The day was warm and not too hot. Her husband was out of town and she was alone in the house because her step-daughter and a friend of hers had gone to the mall. Helen loved the peace and quiet time she had alone. It didn’t happen often and with a job as a kindergarten teacher, her days were full of screams and noises.
She began to drift off when she heard the entrance door open and loud voices followed by laughter. Helen sighed, her daughter was home.
Two seconds later she heard her voice, “Mom, I am back. Amy is with me, can she stay for lunch?”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Helen stayed where she was for a few minutes and then got up. She took the empty plate and the half-drunk glass and walked into the kitchen. So much for a few hours rest, she thought while washing the glass and plate.
She opened the fridge and looked inside. After a quick inventory, she decided it would be easier to call for pizzas, which she did. While she waited, Helen walked around the house picking up things she found in the wrong place; a shoe by the sofa, a sweater on the rail to the second floor, a magazine in the toilet.
When the doorbell rang she opened and paid the delivery man and then called for the girls to come down.
“Yummy, pizza,” said Candy when she walked into the kitchen.
“Thank you for inviting me,” said Amy and sat down.
Helen put the two boxes on the table and opened them. Then she stood back and watched the two teenagers eat. They were so different in appearance. While Mandy was a thin brunette with doe like eyes and still looked like a kid, Candy had grown into a woman during the last year. At eighteen she had a curvy figure with a thin waist and round hips. Her face was beautiful with deep blue eyes and naturally, pink full lips. Her hair was a cascade of blonde wavy hair that reached the small of her back. Helen knew she was quite the heartbreaker at school due to the many phone calls she received from shy young men asking to talk to her step-daughter.
As far as she knew, Candy wasn’t dating anyone at the moment. Amy was single as well, which made Helen happy. She worried about the two girls and the world they grew up in. Today’s young men had access to the internet and learned all kinds of strange things from it. When Helen had been a teenager in the mid-eighties there were no such things. She thought that the guys back then read Playboy or similar dirty magazines.
Her husband, John, she had met at a conference a few years back and they had fallen in love. Helen was also a divorcee but had no children. She and Candy got along well from the start, and she believed it was because her mother had been an alcoholic and often wasn’t around the house. The young girl needed a woman in her life, to guide and nurture her.
When Amy and Candy had finished they went upstairs again and Helen went to the living room where she turned on the TV. She realized she was still in her bikini and felt a bit stupid. Quickly, she went upstairs and into the master bedroom where she turned on the shower in the bathroom and got undressed.
She was proud of her body. At forty-six she had smooth skin and gravity hadn’t taken control of her ass and tits yet. They were still firm and she smiled as she caressed her C-cups and gently massaged them. She quickly stopped when she felt the first touch of becoming horny came over her. God, did she miss John, he was a fantastic lover with a nice size cock and a stamina that would make guys half his age ashamed.
When she had dried herself she dressed in a pair of shorts, and a T-shirt she went back downstairs. It was only five in the afternoon and the sun was still shining in through the French windows. She decided to have a glass of wine while she watched TV.
When the glass was finished she went to have another and while pouring it she realized that the house was quiet. After putting the bottle back in the fridge she stood still in the kitchen and listened. There were no sounds, no music, no laughter, no shouting. It was very strange.
Helen left the glass on the coffee table by the sofa and walked up the stairs and down the hall to Candy’s room. The door was closed and she put her ear to it. She thought she heard something, but wasn’t sure what it was. With her hand on the handle, she was a second from opening it when she heard a long moan coming from inside. She let go of the handle and put her ear once again against the door.
This time, she could clearly hear moaning and something that sounded like kisses. She stood completely still and didn’t know what to do. Had the girls managed to sneak in a guy? It was a possibility. There was a long ladder hanging on one of the walls outside and it could easy reach the window to Candy’s room. The thought of her step-daughter going behind her back upset her.
She carefully tried the handle and the door opened an inch. The sounds were clearer and also that special sound of people moving on sheets. She decided to take a quick look before she confronted the people inside.
