A Silly Note: Part 2 – Gaden gets caught

"After gathering mail for Ms Tannersby, Gaden is in for a surprise"

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Standing in his kitchen, Gaden glanced at the house keys sitting on the kitchen counter that belonged to his neighbor Jan, Ms. Tannersby.

Jan, the woman who entrusted him and his sister with taking care of her snail mail while gone on a business trip.

Jan, a woman who actually gave him a spanking over her lap and was willing to do it again.

It had been four days since Jan left on business, five days since Jan had spanked him over her lap with a wooden bath brush and Gaden and his sister Mary both contributed to gathering Jan’s mail and placing it on her wooden painted teal rusted colored kitchen table, the chairs the same color accented by a mix of yellow and blue dyed lilies in a cylinder glass vase on the center of the table which they watered along with plants along the kitchen window cell. In the late morning when he dropped off the mail,

Gaden noticed the summer sunlight would shine through windows into the octagon shaped kitchen of which the teal rectangle shaped table was perfectly placed to catch the welcome wake-up of the day, the sun rays creating a prism of colors through the glass vase in the center of the table when viewed from a certain angle.

Today was Friday, and it was the last day he or his sister would have to gather the mail for Jan. The past week, every time he entered her house to place the mail on her kitchen table, he would catch a whiff of Jan’s scent, a mix of Este Lauder – Beautiful perfume which she wore when he first met her and spanked him. The smell of fresh air mixed with coconut spawned by the scented plugins in the family room and kitchen and a hint of lavender which he could tell predominantly came from the upstairs touched his senses and made him feel relaxed and shaped his intuition into perceiving a very clean and well-kept house of which his eyes concurred and it made summer feel in order.

The upstairs.

Where Jan would sleep and shower and read a book or fumble with the ipad perhaps or watch tv – if there was one. He did not have the guts to go upstairs the last four days; only taking to task his duty of retrieving her mail and placing it on the kitchen table next to her personal flower garden confined within the glass vase. He thought about going up there to just take a peek at some of her clothes and such but he didn’t. She had mentioned to wear leather pants after the last time she spanked him. Was she serious? Did she actually own a pair?

It could have been Thursday or any other day of the week. For Gaden, when he thought about the day of the week, it was always Tuesday and for some reason he would think ‘Tomorrow is always Wednesday.’ Except this time, it was Friday. Jan was coming home in the afternoon. This could be his last chance to take a peek.

He looked at the house keys, setting on the kitchen counter, again. He looked at the clock on the kitchen wall.


Jan would not be home until about 6:00pm he surmised, and his sister was at work. Though Jan could get today’s mail, maybe he could get it one last time and leave the house keys for her. Finishing his very late lunch of a turkey sandwich and one last bite of a Ruffles potato chip, he scooted out his chair with a screech of wood on wood. The very chair he sat on to watch out for Jan walking across the street after leaving the note asking for a spanking and the very chair Jan sat on and spanked him soundly over her lap. Tucking his shoulder length brown hair behind both ears, he sat up and walked over to the kitchen counter to grab Jan’s house keys, one lock of brown hair fell to his cheek again. He tucked it back again behind his ear, annoyed. Briefly, he thought ‘I’ve got to get a hair-cut.’ Feeling the cold brass house key in his right hand, he formulated a plan…

His heart pounded rapidly as he started to walk out the front door where his written note was placed and all this had begun.

His heart pumped more rapidly as he walked down his driveway and across the street towards Jan’s mailbox. Taking a quick look – mostly junk mail. As he quickly shuffled through the mail, he hesitated at one particular envelope. It was yellow and was addressed to Ms. Tannersby stamped with NU-WEST/LEDA. His eyebrows rose. He knew this to be the old F/M spanking video producers from the late eighties and into mid 2000’s. Walking slowly up the walkway leading to her front door, while staring at this envelope he passed by the still freshly planted flowers Jan placed earlier in the week when they first met. Briefly, her curvy perfect behind enwrapped in those white slacks while gardening formed in his mind but then he saw her front door.

He opened the screen door and used his scrawny thin body to keep it propped open while inserting her key into the lock, turning it and opening the door.

Entering into the foyer, he crossed the wood floor and entered the kitchen. Her house was constructed like a great room where a fireplace separated the kitchen and living area on the one side and laundry and another room on the other. He placed the mail on top of past days mail gathered in a pile. He placed her house keys next to the mail pile. Gaden paused and looked at the stairway leading upstairs in the foyer. He picked his finger nail on his right hand and moved once again a lock of his hair behind his ear nervously.

