I’ve always been able to separate work and pleasure. However, there’s a man at my new office who has me baffled. He’s got a shamelessly dirty mouth, which everyone seems to put up with in exchange for working with such a brilliant mind. I always feel him near me. He’s there for legitimate work related reasons, as are over a dozen others in the office, but I caught this deep vibe from the moment I walked in the building. It was his.
This man instantly became my pet fixation. One morning, I drifted into a daydream sitting at my desk, thinking about how the grinding pressure of a high stress career can ruin even the brightest of minds. I was suddenly flooded with compassion and let out a deep sigh. In that moment, my connection to this sexy mystery of a man clicked into focus: We both are hungry, often times insatiable. And, although we buzz around an office of over one hundred other human beings all day long, at the end of the night, we are both lonely. I needed some kind of release for myself, and he was the key. My nasty mind was reeling. The idea of fucking the shit out of that man had me rubbing my clit against my leather desk chair through my panties and my skirt.
I told myself to stop. Yeah, that little fantasy was fun, I got my juices flowing and my adrenaline pumping, and now it was time to work.
But it was too late. My nipples perked up and I felt my pussy lips slipping open slightly as I started to drip. Just from the way he walked, I knew he had a big, thick dick. I started imagining him getting hard, his cock growing just from the way I stare at him in meetings. God, I bet he does get a little hard when I give him that look! But what really got me horny was thinking about actually touching him. I could see myself massaging his shoulders, asking him how he feels, feeling his energy, me loving the tense handfuls of sexy muscles begging for me to lay into him…
In less than a minute, I quietly closed and locked my office door. I put one of my heels up on the desk and started to play with my pussy through my panties with one hand, flicking and tickling my nipples with the other hand. I was in deep, entranced in my own mind, fantasizing about this guy and how he was hammering me with this perfect, thick cock. I was so wet, my clit throbbing, desperately anticipating penetration, that I started to feel an orgasm rising inside me.
I hesitated for just a moment. I tried to call myself out for acting a fool. I chastised myself, thinking, God, it’s my third week and I am jacking myself off in my office in the middle of the day! But that just made me giggle out loud. I fucking love doing dirty, naughty things where I’m not supposed to do them. I love that about my self. Such a turn on.
I dug deep into my pussy, three fingers swimming in juice, and imagined his big throbbing dick going in and out… faster… oh my fucking God… I was rubbing my clit so fast I knocked over a bunch of shit on my desk and didn’t give it a second thought, as I thrust my own hips into my own hand, squishing and squirting, hard and fast, holding back the moan I so yearned to let out.
Damn, that was fucking intense. I when I stood up, I saw the spot on my leather chair from where my pussy juices soaked all the way through my skirt! Thank God I wore black, I thought to myself. Tee hee.
At this point in my new career, it’s nearly impossible for me to sleep without a couple glasses of wine at the end of the day. And after said glasses of wine, the switch flips inside me. I crave the rush.
It comes over me by surprise every time. I reach for my glass, and my shirt flicks my nipple just right. Or I go to change into my PJs, catch a glimpse of my tits in the mirror, and feel the sudden pulsing warmth swelling in my dampening panties. I need that rush to come into me. Once I catch the wave, I tease it. That nasty girl feeling is going to stay hot for as long as I can hold it. But damn, I am so long overdue for some mammoth dick and a big load of hot cum. Just saying.
So, a few more weeks go by, and I buy a few dildos to keep myself busy. But I always have my ears open at the office, listening off and on for a possible opportunity to get him alone. I mean, we have a transparent, professional rapport at work, just business as usual, but I swear he’s been vibing me harder by the day. A couple days ago, I overheard that he didn’t have his car for whatever reason and needed a ride home. I offered myself up right away. He actually said “Thanks, that would be great.”
I was instantly hot. And wet. And nervous. We walked to the parking deck together, and then, out of nowhere, he started venting; no, gushing, about the shitstorm that is his current home life. I could see the helplessness in his eyes.
Turns out he lives with a girlfriend (Boo!) He has come to realize that this girlfriend, once the love of his life, is, deep down, a skinny redneck whore. With a drug problem. Wow. I can see how miserable he is, and the sob story is confirming all the signals I’ve been working so hard to decipher. A We just had to get nasty and freaky, as soon as possible. We would feel so much better about our lives!
As we drove, he gave me directions and told me more about how sexless his relationship had become, and how he wanted to help her but the drugs were taking over. He thought she was disgusting at this point. And from the sound of it, she was getting close to rock bottom as he rose higher and higher in his life.
I started to make my move. We stopped at a red light. I pretended I was reaching to find my lighter, but abruptly ran my hand firmly up his thigh to his cock. Damn, that shit was hard. And huge. I grabbed it and gave it a little tug through his pants. He looked a little shocked, stared at me for a second, and then smiled. In that moment, I think he had the same eureka experience I had weeks before.
We didn’t go any further that night, just smiled silently, listening to the music, on the way to his condo. After I dropped him off at his apartment, I felt like exploding. My panties were soaked through. My seatbelt brushed my nipple. I got chills, all the way down to my throbbing clit. I actually thought about parking my car so I could shove my hand down my pants and rub one out. God, he is electric.