When she peered around the door she put her hand to her mouth to avoid a loud gasp. On the bed were Amy and Candy, both were naked and they lay facing each other. Amy had her hand on Candy’s long thigh and her friend was cupping her boob in her hand. They were kissing deeply, completely unaware of Helen watching them.
She tried to move away but the shock kept hers standing there. While she watched, Candy began to move down and Amy moved onto her back and spread her legs. When Candy’s lips touch her cunt Amy let go of a long moan and squirmed a little.
Helen gently closed the door and quickly walked downstairs and drank the entire glass of wine in one go, and then filled another.
Was Candy a lesbian? How had she missed that? There was never any inkling in her stepdaughter’s life that would make Helen suspect such a thing. She had had boyfriends over the years, and she liked talking about guys with Amy. Helen had heard them giggle and talking about some of the boys in school.
Did John know, and if so, why hadn’t he told her? She might be Amy’s step-mother, but still, they lived under the same roof. She felt a bit betrayed by Candy. Apparently, she didn’t have the trust of the young woman for her to talk to Helen about her feelings, and it hurt her.
She had another glass of wine and drank it slower than the previous. She was about to go up and confront the two girls when she heard Candy’s door open and the sound of the two girls walking down the stairs.
Amy’s face was a bit flushed, and Candy’s hair in a mess. She gave Helen a quick smile and then Candy walked her to the door. When it closed Helen called, “Candy, do you mind coming here for a moment?”
When she came into the kitchen Helen indicated for her to sit down at the table, while she stayed leaning against the sink with the glass in her hand.
“What?” said Candy.
“Is there something you want to tell me, maybe about you and Amy?”
Candy’s face reddened and she looked down at her fingers. “No,” she said in a small voice.
Helen sat down opposite her and took her hands in hers. “It’s OK, honey. You can tell me. I won’t judge you.”
A tear ran down Candy’s cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She must be heartbroken, thought Helen, poor thing.
“You know, we all do things when we are young, and it’s OK. I just thought you would tell me. I’m not upset,” Helen said in a soft voice.
Candy looked up at her. “I’m sorry, it was only one time and it was a month ago. I promise I won’t do it again. Dad promised not to tell you.”
Helen was completely confused. Had John caught her and Amy in bed? That was outrageous. “Candy, what exactly did your father see?”
“We were hiding behind the house, and he saw us.”
“Doing what?”
“Smoking a joint.”
“It was only that one time, I promise.”
Helen cleared her throat. She had to confront Candy about what she had just seen, but now that she knew she was also smoking drugs, made things a bit more complicated.
“Honey, I was upstairs before and I was going to ask you guys if you wanted to have something to drink. But when I opened the door I saw you and Amy, doing, you know, what you did.”
“Mom! How could you?”
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea you liked girls.”
Candy giggled, “you got it wrong, I don’t like girls, and neither does Amy. We just like sex, and since most guys are assholes, we have it with each other. We are not in love if that’s what you thought.”
Amy got up and gave her Mom a quick hug. “Get over it, it’s just sex. See you later.”
Helen sat with her mouth open and didn’t know what to say or do. She had completely misunderstood the situation and on top of that learned that Candy had smoked weed, which John hadn’t told her about. She was upset with him and her. John wouldn’t be back until Tuesday and it was Friday. She thought about calling him but he would be too busy with work to be able to have a serious conversation. Helene sighed and went back to the living room where she watched TV until late.
The following morning, when Candy showed up for breakfast Helen was already on her second cup of coffee.
“Good morning, honey,” said Helen.
Candy gave her a weak wave with her hand and opened a cupboard where she took out a box of cereal and then a carton of milk from the fridge. When she had reached for the box her T-shirt had slid up far enough to show half her boobs, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Helen looked away. In that second an image had flashed across her mind of Amy kissing those boobs, caressing them and sucking on the nipples.
“Are you OK?” said Candy when she sat down.
“Yeah, sure.”
“You look a bit flushed, that’s all.”
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
Helen got up and poured a third cup of coffee. When she went back to her chair she saw down into Candy’s T-shirt when she leaned over the table, a flash of soft skin and a pink nipple. Helen blushed, and sat down. She picked up the morning paper and hid her face behind it.