He slowly walked to the bottom of the stairs. He could walk out the front door locked behind him or he could take a peek upstairs. Lavender smell briefly touched his senses drifting down from the upstairs. His legs decided for him as he realized he was already walking up the stairs. At the top the hallway split in two directions. There was a bathroom to the left on the north wall and what appeared to be two other rooms to his left at the end of the hall. To his right, he saw a single room positioned near the stairway railing. Entering the door to his right he had clearly choose correctly in assuming this to be Jan’s Master bedroom. There was a stand up mirror on the left in between what appeared to be a walk in closet and bathroom.

In the center of the room lay a king sized bed perfectly made and covered by a red and pink flowered patterned comforter accented by the light green background. Green cover pillows complimented the comforter. A light green chest drawer lay directly to right against the wall. Double windows that contained window trimmings decorated with the same pattern as the bed comforter were on the right side of the room. A simple tan rustic bed table lay seemingly at odds and alone in a room decorated with such vibrant life was on the left side of the bed. A red luggage bag lay next to the entrance of the closet, opened and empty. This was the only object out of place within the room. Apparently Jan decided not to choose this luggage bag for her travels.

Gaden smelled a mix of her perfume and lavender as he walked towards the front of her closet and stepping over the luggage. He flipped on the light switch. The closet was big and a walk-in. It was very tidy with shoes and sandals lined up on a wooden rack along the bottom on the left with shirts, blouses and dresses creating a canopy above them. On the right hung pants, suit coats, jeans skirts and above that a shelf with more tee-shirts, shorts, pajamas folded on a shelf above. A wicker laundry basket was tucked in the corner at the entrance of the closet.

Wait… a brief shiny twinkle caught Gaden’s eye, caused by the light bulb hanging from the ceiling as he looked again at the pants section towards the back near the corner. He swallowed hard and moved forward to take a closer look.

Gaden’s eyebrows rose up and his eyes widened, his heart now starting to pump rapidly. Leather pants. Leather skirts. Red, Black, Tan, Maroon, even a pair of blue leather pants. Then he noticed above them on the shelf were pairs of leather gloves; red, black, white. He unhooked a pair of black leather pants to further investigate. Lambskin with no pockets; very expensive. Jan wasn’t kidding that she could wear leather pants or skirts and spank him. His dick now already hard at the thought of Jan wearing these, let alone him being placed over her lap for a spanking.

Then something else caught eye behind her hanging leather pants/skirts and towards the back of the closet. Wood. Dropping the black leather pants on the floor, he separated the pants and skirts and hanging behind them was a few wooden bath brushes, hair brushes, including the classic one used in the NU-West/LEDA videos. In addition, there were various wooden paddles, some with wicked holes drilled into it. To the left of these a few nasty switches and canes lay hanging.

‘What the heck?’ Gaden thought. Was she some sort of professional disciplinarian? She was very at ease and unusually proficient at busting his butt the first time he was over her lap. He also noticed that there were a few empty coat hangers in between this leather feast of pleasure. Maybe this ‘business’ trip she was on concerned something that dealt with the ‘business end’ of naughty boys?

Extremely aroused now, Gaden grabbed the pair of black leather pants and detached them from the clip on hanger. He thought about masturbating with them by placing it between his crotch. Taking his shorts off and laying the pants on the floor he sat down and felt the cool soft leather hug his balls and dick through his underwear, the sides touching his inner thighs. He began rubbing the leather against his area when he noticed the dresser on the far wall of her bedroom directly across from the closet. An idea formed in his mind walking only in his skivvies.

He got up and moved to the dresser. Top drawer socks and pantyhose. He closed this one and opened the one below. Bingo. Panties. He sifted through them, blue, purple, white, red, black, tan, yellow, green mostly all silk.

‘Holy Smokes!’ he thought. No, I can’t wear these and cum into them, it would make a mess and impossible to clean up. Maybe there were used ones around?

Then he remembered the laundry basket tucked in the corner of the closet.

Sifting through her ‘dirty’ laundry he caught whiffs of her scent again, perfume mixed with fresh air and that touch of lavender. Shirts, blouses, dresses, socks… oh! The white pants she had on while gardening! Oh! The flower dress she had on while she spanked him prior to leaving before her business trip. Meshed in within the dress were pink silk panties. She must have worn these when she spanked him.

