pulled out.
“Here I come,” he said.
There was a shot of pain and I yelped as he drove his cock into my ass.
“God! Ouch, that fucking hurt!”
“Shh, it will soon be better.”
Instead of fucking me he knelt behind me with his cock all the way inside, not moving an inch. Slowly the pain evaporated and a dull ache took over. It wasn’t uncomfortable, and the thought of having a man’s cock in my ass was a huge turn on.
He then slowly began to move, and when he did, my body responded. I could actually feel how my anus relaxed and let him slide in and out of me.
“God, you have a beautiful ass,” Kelly.
“Mm, thanks.”
My mind couldn’t concentrate on his words. I was too busy taking in what was happening to me. I felt like a slut and I had to admit I liked it. My head was buried in the pillow, and my ass high in the air. I began to meet his thrusts and the faster he fucked me the more I moaned.
“Yeah, that’s a good girl, take it, take it all,” he moaned.
“Yes, yes, give it to me, fuck my ass.”
I felt his balls slap into my pussy for every thrust and then his cock grew inside me a little, and I knew he was about to come.
“Yes, yes, here it comes, here it comes,” he gasped and pulled out.
It was hot and a lot of it. Most of it landed on the small of my back and ran down my sides. A little landed on my ass cheeks.
He lay down beside me and kissed my mouth. I slumped down on my stomach and breathed hard.
“That was amazing,” he said.
“Mm, it was.”
“You have such a great ass.”
“Thanks, but I need you to make me come now.”
He grinned and looked down at his cock. I followed his gaze and found him still rock hard. I slid up onto his body and grabbed his shaft in my hand and let it slide into me. Then I grabbed his shoulders and my nails dug into his skin.
“That’s going to leave a mark,” he complained.
“You bet it will.”
I fucked his cock hard and fast, slamming into his groin and taking him all the way inside me. When I came I let go of a long moan and then slumped down on his chest. I was sweaty and my hair stuck to my forehead.
He moved it away and then kissed it. I looked up at him, and we kissed again. His cock was still inside me and I felt its hardness slowly disappearing.
“I think it’s time I took you home.”
I sighed and said, “I guess it is. I could stay like this all night.”
“Me too.”
I got off him and his cock slid out of me, still semi erect. I gave it a kiss and then sucked his cockhead a little before making my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and when I came out with a towel wrapped around me, Jake went inside.
When he dropped me off a hundred yards from my house, he grabbed my arm as I was getting out of the car.
“I really enjoyed tonight.”
“Me too, but my ass needs a break, so let’s wait a day or two.”
He laughed. “Okay, take care of that pretty ass of yours.”
I kissed him good night and watched the red lights of his car disappear into the night. When I was alone on the road, I began walking. My parents were still awake and I told them I was tired and went upstairs to my room. When I was in my bed I thought back to what had happened and realized that I wanted Jake to fuck my ass again. It had been a new and very exciting experience, and with his perfectly sized cock, it hadn’t hurt too much. Closing my eyes, I made a mental note of getting some lube for our next date. I wanted him to fuck me long and hard.