When Candy had finished eating she told Helen she was going to the mall to meet Amy. Helen had thought about picking up the conversation they had had the previous day but decided against it. If Candy wanted to talk, she would let Helen know.
To her surprise, the two girls came back after only an hour and headed up to Candy’s room. Helen was in the living room catching up on the bills due to be paid. She watched them walk up the stairs and wondered what they would be doing behind the closed door. Amy wore tight shorts and a tank top, while Candy had a summer dress in white and it showed off her long legs.
Since they obviously didn’t want anything to do with her Helene decided to go out into the garden and get some sun. She changed into her bikini and went outside. The day was much hotter than the day before and she was sweating within minutes. After a while, she slipped into the pool and floated on the surface letting the cool water caress her. She was about to begin swimming a few laps when she saw Amy come out and walk up to her.
“Hi Amy, do you need something?”
“No, Candy went to the shop with her bike and said I should wait here.”
Helen got out of the pool and dried herself with a towel. Then she picked up a bottle of sunscreen and began to apply it to her body.
“I can help you with your back,” offered Amy.
“Oh, OK, that’s kind of you.”
Amy walked around her so she was standing behind Helen. She squirted some lotion in her hand and began with Helen’s shoulders.
“You are a bit red,” said Amy.
“Yeah, it must be from yesterday, I didn’t use any lotion.”
Amy’s hands moved down Helen’s sides and when they were at the level of her boobs her fingers gently caressed them. Helen froze, and held her breath.
The young woman’s fingers moved down under the boobs and gently cupped them in her hands. Then her middle finger found her nipples and played with them through the fabric.
“Amy?” whispered Helen.
“Yes,” her voice close to Helen’s ear and her breath warm against her skin.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing, just having some fun.”
Helen tried to move but Amy held her against her body, still with her hands massaging her tits. Her fingers began to pinch her nipples and Amy’s soft lips touched the side of Helen’s neck. She shivered as the young girl’s tongue found her earlobe at the same time as her left hand moved down Helen’s tummy towards her bikini. Without thinking Helen spread her legs so Amy could reach better. Her fingers slid in under her bikini and when they reached their goal she sighed and whispered in Helen’s ear, “Mm, you are shaved, I like it.”
Helen was torn, one part of her wanted to run away, another wanted to stay. She knew what she was doing was wrong in so many ways, but at the same time, she was curious, what had made her step-daughter and Amy decide to pleasure each other sexually without being lesbians.
Her train of thought was interrupted when Amy moved around her and knelt between her legs. Helen watched as the young girl moved her bikini to one side and then used her pink tongue to lick her slit.
“Mm, you taste so good,” Amy moaned and used her fingers to spread Helen’s pussy lips.
“This is wrong, you have to stop,” said Helena and tried to push her away.
“What the heck is going on here!”
Helen looked up and saw Candy walk across the grass towards them.
“I…I…I’m so sorry,” stammered Helen.
Amy looked up at her friend. “She taste’s good, you know.”
“How could you do this to me? You are such a slut!”
Helen was confused, Candy’s anger was aimed at Amy, not her, she said “Candy, this was all a mistake.”
She turned to her step-mother. “Yeah, I thought I could trust Amy but I guess I was wrong. You, on the other hand, I knew you would fall for her. I know you were checking out my ass and boobs this morning, and don’t deny it.”
“Oh shut up, Helen. Don’t say anything, just confess that watching us yesterday turned you on and when Amy seduced you, you didn’t even put up a struggle.”
Amy stood up and took her friend’s hand. “Candy, calm down, there is no reason to be upset. You know this is just fun and games, I saw Helen from your window and she looked sexy. I made my move and she went along. There is nothing to it.”
“Jesus! Is not that, it’s that you did it without asking me. I thought we were friends.”
Helen was confused. She looked from one girl to the other and said, “let’s just leave it. This didn’t happen. I will continue my sunbathing, and you two can go back to your room, Candy.”
“No! You want some young pussy to play with? You want to suck on some firm boobs, then suck on these,” said Candy and lifted up her top exposing her firm round tits to her step-mother.
But it was Amy who took the opportunity. She leaned down…