He felt the smooth silk softness of them and decided this would feel nice. He stripped of his underwear and kicked them off to the ground.

Slipping on her cool red panties feeling them cup his balls and erect dick and hugging his naked butt felt amazing. In only his white tee-shirt and Jan’s red silk panties around his privates he walked again toward her dresser to close the panty drawer to hide evidence of snooping. The panties around him felt wonderful and only made him harder.

He turned and walked back toward the closet to finish what he started.

A figure standing in the bedroom door startled him as he walked towards his mission of pleasure.


She was standing in the doorway wearing a grey business suit holding a black luggage bag.


Gaden stood there stunned, terrified, what whatever you want to call it, standing at the foot of her bed wearing only her red panties and his white tee-shirt.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

“Ms. Tannersby, I…” he stumbled.

“Shut up!” she bellowed. She dropped her luggage and marched rapidly toward Gaden. Grabbing his arm and twisting him around and sitting on her bed, she put him over her lap and began rapidly spanking him over and over with her hand. Gaden struggled to no avail as she held him firmly across her ample lap. She did not scold. Only spanked and spanked his butt over the pink panties. After about a minute, Jan noticed her closet light on and a pair of her black leather pants lying on the ground where Gaden had left them.

Finally she spoke while still keeping a steady pace pounding away with her hand on Gaden’s now becoming very red butt, her southern accent flared with anger.

“Thanks for getting my mail!” She spanked even harder when saying mail. “But going into my room and wearing my underwear! Sifting through my closet at my clothes?”

“Boy, are you in for it!” SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! Impossibly even more harder now.

After two minutes, she tossed him up from her lap and shoved him in the corner by the window. Pushing the back of head, forcing his nose in the corner and removing her red silk panties leaving him bare she exclaimed, “I told you Gaden that are spankings and then there are SPANKINGS! Well, you are about to get the second version!” She slapped his bare butt hard twice, one on each cheek and walked with a snap and purpose to her closet.

“I’m sorry Jan, I…” Gaden started.

A muffled response from Ms. Tannersby from the closet cut him off. “Oh, you will be sorry, I am going to make sure of that!”

“And its Ms. Tannersby! BAD boy!” she ordered in a stern, loud voice.

Gaden still had his nose to the corner not even thinking about moving let alone flinching. He heard clothes being removed from within the closet and the pull on of pants and zipper and the snap of a button. He glanced out the window to his left as a bird flew by from a magnolia tree outside the front of Jan’s house. The sound of a shirt buttoning up over naked skin and the straightening of the fabric reached his ears.

Then he heard the sound of coat hangers sliding along the railing followed by the hard sound of wood on skin slapping soundly. Jan’s bedroom smelled even more like Jan since she had arrived in the untimely manner, her perfume mixed with airport and taxi smell competing against the lavender and starting to firmly win the battle.

Jan’s footsteps swished swiftly towards Gaden with pronounced and purposeful anger.

Jan grabbed his right ear with her left hand turning him around and led him to bedroom door and into the hallway after weaving around the luggage bag she dropped within the door’s opening. She slapped his now bare butt a couple of times, one on each cheek while leading him down the hallway. The slaps were not from her bare hand. They were leather encased. At a quick glance he noticed she had on the very black leather pants he tried to masturbate into and a tight black buttoned up blouse that was tucked into her shiny sexy pants. She wore black leather boots tucked under the pants that complemented the entire outfit that construed even more authority over his current predicament. Her pants creaked and squeaked and boots pounded down the hallway as she guided him; the sound of pleasure and at the same time announcing his impending doom.

Passing the bathroom, she guided him into a room at the far end of the hall. Leaning over while still grasping his right ear firmly with her left hand she fumbled with the door knob while twisting since this hand, her right hand, bathed in a black leather glove and holding the classic NU-WEST/LEDA hairbrush made the task of simply opening a door difficult to perform.

Guiding Gaden into the room and releasing his ear she marched passed him into a fairly bare room and breathed in a seething whisper.

“You are so going to get it now.”

The room had maroon wood flooring of which her boots clapped along the floor as she strode over to a single stool bench that was about knee high. The only other furniture was a red couch set up in the far back of the room. There were two windows in the room but they each had a fine, black linen covering letting very little light into the room.

Jan turned on a light switch which provided a very dull light source from a fan-light on the center of the ceiling located in the middle of the room. He watched her perfectly shaped butt encased in black leather walk sternly over to the stool and saw her bend over and adjust the stool a bit. She turned around and faced Gaden and the door entrance he was still standing in, sitting in the most perfect spanking position anyone could imagine, smoothing out her leather lap. She placed the wooden hairbrush on her lap and quickly adjusted her leather gloves to tighten them, then brandishing them with both hands clamping and squeezing between fingers to further make sure they were tight and in place, ready for the task at hand; ending with her wiggling her finger towards Gaden to come hither. Her sharp blue eyes and pursed lips all very, very serious exuded with strictness; a look Gaden has never really seen but has only imagined.

“Come here, and stand at my right side,” Ms. Tannersby said simply and to the point.

Gaden slowly started to move towards this incredibly strict looking no-nonsense of a lady.

“Now! Quickly! Or your SPANKING will be way worse than I’ve already planned for you!”

Gaden moved over to the right side of Jan’s lap while cupping his privates with both hands. As soon as he was within reach, Jan grabbed his left arm, opened up her legs and guided Gaden between her legs effectively and expertly placing him over her left thigh and pinning his legs with her right leg.

“Your right arm.” She stated while further tightening his position of bare butt totally exposed over her powerful leather clad strong leg. He reached back with his right arm and Ms. Tannersby firmly grabbed it and positioned in the small of his back.

He felt a tap of wood on both butt cheeks. Then….


Ms. Tannersby laid into him hard and fast. Way harder than the first spanking he received from her. She did not let up the cadence of spanking with the wooden hairbrush. Gaden tried to struggle to no avail after losing his breath from the initial onslaught of the first few WHAPS. Ms. Tannersby did not say one word. She just spanked. And spanked. Gaden, after regaining his breath now started to scream and yelp. Ms. Tannersby spanked and SPANKED!

If one happened to be walking down the sidewalk in front of the house there would be no doubt that they could hear the thunderous pounding strikes of a wooden hairbrush on a now blistering bare butt complimented by the shrieks of one sorry little boy.

Ms. Tannersby spanked. And SPANKED!

Gaden’s butt was well past blistered, some actually breaking turning the hairbrush a tinge of pink after constant spanking for ten minutes.

And still Ms. Tannersby SPANKED! Not one word spoken.


Another ten minutes passed. Finally the thrashing of Gaden’s now throbbing blistered butt stopped.

Speaking through Gaden’s now full-fledged crying and sobbing Ms. Tannersby closed.

“Gaden. That is what a REAL spanking is like, “she said while checking out the now pink tinged back of her hairbrush.

“I can’t believe you had the gull to rummaged through my belongings… and wear my panties!” she said in a very stern and now heavy breathing voice due to the spanking she just executed.

“I… I am so sorry Ms. Tans-be” Gaden sobbed combined with sniffles from his runny nose.

Ms. Tannersby replied with another opening threat “Like I said, there are spankings and then are SPANKINGS! “She tapped his now blistered butt twice with the hairbrush and placed it on the small of his back releasing his right arm.

Gaden could hear leather on leather as Ms. Tannersby adjusted and tightened her gloves almost becoming one with her own skin. He felt the hair brush lift off his back then Ms. Tannersby exclaimed. “Sorry?! You will be! SPANKING for you!!”

Gaden felt abrupt movement from the lap he was over and swift wind above his blistered butt and then a resounding explosion impacting his bare butt!!


Ms. Tannersby smacked him as hard as she could for another minute straight. Then Gaden, completely defeated with his butt absolutely throbbing hears Ms. Tannersby say “Your SPANKING is completed. Off my lap,” she opened her legs and released him.

Lifting up his chin and peering into his watery eyes she said “Is that what you so desired Gaden? Naughty boy.”

Gaden didn’t respond, he just fell forward with his head near her breasts and she knew the answer.

“Just keep in mind Gaden. What you did was totally uncalled for. If you try and do anything remotely like that again you will regret it. Trust me, you have no idea what I am capable of.”

Gaden just cringed and hugged her all the more tightly.

“I… I won’t, sorry,” he said through sniffling sobs.

“Well, I will always be here for you…” she said with a foreboding and sly southern accent while patting him on his head.

That evening, Gaden’s sister Mary came home from work to find him lying on his stomach on the couch in the family room.

“How was your day? Did you drop off Jan’s house keys?”



Published 9 years ago

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